Sunday Funnies

“The economy is so bad, MSNBC had to lay off 300 Obama spokesmen.” –Jay Leno

“The economy is so bad, President Obama sent Susan Rice out to defend it.” –Jay Leno

Gender and race: the shields of the Obama adminstration [Reader Post]

It’s enough to make you ill. The White House press corps are not reporters any longer. They are not simply groupies. They’re way past that. They are Obama’s guardians. They worship him. How did it come to this?

Dinesh D’Souza spelled it out. It was the number three reason to see 2016: The Movie.

The Dogs Of Conscience

Many people have an overwhelming desire to belong and identify with groups that offer exclusivity. Some of us want to identify with exclusive country clubs and others choose the religion of a science fiction writer, whose church, the Church Of Scientology offers the secrets and knowledge of the church for a price, Yes, for thousands of dollars, the church and its theological justification reads like a science fiction novel, and you can be a cowboy as well.

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to live on the dole [ReaderPost]

Among the eligibility requirements for immigration to the United States are these:

Job or Employment Based

People who want to become immigrants based on employment or a job offer may apply for permanent residence or an immigrant visa abroad, when an immigrant visa number becomes available according to the following employment based preferences:

Tell Me About Evil Carbon And The Brilliant Al Gore

I had an interesting conversation today with a customer, while she was paying me to work on her horses; after delving into religion, philosophy, metaphysics, and eventually the climate, it became obvious that she was hiding her Liberal proclivities to be agreeable. She was convinced we should use natural gas and “quit digging up dinosaurs for our energy needs, there were too many humans and the world would be a better place after a massive die-off.” Her premises were pregnant with opportunities to attack, but in situations like this, it is better to have your opponent wondering about the discussion while in bed later on and questioning the simple reasoning she had heard earlier with a sense of emptiness and bewilderment.