Harry, your father called. He wants me to dig him up so he can kill himself again [Reader Post]


Harry Reid had no problem with devining the emotions of Mitt Romney’s deceased father:

“His poor father must be so embarrassed about his son,” Reid said, in reference to George Romney’s standard-setting decision to turn over 12 years of tax returns when he ran for president in the late 1960s.

So it’s entirely reasonable to shine some light on Reid’s father and why he took his own life.

Andrew Malcolm:

The word’s out. Have you heard about a mysterious phone call from one of Happy Harry Reid’s political cronies from the mortifying days in 1974 when Paul Laxalt waxed him for the Nevada Senate seat that changed the course of Reid’s life forever?

It’s a pretty shocking story, and one that the powerful Democrat has understandably never explained through all these years. It’s haunted him though, through those early devastating political losses for the Senate and the Las Vegas mayor’s office, the defeats that turned him into the bitter, cynical political mumbler he’s become at age 72.

This troubling tale has haunted Harry Reid through the shadowy years he ran the Nevada Gaming Commission, through his public embarrassment over the Los Angeles Times investigation into his son and son-in-law’s Washington lobbying activities,the ethics investigation into the free tickets Reid happily accepted to boxing matches and the successful land development deal that ended up netting Reid $1 million when he sold it, in an amazing coincidence, to a friend and it became a shopping center.

And through all these years, Harry Reid has never bothered to deny that awful early story. Just as he’s never denied any early involvement with left-wing South American political parties and an unsuccessful 1964 bid to become a Goldwater Girl.

Reid claims to know something from someone about something about Romney:

Now, Harry says he’s in possession of this information because an old business crony of Romney’s, whom Reid won’t name, made that statement in a phone conversation that Reid won’t document. In fact, Reid has no proof whatsoever that what the unidentified caller allegedly said in that unverified conversation containing the unsubstantiated claim has any merit at all.

But now we know why Harry’s father killed himself:

Reid’s father was so embarrassed about what his son would do someday that he killed himself at age 58.

It’s pretty obvious that this is being orchestrated by Barack Obama and David Axelrod. It just oozes with their slime.

What’s utterly astonishing is that rather than demand that Reid provide anyone the name of the alleged accuser or any evidence of the wrongdoing he asserts, the execrable cretins of the left wing media instead squeeze Romney to prove he is innocent of this scurrilous charge. Insisting upon this and ignoring Reid is how Romney should respond to Reid’s outrageous and shameful accusation.

Did I mention that the economy sucks?

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Meanwhile, back in the real world:
Reid is Right as Rain : Release your Returns Romney -Right Now! …OR… go back to playing “dressage” with your pet ponies! ‘Cause we all have a damn RIGHT to see a Presidential Candidate’s tax returns! Unless… perhaps….just perhaps…you’re hiding something dear Willard? Just asking.
P.S. Sooo Mitt, just how DID you manage to stuff all those millions into your tax-loophole IRA account?… while the rest of us poor smucks have strict limits? Inquiring minds want to know. And you want even MORE tax cuts for you and your rich buddies, Mitt? WHAT GALL! These fat cats aren’t satisfied- they want it ALL! …EVERYTHING! Mitt baby -please- take my advice: if you want to run for dog-catcher THEN keep your precious returns, … and just clean off your car roof. 🙂 OTHERWISE, put up, …or shut up and go away ….preferably BEFORE the convention. The super-rich think that they have the God-given right to do anything they want in this great country -while the REST of us get screwed! ENOUGH!!! The divine right of kings ended a long long time ago Mitt. And so should your so-called candidacy.

You all could be in my and other Nevadan’s shoes. We conservatives here have to bend over and take it after the mind dead lemmings dutifully vote for this horse’s ass. He has in the last ten years been an embarrassment to this state and the country, yet in typical 1984 doublespeak fashion he is a hero.

@stan chaz:

Why? How has any of that a bearing on his being President? JFK didn’t release his returns. Kerry paid a lower tax rate in 2004 when wealth wasn’t a dirty word. Let Reid set an example and release his returns. Then we’ll talk.

