Obamageddon [Reader Post]


The Drudge headlines say it all:

POLL: Romney leads in 11 swing states…
Takes lead in Ohio…
PA, WISC, MICH now in play?


POLL: Obama loses lead on key voter issues: Economy, national security...

Mitt Romney is on fire

ROMNEY: ‘You have to scratch your head when president spends week talking about saving Big Bird’…

And you know it’s bad when Chuck Todd has on his “my diaper is full of poo” look:

Report: Shake-Up in Works at Obama Campaign Headquarters


Obama is so dissociative that he believed he actually won the debate:

When President Barack Obama stepped off the stage in Denver last week the 60 million Americans watching his debate against Mitt Romney already knew it had been a disaster for him.

But what nobody knew, until now, was that Obama believed he had actually won.

In an extraordinary insight into the events leading up to the 90 minute showdown which changed the face of the election, a Democrat close to the Obama campaign today reveals that the President also did not take his debate preparation seriously, ignored the advice of senior aides and ignored one-liners that had been prepared to wound Romney.

Obama has taken to attacking the expose of his fraudulent campaign donations:

Minutes after Newsweek published a story on the threat of illegal foreign and fraudulent online campaign donations late Monday afternoon, the Obama campaign struck back hard with a response smearing one of the article’s authors and offered an anemic defense of its online fundraising operations.

Earlier today, Breitbart News and myriad news agencies reported on a new 108-page investigation conducted by the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) which examines the online donation systems of the entire U.S. Congress and the two presidential candidates. The report found that 47.3% of all House and Senate donation websites do not require online donors to enter their credit card security code (officially known as a CVV, or Card Verification Value), which leaves them vulnerable to foreign and fraudulent contributions.

Governor Mitt Romney’s website requires donors to enter a credit card security code, while President Barack Obama’s does not. The GAI report also revealed that Obama.com is not owned by the president’s campaign but rather by Robert Roche, an American businessman and top Obama fundraiser living in Shanghai, China, whose company has ties to the Chinese government.

Within hours of a Newsweek article on the report’s release, the Obama campaign issued a dismissive response. The Obama campaign’s rapid-fire attack against the report did not mention Robert Roche, Obama.com, the Obama campaign’s failure to require donors to enter their CVV code, or the report’s finding that 68% of the traffic going to Obama.com originates from foreign locations.

Eric Erickson demonstrated how Obama was able to collect $180 million in donations in one month:

And it turns out that Obama.com is owned by a Chinese bundler:

In an explosive report set to send shockwaves through official Washington, the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) released a 108-page GAI investigation into the threat of foreign and fraudulent Internet campaign donations in U.S. federal elections (visit campaignfundingrisks.com to download the full report).

Breitbart News obtained an advance copy of the bombshell report which reveals that the Obama.com website is not owned by the president’s campaign but rather by Obama bundler Robert Roche, a U.S. citizen living in Shanghai, China. Roche is the chairman of a Chinese infomercial company, Acorn International, with ties to state-controlled banks that allow it to “gain revenue through credit card transactions with Chinese banks.”

There’s more.

The unusual Obama.com website redirects traffic directly to a donation page on the Obama campaign’s official website, my.barackobama.com, which does not require donors to enter their credit card security code (known as the CVV code), thereby increasing the likelihood of foreign or fraudulent donations. The website is managed by a small web development firm, Wicked Global, in Maine. One of Wicked Global’s employees, Greg Dorr, lists on his LinkedIn page his additional employment with Peace Action Maine and Maine Voices for Palestinian Rights. According to the GAI report, 68 percent of all Internet traffic to Obama.com comes from foreign visitors.

And still more.

Obama supporters are destroying Romney campaign materials:

A conservative radio host based in central Virginia, has posted a video on his website of a GOP office with its window smashed in, expletive-laced rants presumably delivered at Republicans, and Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan signs torn down, defaced and smeared with what appears to be human excrement.

The clip (prefaced with a warning of “extremely graphic content”) on the “Schilling Show” blog, written by radio host Rob Schilling, begins with President Obama on the campaign trail telling attendees to “argue with them and get in their face,” a phrase he used in 2008 to encourage his supporters to talk to friends and neighbors about voting and accurately delivering his message, whether they were Republican or independent.

The clip then shifts to an expletive-laced rant labeled “Actual phone call received at Albemarle County, Virginia GOP Headquarters — September 11, 2012.”

It goes on to show a man tearing down yard signs at an Americans For Prosperity event in Charlottesville while screaming obscenities, then a montage of Republican political signs that have been defaced — in one case with excrement — and Nazi imagery plastered onto an AFP sign.

The State Department has thrown Obama under the bus. Absolutely contrary to the claims by Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice, the State Department said it never suggested the attacks in Benghazi were preceded by protests:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The State Department said Tuesday it never concluded that the consulate attack in Libya stemmed from protests over an American-made video ridiculing Islam, raising further questions about why the Obama administration used that explanation for more than a week after assailants killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans.

