Obama’s unconvincing feint to the center [Reader Post]


Reading President Obama’s piece in the Wall Street Journal last week made me think of something Tom Dye, one of my Political Science professors at Florida Sate used to say when discussing the Soviet approach to arms negotiations: “If it’s someone’s goal to kill you, you should not be surprised to discover that they are more than willing to lie about it in the first place.” That basic truth of that statement seems fairly obvious, but it’s a lesson liberals never learned during the Soviet era and President Obama demonstrates he thinks Americans have not learned it today.

He starts off paying homage to the free markets that he rightly acknowledges allowed the United States to become the most prosperous nation in the history of the world. He then goes on to (again accurately) state that it is our entrepreneurial spirit that is the key to our continued leadership in the world.

The remainder of the piece involves his demonstrating for us his understanding that too much government regulation can be a hindrance to those free markets and can suffocate entrepreneurship. He talks about regulatory excess and highlights how agencies can even work at cross purposes to one another. He also discusses his plan to sign an executive order that will instruct federal agencies to reduce excessive regulation, eliminate redundancy and repeal regulations that are obsolete.

The take away from this piece however is that President Obama thinks Americans are incapable of logical thought. He says all the right things, but few people paying attention will believe a word of it.

The President’s stated willingness to destroy the coal industry, his nationalization of the auto industry and his administration’s threats to business leaders who go off script might suggest to a reader that he may not be quite the fan of the free markets as he suggests. It is the 5th paragraph however that puts a lie to the entire piece: Over the past two years, the goal of my administration has been to strike the right balance. And today, I am signing an executive order that makes clear that this is the operating principle of our government.

After rubbing one’s eyes and re-reading that two sentence paragraph then re-checking the byline you have no choice to conclude that either President Obama is a victim of body snatchers or he thinks you were born yesterday. The President’s assertion that his administration has been a model for good governance and balanced regulation is like someone beating you to a pulp and then proclaiming himself a pacifist.

President Obama’s first two years could hardly have been any less balanced had Ralph Nader been sitting in the Oval office. The examples of the President’s duplicity are legion.

  • His FCC Chairman, Julius Genachowski has moved forward with rules to regulate the Internet despite a court ruling in April explicitly stating the Commission had exceeded its authority.
  • His EPA, led by Lisa Jackson was a regulation machine. Not only did it seek to regulate CO2 (the stuff we exhale) as a pollutant but it also decided that states that disagreed with its air quality rules (Texas in this case) would simply lose their ability to issue industry permits within its borders.
  • He appointed a Pay Czar to dictate salaries for private companies, some of whom were forced to take loans from Uncle Sam.
  • His (recess) appointment of Andy Stern’s right hand man, Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board did not suggest a balanced approach to a free market America. Becker once said “employers should have no right to be heard” in cases before the Board, which supervises union elections, investigates labor practices and most ominously, issues rulings that interpret the National Labor Relations Act.

Then there is of course the minor issue of the 159 new bureaucracies, agencies, boards, commissions, and programs that ObamaCare creates, not to mention the myriad mandates such as the one requiring restaurant companies with more than 20 locations to list their nutritional information virtually everywhere but on the toilet paper. Then there are the 1099’s. And of course, not to be forgotten is the unknown number of agencies and regulations that Dodd Frank – one of the most far reaching and incomprehensible financial laws ever passed – will produce. Together these two laws alone – all 4,000 pages of them – will produce strangling regulation for almost 1/4 of our economy.

Given that the beginning of the 2012 election cycle has just begun no one should be surprised that the President is seeking to paint himself as a centrist once again. No doubt his SOTU speech will be full of rhetoric that tacks to the right. It certainly worked well three years ago. Now however, despite a still fawning media, we have demonstrable proof that Barack Obama is nothing but a man of the far left. There’s an old saying: “Trick me once, shame on you; Trick me twice, shame on me.” The question is, how many Americans are going to be sufficiently gullible to take the President’s words at face value and disregard Ronald Reagan’s advice of “Trust but verify?” Hopefully fewer than did in 2008.

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When Obama and co start to resist spending cuts, drilling for oil when gas is over $3, pushing for C&T thru regulatory fiat, people will remember.

California Democratic Rep. Loretta Sanchez has proposed removing Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords from the House Armed Services Committee. Question did she propose to nominate Raul Grijalve?
Somehow the MSM will blame this on Republicans.

Commies and muslims always lie to achieve their goals. Anything coming from Obama’s mouth is pure bullshit.

