I know what to do with all those child “immigrants.” Send them to Sidwell

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We are being flooded with illegals. We are being invaded. It’s costing us a fortune and that’s only for immediate aid. They’re bringing disease. They are sexually active.

More than 200,000 illegal children are expected to flood the country.

The costs will be astronomical. Obama is saddling the dwindling number of US workers with the burden of paying not only for their own mortgages and health care, but for these illegals as well.

It’s not fair, and I have a solution.

As a show of leadership, Barack Obama should take at least a hundred of these kids, diseases and all, and allow them to live with his wife and kids in the White House.

The Clintons, who have more homes than they could possibly use, can easily fit at least 50 kids in them.

Oprah can house goodness knows how many in her Maui palazzo.

How many could fit in the Kerry’s vacation home?

How many could fit in the Pelosi home?

And now that Eric Cantor will have more free time on his hands he can take in some illegals.

None of these twits will dirty their hands being in contact with the infection they’ve given the country. None of their children will be at risk from the diseases, the sexual assaults and the crimes this infection will bring. No, that’s for us to do. None of them will notice the cost. That’s for us to pay.

I’d love to see a liberal tax- a tax to pay for all the wonderful things they want, paid for entirely by them.

But truly, if they want a better life for these illegals, then they should spend their own money and time investing in the countries from which illegals flee, and work to make life better there instead of diminishing ours here.


Saw a great comment elsewhere. Let the illegals attend Sidwell. For free.

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These are human shields.
Obama will hide behind them and claim that, because of them, the time for debate is past.
But we never did try securing the borders.
And, as long as liberals have power, we never will.

They’re gonna place a thousand or so at Ft. Sill, which has open gates. I feel sorry for the Lawton PD, and the citizens of Lawton Oklahoma, the impending crime wave ain’t going to be cheap to deal with. I live about 25 miles from there, out in the country… they show up here, there probably won’t be a return trip in their future. All the people in this area watch out for each other, our properties and livestock; we don’t take kindly to those who might come around with bad intentions, and we don’t need to call 911… Bubba has a backhoe.

It will take “in your face’ publicity to stop this. Load them in passenger planes and land them in Mexico City at high noon every day. They should send a couple of F16’s along for “security”! If Mexico cannot secure THEIR border then we should not give them any courtesies.!!

@Scott in Oklahoma:

Some good stuff happening on Flopping Aces. You got your murder fantasies of “illegals”, as nicely exhibited by Scott. As he astutely points out, one thing the Right lacks these days are people without the protection of the law to to be angry at and lynch. I think the Bubbas found some. Don’t make the same mistake twice, Good Folk of America. You give them Mexicanos “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” and that’s just like abolishing Jim Crow. What a waste. That’s like handing other humans the same human rights you got for nothing. Whose Bubba gonna bury then?

The governors of Arizona, Texas and New Mexico may have no other choice but to activate their national guard, and even recall inactive guardsmen to try to secure the border from this invasion. Moonbeam will of course let them stroll in at will over the California borders, so Arizona will likely have to also secure their border with California as well. Death Valley will likely be littered with the bodies if these “children” try to cross into Nevada via that route.

Meanwhile, 0Muslim and Congress are spending their days living like royalty while they ignore, or deflect, the primary cause of this latest invasion; the Dream Act that they passed.

This nation’s very existence depends on whether the average legal US citizen both understands and acts upon the fact that Congress and 0Muslim set the stage for this medieval like child invasion.

Until then, we can only expect wave after wave of endlessly dependent, culturally corrupt, and chronically underachieving 3rd world illegal immigrants.

Besides some of the other issues that bother me and won’t address right now, last year thousands of federal workers were furloughed and some had to borrow money and or not pay their bills because there was not enough money. However there is always money for illegals. Case in point, sending lawyers to defend them, sending them via plane, bus or train to other destinations, paying for their food or lodging. I am sick and tired of American citizens playing second fiddle to illegals which by the way means against the law and makes them criminals. When are those fools on the hill going to get the message that 98% (give or take 2% standard deviation) that we do not want amnesty for illegals and they need to enforce the laws on the books? Well perhaps since cantor is now looking for another job that may be a start.

