Obama “the job destroyer” has come even closer to not only losing all the jobs that would come with the XL Pipeline but also losing all that oil:
Canada is now looking to Asian countries to market its abundance of oil, natural gas and minerals as plans to build the proposed Keystone XL pipeline have stalled with the U.S. administration.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper will travel to China next month to discuss selling Canada’s bounty to the rapidly growing nation.
The preferred initial plan was to build the $7 billion Keystone pipeline to deliver Alberta’s oilsands crude to refineries in Texas on the Gulf of Mexico.
Harper reasoned that the U.S. government would prefer to deal with a friendly neighbor to help meet its energy needs while creating thousands of jobs.
With widespread opposition by U.S. environmentalists, the Obama administration has delayed its decision on whether to approve the project proposed by energy giant TransCanada Pipelines.
The new plan would market to China and Asian countries through the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline that would transport Alberta’s oil and natural gas to British Columbia for shipment by tankers.
Just a few days ago Obama said he would reward businesses that bring jobs into the U.S. but he won’t allow this pipeline and all the jobs to happen. As The impending strike in Nigeria, which will cause oil prices to skyrocket, shows us….we need to be getting our own oil, and making deals with friends nearby for their oil.
But not this President:
A top oil industry official delivered a clear warning to President Obama Wednesday: approve the Keystone XL pipeline or face “huge political consequences.”
…“I think it would be a huge mistake on the part of the president of the United States to deny the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline,” Gerard said during the powerful oil industry trade association’s annual “State of American Energy” event Wednesday.
“Clearly, the Keystone XL pipeline is in the national interest. A determination to decide anything less than that I believe will have huge political consequences.”
I’m not holding out hope Obama will be smart for once, he hasn’t showed any inclination to be smart on any decision he has made.

See author page
I was sure to be on the 100, when I address John Cooper I saw 99, and I was rushing like a mad dog to finish in case someone do it first, just to find I was 102, how could it be?
so I went up to find you in my 100 to be,
well, I congratulate you, really sincerely, well have ever won a might be 700,
check it up on the post; ” get off TEBOW’S…..MAYER”
PLUS a real 600 and a real 500, and a real 400,
and I’m not bragging
@ilovebeeswarzone: #103
I will trade you numbers. You are now #100 and I am #103, unless someone else wants #102. Unless I am in a race, I don’t worry about what position I am in.
This brings up a subject I never though about before: If I have a number someone wants, am I allowed to sell it to the highest bidder. This is a conservative sight, so it is free market oriented, isn’t it?
heu, the best gender win, heu, the best human win,[ scratching head?]
Its too bad I missed this dust up. I have never heard a pipeliner spew this enviro green crap and probably never will. This fake is another poison flash from the gangrene.
Has anyone heard of the 17 rail cars that ended up in Lake Wabamun, Alberta? They contained navy crude and practically ruined a beautiful lake, replete with tourist cabins and facilities.
In North Dakota, the XL pipeline is badly needed because the rail and road systems are not adequate or safe enough. I wonder if the fake pipeliner knew that?
Was wondering where you were, oil guy… tried to hold the fort down with facts in your absence. But yup… just a basement gamer, living in a fantasy world. Thought he could fool the audience.
Nothing like lettin’ ’em talk to watch them hang themselves, eh?
@oil guy from Alberta: I stopped arguing with him when he failed to understand the difference in risk between the Valdez, BP blow out and the Alaskan pipeline spills. The Ogallala aquifer is covered with loess soil. It is difficult for water to enter the aquifer let alone crude oil. You and Mata are right about the phony pipeline guy. He is just a flaming liberal. You can tell when he resorts to name calling when there is no means to refute the facts. He is full of Pelosi! http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2012/01/full-of-peolsi.html
oil guy from ALBERTA
I was hoping for you to come, It would have inflame the fuel,
with all your expertise, you keep checking in, those libs will be coming more and more to entertain here,
and they will be receive as usual, RANDY AND MATA SAVE ME SOME, THEY took him down, as he became desperate more and more, it would have been fun to have you,
@ilovebeeswarzone: #105
One time on the CB radio there was the normal guys bashing women. A woman came on and asked, “Is it true God created man just to prove SHE has a good since of humor?” I’m still laughing at that.
@Randy: #107
As I have said before: If today’s liberal speaks without reading it, they either babble on or they tell the truth, like Nancy did about the ObamaCare bill.
yes, that is funny, do you have the channel[ show case], that’s where I watch the movie yesterday men in black ll, now another one starting , sound good actions like alien just showed up, to meet a guy which
has been injected the prison death fluids and awayke in another planet.
@ilovebeeswarzone: #112
I’m not much of a movie watcher. There are too many regular shows I like, and I can’t watch them all. I record the shows and skip through the commercials so it takes less time. If there is a move I want to see, I record it and watch it that way too.
I talked to Scott, a close friend at TCP. The 12 ” major” oil spills on the original Keystone pipe line were bogus as far as damage is concerned. 10 were inside pumping stations and were on return lines to measure pressure and thus flow rate. The two outside were controlled in minutes. They construct berms where they feel they need more insurance. They don’t need any trouble in one of the most regulated industries in the history of mankind. Spill problems are alleviated quickly, with pipelines. Its the easiest system to regulate in the field and on paper. LOL.
@oil guy from Alberta: You mean there is a difference in the risk from a pipe line and a damaged tanker or a Gulf Well blow out? Gosh, only a far lefty couldn’t see that! Haven’t heard much from our fake pipeline guy lately. Wonder what happened?