Obama STILL doesn’t get it

The president appealed to his own party by saying he wants to increase infrastructure investments and expand educational opportunities, advance clean energy by cutting off tax breaks for oil companies

In other words, more government spending…driving up the price of gas, subsidizing “green energy,” and subsidizing education rather than reforming it.

Those trying to give him another chance and the gullible will buy into his BS. The rest of us understand what he really means.

Vince, this is one of your best.
Thank you.

tee shirt meme for SOTU address:


Yeah, where were the snazzy t-shirts?

Great article, Vince

Minuteman #3 The voice of the far right.Hell,maybe the voice of F.A.? Is it any wonder Obama is up in the polls?

There are always the ignorant who believe everything they are told little Dickie! Just look at the followers of Jim Jones. Where did they end up? Oh yes, they drank the kool aid!

Randy I take it you’re an Obama is a “commie and a Muslim” F.A.’er. Brilliant.Who else we got? Don’t be shy.

@rich wheeler: Little Dickie, where did you get that! I must have hit the auto response button. Couldn’t have been any logical thought behind your response!

Randy It appeared you were agreeing with Minuteman’s post in #3. Yea or nay on his beliefs?

If you look at what Minute Man said, “commies and moslems lie to achieve their goals” is true. Neither one said Obama is a moslem or a commie. He is a socialist and was born a Moslem since that was the religion of his father. He was even registered as a Moslem in Indonesia when he went to school, Both commies and Moslems are encouraged and in some cases required to lie to achieve their goals. Read the Quaran.

Rich misses Braindead rob so much he’s decided to become a troll just like him.
Rich has been very menstrual since the Tucson shootings. I guess finding out his dems aren’t the wonderful people he pretends they are has upset him. Rather than deal with those facts he attacks us to avoid thinking.

Randy You say Minuteman wasn’t referring to Obama in #3..Right.What else you trying to sell.A Kenyan birth perhaps? Obama proclaims he’s a Christian.That works in my Church.

HardRight I believe those who call the POTUS a commie or a Muslim or are “birthers” need to be called out for their stupidity or worse.Fortunately, the large majority of American voters see through such ignorance.

Anyone who wishes to see what Obama is about politically can peruse his rotten books he has written and check out who Obama (Barry Sotero) associated with (Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright, etc.). This is PROOF POSITIVE that Obama is a socialist, if not an out right communist.

From time to time recently we have heard that so-and-so BELIEVE??? that Obama was born in Hawaii. WE DO NOT NEED OBAMA’S BIRTH CERTIFICATE TO KNOW THAT OBAMA IS NOT A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN. Obama’s father WAS NOT a citizen of the United States; therefore, OBAMA IS NOT A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN. The propaganda from Hawaii’s governor and recently from others is an attempt to end the debate. But like the Tea Party, the “Birthers” will not cease and desist from insisting that Obama be removed for failure to qualify according to our Constitution.

What is incredible is that ALL of those who have uttered that Obama is qualified have been sworn to uphold the Constitution. Like the vial and corrupt Nixon, Obama should be removed immediately.

Talk about Muslim and Islam…..
Did anyone note that, up until minutes before the SOTU, Obama had been planning to talk about the FIVE PILLARS in his speech?

U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) previewed the speech and lauded President Obama’s five “pillars” for ensuring America’s competitiveness and economic growth: innovation, education, infrastructure, deficit reduction, and reforming government.

I saw a bunch of news articles about that before he gave the SOTU, but mercifully, someone talked some sense into him about how it would have fed into the theme of him being Muslim.
And he cut it all out.

Randy says ” commies and Moslems(sic) are encouraged to lie to achieve their goals” What’s that got to do with the POTUS?

Let me splain things to all you lefties. Obama was raised by both Communists and muslims. He is a blend of both. It is what he believes and we who have vowed to preserve this Republic are on to you and the rest of the useful idiots/ragheads.

Randy see#19 Minuteman speaks again. Any questions? My question is who at F.A. is signing on with him?
Silence connotes acceptance. Mata,A.C.,Word.,Curt.Missy,Nan G You onboard with minuteman26?

Rich, you have crossed over to blatant hypocrisy. At no point did you condemn what your democrat cohorts were doing when they slandered Republicans for the shooting in Tucson.
Now because someone claims he’s a communist and a Muslim, you accuse us of supporting him because we don’t jump all over his comments?
You really are becoming just like braindead rob. You smear everyone on this site because one person posted something you don’t like. You know where you can shove your faux outrage.

@rich wheeler: My mother told me that you cannot argue with ignorance. Silence in this instance equals following my mother’s advice.

@rich wheeler:

Silence connotes acceptance.

Wait….what? Let me get this straight now….