Tom, we apparently are no longer a country that operates within the framework of law. Our citizen don’t have the protection of law anymore, and must protect themselves and their neighbors in order to survive. Nowhere did I say anything about killing them all, just ones that come out here with the intention of taking what isn’t theirs from anyone who has worked hard and earned what they have. Like the Cuban invasion of the mid-80’s, you don’t really think we’re going to get the best and brightest from South America do you?
I have an idea… why don’t we take the thousand or so coming to Oklahoma and put them in the gym at your local high school and jr. high school. Your community can them bare the cost that the good folks of Lawton, Ft. Sill and other places around the country are going to be subjected too, when budgets are tightly stretched. It’s easy to support something when you are not directly effected by the results.
Here’s the easy answer. Send them back as soon as they arrive. Turn back their planes and busses. Send them back to their country of origin, we are not obligated to take care of them, even if they are “just kids”.

Obama should be ashamed of this utter horrific immigration policy.

Obama should be ashamed of his attacks on our Constitution by euphemistically saying that we should be ashamed of our “gun laws”.

Obama should be ashamed of the horrific mess his administration has made of the VA hospitals. It is Obama that is to blame. He promised to fix the VA situation and now he has killed American veterans by his neglect and incompetence.

Obama should be ashamed of helping the Taliban by releasing 5 of it’s best terrorists; letting them go knowing full well that they will again do terrorism against the U.S. and it’s soldiers. This after U.S. soldiers died in capturing the terrorists; and after U.S. soldiers died looking for Bergdahl, apparently a deserter.

Obama should be ashamed that he went to bed the night of 9/11/2012, after fighting with Hillary during the Democrat primaries regarding who would be the best to answer the call when it came in at 4 in the morning. As it turns out neither Obama nor Hillary Clinton did anything to save those that died in Benghazi.

Obama should be ashamed of using the IRS to enhance his chances of winning the 2012 election by thwarting and intimidating the efforts of Tea Party patriots.

Obama should be ashamed of letting the fight in Iraq and Afghanistan become a waste of U.S. soldier’s lives and treasure.

Impeach Obama now.


You give them Mexicanos “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” and that’s just like abolishing Jim Crow. What a waste.

What would you have America do Tom? My stance on immigration is a bit more liberal than most here, but what is happening right now is a direct result of the Obama administration’s complete disregard for the law. I understand not liking a law, truly I do. It doesn’t mean I can break them. And we’re supposed to be a country where no one is above the law.
Obama needs to drop his claim on executive amnesty right now. He is hurting no one but the people he purports to help. There are people coming here in hopes of an amnesty program that is not going to happen the way Obama envisions.
The last time there was an amnesty program, the democrats promised Reagan a more secure border and they backtracked on that promise. Now we’re being told that this time they mean it. Sorry, but no.
As someone married to a Mexican and loves that part of my family, those here and in Mexico, the senate bill and comprehensive immigration reform is not the way to go. There is not going to be a legalization program before steps are taken to fix the illegal immigration first. Over 40% of the people here illegally came here on legal visas and just never went back. The senate bill the left fawns over does nothing to address this. Visas need to be tracked and people that overstay their visas need to be removed. You can call that inhumane, crass, hateful, mean, or any other adjective you would like to use, but it’s the law. We have a system in place to deal with immigration, yes the system sucks (IMHO), but congress has no one to blame for that system but themselves. And the Obama administration claims our borders have never been more secure:

The U.S. border is secure and it is time to move forward on comprehensive immigration overhaul, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told ABC News in an exclusive interview.

If it is so secure, why do we have a massive flood of people making their way to our country illegally? It’s not secure. And what does Obama’s administration do? They come down on border patrol agents for releasing photos of the processing centers.
I’m for a worker visa program. I for legalizing a lot of the people here already. I also want everyone that has committed a felony to be removed from that process. And I know that could mean breaking up families, but they have a choice to return with the family member that has committed a felony. Again, I’m sure that sounds inhumane, cruel, crass, etc. I also like the DREAM act, and I’m sure I’m in the minority. I just look at it from a financial investment. We (our country) have invested a lot of money on children brought here illegally. We’ve sent them to school and we shouldn’t waste that money by putting them in limbo or sending them back to a country that can capitalize on our investment. Let them go to college or the military and grant them a visa upon completion. They didn’t break the law, they were unknowing accomplices.
There is no reason this can’t be done in a step-by-step process. I think we should ban comprehensive anything in Washington. Secure the border, fully implement E-Verify, track visas, issue worker visas, deport felons.