Diversion, diversion, diversion.
Harry Reid is in a unionized SAFE senate spot.
He can get re-elected until he dies, possibly once more after that.
So he can use his cat-bird seat to DIVERT away from Obama’s failing policies and Obama’s failed record of the last three and a half years with junk like this.
Obama just eggs him on, too.

@stan chaz: Looks as though we have another candidate for the prozac/polo mallet…

I’ve heard from reliable sources that Harry Reid is a pederast, and understand that he refuses to deny the charge.

Does anyone else here find it a bit ironic that the most dishonest, clandestine administration in the history of this Republic has the utter audacity to demand transparency from Romney, or any one else for that matter.

Obama.’ entire history is wrapped up in secrecy and lies, yet he and the other members of his ruling elite demand that Romney “come clean”. BWAHAHAHAHA…HA HA…HA!

The “audacity of hope” is the big lie Obama has been selling, and useful idiots keep buying. Audacity? You bet. However I find it to be more like “chutzpah”

@stan chaz: Proof Ahole!!

@drjohn: Proof of your accusations Ahole!!

If Herry did not kill all those young boys he molested then why aren’t they testifying against him?

The burden of proof is on Harry Reid to disprove these shocking allegations.

@stan chaz:

O.K. barry wants Romney to show his tax records, what about barry showing the following? In addition he has spent MILLIONS of dollars to prevent the public from seeing this information

1. Occidental College records
2. Columbia College records
3. Columbia Thesis paper
4. Harvard College records
5. Selective Service Registration
6. SSN from the State of Connecticut even though never a resident of the state
7. Medical records
8. Illinois State Senate schedule
9. Illinois State Senate records
10. Law practice client list
11. Certified copy of original Birth Certificate
12. Singed Embossed paper Certificate of Birth
13. Baptism record
14. Why Michelle Obama can no longer practice law ( I have found since she gave up her license voluntarily or to stand trial for insurance fraud)
15. Why barry can no longer practice law (I now know he too gave up his law license voluntarily before he lost it for lying on his law application – tell me it isn’t so)
16. Why Michelle Obama has 22 assistants when other First Ladies had 1 or 2, AND a personal dog trainer for their dog.
17. How he received “Foreign Student aid” as a student
18. Used __??__ country’s “passport” when traveling to Pakistan.
19. What was the deal with retzko so that retzko could donate over 750K to barry’s campaign using the ‘sliver’ of property transaction?

@John Cooper:

I read an article the other day and one of his aides anonymously of course has seen him with little boys and that he likes to troll the strip (Las Vegas) for them. I would love that to come out (no pun intended)

After having this guy pushed on them to begin with, republicans are now expected to ignore the possibility that he might be a seriously flawed candidate. Doesn’t anyone else think there’s been something a little odd about the entire process?

I would like to know where the MSM is and not investigating Disenchanteds list of things we all would like to know……………

@Greg:You and stan chaz need to get a room. After foisting the country’s first criminal in chief on the people of this nation you really want to go after Romney’s bona fides when Obama can’t keep his lies straight. He states he was born in Kenya until he decides he was born in Hawaii. He publicly states he is the product of a Kenyan father and a Kansas mother, until it draws attention to his standing and qualification to hold office. Obama can’t tell the truth because he does not know it and wouldn’t know it if it jumped up and bit him on his scrawny, metrosexual ass. You and stan chaz are just two sad little shills for the biggest counterfeit,bogus,poser, wannabe that ever crawled out of Chicago and has systematically weakened this country as no other before him.

@Disenchanted: Did you hear that Harry has aids?

@brian winkler, #16:

You and stan chaz need to get a room. After foisting the country’s first criminal in chief on the people of this nation you really want to go after Romney’s bona fides when Obama can’t keep his lies straight.

The tax returns should suffice. Unlike all of the conspiracy theory b.s. about Obama’s place of birth, when it comes to paying taxes there are available documents that would provide definitive answers.

As to Harry . . . Well, if politics were chess, I’d have to say that he just made a stunningly brilliant move.