Somewhere in the shallow recesses of your mind your two brain cells collided with one another and reached the conclusion that if I (or the others you singled out) don’t directly respond to each and every idea expressed on this site then we’re somehow condoning, accepting, and agreeing with the ideas that are expressed in those posts?

Is that right Mr. Wheeler? Is that what you’re saying?

If that’s true, then the reverse must be true as well: If you or one of the other Leftists that frequent FA post some mentally vacuous inanity and I, or Mata, or Curt, or Missy, or NanG don’t respond to it….then our “silence connotes acceptance” of those ideas as well?

In either case, you’re out of your effing mind my friend.

Finally, I find it especially amusing that you, Mr. Wheeler, level this criticism after you didn’t speak up against the false accusations of racism leveled by your failed lawyer buddy last week. Not only did you not speak up when you had the golden opportunity…you chose instead the obverse route, speaking up in defense of the fella who leveled those false accusations.

If “silence connotes acceptance then what does defending the indefensible connote?

So much sweet, delicious irony and richly toasted hypocrisy here.

Oil Guy: Together we ride the rails, oh my! That would be so funny, if it wasn’t so close to reality in so many different respects.

It isn’t being realistic to say that Commies and Muslims don’t lie. It is the final result that matters to both groups: how you reach that goal is immaterial.

Is Obama a Marxist? We have never had a president appoint so many Marxists to non-conformational positions. We have never had a president that was raised by Marxists and mentored by Marxists.

Is he a Muslim? If he is, he refuses to own up to the fact, but we have never had a president with a Muslim father; although, his father seems to have had almost no interaction as a father.

These issues will probably be debated well into the future, with no resolution, like the grassy knoll in Dallas. Certainly, the people of the US are watching very closely for Socialist moves and overtures and the president will have a great deal of difficulty imposing anymore policies that resemble Socialism. Appointing Marxists to positions within his administration will be a kiss of Judas, the American people are now very much aware of the presidential tricks and strategy. Thus the move to the center and the friendliness to business, it seems to be a move borne out of desperation rather than a philosophical change of direction. If he can pull off the next election, he can resume the former ideological path that seems so similar to Marxism.

Rich, have you read Obama’s own writings?
He was interviewed by the New York Times and stated that he thought the Muslim call to prayer is the loveliest sound on planet earth.
He may have changed the name of his communist mentor in Hawaaii but we know they guy testified under oath to being a member of the communist party.
Now, do Muslims feel free to lie to further Islam’s control over the earth?
Taqiyya is a policy in Islam.
Taqiyya is LYING or DISSEMBLING for the furtherance of Islam.
Now, what about Communists?
Ever hear of Marxist Revisionist History?

It got that name because the early Soviet Union controlled the newspaper.

Marxist Revisionist History by regime-sponsored historians who try to say that well-established atrocities did not take place or the perpetrators are to be excused. Holocaust denial, the argument that the Nazi Final Solution or Holocaust or Shoah (the attempt to kill all the Jews) never happened, is the most widespread. Other examples could be the denying the Turkish “genocide” against Armenians during World War I, the Japanese atrocities and war crimes against civilian populations and prisoners-of-war during World War II, or mass-murder and widespread political persecution under the Soviet Union.

And when someone was on the outs he was simply airbrushed off the newspaper page!
Here Trotsky, Lev Kamenev and Artemy Khalatov were edited out.

(In this case it was the recently executed Nikolai Yezhov.)

Ain’t nothing worse than messing with reality thusly.
Yeah, commies lie.

Has Obama been caught lying?
Oh, yeah!
Why do you think people refer to all his ”promises” as having expiration dates?

Skooks and Nan G Thanks for your honest answers.
Aye Your caustic response was anticipated. I did agree with most all Brob posted and feel he got an un called for bum’s rush while those extremists on the right can say whatever the hell they want with little or no adult supervision.MEA CULPA RE. your qualified approval of Obama’s Tucson speech.I believe you found fault with the tee shirts and behavior of the unwashed masses re. students in attendance.
Randy Silence is all you got.Minuteman CLEARLY RESTATED his beliefs.

*hands rich wheeler a crying towel*

I see Rich, you think we’re racists and like Braindead, repeatedly slandering everyone here that you disagree with is ok to you. Thanks for showing your true colors. Like I’ve said, you’re following in his hypocritical footsteps quite well.
As to the issues, I don’t owe you any explanation. If you want to see my stance on them, look them up yourself.

If we are so racist, extreme, and unfair, then leave. If you stay then that tells me you either don’t believe what you’ve been trowelling out, or you’re here to troll.