Countless illegal aliens are being released into the general public despite testing positive for tuberculosis.
Does Obama think ObamaCare is able to cure TB?
It can’t.
All we can do is treat TB IF the infected are isolated and keep on their meds.
These infected are doing neither.
Is this vengeance on the American people?
Why planeloads of hundreds of them to places like Mass?
Where do they all go as they are penniless when released from military bases?

@Scott in Oklahoma: Maybe they could solve the groundhog problem, if they get hungry enough.

@Tom: If the left keeps using people like this as political game pieces, someone is definitely going to get hurt; someone, that is, besides the US taxpayers and citizens who suffer the brunt of these little dramas. But lives is not something liberals actually care too much about, is it?

However, here is a question: how the hell are these Central and South American children getting to OUR border? How do they get across the Mexican southern border? It appears Mexico is assisting this, in some way, for some reason.


The nation of Mexico is complaisant in the flow of illegals into our nation. When Vicente Fox was president of Mexico, the Mexican government printed brochures on how to enter the U.S. illegally, what to take when they did, and how to avoid the Border Patrol. Nothing in Mexico has changed.

It is a win-win situation for Mexico. Mexico gets to dump its lowest class on us, and continues to get favorable treatment from our government. And those from Central America? Well, after they are robbed, raped and beaten, they are turned loose by the Federalis to continue on their trek to El Norte. Again, a win-win for Mexico; their police/military shake down the illegals crossing over Mexico; the coyotes are making a killing charging for the trip; the drug cartel get free mules and Mexico can turn a blind eye while the takers get richer.

@enchanted: Cantor has several months to keep screwing the us taxpayer

@Scott in Oklahoma:

Here’s the easy answer. Send them back as soon as they arrive. Turn back their planes and busses. Send them back to their country of origin, we are not obligated to take care of them, even if they are “just kids”.

That’s actually not an easy answer, because there’s already 11 million here. And the reason they’re here – by and large, and despite Right Wing talking points – is because Americans pay them money to be here. There are entire industries that would collapse if you could snap your finger and make them all disappear. Macho fantasy may make you feel better,but ignore reality at your own peril.

@Scott in Oklahoma: You said:

Nowhere did I say anything about killing them all, just ones that come out here with the intention of taking what isn’t theirs from anyone who has worked hard and earned what they have.

They are here now with the express INTENTION of taking what isn’t theirs from people who have worked hard and earned and built what they have! They have willfully and intentionally broken the laws and the rotten RATS in the demo-commie-cRAT party and the RINO pukes are behind this. How does a kid from Central America appear all of a sudden on the northern border of mexico?? magic carpet rides? Whoever is paying for this needs to be forced to pay for the full costs of care and return of these cretins. And then dealt with in a ‘fitting’ manner!

Another front in the Obama war on what-was-once the USA.
Cloward Piven taught how to collapse American institutions by overwhelming them.
Obama is working hard to follow that outline.

Dr John: Keep them out of the WH — that place has been contaminated enough ever since the klintoons were there —

You did overlook algorleone’s properties though!

@Tom: #15 Industry pay CHILDREN to be here? The reason they are here is because we have a President that is intellectually overwhelmed by governance and has stupidly sent all the signals telling anyone and everyone that the crime of illegally invading our country will be forgiven over and over and over and we, the taxpayer, will cover the costs to have them here while going bankrupt ourselves. They are anchors, an infestation that will lead to a greater infestation and it is all made possible by Obama and Holder’s complete disregard for any law that does not politically advantage them.

All we would have to do is cut off the supply of government funded subsidies. They would, by necessity, begin swarming right back to where they originated.

This swarm of new illegals will be yet another nail in the liberal coffin. They may actually serve a purpose yet.


We have a system in place to deal with immigration, yes the system sucks (IMHO), but congress has no one to blame for that system but themselves. And the Obama administration claims our borders have never been more secure:

Well it’s not Obama and the Democrats who refuse to address the issue of illegal immigrants and undocumented workers in America. Let’s be real, the base of the Right has made it impossible for anything to be done about this (see Eric Cantor). And the Right dishonestly frames this as an issue about letting criminals and freeloaders into the USA to live off the government and vote Democrat, while ignoring the big picture: they are already here, by the millions. They were here 20 years ago. They’ll be here 20 years from now. Why does the US Chamber of Commerce support immigration reform if it’s all about Right Wing talking points? Because it’s not. It’s simple economics, the demand for cheap labor. The Right has chosen to ignore the problem. Just talk tough about securing the border and pretend that will make 11 million people disappear. Meanwhile, nothing changes. Does it make any sense to not want to know who is here, to not want workers to be documented, to not want them to pay taxes? That’s called willful ignorance. That’s like complaining loudly about cancer, but refusing treatment. Meanwhile, these people live here, they’re probably not going anywhere, and yet we give them little reason to buy into America.