@Greg; I used two examples of public statements made by Obama that contradict his own points in his own narrative, and which he has done nothing to clarify. Romney’s tax returns should be made available, when Obama deigns to supply the sealed records he has spent somewheres north of 3 million dollars to keep sealed and deny public inspection. What exempts Obama from public scrutiny? What is it that is worth countless billable hours and multitudes of legal maneuvers to conceal? Why would a POTUS hide all pertinent records if they are of no concern?Why does a POTUS claim executive privilege to deny oversight of a scandal he claims to have known nothing about?Any questions of Romney’s dealings as a business executive,governor and CEO of the Salt Lake City Olympics are open, public domain information. You demonstrate once again that you are in the tank for Obama and past any reasonable hope of allowing yourself to see Obama for the monumental fraud that he is.

Greg said;

As to Harry . . . Well, if politics were chess, I’d have to say that he just made a stunningly brilliant move.

Proof positive that Greg has less integrity than your common criminal. Win at any cost must be his motto.

And while Greg and the rest of the Obamabots are cheering Reid on, another shovelful of dirt gets thrown into the grave of our Constitution. Innocent until proven guilty has never meant as little as it does now.

So Greg thinks that a person should be Guilty till proven innocent? This is how dictatorships start…

There was nothing brilliant of Reid’s comment and in a chess game this is the equal of Reid moving his king onto a tile that can be removed by the knight, pawn, rook, and bishop owned by his opponent. CNN and CBS isn’t buying Reid’s story and he has become mockery material of Jon Stewart. And what Reid has done has hinted he has access to tax files he legally did not have permission to so now he should be investigated on how he obtained private IRS data.

The right has stated more than once that taking down Obama is their primary objective. They haven’t hesitated to crank out every sort of rumor and accusation imaginable over the past 4 years, and have played each and every one for all it’s worth. Now they’re complaining about this?

The republicans wanted to play political hardball. Hardball is what they’re going to get.

I get the feeling that old Harry is not going to seek re-election.

@Common Sense:

: Proof of your accusations Ahole!!

Proof? Who needs proof?

@drjohn: I wonder if the NRA plans to back Harry Reid (who is alleged to be a pederast) again this time around.

Harry Reid is an abominable presence in Washington. He is without honor and should retire. His name should never be mentioned without the mention of his lies. He brings dishonor to the US and us by his presence in Washington. He should be branded as a liar every time his name is mentioned until he retires. He can never be expected to tell the truth nor can we rely on anything he says; therefore his is irrelevant. Keep the pressure on until the representatives in Washington get the idea. Let them know we aren’t a country of gossip mongers and we will not tolerate outrageous lies and corruption. Make Reid Retire.

@Greg: Greg, once again you fail to prove any accusation you make. Reid has made an accusation on the floor of the Senate, it is on him to prove this accusation. Has nothing to do with Romney’s tax return until Reid comes clean. Geeez you’re a tool.

@drjohn: Do you understand English?? Reid needs to prove his accustion. Is there some part of that statement that you have trouble understanding or are you just an idiot??

@Common Sense: What’s with the hostility? I wrote this post.

@drjohn: I apologize, went back and gave it another read. My understanding was that you felt it important for Romney to prove Reid wrong, when in fact it is Reid who needs to prove his accusation. I guess the English lesson is on me.

@stan chaz:
DrJohn: Did rail with equal vehemence for the full vetting of the Communist sitting in the White House today? If all you leftist jackasses have to attack Romney is questions about tax returns, and you’re so slobbering mad about it, then I’m confident you coneheads don’t really have anything of substance to stop the train that’s about to pancake your collective posteriors.

The longer Reid waits and holds on to the information he has, the longer the families of victims mourn…Reid needs to come clean, provide law enforcement with all the details so that these families can finally put this to rest and continue their lives..

Speaking of political attacks that are “oozing with slime”, you can count this POS talking point as right up there in the top ten.

There’s little about Harry Reid I like, nor would defend. Nor do I like the tactics of dirty politics. But that’s what Reid is doing when he alludes to Romney’s potential tax evasion. Then again, as we saw during the primary campaign, dirty politics is a method employed, and enjoyed, by Romney just as effectively.