The revelation came as new documents suggested internal disagreement over appropriate levels of security before the attack, which occurred on the 11th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks on the U.S.

Briefing reporters ahead of a hotly anticipated congressional hearing Wednesday, State Department officials provided their most detailed rundown of how a peaceful day in Benghazi devolved into a sustained attack that involved multiple groups of men armed with weapons such as machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades and mortars over an expanse of more than a mile.

But asked about the administration’s initial — and since retracted — explanation linking the violence to protests over an anti-Muslim video circulating on the Internet, one official said, “That was not our conclusion.” He called it a question for “others” to answer, without specifying. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to speak publicly on the matter, and provided no evidence that might suggest a case of spontaneous violence or angry protests that went too far.

Lara Logan spoke to the BGA last week and she offered a strong message:

During a recent keynote address at the Better Government Association annual luncheon last Tuesday, Logan delivered what the Chicago Sun Times called “a provocative speech” to some 1,100 movers in government, politics, media, and the legal and corporate arenas. She explained that the Taliban, al Qaeda and its proxies haven’t gone away and are in fact re-energized and coming back in force. Logan also informed the crowd that a “lie” is being propagated by the American government.

“I chose this subject because, one, I can’t stand, that there is a major lie being propagated…” Logan announced. The lie is that the U.S. military has tamed the Taliban.

“There is this narrative coming out of Washington for the last two years,” Logan began. It is driven in part by “Taliban apologists,“ who claim ”they are just the poor moderate, gentler, kinder Taliban.”

“It’s such nonsense!”

The Sun Times continues:

Logan stepped way out of the “objective,” journalistic role. The audience was riveted as she told of plowing through reams of documents, and interviewing John Allen, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan; Afghan President Hamid Karzai, and a Taliban commander trained by al-Qaida. The Taliban and al-Qaida are teaming up and recruiting new terrorists to do us deadly harm, she reports. […] She made a passionate case that our government is downplaying the strength of our enemies in Afghanistan and Pakistan, as a rationale of getting us out of the longest war.

And that wasn’t all she had to say:

The Taliban and al Qaeda, she made clear, “want to destroy the West and us,” and we must fight fire with fire, She appeared to leave the assembled alternatively riveted and just a bit troubled by a critique with interventionist implications clearly drawn from her reporting.

One attendee came away with this impression of her speech:

“Shoot ’em, bomb ’em, fuck ’em. They will kill your children.”

Obama is running the country with the same philosophy he approached the debate. Aloof, arrogant and too self-occupied.

Barack Obama is not just an amateur, he is dishonest and he is incompetent.

Obamageddon has arrived, and not a moment too soon.

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If George W. Bush could be elected, Willard Mitt Romney can be elected.

I suppose that’s one way to find out what his actual positions are.

Doom. Doom doom doom.

It has to feel like, inside the Obama For America bubble, like the walls are closing in.


@Greg: If 0-blama can be elected is what you meant to say. If that’s all you got you better go back to your nipple!!

Real Clear Politic’s poll reports are getting weird. Only one presently shows Obama in the lead: Rasmussen.

OK, this is truly funny and totally bizarre: Eye Of The Sparrow: a nearsighted lipreader’s take on the first Romney/Obama debate. (Possibly a nearsighted lipreader, who also needs to have his medication changed.)

The lip syncing is very well done. If there’s any partisan motivation in this one, I sure can’t figure it out.

@Greg: Your so correct as usual, that’s why all the polling data and most Democrats agree that 0-blama got his Butt kicked at the first debate. You have a major Kool Aid problem.

@Greg: The poll reports are more accurate than the jobs report.

You mean like passing Obamacare so that we could find out what was in it? Stop projecting, Greg, we won’t fall for it.

I’ve got to agree with you, we can all enjoy that one. Very well done, and hilarious! Have you seen the other videos that they’ve done? Treasures!

@Greg: In all fairness, I think you’ve brought up a good issue. A lot of what I hear is that Romney hasn’t told us what he will do as president, though as a voter, I feel like he has. He’s explained how he will approach things, and also meaningfully says he will work with the Dems.

My issue is that the Obama campaign wants Romney to be as specific as possible on things he can’t be, because much of it will depend on the Congress, Senate, and other variables that won’t come into play until he is president. I feel like they are asking him to forecast the weather on a day two years from now. The trap set is this: if he’s specific, they attack and twist it any way they can. If he isn’t “specific,” they say he didn’t tell us what he wants to do.

Isn’t all of this just a political play, pretending we don’t know Romney’s position on things when we do? Should Romney make silly promises, like promising a specific unemployment rate four years from now? What if it is higher that what he promised? Won’t that scuttle his chances of re-election?
Sorry . . . couldn’t resist.