Canada To Sell Their Oil To China If XL Pipeline Isn’t Approved Soon


Obama “the job destroyer” has come even closer to not only losing all the jobs that would come with the XL Pipeline but also losing all that oil:

Canada is now looking to Asian countries to market its abundance of oil, natural gas and minerals as plans to build the proposed Keystone XL pipeline have stalled with the U.S. administration.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper will travel to China next month to discuss selling Canada’s bounty to the rapidly growing nation.

The preferred initial plan was to build the $7 billion Keystone pipeline to deliver Alberta’s oilsands crude to refineries in Texas on the Gulf of Mexico.

Harper reasoned that the U.S. government would prefer to deal with a friendly neighbor to help meet its energy needs while creating thousands of jobs.

With widespread opposition by U.S. environmentalists, the Obama administration has delayed its decision on whether to approve the project proposed by energy giant TransCanada Pipelines.

The new plan would market to China and Asian countries through the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline that would transport Alberta’s oil and natural gas to British Columbia for shipment by tankers.

Just a few days ago Obama said he would reward businesses that bring jobs into the U.S. but he won’t allow this pipeline and all the jobs to happen. As The impending strike in Nigeria, which will cause oil prices to skyrocket, shows us….we need to be getting our own oil, and making deals with friends nearby for their oil.

But not this President:

A top oil industry official delivered a clear warning to President Obama Wednesday: approve the Keystone XL pipeline or face “huge political consequences.”

…“I think it would be a huge mistake on the part of the president of the United States to deny the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline,” Gerard said during the powerful oil industry trade association’s annual “State of American Energy” event Wednesday.

“Clearly, the Keystone XL pipeline is in the national interest. A determination to decide anything less than that I believe will have huge political consequences.

I’m not holding out hope Obama will be smart for once, he hasn’t showed any inclination to be smart on any decision he has made.

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well I guess you must be wearing a tin foil hat. if you can percive the intent behind the words…
Face it the pipeline got shut down for a short time untill the enviromentel studys can be done because of the Weeper of the house and the conservatards in congress and if there isn’t any problem with enviromenal impact… it will be constructed just as the Northern Border project was built.
Neither you or Randy know anything about pipelines , but I do…
bubbye… ‘:O)

apperantly neither you or Randy know that, Crude oil is a mixture of a number of known carcinogens. It consists primarily of hydrocarbons, which are chemicals composed of hydrogen and carbon, and it also contains in varying degrees substances including benzene, chromium, iron, mercury, nickel, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, toluene, and xylene. These toxins are easily absorbed through the skin through exposure by handling or even breathing it in. Children and pregnant women are especially vulnerable. It should go with out saying that the same is true for all animal life.

@x-pipeliner: So, now we know which side of the political spectrum you cling to. Since you and other “environmental know it alls” know everything, then you should be aware of the millions of acres of land and untold known environmental damage that occurs daily across the world because people like you will not allow drilling and transportation of energy here where there are some if not the most stringent environmental laws in the world. To meet energy needs, oil is then imported from foreign countries where there are little or no environmental laws. I have seen firsthand the lakes and streams of oil contaminating the environment. Indirectly, decisions like Obama’s is responsible for 1000X any pollution that could occur here.

I am aware of the contaminants in crude oil. I worked with the people on the Gulf oil spill as well as the Valdez clean-up. The Keystone XL pipeline decision was not based on anything except political capital Obama needed to bring the environmental activists onto his side. (He needs the votes.) The environmental issues had already been addressed. Accommodations were suggested to alter the route because of “fears”, not realities. Still the pipeline was blocked.

As far as jobs, if US refineries process the Canadian crude, do you think there will be more jobs than there are now? There are more than construction jobs at stake here even if we do export refined products. And since US refineries must adhere to more stringent regulations, the air quality will be much better than if it was refined in foreign countries. The difficulty with environmental activists is they lack vision. Most are well enough off financially that they do not have the impact of their activism devastate their lives. Who do you think the new EPA mercury rules on power plants will affect most? Electrical rates will at a minimum double. More manufacturing will move to other countries to compete. All this when one broken curly light bulb in your house will expose you to more mercury in your life time than all of the exposure you will have from coal fired power plants.

I guess while we are discussing environmental activism, the whole purpose behind the Kyoto protocol and the UN cap and trade efforts is to spread the wealth around the world by making manufacturing in western countries difficult, unprofitable or impossible.