But the “oozing slime”? Andrew Malcolm took a despicable turn in to the gutter when he suggested that Reid’s heavy drinking, abusive miner father killed himself because of Reid Jr and shame. That butt ugly tactic, and a new focus on the “shame” and headline, was quickly picked up by Michael Costello over at The Pajamahadin, saying “Harry Reid’s Father Was So Ashamed”… and now dutifully followed by drj here.

It’s not only an unforgivable personal attack outside the political arena, it’s not even an original unforgivable personal attack.

Romney’s father set the precedent for financial transparency in his political career. It was that Reid was referencing when he mentioned Romney’s father… that the elder notable politician and trendsetter would not likely approve of the son’s deliberate and calculated lack of transparency.

That remains in the realm of politics, if not the dirty politics that Romney, himself, employs. That’s the game these days, like it or not.

But to evoke the suicide of Reid Sr – a man who was not a politician, and a tragedy for any family – with this type of attack, and then have the chutzpah to attempt to take the moral high road? Well… no better example of “oozing slime” than right here, IMHO. Can we expect another little ditty that will somehow evoke Ms. Reid’s stage two breast cancer diagnosis?

I find this crap embarrassing. It’s not even news of import. Thank heavens it’s an ugly line of talk that is confined to a minority few of those in the blog and news world. Personally, I wish conservatives would avoid the petty, and remained focused on details and solutions to our larger problems.


As far as Romney and his tax returns? There’s no obligation for him to do so. Never has been. But I’ve said before he should do so because we, as a nation, have been extremely concerned about the lack of transparency from our elected officials. Romney Sr’s example of his open book finances should be a characteristic that Romney should have embraced enthusiastically… most especially in these times.

So I give Romney no pass for engaging in the same type of behavior that I find appalling from the current occupant of the WH. It’s not about “proof”. It’s about demonstrating the transparency we want from our leaders. It’s about showing a clear difference between Bozo and Emmett the Clown, both running for the nation’s highest office.

Instead, by stubbornly avoiding something really quite simple – which his father made of point *not* to do – Romney gave the opposition the chance to suggest he’s hiding something when he could have diffused it right out of the gate. He was always going to be portrayed as a heartless, uber-rich vulture capitalist who would focus on policies designed to help the rich get richer. Now they’ll just be adding “secretive” to that predictable portrayal. And that error lies solely on the Romney campaign decision making.


I couldn’t agree with your more Mata.

It’s really quite revealing to watch people become carbon copies of what they claim to despise in others.

We see it with this smear of Harry Reid’s dead father just as we see it in the pursuit, intimidation, bullying, and harassment of a guy who made an ass of himself in a Chick-fil-A drive thru.

The idea that those who claim to be Conservative would willingly and, yea, gleefully crawl down into the gutter while still attempting to claim the high ground is the height of absurdity and demonstrates a complete lack of self-awareness.


I said this campaign would be the filthiest any of us has seen and it has become that. I left a reality calling card in the sentence but I make absolutely no apologies as Reid has said he has blessing of the White House. They are scum and riding the PC unicorn is not going to win this election.

drj: I said this campaign would be the filthiest any of us has seen and it has become that. I left a reality calling card in the sentence but I make absolutely no apologies …snip…

Wow… revelation. Who but only you would see that this would be a dirty campaign? Thank you for being the ominpotent seer for we stupid folk, drj.

Thanks but no thanks. You do me no favors when you make an already dirty campaign further slimey with personal attacks such as these. I realize you didn’t dream this up yourself, since two before you did the same. But you, like Costello, did decide to focus on Reid’s father with this attack by your headline. You one upped Costello when you laughingly accused the Obama campaign of “oozing slime”.

This type of behavior – going off the path of dirty politics and into personal family tragedies – doesn’t give conservatives any moral superiority. You’re simply just showing the world that the right is hypocritical as well… just with a different tinge to it. Otherwise how can you complain about Obama’s lack of transparency, then defend Romney’s lack of transparency? How can you complain about personal attacks on Palin, then do the same to Reid via his father?

You either want our leaders… of either party… to be forthcoming, or not. You either stay within the political arena and avoid personal, familia attacks, or you don’t.