I’m for a worker visa program. I for legalizing a lot of the people here already. I also want everyone that has committed a felony to be removed from that process. And I know that could mean breaking up families, but they have a choice to return with the family member that has committed a felony. Again, I’m sure that sounds inhumane, cruel, crass, etc. I also like the DREAM act, and I’m sure I’m in the minority. I just look at it from a financial investment. We (our country) have invested a lot of money on children brought here illegally. We’ve sent them to school and we shouldn’t waste that money by putting them in limbo or sending them back to a country that can capitalize on our investment. Let them go to college or the military and grant them a visa upon completion. They didn’t break the law, they were unknowing accomplices.

Republicans in Congress will never vote for any of that. The Base will never let them. They don’t even want grown men and women brought here as infants who are now productive members of society to stay. Look at the picture at the top of this post. This is how the Right wants Americans to think about Mexicans in this country illegally. They don’t want them to think about who picks their affordable produce, let alone that these people are human. So tell me, how am I supposed to interpret that picture, or Scott’s call for vigilantism?

My interpretation is that this is all part and parcel of the same condition, the same anxiety, the same fear that drives the same people to glorify the murders of Trayvon Martin and Jordan Davis. It’s an angst that’s infected a large swath of the population, a fear of change, of a loss of control, of loss of privilege. Wearing a tricorne hat and talking about the Constitution doesn’t disguise the actual drive, which may not even be apparent to those it feeds upon. It’s pretty clear from the outside though, when you see it track across a host of issues.


I didn’t realize illegal immigration only became a problem since Obama took office. If it wasn’t so obvious you’re all well-informed, clear-minded, objective folk, one might almost suspect you start with the premise everything Obama does is wrong and everything that’s wrong is his fault.

Tom, how are you going to feel when it is your taxes that have to support this surge of illegals being dumped into our states? Who do you think is going to pick up the tab for their health and welfare and their education? Or are you foolish enough to believe that the federal government has its own means of revenue, other than taxpayer money, to provide for all of that?

Those that live off of other people’s taxes never care about silly things like paying taxes. They always have someone else do it for them.

Others don’t have what it takes upstairs to understand the reality of economics.

Then there are those who are paid to post their childish lib nonsense on adult forums.


Tom, how are you going to feel when it is your taxes that have to support this surge of illegals being dumped into our states?

That’s supposition. Fact is that illegal immigrants, aside from filling countless, arduous, low-paying jobs in our economy, actually pay billions of dollars in taxes, including over $10B a year to social security that they will by definition never benefit from. http://seattletimes.com/html/nationworld/2017113852_immigtaxes29.html

Your question, of course, is just boilerplate Right Wing scare tactics 101. You completely ignore the question of the over 11 million who have been here, the vast majority working. You claim dire economic consequences to immigration when anyone who has looked at the research knows it’s hardly that clear cut. Illegal immigration impacts demand for goods, price levels, and the afore mentioned tax revenues. Lumping in things like education as strictly a “cost” would be misleading, considering education is also an investment, as is preventative healthcare. Anyway, the idea that people are living and working here for years undocumented in a sort of human rights and protection-of-the-law limbo is ludicrous. It only benefits those who want to prey on them, or ignore their existence. Which are you?

@Tom: It has been a problem ever since liberals have decided to make immigration reform a perpetual political point of contention rather than try to solve it. Every time anyone with a conscientious desire to work on the issue makes a suggestion, it becomes about racism or hatred. The fact is, we have 12-18 million illegal persons within our border and it costs us hundreds of billions of dollars a year. Giving them amnesty simply puts them directly onto the welfare rolls, which would be even MORE expensive.

Well worth the cost, however, to Democrat salivating over that instantaneous voting bloc.

