A Reality Check


During the 2008 campaign, there was a great boom in the bumper sticker business. The Liberals and Democrats were proud of their candidate and plastered a huge percentage of bumpers proclaiming their allegiance to the great half-white hope, Obama.

You don’t need to think too hard to remember those Obama stickers outnumbering the McCain stickers, it was obvious.

In a few months, we are having another presidential election and we are facing an enigma; where are all the bumper stickers? There are a few ’08 stickers, still on the road, they are the stickers on vehicles that are barely worth more than the sticker. These drivers have been gloating over the victory for as long as possible. Unfortunately, being on the winning side is the only benefit they have to celebrate after the last three years. The little guy and the downtrodden only have the faint glimmer of free health care in the future to be happy about; unfortunately, a bankrupt country and citizenry can’t support the massive costs of free unlimited health care for everyone. Where it ends up is everyone’s guess, but the truth is obvious and yet, no one dares to speak the truth, a huge aging demographic will require massive amounts of medical care in their final years. They will require the bulk of the country’s economy to support the cost of final life care; unless, they are willing to take Obama’s prescription and just take a pain pill.

Being a realist is fast becoming America’s newest fad. An indirect result of America’s gift from God (quoting the buffoon Pelosi), it seems he is not the great diplomat and leader we were promised, Surprise!

Consequently, we all know independents and Democrats who have taken off the rose colored glasses and after looking at Obama’s performance objectively, have decided they can no longer support him. Conversely, among those who voted against Obama in ’08, how many people do you know who have decided after evaluating his performance, they have decided to vote for him in this election. If you are like me, you have yet to meet this person, because he probably doesn’t exist.

Obama’s ranks are thinning out, and he can only hope to find new voters by opening the borders and by relaxing the laws designed to prevent voter fraud; does this sound like one of the great president’s of the past?

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afraid that I would be run off the road or shot at

My first inclination was to comment that libs are pretty much universally opposed to gun ownership, so your odds of being shot by one were pretty low.

Then I remembered that libs are also pretty much universally hypocrites…

@Greg, there you go projecting, again. It’s YOUR side that has no respect for other people’s property. In 2008, I had to replace the McCain/Palin sign in my yard a dozen times, because of punks like you destroying them. Never once saw ANY of the Obama/Biden signs in my neighborhood damaged.

BTW, how much is 400,000 ZimBucks worth in real money?

@Rides A Pale Horse:

We happened to see a drug bust go down last night.
The dealer used a baby carriage to store his stash so that he was not carrying more than ”personal use” amounts.
But he AND his carriage got caught.
The carriage in question had a nice Obama bumper sticker on the top.

Reminded me of the huge number of mug shots of folks wearing Obama clothing.
a sample:

Nan G.
I did not thank you for your GREEK recipy, SOUND’S GOOD, I copied it,