@Randy: yes Randy I am on the side of the enviroment and our kids future, Nice try Randy but if there truly is environmental damage done in other countries, like… Oh??? Say the Romashkino Field in Russia (others) then it’s been and is being done by idiots like you and not because ppl in the US are made to take care of our environment so that our kids can have clean air and water tomorrow and not for the green backs today….
We in this country are not going back to the day when companies like American oil dumped hundreds of thousands of a waste byproduct called gasoline out on the ground or into lakes, creeks and rivers, just so that they could sell kerosene for lamps. The environment in the North East is still suffering the impact of that, and we certainly don’t want our rivers to catch fire like the Chicago River did…

That’s your take on the events so that you can advance your personal political agenda the truth is just what Obama said… no pipeline till the enviro studies are done because the route was changed. So the job is postponed not cancelled and Canada isn’t selling their sand oil to China. Although even if the project gets completed not one drop of that oil will find its way into US gas tanks but rather into the tanks of European, Asian and Latin American drivers . Fuel costs in the Mid West will go up because XL is an extension of the keystone 1 where there have been 12 or more oil spills in as many months past. The cheap oil will dry up in the refineries in the Mid West which will cause local fuel costs for farmers and drivers to sky rocket.

More jobs in refinery’s? No there’ll be about the same number of jobs not many if any will be created guess you never worked in a refinery and if you truly did work on the Valdeaze and BP Gulf oil clean ups you wouldn’t want that to happen ever again

not so fast; hi, you know, those you mentioned also are a part of the human body,
some people buy pills made of those chemicals to increase the amount in their body
so they can live longer and prevent diseases,
you ask for it

that has to be about the most retarded comment I have ever seen… You asked for it
Now back up your claim where can you buy “benzene, chromium, iron, mercury, nickel, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, toluene, and xylene. pills? LMAO I can see why you think that Randy is some sort of brain, It’s because you don’t have one

I see you gage your expertise on the past accidents,
you don’t think that the COMPANIES DID STAYED IDLES,
they have advanced the knowledge far up beyond your old knowledge
so this neutralze what you are afraid to happen ,
you should be aware that the COMPANIES evolve always, to be able to stay on the market, and the KEYSTONE HAVE DONE IT AND ARE WANTED, BY THE MANY STATES MENTIONED,

and the demand extending from the EASTERN AMERICANS BUSINESSES
edit; and I did not find a lightning in your own comments

I didn’t say all in one pill together, some are part of the body structure, which ever you
name and where ever it serve
I told you to look behind the words meaning before.

I’m going to make a WAG here and say that English is not your first language and try not to belittle you for it as I have enough trouble communicating in my one and only language. That being said…
Fact is the companies mentioned and unmentioned would NOT have made any sort of improvements had they not been forced to by weight of law. And while there may (or may not) have been improvements in technology that I may (or may not know about) is immaterial and nothing but a red herring argument. I do stay on top of the industry.
The law of the land (the USA) requires an environmental study to be done on the projected route of any pipeline being constructed with in our boarders. That being said … Once the route was changed to accommodate the wishes of the State of Nebraska, a new study was then required. Obama was advised that there wasn’t enough time to complete the new required study and stay inside the constraints of the agreement with the weeper of the house. So the POTUS pulled the pipelines permit until after such time as the study could be completed.
So tell me just what it is about “not right now” that do you not understand

WHAT a crock of illiterate clap trap. fact is you can’t name any pills containing the “ingredants” mentioned.

good we are changing into fun mode instead of insults,
I really don’t need any pills, but you just have to read the ingredients of the multiple bottles
of pills in the drugstore to find those, if they are not there, it mean they already in your body,

@x-pipeliner, I agree that that the Keystone Canada-US pipeline is not nixed, but postponed. I will also say that that the reason it’s being done is for Obama’s political expedience, to appease his disgruntled enviro base. At a time when the economy is hurting, and this is the best example of a shovel ready project and jobs that isn’t financed by the taxpayer, it’s one dumb approach.

A response by the POTUS that the permits would be issued, conditional on the usual safety/construction regulations (obviously) would lend a degree of business confidence, and a widening of his very narrow and detrimental energy policy.

