Harry, your father called. He wants me to dig him up so he can kill himself again [Reader Post]


Harry Reid had no problem with devining the emotions of Mitt Romney’s deceased father:

“His poor father must be so embarrassed about his son,” Reid said, in reference to George Romney’s standard-setting decision to turn over 12 years of tax returns when he ran for president in the late 1960s.

So it’s entirely reasonable to shine some light on Reid’s father and why he took his own life.

Andrew Malcolm:

The word’s out. Have you heard about a mysterious phone call from one of Happy Harry Reid’s political cronies from the mortifying days in 1974 when Paul Laxalt waxed him for the Nevada Senate seat that changed the course of Reid’s life forever?

It’s a pretty shocking story, and one that the powerful Democrat has understandably never explained through all these years. It’s haunted him though, through those early devastating political losses for the Senate and the Las Vegas mayor’s office, the defeats that turned him into the bitter, cynical political mumbler he’s become at age 72.

This troubling tale has haunted Harry Reid through the shadowy years he ran the Nevada Gaming Commission, through his public embarrassment over the Los Angeles Times investigation into his son and son-in-law’s Washington lobbying activities,the ethics investigation into the free tickets Reid happily accepted to boxing matches and the successful land development deal that ended up netting Reid $1 million when he sold it, in an amazing coincidence, to a friend and it became a shopping center.

And through all these years, Harry Reid has never bothered to deny that awful early story. Just as he’s never denied any early involvement with left-wing South American political parties and an unsuccessful 1964 bid to become a Goldwater Girl.

Reid claims to know something from someone about something about Romney:

Now, Harry says he’s in possession of this information because an old business crony of Romney’s, whom Reid won’t name, made that statement in a phone conversation that Reid won’t document. In fact, Reid has no proof whatsoever that what the unidentified caller allegedly said in that unverified conversation containing the unsubstantiated claim has any merit at all.

But now we know why Harry’s father killed himself:

Reid’s father was so embarrassed about what his son would do someday that he killed himself at age 58.

It’s pretty obvious that this is being orchestrated by Barack Obama and David Axelrod. It just oozes with their slime.

What’s utterly astonishing is that rather than demand that Reid provide anyone the name of the alleged accuser or any evidence of the wrongdoing he asserts, the execrable cretins of the left wing media instead squeeze Romney to prove he is innocent of this scurrilous charge. Insisting upon this and ignoring Reid is how Romney should respond to Reid’s outrageous and shameful accusation.

Did I mention that the economy sucks?

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@another vet: Do you think that perhaps this is Romney’s intention with the bait being the tax returns?

Not unless his campaign is even dumber than I thought, AV. He’s simply gifting Obama with a two-fer talking point. First to abuse him for his non transparency and plant the notion he’s got something to hide… a complete opposite of his father’s open campaigning style. Then after he releases the returns which will show what we expect to see – a low tax rate based on capital gains and foreign holdings – they’ll go back to the original and expected talking points … that being ROmney, like Buffett, pays low tax rates and wants to keep the tax rates for the rich low and destroy the middle class.

We know that they will play the low taxes/uber rich game, so why also hand them the bonus point of being able to paint Romney as the secretive evil wealthy who doesn’t want his past decade of finances completely exposed?

As I said… it’s not a requirement, but it would have been a smart campaign move by doing it during the primary. Now? Not so much. Even any advantage for being transparent is off the table because it will look as if he’s forced by Obama. Dumb, dumb, dumb. Timing is everything, and apparently Romney and staff are rhythm challenged on their presentation of this candidate. Romney should have released them during the primary, even before all the other GOP candidates were hounding him to do the same. And this spotty, only select and skipped over years, makes it appear even worse.

As far as what @Taqiyyotomist says, about it possibly being deliberate. Dunno. Don’t see much benefit for a half hearted and failed POTUS run. Trump the chump? Sure. Publicity hound and it helps him. Don’t get why Romney would want to lose. Especially since he and his buds spent so much money destroying the opposition with his dirty politics and lies in the primary.

Would suggest all read Aye’s #34 . IMHO a respected voice of Conservatism.

Dr.J. I’ll say again. The reason Harry is still around is because Repubs. ran unelectable Tea Party candidate Sharron Angle.

Mata Have always agreed Romney’s blitzreig of Newt in Fla. Primary was either brilliant or dirty as hell depending on one’s candidate of choice.

Obama has distanced himself from Reid.
How stupid mush Reid’s apologists feel now?

@Nan G:

How stupid must Reid’s apologists feel now?

Yeah, that one made me chuckle, too. I was really impressed that even the lamestream media was asking Carney if Obama stood by Reid’s remarks.

