What does it take to get fired by this wretched regime?



Fast and Furious.
Obamacare website.

These are all disasters created by the Obama regime.

No one has been fired. No one had been held accountable for any of them. No one. But see if you can discern the common thread among them all.


Four dead, many injured. We still don’t know where Obama was during the attack. Four officials were “suspended” and disciplined with a paid vacation leave, they were reassigned. No one has been punished.

For her role in lying to America a bout the Benghazi attack Susan “The Video” Rice was promoted to National Security Adviser.

Obama promised to avenge the Benghazi attacks, but the attackers know about Obama’s promise to let you keep your doctor and your plan and thus, they know they are safe.

The whistleblower who sought to bring the truth to light -Glen Hicks- has been demoted.

Fast and Furious

Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress for his failure to hand over documents. Other than that, nothing. Just nothing.


A no-bid contract to a Canadian company where a classmate of Michelle Obama is an executive.

Kathleen Sibelius promised that the website would be up and working on October 1. “Delay is not an option” she said.

It’s OK, because, you know, the dog ate her homework.

She’s an idiot, but then, she’s not alone.


The Department of Justice spied at length on James Rosen

The Justice Department spied extensively on Fox News reporter James Rosen in 2010, collecting his telephone records, tracking his movements in and out of the State Department and seizing two days of Rosen’s personal emails, the Washington Post reported on Monday.

In a chilling move sure to rile defenders of civil liberties, an FBI agent also accused Rosen of breaking anti-espionage law with behavior that—as described in the agent’s own affidavit—falls well inside the bounds of traditional news reporting. (Disclosure: This reporter counts Rosen among his friends.)

UPDATE: Fox News responds with a blistering statement that asserts Rosen was “simply doing his job” in his role as “a member of what up until now has always been a free press.”

The revelations surfaced with President Barack Obama’s administration already under fire for seizing two months of telephone records of reporters and editors at the Associated Press. Obama last week said he makes “no apologies” for investigations into national security-related leaks. The AP’s CEO, Gray Pruitt, said Sunday that the seizure was “unconstitutional.”

The Obama administration has prosecuted twice as many leakers as all previous administrations combined.

Since then, it’s only gotten worse.

Maryland State Police and federal agents used a search warrant in an unrelated criminal investigation to seize the private reporting files of an award-winning former investigative journalist for The Washington Times who had exposed problems in the Homeland Security Department’s Federal Air Marshals Service.

Reporter Audrey Hudson said the investigators, who included an agent for Homeland Security’s Coast Guard service, made a pre-dawn raid of her family home Aug. 6 and took her private notes and government documents that she had obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.

The documents, some of which chronicled her sources and her work at The Times about problems inside the Homeland Security Department, were seized under a warrant to search for unregistered firearms and a “potato gun” suspected of belonging to her husband, Paul Flanagan, a Coast Guard employee. Mr. Flanagan has not been charged with any wrongdoing since the raid.


The IRS has been targeting conservatives since at least 2010 and together with cooking the census books very likely altered the 2012 election. Obama promised a “full inquiry” into the matter.

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama tried to defuse a trio of controversies Thursday, pledging to work with Congress to ensure the IRS doesn’t abuse its power, urging legislators to provide more money to strengthen security at U.S. diplomatic outposts and promising to seek “a balance” between national security and a need to protect freedom of the press.

“I think we’re going to be able to fix it,” Obama said, speaking in particular of the IRS’ targeting of conservative groups for special scrutiny. He vowed to make sure the agency is “doing its job scrupulously and without even a hint of bias.”

Trying to steer clear of Republican criticism of the administration’s response to the terror attacks that killed four Americans last year in Benghazi, Libya, the president called on Congress to work with the White House to provide more money to strengthen U.S. diplomatic missions’ security.

The result? You can guess.

More than half a year after the IRS targeting scandal broke in May, federal investigators have still not contacted any of the 41 conservative groups represented in the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) lawsuit against the IRS.