Hard Right If I thought everyone at F.A. believed the crap you and minuteman regurgitate I’d been gone long ago.But I know that’s not true and I’ve learned alot about true Conservative principles and values from some posters I truly respect.

Speaking of posters, the one I like the best, I think is that Farrah Fawcett poster from the 70’s. You know the one, it must have been cold in the photo studio that day…

I see the whining curmudgeon succeeded in distracting the readers with nonsense, thereby destroying Vince’s outstanding and well put together topic.

Back to the topic:

And today, I am signing an executive order that makes clear that this is the operating principle of our government.

Which was unnecessary, redundant, didn’t Reagan do the same thing and his order is still on the books?
So, we get lip service about cleaning up the books all the while he was piling on as fast as he and the booted Congress could go. As has proven true, “don’t pay attention to what he says, pay attention to what he does.”

Missy’s FA public service, rather than having to scroll through the whining, you can check back on Vince’s topic with a click:

Obama’s unconvincing feint to the center [Reader Post]

Rich Whiner, aka b-rob II, my views are very similar to most here including those you “respect”. Feel free to call me an extremist if it keeps you from soiling your diaper.
BTW, you can’t even admit to being a progressive so you trying to tell me what I am is amusing.

As for obama, he’s a socialist. Even in his pretend desire to move to the center he can’t hide it as his SOTU speech shows. I predict he will continue doing what he has been.

Aye I thought the hurt feelings report was outstanding.Thanks for the great laugh this morning.After I take a beach run and hit the gym I’ll see if I can get that filled out for you.

Semper Fi and enjoy the day

Obama’s published writings and his family background indicate that socialist thought figured heavily in his formative years. He has written that those he have cultivated as friends during his college days were communists and assorted radicals. Others who knew him in those days report that his political leanings were devoutly Marxist. During the years of his political life, he has always had the support and endorsement of the various socialist political parties from the Chicago New Party to the Socialist Party USA. His appointments are replete with avowed communists and assorted radicals.

His college writings have been effectively sealed from public exposure.That would imply that it might be politically inconvenient to open them them to scrutiny. It would take a fool to believe that the evidence should be ignored and that Barack is a free market capitalist moderate liberal.

We all know that no-one can openly espouse socialism and succeed in a national election in America today. This is why the term “progressive” was resurrected from the early 20th century elitists to couch American collectivism in a more palatable guise.

As to religion, Marxism is incompatible with any traditional belief in a deity, so I am inclined to agree with Ann Coulter. Obama is an atheist with an early Moslem upbringing and an awareness that the only religion that is currently electable in America must resemble Christianity.

Most of those who aspire to public office present a false image for the sake of electability. The fourth estate has served to uncover the real face of many politicians. Unfortunately, today’s legacy media is populated almost exclusively by those who are more in agreement with progressivism and the religion of political correctness than the traditional religions. So no “mainstream” outlets bother to ask the pertinent questions.

IMHO, anyone who refuses to accept that Obama is a socialist is either being disingenuous or is purposely uninformed or is really stupid. Naivete is just too lame an excuse.

The original theory of getting the world to communism was to go from thesis, to antithesis to dialectic.
In other words, what Obama is trying to do in his SOTU.
He was able to use thesis when he had both houses of Congress pushing his agenda through for him.
Then he went to bypassing Congress via regulations which are allowing his czars to push through his agenda without being touched by the Legislative Process.
Now, via his SOTU, Obama is trying to use dialectic, pure lies.
His feint to the center harkens us back to his stolen ”Words, just words,” speech. *

He used the term ”investment” where he meant ”spending.”
But, woe to the Republican who points that out!
They are in for a grand mocking!

He has made plans to take over pharmaceutical research.
Does he realize that every successful drug put on the marketplace has to pay for all of the thousands of blind alleys that led to it?
Will the government waste precious taxpayer money developing drugs for all of the so-called ”orphan diseases?”

He talked about high-speed rails.
We have one planned for CA’s central valley.
One problem…..no, many problems.
25% unemployment there because no water=no farming jobs.
And no money for the project.
And the supposedly Native American building contractor turned out to be a front for non-minority workers.
And no demand for that route.
Even in good times.

Obama claimed a partnership with business.
But he didn’t mean it.
His partnership is with a few business people, like Imelt of GE.
Look at what happened to Caterpillar, who Obama called out as special to him in his job-creating (or saving) days.
Caterpiller kept losing jobs!

Obama was totally dishonest about education.
He pointed up a school in Colorado with an excellent (97%) graduation rate for its seniors.
BUT, that one school in Colorado was allowed to FIRE tenured teachers!
Obama won’t allow that on a large scale, will he?

