Obama: Four Americans Killed "Not Optimal"

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Binders!…..oh wait

Stewart: “Is part of the investigation helping the communication between these divisions? Not just what happened in Benghazi, but what happened within. Because I would say, even you would admit, it was not the optimal response, at least to the American people, as far as all of us being on the same page.”

Obama : “Here’s what I’ll say. If four Americans get killed, it’s not optimal. We’re going to fix it. All of it. And what happens, during the course of a presidency, is that the government is a big operation and any given time something screws up. And you make sure that you find out what’s broken and you fix it. Whatever else I have done throughout the course of my presidency the one thing that I’ve been absolutely clear about is that America’s security comes, and the American people need to know exactly how I make decisions when it comes to war, peace, security, and protecting Americans. And they will continue to get that over the next four years of my presidency.”


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This President has found the ideal venue for his shtick — the comedic stage.

He’s making his supporters proud. “Optimal” indeed. How much evidence can he possibly produce that there’s no one home?

It’s not about the lies or multiple cover-ups, it’s about the lies and the multiple cover-ups.

So if there are only three dead Americans, it is closer to optimal. Optimal isn’t on the screen if you are watching men fight for their lives over a six hour period when a Marine FAST Unit is an hour away.

Really Destructive Maniacs
04/2012 – Dr. Sanity  [edited, rearranged, emphasis added]
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The compassionate type of narcisst is more subtle and equally destructive. He pursues an aggressive idealism/utopianism despite the misery it causes in other people’s lives, and despite the dead bodies left behind. This malignant narcissism is always justified because it is for “your own good”, or “the common good”, or “to make people better”.

The selfish narcissist is preoccupied with “Me, Me, Me” and uses others for his own aggrandizement and reward. Both he and the compassionate narcissist (“Look at how wonderful I am for making you better!”) do not see other people as distinct individuals with needs and desires of their own, but only as fodder for the expression of some ideal, or as pawns to achieve the utopian fantasies of their own ideology.

They think they are superior, and know what is best for all. If they happen to personally benefit financially, socially and culturally, then all the better! They deserve it for their extraordinary compassion and good works.
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that is very interesting way to define both,
I thought there was only one kind of narcissist,
and you’re right about the introvert one and the extrovert one are different totally.

Obama was trying to do two things at once:
1st, parrot a cool word from Jon’s statement/question.
2nd, not answer the question but rather slide off why his Administration lied about the real causes of the incident into what his Administration was going to do about finding out stuff.

I give Obama a pass on using the term, ”optimal.”
Jon Stewart gave it to him.

But Obama STILL has not explained why he and his Administration knew it was NOT a video or ”spontaneous” or ”natural” demonstration getting out of hand behind this terrorist attack on American interests on a 9-11-01 anniversary.

Obama was given yet another chance to come clean through Jon but Obama refuses to come clean.
For that Obama gets no pass.

What a callous and pathetic little man!


That sounds like Dr. Sanity. Regardless, that describes them to a “T”.

@James Raider: #1
As I read the story, it hit me that Obama appears mostly on COMEDY shows to talk about events. It struck me that his routine belongs on comedy shows, because they are so laughable.

Then, I saw that you beat me to it, and said it before I did, so I will second your indirect suggestion that Obama go on a comedy tour. He has had enough practice that it should be a great success.

@Smorgasbord: #9,

. . . . Obama go on a comedy tour. He has had enough practice that it should be a great success.

I suspect that teleprompter-mounted-podium under his arm, a-comedy-he-will-go, once he leaves the W.H., . . . . . being the entertaining-preacher personality he’s become with Hollywood’s help.

Oh, and with the cash he’ll have made through becoming President, he’ll absolutely have a few speech-writers on permanent retainer.

@James Raider: #10
You mean it’s possible I’ll see Obama on TV more as an entertainer than I do now? Why is it that everything good that happens to me always seems to have a down side.