When immigration reform was in the works in 2007, Obama and Schumer killed it with the poison pill of making the work visa program expire in 3 years. The same is happening now; Democrats don’t want a solution, they want an issue with which to demonize Republicans and anyone else that cares about our economy or national security.

When Reagan compromised with the Democrats and agreed to trade amnesty for border security, he and we got screwed because the Democrats are liars. Not again. Not ever again. Secure the borders. Stop with the hand outs. Stop subsidizing illegal immigration and stop encouraging it by willfully breaking our laws.

@Tom: @retire05:

Tom, how are you going to feel when it is your taxes that have to support this surge of illegals being dumped into our states?

That’s supposition. Fact is that illegal immigrants, aside from filling countless, arduous, low-paying jobs in our economy, actually pay billions of dollars in taxes, including over $10B a year to social security that they will by definition never benefit from. http://seattletimes.com/html/nationworld/2017113852_immigtaxes29.html

Big problem with your talking point, Tom.
THESE illegals (or undocumenteds, if you prefer) are ALL under age 16.
They are NOT filling any jobs.
They are not paying a penny in taxes.
They are, by their own admissions, penniless!
If we don’t feed them….they starve.
If we don’t provide roofs over them….they freeze.
If we don’t educate them….they drag the economy down even further.
If we don’t vaccinate them….they infect us.
They are non-born here anchor babies.

Gee, what do you think would happen to the average legal U.S. citizen if they permanently took in a legal U.S. citizen child (who was looking for a place to live) without first attempting to contact their parent(s) and/or the authorities?

Well, I can tell you that they’d be facing charges of illegally harboring a runaway child and/or child endangerment at best, and much stiffer charges at worst (unless, of course, you happen to be a USSC Justice).


In 2009, the last year for which figures are available, employers reported wages of $72.8 billion for 7.7 million workers who could not be matched to legal Social Security numbers.

Let’s just assume that 10% of those who could not be matched to legal Social Security numbers just made clerical/entry mistakes. That reduces the number of illegals working under Social Security numbers that are illegal (a federal crime which you don’t mention) to 7 million. That means that almost 64% of the 11 million illegals here (your number, the BP claims it is closer to 20 million) are working and getting paid by check. That doesn’t include the illegals who work being paid under the table with cash. Those are 7 million jobs that should be going to Americans and legal immigrants.

Let’s not forget that the IRS paid $4.2 BILLION in ACTC to illegals and that $46,378,040.00 in refunds went to 23,994 ITIN holders to one address in Atlanta, Ga. And if we do the math from your link, it means that illegals paid $4.2 billion into the Social Security coffers in 2009, equal to what they got back from the IRS. IOW, they paid nothing.

Lumping in things like education as strictly a “cost” would be misleading, considering education is also an investment, as is preventative healthcare.

An investment? Are you into investing in illegal activity? So you expect taxpayers to pick up the tab for the education of another nation’s children? How Democrat of you. Why don’t we just support schools in their nation? It would probably be a lot cheaper.

Here is a suggestion since you seem to support the illegals being here. Take ten of them home with you. Be responsible for their housing, their food, their medical treatment, their education. Pay for it out of your own pocket. Put your money where your mouth is. You Democrats are quick to act charitable when you can shove your hand in someone else’s pocket. Pick up the tab for your bleeding heart yourself.

Easy way to solve the border mess:
Recruit volunteers (including Obama kids) from Sidwell Friends, and send them to the border to babysit.

Easy way to solve abuse of food stamps: establish regulations for use of food stamps that mirror Michelle’s requirements for food served at schools.


Well it’s not Obama and the Democrats who refuse to address the issue of illegal immigrants and undocumented workers in America. Let’s be real,

That’s simply untrue. Just because the right doesn’t want to address the issue of illegal immigrants the way Obama and the democrats want it addressed, doesn’t mean they don’t want to address it at all. If the right says, “let’s get the border secure and then start discussing legalization and worker visas,” the democrats shut down. The border is not secure. Even Jeh Johnson says there’s a problem. And how could anyone look at unaccompanied children crossing the border and say it’s secured?

Republicans in Congress will never vote for any of that.

Not until there is border security. Screw me once, shame on you; screw me twice and shame on me.

The Base will never let them. They don’t even want grown men and women brought here as infants who are now productive members of society to stay.