While oil may be sold on the world market, Canada is not an OPEC nation, and therefore not subject to their price control. Secondly, the US having a trade agreement with another western, free nation to it’s north is highly superior than a dependence on hostile nations elsewhere… most especially in the volatile Middle East.

Canada, in fact, will be sending their oil to other places besides the US.. including to their own eastern provinces. It was never an exclusive to US agreement, nor should be be. But the issue is whether the US will, indeed, be able to receive some of that oil supply. Apparently, if or when Obama feels secure in his political base’s support, he’ll likely give a go ahead. Tho now the Nebraska Gov wants a decision reversal from the POTUS. Nebraska and Transcanada had agreed upon a new route, and the Gov. had been wondering if Obama’s decision required the process to start a’new. And while the federal nod of approval enables them to begin segment construction on the other areas with other completed studies, it gives Nebraska time to comply with theirs without holding up the immediate jobs needed.

Sounds perfectly logical to me for business. Tho it doesn’t do much for Obama, attempting to reclaim cred with his enviro base.

I also don’t disagree that the pipeline’s construction and it’s impact on the environment should not be sidestepped. Who said that it should? No one has, per your words, advocated that we return to days when America“…dumped hundreds of thousands of a waste byproduct called gasoline out on the ground or into lakes, creeks and rivers, just so that they could sell kerosene for lamps.” Hyperbole and leaps into imaginary chasms much?

In fact, I don’t see any person here, or anywhere in the debate en toto, that suggests such a thing.

Because only about 10% of all the crude is transported by superships (tho when they have accidents, they are bigger than other spills), the majority of spills do take place on land, and to a small degree, offshore. Pipelines are not exempt from that in their spill history.

But the decades since the Alaska pipeline was laid have been instructive. Every thing from cheap steel that corrodes more easily, the temperature of the oil declining as it travels thru the pipeline to the source, and even how a declining flow rate thru the pipeline has resulted in new challenges that need to be met, and adequately dealt with. But that’s not an impossibility, and is likely to be a part of any final permitting process.

But there’s much to be said for pipelines since, if properly monitored, the spills can be detected early and the spill contained more quickly, minimizing the damage. Unlike Exxon Valdez, or an offshore deepwater well, pipeline flows can be stopped at the source more easily. Since transporting crude is always risky, pipelines have a particular appeal for being more controllable.

Since you say you are familiar with the Alaskan pipeline, I think you can also admit that the amount of spill, compared to the volume of oil that has flowed thru that pipeline over the decades is a very small percentage. And while you single out BP on the Deepwater Horizon, I’ll add that BP has had it’s fair share of problems with their involvement in Alaska’s pipeline as well.

But as I said, this is an industry that contains many risks. The clean up and litigation for not being careful far outweigh the profits in certain instances, so I hardly find it a completely cogent argument to suggest that the Gas and Oil industry would not make certain improvements for faulty design without government regulations. In fact, most regulations only occur after an accident. A company, when it defines an engineering flaw that can cost them an arm and a leg would be apt to correct it themselves in order to to repeat the expensive faced with accidents.

This particular pipeline is part of a larger issue if the shale is to be developed since transport to the refineries still needs to be improved as well. Keystone may well be only one of future pipelines the US will need to build in order to exploit our own natural resources.

And the price will come down… just as the abundance of natural gas has been driving the price down. The more readily available (and affordably transported) raw energy resources that are available, the better the pricing… and outside of the power of OPEC. This is simple supply/demand economics 101.

The Canadian source is needed and wanted, most especially since our Mexican supply is declining. I believe Transcanada knows that the Canadian supply is a favorable bipartisan issue. Thus why they will go ahead building the state segments of the pipeline that do not require federal approval (since they won’t be joining them “interstate” or “international” yet). That indicates a confident that they will ultimately get the approval from Obama, after he’s sucked his political use of the issue out of his base, or that a new POTUS will come along who won’t play politics with our affordable energy and trade policies.

You say that your objection was confined to the route and the environmental studies. As you are aware, the route was already changed to a lesser environmentally sensitive route. As for the studies, likely to be less impact than the original route, that was always going to be a condition for any final permitting. Additionally, there is already a panacea of pipelines going thru the area.