Have you ever heard the term virtue junkies (that’s a link)? I just discovered it myself yesterday and it’s a term for people who, rather than have a rational discussion, choose to inject “virtue” into themselves by parroting pious statements of one kind or another. You know the type, they just want to prove how much better they are then you because they care:

The virtue junkies do not care [about facts], they want their fix. If you quibble about the [numbers], all you get back is a bunch of tear-jerking prose about old ladies in wheelchairs …et cetera…The virtue junkie, like all other junkies, has an unstable, flickering relationship with reality itself. He experiences the reality that you’re not open to the emotional arguments, and he reacts the way you should’ve expected: He doesn’t. He just recites the same arguments he just got done reciting. He’s tying it off, slamming it into the main vein. Not really discussing anything at all. All the impulses of a wild animal, with none of the comprehension of real objects and real events that all wild animals must acquire and sustain, in order to survive. The worst of both worlds.

So next time you argue with a lib, you must realize that he doesn’t really want to discuss anything, he’s only feeding his addiction by blowing smoke up his own a$$.

@MataHarley: While I agree that he should have released his tax returns, along with just about everything else- BC, transcripts etc. ASAP just to show that he is different from the mystery man in the WH, this election is still going to come down to a referendum on Obama unless Romney is so bad that he is deemed unelectable. The reason I was thinking it may have been intentional was because the Bain attacks cost team Obama lots of cash and it got them nowhere. In the process Obama’s personal favorability rating, which was his one strongpoint, declined.

@ another vet: You are dead on. Romney should be contrasting every one of Obama’s hidden records with a voluntary and complete disclosure. After that disclosure it should be hammered steadily into the electorate. Obama is vulnerable if the undecideds can find a message in Romney’s narrative. Obama has alienated black evangelicals with his “evolving” support of the LGBT agenda. As is demonstrated in this forum the Obama Kool-Aid flows deep and strong on a daily basis. The Liberal Myrmidons gracing this forum follow a leader compromised far,far worse than fair Achilles. They find no compelling reason to hold Obama to any scrutiny or even a minimum of accountability. They cannot be reached by logic or truth. Many undecideds may yet be moved if Romney will give them that chance with an aggressive, positive narrative with an honest message.

@brian winkler: This election will tell a lot about where we are at as a country. A few short years ago we were told that 5.5% unemployment was unacceptably high and deficits of a few hundred billion were too high. Now we are told 8% plus unemployment (the tweaked number) and trillion dollar plus deficits are acceptable and thus the new standard. Naturally this demonstrates the hypocrisy of the left. If everyone else accepts this as the new standard along with socialist policies and giving the finger to the Constitution and our laws, the future of our country is going to be very bleak. Obama needs to go and if he does and Romney can’t get the job done, then he needs to be gone in 2016 as well.

@another vet:
Agree totally. Obama and company operate like a well oiled and established criminal enterprise. Liberalism at all levels succeeds invariably in creating the exact, contrived opposite of what they state as their intent. In doing so they act exactly or even worse than their opponent, who is browbeat and accused without any basis of fact. V.I.Lenin would no doubt recognize and appreciate the Left’s mendacity and fidelity to its warped Marxist roots.

When will Reid stop supressing the voices of the victims?…This has gone on long enough….How many of these victims will now be the agressors only to create more victims?…

@brian winkler: You are so right. The latest attack ad implies that Romney caused a cancer death. Liberalism used to be something a person could be proud of. Now it’s almost like a mental illness.

@Liberal1 (objectivity): Who gives a rat other than wacho idiots like you. Maybe you should focus on the REAL issues facing America starting with a President who lied to America about what he could do with respect to job creation, our economy, and our national debt. Just because your black messiah and his monkeys on a string fail to focus on these issues doesn’t mean you have to be so ignorant.

A what if, but then again more valid than slimy Harry’s accusations, Mitt has his records in order and is just letting the wacho liberal idiots keep digging their own graves? Now THAT would be a huge surprise and a game changer!!

Common sense You know I respect your service as a Navy corpsman but your racial comments in #65 have no place in a civil discourse.
#66 I hope for Mitt’s sake he does have his records in order. Remember it was Republican primary foes that first called for disclosure.

Semper Fi

Dr. John Have you seen me condone bullshit from the Obama or Romney camps? I condemn bullshit and outright lies from them and SOME of the folks here at F.A.
I’m neutral on Mitt vs. BHO. I’m looking forward to the debates and Mitt’s veep pick. Have a great day.