Given my stance on immigration, I usually find myself on the opposite side of the argument with many on the right. But you completely mistake their feelings. Almost everyone I talk to on the right about this are willing to discuss all types of solutions once the border is secure. When an administration openly announces aid and free stuff to illegal immigrants, how is that helping in immigration reform negotiations? Here is a document obtained by Judicial Watch.
The document is here:

But it’s in Spanish. It was handed out by the US Department of Agriculture to Mexican Embassies. It states that you do not have to declare your immigration status to receive SNAP benefits.

Look at the picture at the top of this post. This is how the Right wants Americans to think about Mexicans in this country illegally.

Although I have met several people like that, I don’t believe that it represents the majority of illegal (Mexican) immigrants. I’m sure there are some on the right that want Americans to think that way, but nowhere near all of them. Dr. John isn’t exactly known for his subtlety.

My interpretation is that this is all part and parcel of the same condition, the same anxiety, the same fear that drives the same people to glorify the murders of Trayvon Martin and Jordan Davis.

This is just blatantly false. Why can’t people on the right point to obvious and honest differences of opinion without being labeled racists? Obama refuses to enforce the law and you stand behind him. We point out that Obama is actively breaking his oath to faithfully execute the laws of the land. Article 2, Section 3:

he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed

And you label us racists? Many people are afraid of change, but that isn’t what this is about. We have laws and we have a process in which laws can be changed. No one man decides which laws should or should not be enforced. We do not have a monarchy.


We do not have a monarchy.

Obviously, the Saul Alinsky devotee who taught the U.S. Constitution didn’t understand what he was teaching or didn’t get the memo.

What people like Tom don’t realize is that we have two major problems with this surge of illegals entering our nation:

1) while the Border Patrol has to focus on the children that are being held in pens like cattle, drug dealers and drug mules (cartel members) are slipping across the border because there are not enough BP on the border to capture them

2) the undesirables, mostly ethnic Hispanics, will try to blend in. Where will they do that? In Hispanic neighborhoods all across the lower half of the nation. If you look like everyone else in your neighborhood, you are less suspicious. This serves to increase the violent crime rate in those neighborhoods filled with the very people the left claims they are wanted to help. How do you help a demographic when you allow their neighborhoods to be loaded up with violent drug dealing criminals?

I heard last weekend that some San Antonio Hispanics have started a web site that shows the human cost of illegal immigration. Rodney Johnson was mentioned as one of the people they are featuring on their website. Legal, and native born, Hispanics understand the high cost of illegal immigration. Their communities have been dealing with it for decades.

Think about this: for every 100 illegal children dumped into a Texas school district, it will cost the local tax payers approx. $1,000,000.00 per year to educate them.

Add this to the mix; in recent years, Hispanics have made great strides in narrowing the gap between white and Hispanic kids on test scores. This influx of all these children, who will be placed in a grade, not by what they know, but by the “age appropriate” rule, will drive down Hispanic test schools and rally the cry of the left that we have to throw more money at the problem.

When the left is bearing the brunt of higher school taxes, be prepared to hear “It’s all George Bush’s fault.”


Not until there is border security.

What does border security have to do with addressing the issue of 11 million people already here? How is the GOP saying they’ll do nothing until they get what they want responsible governance? It’s an abdication of responsibility is what it is. It’s bowing to factions on the Right who simply don’t want immigrants here period. That’s because it’s not entirely true to say that the Right is all for reform after security. There would be no need for race baiting and fear mongering if that were the case.

The Right wants ‘boarder security’ but what does that mean? I’m not against enhanced security, but the idea of “securing the border” in total sounds like an impossible and very costly task. The truth is as long as there is demand for illegal labor, people will find a way in. This idea of solving this problem by eliminating the supply of illegals via securing the border is the same costly and illogical reasoning that’s led us to spend trillions on the war on drugs with no tangible victories. We’ve made criminal cartels billionaires and thousands of innocent Mexicans are dead and the drugs keep pouring in. If you allow Mexicans migrant workers to enter the country legally and documented, you don’t need a giant wall. We’ll actually know who is here and why instead.

Although I have met several people like that, I don’t believe that it represents the majority of illegal (Mexican) immigrants. I’m sure there are some on the right that want Americans to think that way, but nowhere near all of them. Dr. John isn’t exactly known for his subtlety.
And you label us racists?