Though the FBI and IRS both launched investigations into the wrongdoing, and Eric Holder’s Justice Department vowed to cooperate with the FBI probe, none of these agencies has contacted the ACLJ’s clients to figure out what happened.

“It’s now been more than six months since the public revelation of the IRS targeting scheme. The Obama Administration — including the White House — has repeatedly promised that an investigation would ensue and that we would get to the bottom of this unlawful and unconstitutional scheme. Unfortunately, that does not appear to be happening. To date, not one of our 41 clients has been contacted by the FBI, the Justice Department or any other federal investigative agency,” ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow told The Daily Caller.

Obama’s response is to make persecution of his enemies official policy and make the IRS the enforcer for the democrat party.

Lois Lerner retired to get out of the crosshairs and she will receive a handsome pension as a reward for her contribution to the Obama schemes. IRS Chief Counsel William Wilkins has developed amnesia with regard to his contacts with the White House.

No one has been fired for any of this. No one has been punished. That leads one to a specific conclusion- this is exactly what Obama wants. It’s all part of the plan. Nothing else makes any sense.

The one thing they all have in common is “Obama promises” and you know what that’s worth. If you put all Obama’s promises in one spot they would form one big steaming pile.

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What does it take? According to some, if you happen to be a flag officer in the military, all it takes is saying that you will not order those under your command to fire on American civilians.

Hillary only promised to go after that guy who made ”the video.”
I don’t think she EVER promised to get anyone else.
And, promise-keeper that she is, the video-maker spent over a year behind bars.

Consider this for a moment… Obama will NEVER fire anyone on who his staff who has proven allegiance to him and been let in the closed rooms for the behind closed door discussions. Why you ask? Quit simple really, he is afraid if he fires anyone, they may sit down with a real journalist, or a criminal investigator, or maybe even an honest member of Congress, and start talking… that has the possibility of bringing life as Obama knows it to a screeching halt, he will never take a chance of that happening. He also has all the dirt (true or not) or everyone who works for him, in case he has to destroy them personally and professionally; ask Gen Patreaus….

Things are looking up…..on paper….

If Congress does not act by Dec 28th, a further 1.3 million people will lose emergency unemployment aid and may be deemed ‘out’ of the labor force.
Then the “official” unemployment rate may drop up to 0.8 percentage points, but it won’t mean the economy is any better.
Guess how many Americans they will be added to who are already out of the labor market?
91.5 million.
But to Obama, this is good.
See, the unemployment rate goes DOWN and he can blame Republicans for being heartless.

What does it take to get fired by the muslim in the white house? Easy question to answer if you understand how much obama hates the US and it’s Constitution. Do anything that is not going to really hurt the US and you will get fired.

As long as one of the individuals is a slobbering, idiotic, obamabot or a Marxist, nothing will happen.

Wow, lol! A veritable laundry list of debunked BS by those who still need those binkies to get through the day. Glenn Beck does still have an audience after all!

@Nanny G: See, the unemployment rate goes DOWN and he can blame Republicans for being heartless.

Yeah, and the fact that the GOP has a record number of filibusters killing legislation to improve the economy including Jobs Bills has nothing to do with this. Get real.

More jobs created in Obama’s first two years than both Bush terms.

The GOP would rather see Americans suffer than help them and guess who are the dummies who support them? Lol!

@This one

You’re entitled to your own opinions, but not your own set of facts. Repeating DNC talking points, lies all, makes you sound like a tool, aka, a useful idiot in Marxist terms.

Last night there was a 2 hour special on All The Kings Men. It went into how awful Watergate was and what a great scandal it was, bringing down a sitting president. Although I only watched a few minutes of it, I thought to myself that no one died because of Watergate.

Where are the investigative reporters like Woodward and Bernstein to drag the scandals of the Obama administration into the sunlight?