Point taken on “black messiah” but not with too much condemnation felt from my side. As far as Republicans questioning Mitts financial disclosure, I would say you are comparing apples and oranges here. Reid on the floor of the Senate made a very slanderous accusation relevant to Romney which has been basically confirmed as a flat our lie!! Romney has asked Reid to provide the source of his slanderous accusation and this is exactly what he should do. Quick question, is it a requirement for a Presidential candidate to produce his tax returns?? If yes please show me the legal and binding law that supports this claim. Also a part of this discussion should be 0-bama and his failure to release his college records. Why has he NOT done this and is this more or less important to disclosure? Finally as I have stated previously this is a non issue and 0-bama is just using this and other issues like gay marriage, war on woman, and other non issues to divert America away from the real issues of job creation, economic stimulation, the corruption of the DOJ, and our national debt. I say let’s focus on the REAL issues that affect all Americans regardless of their tax returns.

reid is a crook and a liar and doesn’t care. he has more money and power than he can use and is at the top. nobody or nothing can hurt him the corrupt dems in the senate and the botox infested nancy pelosi are crooks also and don’t care.

money and power is all that matters to them.

the most important thing is to rid the country of the plague that is b hussein obama

Common Sense Reid should put up or shut up in his McCarthy like accusations.
I’m a fair taxer with no love for the I.R,S.You are absolutely right that this is a diversion from the real issues to discuss.
I would add that Super Pacs are a huge problem.Campaign finance reform is absolutely nescessary.
Dr.J. Barack Hussein Obama did not say Romney killed a woman with cancer.

Best saying I’ve had emailed to me about this subject: “Apparently I’m supposed to be more outraged by what Mitt Romney does with his money than by what Barack Obama does with mine.”

@Richard Wheeler:

Have you seen me condone bullshit from the Obama or Romney camps? I condemn bullshit and outright lies from them…

Really Rich? Sorry bud, gonna have to call bull crap on that claim.

While you can be counted upon to unsuccessfully attempt to poo poo things coming from the right that you disagree with…you have never, to my knowledge, applied anything remotely close to an evenhanded approach when it comes to what your side is squeezing out. Never. Not once.

What we usually see from you is a tap dance of equivocation or, more commonly, virtually complete silence when confronted with the shenanigans of your side.

And, in consideration of that silence, we must believe that you find their behaviors acceptable. You are, after all, the one who established the “silence connotes acceptance” standard are you not?

Aye See my comments on Reid. Your thoughts on ‘satire’ in this post?

@Richard Wheeler:

My thoughts on this post?

Already stated in #34.

Of course, I find that the vast majority of Dr J’s scribblings fall well below the standards of grocery store checkout line journalism so this is just another in a long list.


If we superior beings were not present, you’d have no higher plane to aspire to.

You’re welcome.

@Aye: Are you really that guy who chewed out the girl working the Chick-Fil-A window? He has that same sense of moral superiority. So does Obama. I knew I’d seen it somewhere before.

@Richard Wheeler:

Your thoughts on ‘satire’ in this post?

I’m pretty sure that I never called the comments regarding Reid’s father satire, Rich. Either you have a serious reading comprehension problem, or you are engaging in a shameful attempt to misrepresent that posting of mine. Which is it?

J.G Glad we can agree this crap from Dr.John isn’t satire.Would argue comparing Reid to the pedaphile Sandusky isn’t satire. You disagree. So be it.
BTW Does comment #63 classify as satire?

@Richard Wheeler: So what of Curt’s post with Reid as a pederast? A Sandusky?

@Richard Wheeler:

Answer. My. Question.

J.G. Never said you called J’s ugly commentary satire. Glad we can agree that it isn’t.
Now how bout my ? RE #63. BTW Do you agree with Aye’s evaluation of the good Dr. in #76. I concur wholeheartedly.
Dr. J Pls. clarify your ? in #82

@Richard Wheeler:

Whatever, Rich. You are tapdancing around, putting some words down on FA without addressing what I asked. No where else under this topic is this even labeled satire, yet you use the word as if it was, which means that you lifted the idea from the weekly open topic, that I used, and applied it here. Disingenuous, dishonest, and entirely misleading, regarding the point I and others made there.

As for Aye, maybe you missed his #74, where he calls bs on your claims of being critical of both camps. And given that in the other topic, you didn’t even address the ridiculousness of Reid’s accusations about Romney until someone confronted you with it, I’d agree with Aye. You are as partisan and crazy as Greg and Lib1, just maybe a little nicer about being so. One really wonders if you truly understand the ideology and mentality of the people running the Democratic party.

J.G. You absolutely ducked my two direct questions. Your thoughts on posts 63 and 76? Thanks
BTW Calling me “crazy”. Satire perhaps?

@Richard Wheeler:

J.G. You absolutely ducked my two direct questions.

It’s quite amusing that you, of all people, would accuse someone else of “ducking” questions.

J.G. The truth must hurt John. You ducked em.

That my comments on this thread were not even worthy of consideration by anyone at all…

I have to assume that everyone did one of these:

1. nodded their head, and then (probably wisely) kept it down.
2. said to themselves “that sucka’s crazy!” but gamed it out to “I probably should just ignore it — to be safe.”