Point is, none of this is really about “studies”. It’s all about playing politics in an election year. And what pisses most of us off that Obama places his political career over the energy, fiscal and job policies of the nation.

yes I agree with the law of the land on NOT FORCING BUT NOTIFIED THEIR DEMANDS FOR ANY BUSINESS TO sell their products, and this was met even if it was rigorous by KEYSTONE, the most rigorous ever demanded as I read and match by the KEYSTONE, so they want to do another one, okay,
where’s the beef?
as long as this doesn’t get into a political excuse to get votes, then it is becoming dishonest and not well receive by AMERICANS OUTSIDE OF THE ACTIVIST GROUP,

Well yes it is about playing politicks and the repukes are the ones that are doing the playing…
The law of the land requires the new study after the route was changed.
So the can got kicked down the road for a year because of the repukes and then the project gets built in 2013 or 14 because of the Democrats…. Not one of the unemployed today would be working on the pipeline anyway and still not one drop of oil gets turned into US Gas and in no way relieves our dependency on foreign oil. So whats yer bitch? That the POTUS is a half black man and that he’s a democrat… get over yourself the repuks shot themselves in the foot… And Obama let them

What is about the pipelines route changed and now a new study for enviromenal empact has to be completed so that a new permit can be issued, that you fail to understand…
don’t waste my time with you chaseing your tail in your circular argument…
No mather how many times you attemt to rephrse your argument… It does not chage the fact that new studies are required by law

oh really, you came here, we did not call for your bitching,
but you are within the crowd of libtards coming to insult, as soon as you find being challenged,
so now you have notice how polite and well educated this BLOG IS.
I don’t waste your time because you came here, and I live here,

Didn’t read the story about the Nebraska Gov link, eh x-pipeliner.

I’ll say it again.. no one has suggested that the new study be ignored. Let me cut paste, since you’re not inclined to click on a hotlink.

Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman said he will urge President Barack Obama to reverse his decision denying a permit for TransCanada Corp.’s Keystone XL pipeline and let construction begin in segments in U.S. border states.

Heineman, a Republican and chairman of the National Governors Association, said this approach would give his state time to conduct an environmental review without stalling the $7 billion project. He said in an interview yesterday in Seattle that he will raise the issue with Obama next month during an NGA meeting in Washington.

“The president should — I call it a conditional yes — say, ‘Yes, TransCanada, if you’re willing to move forward and take a risk that Nebraska will get it done,’ which we will, ‘you go ahead and start building from our northern border and our southern border,’” Heineman said.

The only missing segment is Nebraska. Nebraska wants the pipeline, and they will find a place to put it, and complete the studies.

However all the other states have already complied, and construction could begin on those segments immediately, which would give the US needed jobs and help the economic growth. Since you don’t seem to be too astute to economics, allow me to point out the obvious. All the risk of building a pipeline without approval of Nebraska’s segment falls on Transcanada… not the US taxpayer. In fact, if Nebraska never got the job done, US workers will have received paychecks for the work, and Transcanada would be deep in the hole.

Obviously they feel confident they can work with Nebraska, since they are willing to do just this… put the money up front.

So the can got kicked down the road for a year because of the repukes and then the project gets built in 2013 or 14 because of the Democrats…. Not one of the unemployed today would be working on the pipeline anyway and still not one drop of oil gets turned into US Gas and in no way relieves our dependency on foreign oil.

The pipeline would be built with the support of both parties, as it has it now. The missing link is the WH, and he’s even going against the support of his own Energy Secretary.

Unemployed construction workers with the proper skills would indeed be working in the states, other than Nebraska, immediately. So I have to wonder where you even get such a nonsensical notion. And of course, until the pipeline is jointed at the state borders, and across the int’l lines, no oil will get to a destination.

So what it seems you object to is allowing each of the already approved states to get a jump start on their construction so that it’s more quickly on line at the final approval, and instead wait until Nebraska is in place and only then do it all at once. Your approach delays the first refined product at the end and the value of immediate needed jobs, while the approach that Nebraska and Transcanada want to do employs immediately, and enables faster end product in the process.

Obviously you weren’t the foreman in your work… not a bit of logic there. Left to the half-baked “brilliance” you demonstrate, the US interstate highway system would have taken far longer than 35 years, rather than having the states take care of their portions in different stages.