@This one: this one once again puts down his spit soaked hand towel to baffle us with his words of wisdom

@retire05: You asked:

Where are the investigative reporters like Woodward and Bernstein

They are still out there — doing absolutely nothing except collecting a few bucks now and then to show some faux outrage!

Democrats rarely get rid of anyone. No matter how incompetent, idiotic or corrupt. Edwards was an anomaly. Had his wife not been suffering from a terminal disease, he may have been considered still useful. I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if he shows up back in the spotlight a few years from now “contrite” and asking for forgiveness.

@This one:
Gov’t doesn’t create jobs. It only transfers money by taking from those that earn and handing it to a favored political constituent. Gov’t is FORCE not freedom.

With every word you show once again you are clueless and that makes you a perfect lib lackey. They love those who cannot think but follow as lemmings.

This article pretty much sums up people like you.

No one has been fired for any of this. No one has been punished. That leads one to a specific conclusion- this is exactly what Obama wants. It’s all part of the plan. Nothing else makes any sense.

Those are just parts of his plan. Add in reducing the military, bankrupting the USA, inviting muslim terrorists into the white house, obama’s charitable organization supporting muslim terrorists, buying billions of rounds of ammo, closing the last lead smelter to keep ammo companies from making lead bullets, letting Iran secretly have their way, and many other things that are hurting the country. Expect martial law to be declared before obama’s term ends. I hope I’m wrong, but I fear I ain’t.

Smorg wrote… ” Expect martial law to be declared before obama’s term ends. I hope I’m wrong, but I fear I ain’t. ”

I have to agree 100% in both your expectation, hope and fear. It’ll be far worse on either end of the country, where the majority of the moochers and takers are; glad to be in Oklahoma!

@Scott in Oklahoma: #20

It’ll be far worse on either end of the country, where the majority of the moochers and takers are; glad to be in Oklahoma!

I’m glad I live where gun owners are all around me. It is even permitted to open carry in the Idaho capital. How many other capital buildings allow that? We also aren’t restricted on size of magazine or kind of ammo. One sheriff’s deputy told me it is even legal to have armor piercing rounds. If obama comes for us, most of the Idahoans will be ready for him.

@This one:

Put down the Kool-aid.

If that’s the case, then why is the unemployment rate higher and the labor force participation rate lower than in the Bush years?

No need to answer. I know thinking is hard for liberals.

@This one:

Sorry, child, your deciding that it’s been debunked is not the same as something ACTUALLY being debunked. Liberals aren’t usually smart enough to grasp the distinction.

@This one:

Hint for the slow (i.e. YOU):

just because a liberal congressperson CLAIMS that their legislation will produce jobs, doesn’t mean that that’s what will happen. Government can’t produce jobs, it can only control how much or how little it will impede job creation. This administration has chosen the second option.

On the other hand, legislation to free up markets and remove government impediments to growth that are passed by the House sit unanswered in the senate, thanks to Obama’s accomplice Harry Reid. And your response is….what, exactly?

@Smorgasbord: Smorg “Expect martial law”
I find you much more credible when you are discussing the Fair Tax .lol

Scott Glad you are happy in Oklahoma. Certainly seems like the best place for you.

@Scott in Oklahoma:

Agree exactly. Crooks can’t easily just fire insiders who know the secrets, (who know where the bones are buried). Way too dangerous. They have to try and quietly move the problems out the spotlight until things cool down. Yes too, likely the top crook bosses keep a tab of damming info on their underlings to use as threats if the secret holders don’t toe the line.

@Richard Wheeler: I have lived on both coasts and in the middle of this country RW, and you are correct, this is the best place for me. I live in a very small town, and I have a great job working for a great company in the energy business, couldn’t really be happier.

@Richard Wheeler: #25
I just call them as I see them, and I don’t see obama helping the USA in any way, but helping unfriendly countries and organizations.