This error is Romney’s. He should have taken a cue from his father and delivered a clear and distinct difference between the opaque loser currently occupying the Oval Office, and the transparent POTUS that Romney intends to be. Had he done so, he would have disarmed the Dems for this sort of attack.

Unfortunately, what I’m seeing is that Romney, who has already shown us his own penchant for dirty politics via the primary, demonstrates as much reluctance to a free purveyance of his financials that Obama does INRE his own past in sundry arenas. I find nothing to defend in that behavior. I am bipartisan in my criticism of no transparency.

@Aye: John McCain put your advice to wonderful use.

Mata, your: Can we expect another little ditty that will somehow evoke Ms. Reid’s stage two breast cancer diagnosis? is a good question.
That would be below low, if it happens.
Meanwhile back to issues.
Harry Reid has long backed with OUR money the companies represented by his various children…..whether or not that is good or bad for our nation.
He even said of a competitor’s energy company:
“I don’t think NV Energy has done enough to allow renewable energy to thrive.”
This while NV Energy had exceeded the state mandate of 15% renewable energy!
OTOH, a Chinese company Harry played a key role in recruiting to Nevada, ENN Mojave Energy LLC., is represented by one of Harry’s sons, Rory Reid.
A CHINESE company!
All the panels come from CHINA.
The CHINESE want a million energy customers in NV but cannot get them at the price they charge, hence the Reid-backed gov’t cash.
Reid claims that someday we (the Chinese or us?) we produce solar energy cheaper, so it needs backing.
He’s both squandering our assets and rewarding a family member on our dime.

Nan G, all of those are justifiable political assaults, and none of them using guttural tactics. Couldn’t agree more. As I said, there is little I like about Reid and even less I’d spend time defending. But I have my limits of slime to which I believe anyone should stoop for political expediency.

As someone once said, “If they bring a knife, you bring a gun. Punch back twice as hard. Punish your enemies.”


It’s really quite revealing to watch people become carbon copies of what they claim to despise in others.

Oh, the old “A man defending himself from force is just as bad as the initiator of force” theory. Frankly, I’m getting sick of this moral equivalence fallacy. What we’re doing here is using the same Alinsky techniques against the left that they use against us. Apparently, you think that makes us “bad people”.

This is a war for America, not some parlor game. Suck it up.

@MataHarley: How can yo.u complain about personal attacks on Palin, then do the same to Reid via his father?

Easy. Harry channeled Mitt’s father first. He’s earned it. And had the White House distanced itself from Reid I would not have posted this.

drj: Easy. Harry channeled Mitt’s father first. He’s earned it.

Let’s try this again. George Romney was a politician who set the precedent for financial disclosure and transparency to constituents by releasing 12 years of tax returns. Apparently the father felt that transparency of his finances was a positive. It was this that Reid was addressing, and remains in the realm of politics since George was a politician with a record of honest and open disclosure in his political style. The son is not following in his father’s open and transparent footsteps, and feels the need to only provided selected and spotty financial records.

That’s all fine and dandy, however that will leave him vulnerable to accusations as to what exactly what he may be hiding in the missing years. Fair game, and you’d be doing exactly the same if Obama did it.

It’s a desperate stretch to equate this to you, Costello and Malcolm saying that Reid’s father commited suicide because he was ashamed of what his son might do.

No, he didn’t “earn it”. But you three, at least, earned the award for Palin’esque type slime tactics in this election season. Congrats.

You might want to address the larger point, tho you seem reluctant to do so. How do you, with a straight face, condemn the personal attacks on the Palin family, and gleefully engage in them on Reid’s family? How do you deplore and criticize Obama’s lack of transparency for sundry records, and not do the same for Mitt’s selected financial disclosures?

Credibilty = zero

BTW, the CNN Money article I linked above pointed out precisely why following in Dad’s footsteps would be a political plus in these times of distrust for politicians.

[George] Romney paid a lot of tax during the 12 years in question, although his average tax rate varied dramatically from year to year. It hit a high of 45.8% in 1961 and a low of 16.5% in 1966. Over the total period, however, it averaged 37%.

What might Mitt Romney learn from his father’s experience with tax disclosure?

