democrat fascism takes another ugly turn



Apparently it’s not enough to use the IRS and FCC to shut down the opposition.

What does an aspiring democrat Senator wannabe do when he doesn’t like an opposition TV ad?


Attack the woman cancer victim in the ad, and then threaten to take the station off the air.

While Julie Boonstra of Dexter, Mich., struggles to survive leukemia, she now also has to cope with being called a liar by the Democrat who wants to be her next senator.

And the campaign of Rep. Gary Peters is also going after television stations airing ads in which her story is featured, threatening their licenses.

The ad by Americans for Prosperity features Boonstra talking about how her insurance was canceled under Obamacare and saying that Peters’ decision to vote for the law “jeopardized my health.” The ads are airing in Michigan as Peters seeks the Democratic nomination to replace Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., who is not seeking re-election.

The Obamedia sprang into action, helping to pound Boonstra:

Media organizations investigating the ad’s claims note that Boonstra was able to find comparable new insurance under the law; the Washington Post’s “Fact Checker” blog gave the ad “two Pinocchios” (as compared to four for President Obama’s claim that people could keep their insurance under the law).

Not so fast.

Let’s lay them out: Mr. Peters goes to Washington and votes for Obamacare. Because of this, back home, Ms. Boonstra, a mother who was given a 20 percent chance of surviving her cancer, looses her health insurance. It takes her two uncertain, sleep-deprived months to replace her plan, with Obamacare delaying every step of the way through its broken website, weeks of snail-mail delays and days of backed up phone lines. Ms. Boostra finally ended up with a plan she doesn’t think is even comparable to the security of her old plan. And when she told her story, Mr. Peters, the politician who wants to be her senator — and represent her in Washington — sicced his lawyers on her, questioning her trials and, in a page right out of Richard Nixon’s playbook, threatening the license of the station that dared to air it.

In his rebuke of the ad, Glenn Kessler makes the same mistake liberals make every day of the week- they confuse coverage with care.

Boonstra was able to find a plan with a similar overall cost. That’s where the discussion normally ends for liberals, but it’s wrong. For cancer patients, successful treatment very often hinges upon drug therapy. Not only can you not keep your plan, you might not be able to keep your drugs:

In fact, state and federal regulators must have approved the health plans without reviewing final drug formularies. Many plans are also not publishing information about their networks of doctors, or when they do; the information is unreliable (listing, for example, doctors who argue that they aren’t part of the plans).

There are some things we know about these formularies.

Under the law, the Obamacare plans benchmarked their drug formularies off of one of the health plans already operating in each state.

In selecting this benchmark, they could have to select from one of four options:

They could choose from: 1) One of the three largest small group plans in the state by enrollment; 2) one of the three largest state employee health plans by enrollment; 3) one of the three largest federal employee health plan options by enrollment; or 4) the largest HMO plan offered in the state’s commercial market by enrollment.

Because there’s a wide variation in the breadth of the drug formularies maintained by these four options, there is also wide variation in the Obamcare plans.

The formulary you’ll get depends most of all on which state you live in (and which benchmark was chosen by the state regulators).

It also appears that the final regulation on all this, issued by the Department of Health and Human Services, gave states some latitude to nix drugs that might otherwise be listed on the benchmark formularies they selected. That regulatory wiggle room seems to undermine the whole idea of having a benchmark plan.

So can you find a good drug plan in Obamacare?

It’s difficult.

Secondly, Boonstra lost her plan. Obama promised that she would not lose her plan- no matter what. Piled on the stress of even dealing with cancer Boonstra was dropped into a roiling pot of uncertainty. As the relative of a cancer victim I can tell you that that is significant.

Peters needs a reminder that an Obama Super-PAC ran an ad claiming that Mitt Romney killed Joe Soptic’s wife. That was a dastardly lie, while this message remains accurate.