So whats yer bitch? That the POTUS is a half black man and that he’s a democrat… get over yourself the repuks shot themselves in the foot…

Ah… so now the veiled “racist” accusation surfaces. LOL

While you attempt to make some valid points, your demeaning approach, your substandard grasp of the English language, using “tweet” spelling, and derogatory attitude towards one political side of the aisle (and personally towards commenters here) actually makes me think you’re more of a “blow out” than a credible poster. Few retirees are children of twitter language, and watching you progress throughout all your comments… or would that be regress to that of a petulant child… makes me believe there is little you say about yourself that bears resemblance to truth. More than likely, a young, rabid environmentalist/Obama cyber attack dog dedicated to lifting/posting data from other websites to pass off as your fake persona.

I’ve rarely encountered such vemon from one who despises his career industry to the degree you obviously do. Perhaps you hated what you say you did so much has made you the obviously rigid personality – sans foresight beyond your own erroneous visions – today. Dunno. But let’s just say that if you hated the oil and gas industry so much, it’s a good thing they gave you a job. Because social skills and civil, educated commentary ain’t your forte…

@MataHarley: Thank you MATA. I was growing tired of the ignorance. I think you hit it right. X Pipeline is a fraud. Any one who compares a pipeline spill to the Valdez and BP incidences is a far left environmental activist. A true professional would consider the risk associated with each incidence and weight them.

No problem, @Randy. After watching this one don the noose voluntarily, and then continue to tighten it itself, I’d had just about enough of the posturing.

yes, and I’m glad you came in to finish the work, as you do so well,
thank you for your expertize, at the right time,

@ilovebeeswarzone: #38
If Fox News had only conservative commentators for the news, they would be like the propaganda media: Telling only one side of each story. They call themselves, “Fair and balanced, and unafraid.” If they only had conservative commentators, they would have to say, “We are the other propaganda media.” I have learned to tune some people out when they are on camera and I don’t want to listen to them. When they come on, I think of something else until they are done.

yes a good advice, usually it doesn’t bother me, but he was really in offensive mood,
and hyper,angry, too much for a fair answer, It look like he had a few drink,, that usually increase a mood, angry or happy, depending on what happen, don’t you think?
wow I’m looking at a STEVEN SPIELBERG MOVIE JUST BEGINNING, A BUNCH OF ALIEN snakes, turning into human with that comedian black very funny and very well known, his name elude me . you tell me is it SMITH?

@ilovebeeswarzone: #72
I don’t watch too many of today’s movies and I don’t know which movie you are referring to. I am guessing you mean Will Smith.

WILL SMITH. YES, I was close enough, he is so good COMEDIAN, I have seen other movies of him too,
this one is the craziest movie, a pug dog speak, a science fiction, you have to see that one
I just found the name; MEN IN BLACK ll
thank you for the name. I haven’t watch movies for quite a bit, I just got the satellite install a couple of days ago,

@ilovebeeswarzone: #74
I saw Men In Black and Men In Black II a long time ago. When I was an over the road truck driver and had time to kill before getting my next load assignment or I couldn’t deliver early, I would kill the time at a truck stop. Most of them have a movie room now. That is where I saw most of my movies.

I never had cable, but now that I am retired I also have satellite. I have been a TVaholic for a long time. If I have time to kill, that is the best way for me to do it.

yes, I missed the tv,and when I moved out, this small town, it took a month to get the phone and computer, so I waited after the HOLYDAYS to get the tv connected.,
who is that other white actor very well known, he plays the tuff guy

he is well known and is a southern actor, always in though guy movies, as a detective or law officer
bye I won’t ask for more , promisse,
his name is at the tip of my tongue

@ilovebeeswarzone: #76
I don’t know who he is. Sorry.

thank you just the same, you would recognize him just by looking at him,
he is so well known, I know is name but not tonight, and it give me a bug when I forget a name of an ACTOR,
it will come back and I’ll tell you when it does

@ilovebeeswarzone: #79
I’m lousy at names. I can watch a movie and if the main characters names aren’t mentioned very often, I can’t tell you what they are right after the movie. Not their actual names, the ones in the movie.