@Smorgasbord: Yes yes Smorg “as you see em”
But rather than just yelling fire , would you be more specific about how and where you expect martial law to go down?
Scott Same request. Thanks

@Richard Wheeler: Well Richard, I don’t have a crystal ball or any other way to predict the future, so the specifics escape me. But, like Rudy Giuliani did after September 11th, I can easily see Obama “postponing” the next presidential election because of some crisis or another that needs attention only he is capable of providing. From there to a full on dictatorship is a short walk. Don’t forget, all the dictatorships in recent times have been elected, including Hitler, then took it from there.

@Scott in Oklahoma: Postpone the 2016 election?? Another BHO comparison to Hitler??
Is this the way Oklahomans’ think Scott?

@Richard Wheeler: Take a listen RW…

@Scott in Oklahoma, #30:

I don’t have a crystal ball or any other way to predict the future, so the specifics escape me.

I’m sure that’s on the to do list, right after establishing the uniformed civilian defense force and arming all IRS and EPA employees.

@Scott in Oklahoma: Trey Gowdy–South Carolina TeaParty.
This is the guy that wants to locate,detain and deport all undocumented—NO path to citizenship. This guy is out of touch with the wishes of the VAST MAJORITY of Americans, Repubs. and Dems. that WANT immigration reform. Come back to planet earth Trey.

@Greg: Douchebag, there already is an armed, civilian defense force called Homeland Security, and there are also armed IRS and EPA personnel.

@Richard Wheeler: Did I make a comparison? Nope, just a simple statement of fact, leaving you nothing to refute. As for what other Oklahoman’s think, I cannot speak for them, but I will remind you Obama didn’t carry one county in this state either time he was elected.

@Ditto: Probably not, he’s already about 62 years of age, the earliest he could expect to come back would be 2020 and he would be about 70 then. A little old to be serious (Reagan was special, so he could do it)

@Richard Wheeler:

Postpone the 2016 election?? Another BHO comparison to Hitler??

RW, I for one do not expect any attempt at martial law or delaying the election. There is zero chance the Constitution will be amended to allow a 3rd term. There are many comparisons to Hitler that work well, becoming dictator might even be in the back of his mind, but it’ll never happen.

@Scott in Oklahoma: That link hit the spot, dead on.

@Richard Wheeler:

This is the guy that wants to locate,detain and deport all undocumented—

I am in favor of not giving a path to citizenship to anyone that entered the country illegally, unless that illegality is removed from the record.
But the first requirement I would have if I were going to give them a path is that they would have to register with the ICE WITHIN 6 months as an illegal alien. Once they registered and if they were found to be law abiding upright citizens, then they could ‘get on a pathway’ which would include at least 10 years probation that is crime free.

@Richard Wheeler: #31

Postpone the 2016 election?? Another BHO comparison to Hitler??
Is this the way Oklahomans’ think Scott?

Oklahoma, Idaho, Montana, Texas, Wyoming, and others. Obama is following Hitler’s play book. Compare how Hitler took over Germany to what is going on in the USA now.

@Greg: #33

I’m sure that’s on the to do list, right after establishing the uniformed civilian defense force and arming all IRS and EPA employees.

Not just the IRS and EPA. SWAT teams have been created in:

Bureau of Land Management
Department of Education
Department of Labor
Environmental Protection Agency
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Park Service

There are around 70 federal agencies now that have SWAT teams that never had them before. It used to be that if a SWAT team was needed by a federal agency, the FBI was called in. Why would agencies like the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration need their own SWAT team, how many teams are there, and how many times are they called out?





Why are so many federal agencies, like the Social Security administration, buying hundreds of thousands of round of ammo EACH, plus lots of guns, and the same armored vehicles we use in Iraq and Afghanistan? What are they preparing for?

What would you be saying if all of this was under George Bush’s watch?

@Richard Wheeler: #34

Trey Gowdy–South Carolina TeaParty.
This is the guy that wants to locate,detain and deport all undocumented—NO path to citizenship. This guy is out of touch with the wishes of the VAST MAJORITY of Americans, Repubs. and Dems. that WANT immigration reform.