I haven’t called anyone a racist. But it’s strange to me that you can compartmentalize these two ideas. If no one on the Right is a racist, why all the race baiting? Yes, I think we can call it what it is. Using code words or obvious insinuations, those technicalities don’t impress me. You wonder why people draw conclusions about the Right when the evidence is right up there for you to see. Like products, people market ideas with what works. To dismiss this as a lack of “subtlety” seems like a strange defense. If it was more artfully accomplished, would that make it better? Any reasonable person is going to wonder who this appeals to, just like they do with the birther nonsense, or the elevation of George Zimmerman to secular saint. You have absolutely no res0nsibiliy to police it, but it’s still strange your anger goes in only one direction, toward the observer for acknowledging what’s there for all to see.


I haven’t called anyone a racist.

You only make that statement because you think those of us on the right are just too damn stupid to understand your insinuations, and yes, calling someone a bigot, as you did me, is just as lame as calling someone a racist because they don’t subscribe to your left wing politics.

You don’t give a crap about Hispanics. You simply see votes for your party. If you cared about Hispanics, you would want to stop the flow of illegals, many of them criminals, who are flooding our southern border and who will located in [mainly poor] Hispanic communities so they can blend in.

You say we can’t seal our borders. Here’s a suggestion for you, Tom; try sneaking into Mexico from our side of the border. You will find that Mexico has been quite successful in sealing their border with El Norte.

Let’s put actual faces on your support of illegal immigration:




What does border security have to do with addressing the issue of 11 million people already here?

So we just go ahead and legalize the 11 million already here. What does that solve? What are we going to do with the next 11 million? Where does it stop?

The Right wants ‘boarder security’ but what does that mean?

There is more to border security than physical fences and border patrol agents, there is deterrence. If people know beyond any shadow of a doubt they will be immediately returned across the border for illegally entering the country, you stem the flow. Not all of it, but enough that the border patrol agents can do their job. When you openly advertise a willingness to provide amnesty, you get what we now have, which is a humanitarian crises. It takes a particular kind of evil politics to endanger children with false hope of amnesty. Countries south of the border are writing articles claiming the Obama administration will enforce immigration laws for children.

How is the GOP saying they’ll do nothing until they get what they want responsible governance?

I guess it’s the same responsible governance as the democrats saying they’ll do nothing until we legalize those already here. Why is it ok for the democrats to dig their heels in but not ok for the GOP to do it?

The truth is as long as there is demand for illegal labor, people will find a way in.

Absolutely agree. I fully support a 100% E-Verify. I’m all for mandatory jail and fines for any employer that can’t provide proof that E-Verify was used for all employees. You?

If you allow Mexicans migrant workers to enter the country legally and documented, you don’t need a giant wall. We’ll actually know who is here and why instead.

I’m for it. I know a lot of people on the right are for it. But not until Obama knocks off his unilateral amnesty plans, enforces the laws we have, and helps secure the border.

I haven’t called anyone a racist. But it’s strange to me that you can compartmentalize these two ideas.

Not in so many words, but I read the intent. If I misread, I apologize. Eventually with any debate with someone on the left, you get labeled a racists. I’m against illegal immigration, it doesn’t make me racist. I want the problem fixed. I would like to see more people be able to move across the border both ways more easily. At the same time, that allows us to make sure we keep the bad guys out. We hurt the cartels by dealing a blow to their coyote business.
My wife was born in a border town. I’ve been there hundreds of times. I’ve seen what goes on in the border towns. What President Obama is doing right now is hurting thousands of people, not to mention the incredible strain it will place on our economy and that of the US border communities affected by the flood of people seeking amnesty.


My wife was born in a border town. I’ve been there hundreds of times. I’ve seen what goes on in the border towns.

I doubt that Tom is aware of the architectural differences between his neighborhood and low income Hispanic neighborhoods. Or perhaps he thinks that all those houses have wrought iron bars on the windows and doors because it is a “Mexican” thing.

<blockquote>What President Obama is doing right now is hurting thousands of people, not to mention the incredible strain it will place on our economy and that of the US border communities affected by the flood of people seeking amnesty.

And what happens to those schools in low income Hispanic areas when they are flooded with children who cannot speak a word of English? How does that make their schools look when the ESL kids have a 50% drop out rate? And how does it affect those Hispanics who have managed to buy a home, and are struggling to pay for it, when their property taxes skyrocket to pay for local schools?