What was the difference between the Valdez and BP oil spill and an oil pipeline rupture? You gotta be kidding, only a uber reichist marooon of the nth degree or an eco-terrorist (but I digress) could not see that they differ only in the amount of oil spilled and possibly the location. The damage done is of the same type only contained to a smaller area. And if you truly had worked on the Valdez and BP clean up you wouldn’t want to see that happen again in any amount any where in the world, so I very much doubt that you have ever ventured to set a toe very far from yourapartments living room and computer keyboard…

I suggest that you use a dictionary Marta and look up the word “racist” should you choose to do so you’ll find that you’ll be hard pressed to fit that word to anything I said.
But then I did notice that you didn’t deny being one yourself …
So I repeat, “ get over yourself”, your conservatard leaders in the house and senate shot themselves in the foot over this one, and your wasting your time trying to blame anyone but them for the postponement of the XL.

Oh yes, and Marta, I really loved my career, and my career enhanced my love of and for the environment. Because I spent so much time in both.
That in no way means that I should love what can happen in an oil spill
if you were to get out in the enviroment more you might see what I mean

Educated? LMAO I have rarely found so many uneducated conservatard trolls located in one spot in my whole life.
Showing you up for the nit wits that you are is fun for awhile but becomes boring very quickly sort of like killing ants with a magnifying glass…

“President Obama put the health and safety of the American people and our air, lands and water — our national interest — above the interests of the oil industry,” Frances Beinecke, president of the Natural Resources Defense Council, said in a statement.

Why deny Keystone now? The reason a decision is being made today is that under the payroll tax deal reached last month, House Republicans gave President Obama 60 days to either approve or deny the pipeline.
In November the administration delayed a decision on the pipeline until 2013 .

President Obama put the health and safety of the American people and our air, lands and water — our national interest — above the interests of the oil industry…

Oh my heavens… Yes I see it now!!! How terrible that any one should put the health and safety of the American people and our air, lands and water and our national interest above the interests of the oil industry…

@x-pipeliner, well I see you’ve re’emerged to double down on your accusation of racism because someone dares to not like this POTUS energy policies, perpetuate your fantasy career, and dodge what I pointed out in @my comment #67 that the POTUS could give the nod of approval so that other states could commence construction, and giving Nebraska their time to complete their new location enviro studies without holding up the project, jobs and faster end product.

You also didn’t bother to acknowledge that the entire financial risk would be an onus on Transcanada, and the US had nothing to lose with the construction, started in other states, being done by segment.

That is the way the interstate system came together. As I said before, left with your demonstrated “brilliance”, we’d still be working on finishing the interstate highway system if the project couldn’t start until all states had their ducks in a row with studies and permits.

But instead you come back and assume all of us love oil spills, which of course no one has suggested. But you do so try to steer to towards that distraction so you came huff and puff another smug, and erroneous, tirade.

Listen, genius… there is a difference when evaluating oil transport system, just as there is a difference with how different types of crude affect the environment in water, or on land…. i.e. whether it sinks, floats on the surface, whether the natural environment is friendly to natural clean up with rough water and bacteria that feeds on the oil, the amount of sunlight. Obviously what can be an advantage in the ocean for natural clean up under the right conditions is not necessarily applicable to land.

Not all oil, or transport system, or damage potential presents the same problems because no two are alike.

Pipelines also have their own challenges… under or above ground, vulnerability to sabotage or man made accidents (i.e. hunters shooting the Alaska pipeline), the length of the pipeline and inevitable cooling process, as it gets further away from the source, the wax build up, volume running thru the pipe, monitoring stations, quality of steel, resistance to natural corrosion, etc. But a pipeline can be easily turned off, limiting the damage, when the monitoring systems are adequate.

And you call yourself an expert on the oil industry?

Now, you can actually address the real issue… which is why the POTUS won’t allow the project to be started in stages now in the approved states, when we need it, at Transcanada’s risk (and none to the US). Or you can take your supposed circa 60 year old self back to your twitter “ppl” friends, play a video game, or watch another Berserk cartoon. Seems you fare better in a fantasy world.


Bees, the actor you are thinking of in the Men in Black series is the Texas actor, Tommy Lee Jones.