All words, just words.
In sailing we call it tacking.
First to the right, then to the left, then eventually you get where you wanted to go.


Hard Right If I thought everyone at F.A. believed the crap you and minuteman regurgitate I’d been gone long ago.But I know that’s not true and I’ve learned alot about true Conservative principles and values from some posters I truly respect.

Honestly, Rich, I think your anger is somewhat misdirected. I personally have a grudging respect for minuteman26. Let’s celebrate someone who is honest about the way he feels and isn’t hiding it behind a bunch of ‘wink wink’ plausible deniability. In a perfect (internet) world, it would be so refreshing not to have to endure all the code layers one normally has to navigate while discussing the myriad reasons some find reason to hate Barack “Hussein” Obama.

Did B-rob really get banned? FA doth protest too much methinks.

Try this on for size, Tom:

I loathe Obama because his Marxist leaning policies are damaging the country that I love.

Clear enough?

BTW, there were very good reasons B-Rob got banned – after repeated warnings.


FA doth protest too much methinks.

Speak up Tom… Say what you mean man… because, you know, “in a perfect (internet) world, it would be so refreshing not to have to endure all the code layers one normally has to navigate while [wading through] the myriad” layers of intellectual dishonesty and obfuscation associated with the ideologically blinded supporters of TelePromTer Jesus.

Come on out with what you have to say instead of hiding behind “a bunch of ‘wink wink’” carefully parsed insinuations.

Tom lecturing anyone on character is the height of hypocrisy.

Tom has shown he will defend the left no matter what they do.


and get myself banned? That would be convenient for you, knowing your preference for a bully-friendly environment and your glass jaw when hit with reality, but it doesn’t seem to fair to me now, does it?


What a twerp, in the years I’ve posted here, other than sockpuppets, very few posters have been banned. Maybe five after they’ve ignored warnings, not all have been liberals. Considering the numbers that have posted here, banning is an insignificant event.

Seems odd that a whiner would want to be posting in a “bully-friendly environment” fearing unfair banishment. Living on the edge, eh Tommy? Pfft!

Ummmm Tom, you were the one who attacked the site for banning b-rob. Yet you didn’t know why. Gee a leftist criticizing without knowing what they are talking about. That is sooooo rare. (roll eyes)

@Hard Right:

Where am I attacking the site? I am merely observing and attempting to follow its norms, so as not to be banned. I actually think I have a pretty firm handle on it: Conservatives can call all Muslims liars and use terms like “ragheads” with impunity, because, hey, it’s free speech. Liberals cannot question the implications of a term like “manchild” because, well, that’s race baiting.

At the end of the day, it’s Curt’s site and he can do whatever he wants. So do I know what I’m talking about now?


and get myself banned? That would be convenient for you, knowing your preference for a bully-friendly environment and your glass jaw when hit with reality, but it doesn’t seem to fair to me now, does it?

Get yourself banned? Glass jaw?

Really? That’s some funny stuff right there.

Let me ask you Tommy boy…. did you get banned when you inserted race into a conversation that wasn’t even about race in order to insinuate that I was a racist?

How about when you came right out and accused Mata of being “a racist old hag”?

Did those things get you banned?

Uh…no, they didn’t.

So, not only are you being dishonest, but disingenuous and cowardly as well.

The question was answered, the race baiting continued after the warning and you are spinning the situation.

No Tom you still don’t. B-Rob made a habit of calling everyone on the site racist. He was warned to knock it off. He didn’t and as a result he got banned. Par for the course, you are talking out of your *ss yet again.
You have proven that you think we have to tolerate being slandered at every turn. Well guess what? We don’t. Banning braindead rob isn’t suppressing free speech either. That is something neither you or Rich understand.
And your your reality comment? That is just hilarious. As a leftist your entire belief system is based upon denial of reality and intolerance for those who refuse to join you in your fantasy world. You wouldn’t know reality if it bit you on the butt.

Missy, when it comes to folks like Tom their rules are:
Conservatives = always wrong
Leftists= always right

Tom As I mentioned before, at F.A. it’s a greater sin to be perceived as a race baiter (I got blasted and banned by Mike’s A. (R.I.P.) } than it is to actually be a racist. Go figure

@rich wheeler:

at F.A. it’s a greater sin to be a perceived race baiter…than it is to actually be a racist.

So, Rich, in your estimation… who, here at FA is an actual racist?

And, please, cite for us examples which support your contention.

AYE Not gonna do it pal.You,I and they know who they are. That’s enough.There are many great people here.Ban me if you must.

Semper Fi Have a great day 25th anniversary of the Challenger tradgedy.Remember it like it was yesterday