Obama’s feckless non-action on our border and regarding illegal immigration is going to have many. many unintended consequences that even progressives like Tom are going to be upset about.

Isn’t it time that we hold those nations to the south of our borders responsible for allowing so many illegals to pass thru on their way to El Norte? Perhaps when we grow a set, and tell El Salvador, Honduras, Columbia, Guatemala and Mexico that they will get not one more dime from us in foreign aid until they stop the flow of their citizens into our nation and accept some responsibility for that flow, we will see a radical change in their attitude,

Or the constant fear of kidnapping and kidnapping scams.

@retire05: And what happens to those schools in low income Hispanic areas when they are flooded with children who cannot speak a word of English? How does that make their schools look when the ESL kids have a 50% drop out rate? And how does it affect those Hispanics who have managed to buy a home, and are struggling to pay for it, when their property taxes skyrocket to pay for local schools?

I watched this play out in So Cal through the years I lived there.
Sleepy streets with homes and maybe one apartment building were there at first.
So, the few rentals had HUGE IMMIGRANT families in small two and three bedroom homes (sometimes 12 or more people.)
Then the flood of children in the public schools pushed up property taxes.
Then moms and pops all up and down those nice quiet streets started converting garages into apartments, adding a duplex rental in what had been a large backyard.
Some actually rented out portions of their own homes, adding kitchens to upper floors.
Then some of the homes were torn down and large multi family apartment warehouse blocks went into smallish lots of 1/4 acre.
Parking was at a premium, so streets were lined on one side for diagonal parking, making the drivable part quite narrow.
More homes were abandoned and or sold and turned into crack houses and informal multi family dwellings (even coyotes took over some boarding up windows and housing dozens inside until they paid a ransom.
Illegal businesses were run out of homes, garages and apartments.
Decent businesses moved further and further away.
Food was made and sold in unclean conditions.
Lead-laced Mexican herbal cures were sold to abate stomach aches in children and babies.
From the lead poisoning we got a generation of dull-eyed, slow-witted children who will never recover, thousands of them in Long Beach alone!

People claim there are only 11 million illegals in the USA.
I would say there are probably close to 11 million illegals in Los Angeles County alone.

So you are proposing to murder “the aliens” and bury them in secret mass graves?

@steve pulliam: “So you are proposing to murder “the aliens” and bury them in secret mass graves?” No, that’s the answer to births to citizens here at home that the left supports.

@Tom: #32 “What does border security have to do with addressing the issue of 11 million people already here?” How about this, Tom: we SOLVE THE PROBLEM. Your response here is why I believe the left doesn’t want immigration reform that just might resolve the issue; it is far too politically profitable to use the issue and the poor souls as leverage to win political battles. Securing the border cuts off the flow; then you deal with the residual force of illegal immigrants.

As I said, make legal residency a condition of receiving taxpayer funded aid of any kind. Illegal immigrants would swarm back south as they could never be able to afford to live here AND send the bulk of their earnings (no, they are not burdened with paying taxes during their stay here) back home; Mexico’s largest import. Work visas can be arranged for those we need and Americans in need of work can have the rest of the jobs.

Here is a great article on some things that are going on at the border:

From a Border Patrol Agent:

Chris Cabrera, vice president of the National Border Patrol Council Local 3307 in the Rio Grande Valley, explained that a Border Patrol agent he represents helped reunite a teenage gang member with his family in the United States. Cabrera notes the young member of Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), a transnational criminal gang, had no criminal record in the U.S., but asks, “If he’s a confirmed gang member in his own country, why are we letting him in here?”

“I’ve heard people come in and say, ‘You’re going to let me go, just like you let my mother go, just like you let my sister go. You’re going to let me go as well, and the government’s going to take care of us,’”

Why do we need to secure the border first? This is why we need to secure the border first.


What we are seeing is Camp of The Saints, Part Deux. But hey, golf most go on.

It is not fair to the American tax payer to be burdened with illegal immigrants. We need to send these so-called children back now. Secure the borders and then deal with the approximately 11 million other ones. The elite liberals will not be affected by the crime, disease and cost burdens!

We need to send these illegal (not all so young children) back immediately! If not, then the Obamas should stop going on their lavish vacations (funded by the taxpayer). They should take hundreds of them to live with them. Also, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Oprah, Geraldo Rivera and many of the other liberal elites should take care of them, criminals or not, healthy or diseased, with their own money!!