I’m not one that generally is given to pointing out spelling errors, (I make enough of my own) however when the offender is an overtly pretentious know nothing twit. I like to point out the errors in their ways so with that in mind… its re emerged or re-emerged not re’emerged…
I see that you want to (to use your phrase-ology) double down on your ignorance of the use of the term racism.
Now as to the permit…
If you had the slightest knowledge of the permit process or just a modicum of common sense you would realize that the permit applied for was for the entire job not bits and pieces or dribs and drabs of the pipeline.
Trans-Canada is responsible of applying for the permits and it is not up to the POTUS to amend the permit only to disapprove or approve it as applied for by the owner of the projected project.
Try and get a building contractor to build you a house that way…
have them build your kitchen first then next year put in the foundation and the next year build your living room and the following year pour your liveing room slab LAMO @ the Maroon

Yes I see it now!!! How terrible that any one should put the health and safety of the American people and our air, lands and water and our national interest above the interests of the oil industry… For shame

the only thing you’ve been right about is the Texas acctor in men in black is indeed Tommy Lee Jones

The “twit” is not a spelling error, but a deliberate take off the medium that accurately describes your mentality. Or perhaps your formal education tells you the abbreviation for the word, “people”, is ppl. Then again, maybe such a big word like “people” is beyond your range if you can’t cut/paste it, eh?

Oh yes.. a hypen vs an apostrophe is not a “spelling” error… it’s called punctuation. Something that is often used with liberty in conversational language.

Now if you had the slightest idea of the permit process, you’d know that there is no one permit for the entire job, but actually is in bits and pieces. Each state segment has to be applied via their state process, and separate from the others. Federal permits are required for crossing the lines at the state boundaries (ever heard of interstate commerce, genius?), and for the joining across the federal border. Then you can add the sundry federal agencies also involved… BLM for when the pipe crosses federal lands located within a particular state, the states’ DEQ offices, and the US Dept of State.

What you know about building structures and land development wouldn’t fit on a thimble. Other than the sheer stupidity of comparing development of a structure that doesn’t cross state or international boundaries to an interstate and international project, developing structures is, indeed, done in many segments and goes thru multiple permit processes. You’ll not get a permit for the structure until you already have the permits and final inspection sign off on septic/sewer, domestic city or well water, and if in the country, a driveway that is approved by the fire department and with approved fire breaks.

The residence or structure itself will have building plans that need to be approved,but all stages are in increments… foundation/excavation, structural/snow loads, electrical and plumbing. If on acreage, you even need permits and approval from the fire department for your driveway. The residence or business itself entails far more permits… electrical, plumbing, structural and engineering. No only are inspections required before you can move on to the next stage, when completed you’ll need a final certificate of occupancy before it can be inhabited.

But I will once again say, only an amoeba would compare the building of a structure with an interstate and international project.

Dang.. dumber than I suspected you were. fish in a barrel…

Loaded up another Berserk cartoon yet?

thank you, for that display of info for all to learn, beside me, very well done, I told [ pipeline-x] he was among the smart informed CONSERVATIVES,

yes TOMMY LEE JONES, HE IS SO GOOD ACTOR, the funny part of the movie is both him and
WILL SMITH are looking at each other very seriously for a few minutes, while I AND MANY WHO WATCH THAT MEN IN BLACK ll are laughing our head off, in that serious gaze of each.
thank you for the name

If you are the “smart informed CONSERVATIVES” then it is clear that the conservatives are indeed in trouble

you said that, shame on you.
actually I am the least of smart, I’m learning and just admiring the CONSERVATIVES beliefs, and
I talk for what I discovered when I first came, and waited to see who was here,what do they stand for, why, and to me was a discovery of things I thought was extinct in this AMERICA which I love so much,
and I admire their tolerance a prime quality for self restraint and discipline,
all in all the CONSERVATIVES should be managing top leadership positions in AMERICA, because they are what they live,and say, what you can believe, not less.

Well actually the twit is an accurate description of YOUR mentality marta… and while you would like to find fault with the use of PPL as an abbreviation for the word people… It is accepted internet shorthand for that word but then you had no trouble understand that I meant people…
Yes each state dose need to grant a permit for their segment of the job however because the job crosses not only state lines but international boarders a federal permit must also be acquired. Now that is a shorthand version for your limited attention span and one that your limited intelligence might comprehend…of a much more complicated process and legal wrangling.
In short Trans-Canada was/is responsible for the Federal permit and I doubt that their bankers would go along with building a project that might not get the permit to cross the International boarder or the several State boarders.
An ameba? Well Marta you didn’t understand the analogy, so, you must be dumber than an ameba
Fish in a barrel? you stand less chance than a fish in a barrel
Yes I see it now!!! How terrible that any one should put the health and safety of the American people and our air, lands and water and our national interest above the interests of the oil industry… For shame

in short Marta the POTUS can only act on the permit as it was applied for. In other words it’s all or nothing at all. and all of your whining does not change the fact that you conservatard leaders in the house and senate shot themselves in the foot, also from what I am told there may be an investigation into the way the permit was filed looks like industrial nepotism may have played a part.