This is one more effort in the Obama/DNC philosophy of controlling the media and suppressing the ability of conservatives to exercise their First Amendment rights. And let’s remember that democrats have a history of attacking cancer patients. They could call it the “Gutless Doctrine”

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@Redteam: I’ve been reading your posts for a good while now. It’s very much like an on-line course in wingnuttery with a professor who’s also an advanced practitioner.

@DrJohn: I didn’t make any assertions about the ACA, and only answered questions to which neither of us has an answer. Why would you support a claim so sketchy that even its own creators won’t answer specific questions about her policies?

@DrJohn: Not at all capricious. I’d take the same positions any time you made or endorsed a fraudulent claim like this story.


: I’ve been reading your posts for a good while now. It’s very much like an on-line course in wingnuttery with a professor who’s also an advanced practitioner.

Oh, goody, goody, Skipping Dog continues to prove he’s just another OFA idiot with his cognitive disorder in full exhibition.

@retire05: Always nice to see how thin skinned you teabillies are when someone turns to actually engage your nonsense.


Always nice to see how thin skinned you teabillies are when someone turns to actually engage your nonsense.

You call your mind numbingly stupid blathering “engaging”?


@retire05: Do you type your “responses” yourself, or do you have a room full of monkeys banging out the letters randomly?

I’ve noticed that at some point the object of the game becomes to push any argument that cannot be effectively countered back over the 50-post event horizon. It’s the point at which you’ll see the resident trolls attempting to initiate a rapid exchange of insults, which serves both to end a discussion that isn’t going their way and to conceal whatever points were made that they didn’t like.


: Do you type your “responses” yourself, or do you have a room full of monkeys banging out the letters randomly?

No, I hire monkeys. I find they are more intelligent than liberals, such as yourself. They are pretty easy to find. Just visit your local Democratic Party headquarters.



Another of those terms coined by ‘partners’ so that they stop referring to ‘teabaggers’ in a derogatory manner.
(Retire) I’m going with “group of monkey’s banging out letters in a random manner”


It’s very much like an on-line course in wingnuttery

You take a lot of those on-line courses in wingnuttery, do you? Is that required as an employee of OFA?


: It’s the point at which you’ll see the resident trolls attempting to initiate a rapid exchange of insults,

and that would be you, Tom, RJW and now, Skipping Dog? Well, if you insist, go ahead…

Her real problem was being diagnosed with ”cancer” before ObamaCare could change the name to ”gooblety-gooky lesion,” thereby avoiding treating her completely.

With respect to the definition of “cancer,” downgrading some conditions as no longer being “cancer” can and will used to justify reducing “unnecessary” screening tests (e.g., mammograms for women between ages 40-49).
Health care rationing takes many insidious forms but perhaps the most immoral is for the government to wage a public relations campaign designed specifically to dissuade patients and doctors from seeking available cures for cancer.
They scheme to rename cancer, not to cure it, but to deny it exists.
These government rationers have calculated that rather than actually treat patients with cancer, it’s cheaper to simply keep them calm… right up to the very end.”

ObamaCare’s treatment plan is to allow small, slow-growing cancers to metastasize into incurable cancers instead of ”nipping it in the bud.”
In the UK, where this is already policy, tranqualizers are prescribed to keep people calm while they pass the point of no return with their cancers.
Saves lots …..of money.

@Skippydog – You want to try to defend the Government intrusion into MY healthcare via ACA not to mention the same intrusion into every other American life? That’s fine. You keep beating down that path.

I am not, millions have not, and ‘are not’… buying into the “this is the best thing since pizza pie”

Bottom line is…. if it sounds too good to be true….well… we all know how that ends…Oh, if it makes you ‘feel’ better…call me a wing nut…whatever I don’t care…I know my path is straight…

I wonder how those useful idiots -> human props for really bad liberal agendas ‘folks’ Pelosi rolled out from rural Maine on the East Coast, and pranced in front of the ‘cameras’ when she was ‘pushing’ Obamacare are making out…

….funny, I wonder why no one has contacted them so the left can prance them out and tell us how “much more well off they are” on Obamacare…

…I get the feeling they are feeling a bit “used” right about now..