We have had a path to citizenship since the country was founded. Go to the proper office, fill out the paperwork, and get in line. If the illegals would have just signed up, millions of them could have been citizens by now.

I agree that the vast majority of POLITICIANS want the illegals, but the vast majority of legal citizens don’t want them, especially now that the legals will be paying for the illegal’s medical expenses, since the obamacare bill covers them too. Is it OK with you for them to be on obamacare at your expense?


The idea that the “vast majority” want immigration reform usually means some form of amnesty. I could be wrong on that but it’s how I understand it. I do not want immigration reform that means amnesty. First I would build a big long fence on the southern border. There’s your big infrastructure project the dems should go for, since they love infrastructure. Also I would prefer we put in place mechanisms to encourage self deportation and enforce legal immigration. Meaning fine employers who hire illegals, cut off any gov’t benefits to illegals. No tax refunds for illegals. Make it better for illegals to leave and go home than stay in a foreign land. Note I keep using the word illegal.

The kind of immigration reform the dems and some repubs want will only lower wages for many US citizens and explode the welfare state even bigger. All for votes mind you because that is the main reason for this idea anyway.

The other thing is if we do immigration reform the obama way, what happens when the next crop of illegals show up? Since we aren’t going to secure the border what’s to stop them from coming? They will work for less than the former illegals who came before them.

What’s wrong with wanting secure borders and people who come here legally in the first place?

@DrJohn: Obama will step aside in Jan. 2017 just as every elected POTUS has through the history of this Republic*—well tricky Dick left early.You’re the alarmist DJ—Stop yelling fire.
* There have been 4 assassinations. 4 deaths by natural causes.
Immigration reform means secure the border first. Then provide a path to citizenship for the law abiding undocumented.Favored by substantial majority of Americans, Repubs and Dems.

Smorg DJ—-martial law declared??? pure hyperbole

Apparently some Dems are forcing Obama to start trying to make a decision.
On firing somebody.
Obama has been dithering, as it his wont.
I wonder if he CAN make this decision?
He’s had no problem firing military leaders.

@Mully: #44
I don’t want the illegals, PERIOD. I have always called them illegals, and always will. I not only want the fence, I would like to see the illegals in jails help build it. I also have said that when we deport people to Mexico, we should send them to the southern most part of Mexico, so that they have a long way back if they want to come into the USA again.

I forget which state it was, but they enforced the law about businesses not hiring illegals, and the illegals left on their own. It works.

The way I see it, originally, the democrats wanted the illegals for votes, and the republicans wanted them for cheap labor for their business donors. The republicans saw that the vote issue was working for the democrats, so they jumped on their bandwagon.

Since we aren’t going to secure the border what’s to stop them from coming? They will work for less than the former illegals who came before them.

Many years ago when I lived in Iowa, the meat company in Perry hired illegals. Each year there would be a slow time, and they would lay off some of the illegals. When business picked up, and they needed more workers, they would bring in more illegals, instead of hiring the ones they brought in before. It wasn’t long before Perry, Iowa was filled with illegals drawing welfare. Who knows how many other businesses do the same thing.

One man told me they were tired of one business hiring illegals in their town, so they formed an organization. I don’t remember the name, but it had three words, and the first letter of each word spelled ICE. They made jackets with their logo on them, except they made the first letter of each work very large, and the rest of each word very tiny, so that all you could see was ICE, unless you were close it.

The group would go to the business wearing their organization jackets, and the illegals would see the ICE on them and run. The group did it enough times that the owner finally said he would quit hiring illegals. I thought that was a BRILLIANT idea.

What’s wrong with wanting secure borders and people who come here legally in the first place?

Try walking into almost any other country and see what happens.

@Richard Wheeler: #46
As I said earlier, I hope martial law is not declared, but that I wouldn’t be surprised if it is. If it is, will you volunteer to be on his national civilian security force?

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