Romney Jr. should take a lesson from Romney Sr. and take the risk of public disclosure. He should challenge the Buffett Rule head-on, offering up his own Romney rule in honor of his father: “No presidential candidate should be afraid to confront the electorate with the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it might be for either of them.”

In vague terms, Mitt Romney has already flirted with that approach. When pressed by reporters about his use of loopholes, Romney said: “I can tell you we follow the tax laws, and if there’s an opportunity to save taxes, we, like anybody else in this country, will follow that opportunity.”

That’s entirely reasonable. And he should go even further.

Who wouldn’t welcome excessive candor from a presidential candidate on this issue? It would place the blame for Romney’s (presumably) low tax rate where it belongs: on Congress and the IRS. It would end all the distracting chatter about what Romney might or might not be hiding. And most important, it would make him seem like a stand-up guy.

Of course, it would take a certain amount of guts, too. But isn’t that something we want in our president?

Missed opportunity. Dumb mistake on the Romney campaign’s part.

@MataHarley: By holding out baits, he keeps him on the march; then with a body of picked men he lies in wait for him. Sun Tzu

Do you think that perhaps this is Romney’s intention with the bait being the tax returns? Team Obama spends time and money going after a non issue and then when those tax returns are released and there is no wrongdoing shown, their insinuations will look foolish. In the end, they will have less cash on hand during the last couple of months of the campaign.

Just a thought.


Dumb mistake… unless he wants to lose like McCain did. Then? Brilliant move.

He loses, he remains “filthy rich”, massive internet data spy center built in his state (that’s the envelope Marcellus Wallace hands to Butch in Pulp Fiction, in the “Are you my nigga?” scene.), and he’s “kickin’ it in the Caribbean.”

I don’t think for a second that this is outside the realm of probability.

Butch killed his opponent in the ring after this scene. McCain didn’t. Romney won’t. They know who is buttering their bread.

…and probably threatening their lives and that of their families.

In the Soviet Union, the people most afraid of the State were the people who worked for it.

They knew more than even the average Vlad, what the State will do if you don’t go along.

Romney probably has been shown pictures of his wife from obviously covert locations from within his home, and videos of his grandkids playing with government agents at the park.

No, I’m not joking.

That. is where we’re at, now.

Dr. John,

You’re a pig for making light of Reid’s father’s suicide.

@rockybutte: Thank Reid and Obama. It’s outrageous for the Senate leader to libel a Presidential candidate from the Senate floor. Now we play by their rules.

We all ready know that Romney didn’t even release his complete return for 2010—what are you hiding Mit.

@Liberal1 (objectivity): What’s your point?? Is this required?? Show me the requirement?? Is 0-bama blocking documents requested?? Put up or shut up. Just because you spew doesn’t mean I believe. All you have to do is prove your point!! I’m waiting.

Mata, I tend to agree, for the most par.

However, we are no longer in a Gentleman’s Debate, we’re not in a shouting match, we’re in no rough rivalry and we’re not facing each other with Maquis of Queensbury rules.

Figuratively, we’re in bloody, horrid trench warfare; our tools must be the bayonet, butt-plate, knife, cudgel, shovel or wooden spoon, if necessary. This is not the time to worry about clean finger nails. If clean nails are the concern of too many, then the likelihood of the ‘figurative’ becoming ‘literal’ is extremely high.

Okay, hyperbole done.

That people are so distracted by the Harry Reid claims is unfortunate. He has been selected as Obama’s alter-target. Democrats, in their strategy to hide the truth of Obama’s failures, have decided that Reid will “take the heat” for senseless accusations against Romney. He has said something so caustic that it has raised the ire of the GOP like hitting a bee’s nest–and served to focus attention away from the real problem — Obama!.

When are the GOP going to know that they are being used. With all of the time spent on Reid, less time is spent on the failed policies of Obama. The solution is simple: respond to Reid’s accusations about Romney sternly and seriously, and then return to criticizing Obama for the many, many, many faults and failures he has hexed upon the American public. To be sure, Obama’s is definitely comparable to Carter’s failed re-election. Concentrate on Obama’s miserable record and Obama will lose; he’ll fall hard.