@Redteam, #62:

I think what some might be having a problem with is the Detroit News article citing facts suggesting that the Julie’s Story attack ad is a steaming load of horse manure, and that Americans for Prosperity President Tim Phillips either knows it, or is so stupid that he can’t figure it out. I’m guessing it’s the first possibility.

@FAITH7: I wonder how those useful idiots human props for really bad liberal agendas folks Pelosi rolled out from rural Maine on the East Coast, and pranced in front of the ‘cameras’ when she was ‘pushing’ Obamacare are making out…

….funny, I wonder why no one has contacted them so the left can prance them out and tell us how “much more well off they are” on Obamacare…

There was a time when Obama and the Left actually named those useful idiots who stood behind them and nodded yes, later tidbits about how each benefited from one dem policy or another.
But you know what happened.
Other people, fact-checkers, looked into each background wall paper person and found dem party operatives, found members of OFA, found out these were paid operatives.
So, quietly, last year Obama and his stopped naming these wall paper people.
Does the investigative part of the media (blogosphere) even know the identities of Pelosi’s wall paper people?
I bet not.

Obama turns the IRS into a political gang of thugs; the FCC is directed by George Soros, a National Socialist sympathizer, to control the newsrooms and editorial content of newspapers; a senatorial candidate attempts to control freedom of the press; yes, Fascism is alive in America. We call it Progressivism, a polite and socially acceptable word for Communism.

/ retire05 / redteam /Nanny G – Thank God for your common sense.

@Nanny G – That is why the left gets in such a vile mood….and call us ‘extreme’ ….they never want to look but, the TRUTH is…. their ‘reality’ is really just a illusion. How sad…

We common sense folks on the right have the insight and intelligence to “see right through” the Left’s illusions and they cannot STAND IT!

@FAITH7: and yours, FAITH7


Fascism is alive in America. We call it Progressivism, a polite and socially acceptable word for Communism.

I’m glad to see we haven’t watered down “Fascism” and “Nazi” too much in some quarters, to the point where the terms have lost all significance, where real meanings have been cheapened and leached through vulgar and shrill overuse. Of course some of us only use the terms once or twice a day to describe things and people we don’t like, usually accompanied by a crude photoshopping of our President’s head onto a somber 1940’s black and white photograph. But then again, what’s the harm? That Nazi screwed up my order at the drive-through again. And that fascist pig gave me a ticket for parking in a handicapped spot.

@Redteam: Never worked for OFA. I don’t even give them money, but your attempt to use OFA as some kind of slur may make me rethink that and send in some funds.

@FAITH7: They’re probably feeling less “used” than they are relieved to finally be able to get medical insurance coverage at a price they can afford.

@Redteam: What does that mean?

@retire05: No, I’m pretty sure if you’d been hiring them from your local Democratic Club the answers would make far more logical sense.

@retire05: I’ll admit I do tailor it to the audience. In your case, I make sure I don’t use anything more than three syllable words, and those I use sparely.


but your attempt to use OFA as some kind of slur

I don’t attempt to, it needs no help. Anything associated with Dimocrats and Obama are a slur all by itself… but I doubt they need your money, they rip off enough of the public funds.


What does that mean?

If you don’t know, I’m sure not gonna tell you.

@Redteam: Because even you can’t tell?

@Redteam: Ah, the hallmark of a “modern movement constitutional conservative” – belligerent ignorance. Keep up the fine work.


Because even you can’t tell?

You trying to get enough posts in today to fulfill your OFA obligations? Do they give you a merit badge for that?

@Redteam: I’m just trying to get you to explain what you posted, since it didn’t make any sense. Think of my work as a public service for combating teabilly ignorance.

A Progressive has no problem with using the likeness of MLK or quoting his words when it comes to just about any issue under the sun. But when it comes to just about any issue, especially religion, they will stop at nothing to disparage everything he said and did.

