This is what democrats are determined to keep in country
Donald Trump has made democrats look like fools, as they protect illegal alien criminals- murderers, rapists and sexual predators
Donald Trump has made democrats look like fools, as they protect illegal alien criminals- murderers, rapists and sexual predators
Joe Biden’s team says that Florida is “winnable” in 2024. At first blush you say “No way” but don’t dismiss it out of hand. Biden is actively working to illegally …
democrats have a tendency to telegraph their weaknesses. They tend to collectively whine on X (Twitter) and reveal those weaknesses. They whined about how what Trump did is different from …
It was just fine when Biden’s open-door flood of illegal aliens was overwhelming Texas. It’s just Texas, after all. Biden smugly making Texas bear the burden of millions of …
If you didn’t know what a memory hole was, you are about to find out. You may have heard about five people being shot to death- executed, really- in …
Ripped from today’s headlines. Literally. I used to work with a guy who, when he heard about a new concept, said (when he wasn’t deriding it) “Let’s think about …
The left wing hysteria over Trump’s national emergency declaration is overflowing. He’d been threatening it. It was a campaign promise. They didn’t listen. So amped to prevent Donald Trump from …
The invasion caravan has plowed its way through Mexico into Tijuana and the Mexicans there are not very happy about it, including the Mayor. Tijuana Mayor Juan Manuel Gastelum …
Donald Trump is under siege for comments he made opening his bid for the GOP Presidential nomination. It is appropriate that someone bother to fact check his assertions instead …
Illegals will be voting in the 2016 election. You can bet on it, and it all began in 1993. In 1993 Bill Clinton and democrats passed what is known as …