He will stand outside a prison and cry for a condemned man, and the next day stand outside an abortion clinic celebrating the death of another fetus.

He will scream at government, “hey government, make Walmart pay their employees 7.50$ an hour!” then scream at Walmart, “Hey Walmart, you don’t pay your people enough money!”

These examples and a million more are exactly why there’s no point in arguing with these numskulls. Conservative types have history and the truth on their side. We have the Founding Fathers as our symbols. They have a bunch of flea-bitten dullards crapping in a park.

@jimmyjack: Nice rant, jimmyjack. A little disjointed and rhetorically hyperbolic, but it certainly expresses your unhappiness with the world around you.

I’ve never heard a “Progressive” disparage any of MLK’s teachings, but I’m sure you can provide examples to support that claim. Right?

Engaging a leftist troll is exactly what he wants. You might as well bang your head against the keyboard. Ignore him, and he will finally tire. Don’t feed stupidity with logic. It doesn’t work with leftists.


I’m just trying to get you to explain what you posted,

You should have referenced what it was you were questioning me about, maybe a comment number.


A little disjointed and rhetorically hyperbolic,

I can see why it would be for an Obamaite, because some of the words have more than one syllable, and that’s put’s them into a ‘deciphering’ mode.

@Angel Artiste:

Don’t feed stupidity with logic.

They wouldn’t understand either……


@jimmyjack: Jimmyjack, you don’t think the Progressives have done a fine job running Detroit? my, my……..


You’ve never heard a Progressive disparage MLK? Let’s start with your inane hatred for Christianity in general. You people have the foulest things to say about it, and detest everyone involved, but somehow you find the Great Reverend the exception. You believe in not one single thing he did.

You can look at your handiwork in places like Detroit or Chicago and somehow find success in your political efforts. So much so that you’d like to do it everywhere else. Every place the Progressive has a stranglehold on it’s an unmitigated disaster, and still you want more.

I have no doubt what the Progressive mission is, and that’s to keep the Black Man where he belongs.

Disparage MLK? Gimme a break. Every breath a Progressive takes disparages Martin Luther King Jr.

Subverting the IRS into political enforcers is an example of?

George Soros trying to use the FCC to control the news is an example of?

The FCC being directed to direct the flow of newsprint, oh my, the FCC has nothing to do with newsprint, but all of these examples are the type of control our Democrats would like to see enacted, when the Republicans are back in power. That is the beauty of stepping over the line, payback is a bitch.

@jimmyjack: I meet, worship, and pray with a large number of “progressives” at my church and can’t recall a time when I’ve heard any of them express a hatred of Christianity. We certainly become frustrated at the religious pharisees who have attempted, often successfully, to co-opt Christianity and pervert it to support their own political agenda.

Your fear, ignorance, and bigotry make clear the fact that you’ve either never known our Savior, or you have allowed your heart to turn hard and no longer acknowledge Christ’s direct call for us to love one another.

I’ll pray for you, but only you can take the steps to change your heart and find salvation.

@Skookum: When did George Soros become an FCC commissioner?

@Redteam: I’d love to read some logic from any of you.

@Angel Artiste: Please enlighten me with your logic. I haven’t seen much of it here.


I’d love to read some logic from any of you.

It would blow your mind. well, er, uh, what passes as one, anyhow……

I really feel for Ms. Boonstra.
Her ”coverage” might cost nearly the same BUT……
A critical medicine is no longer covered.
That means she pays the whole cost for it now.
AND that also means its cost does not count toward her annual deductible.
Her OLD (you know, sub-par, junk) coverage included her critical medications.
Obama lied.
Obama and dems lied because, unless they lied people would have opposed this crappy Act from the very start like they are starting to oppose it to the extent that they are learning about it.
There’s a very old war saying, “You shouldn’t change horses in midstream.”
Cancer is a battle, a war.
It is to the death.
Obama forced many people to change coverage (horses) in the midst of this battle.
The few horror stories we are hearing are the tip of the iceberg.