BTW, game boy… “ppl” isn’t internet language. It’s “text/twitter” language… you know, the new 24/7 medium for people who have no social skills for more personal interaction? Your speech patterns, your use of language, your lack of cogent facts and details in debate, all prove that you’re impersonating what you very clearly are not… both based on age and knowledge… and expect the forum to fall for it because you call yourself an “x pipeliner”

I suggest it’s more accurate you’re in your mom’s basement, and in between downloading a video game, or uploading to YouTube, assuming a two dimensional character for fun.

And as usual in the cartoons you love, you believe you’re the superhero who always wins.

Your the least of the smart?
Now there at last, is something we can agree on

geezz, you hurt my feeling, I alone is allowed to do it for me,
but I still am smarter than you hey,
after reading your comments, which don’t have no substance, only repeats of known issues.
I won’t waste my time with your stupid jokes,
smoke it

pseudo game boy pipeliner: Yes each state dose need to grant a permit for their segment of the job however because the job crosses not only state lines but international boarders a federal permit must also be acquired.

First, when you’re wanting to play the language game to demean people (er… “ppl”) , you don’t help yourself with your deplorable typing, spelling and punk twitter language (i.e. “does”/dose and “borders”/boarders). My suggestion is that you avoid arenas with us where you are obviously outclassed.

But congratulations for finally “getting it”. What have I been saying to you over and over? So let’s go back to what you did say about permits:

If you had the slightest knowledge of the permit process or just a modicum of common sense you would realize that the permit applied for was for the entire job not bits and pieces or dribs and drabs of the pipeline.

Trans-Canada is responsible of applying for the permits and it is not up to the POTUS to amend the permit only to disapprove or approve it as applied for by the owner of the projected project.

There is so little coherent in that babble that it’s truly embarrassing. Now, the next step in your education process…. exactly what is the State Dept’s permit for? Is it for, as you, the uninformed put it, “the entire project”?

Obviously the State Dept is not an agency of engineers or environmental specialists. They are not involved in the States’ processes, nor any eminent domain of lands (reserved to the States). The State Dept is not even the federal entity that would approve crossing of even federal lands in the states, or even the one for the State to State joinings.

So what’s their role in this? Do you even know?

Per the lips of the State Dept’s mouthpiece, Daniel Clune (Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Oceans and Environment – International Environmental and Scientific Affairs), the State Dept’s role is a simple yes or not decision as to whether they will allow the pipeline to cross the US Canadian border.

That’s it. Nothing more. They don’t oversee the construction, the safety, the States own regulations, nothing. Can you cross the international border, or not. End of story.

If you read something other than enviro sites to cut/paste crap from, and maybe used the State Department’s briefing records on this project over the years, you might actually know something other than parroting “I LOVE THE ENVIRONMENT and YOU DON’T! naaaa naaa nanaaa naaaaaa”

pffft… get in line, punk.

QUESTION (Elana Schor of Great Greenwire): I had two questions if possible. The first very simply,if the State Department decides not to grant this permit, would that be the first time ever such a decision has been made? Because some folks in town have been that they have looked at the records and seen this as the first case that could be a potential no. And the second question would be whether it’s possible to put any more conditions on this permit besides the 57 that you mentioned the company had agreed to?

MR. CLUNE: The – on the question of whether the State Department has denied a permit of this type before, I’m not aware of any, but that doesn’t mean that it hasn’t happened. We’ve been doing this at least since the Lyndon Johnson Administration, and we’d really have to dig through a lot of old files to figure out whether we’ve denied one of these in the past. I mean, the last two that came to us were the original Keystone Pipeline and the Alberta Clipper Pipeline and those were both granted.

[Mata Musing: in other words, he’s clueless, but he won’t admit to it…]

With respect to conditions, I should clarify that the 57 conditions that the applicant voluntarily agreed to will not actually be part of the permit. The permit is kind of a yes/no thing – yes, you can cross the border and no, you can’t. But the 57 conditions are a matter of public record, and the applicant has committed publicly to comply with those.

QUESTION: So it’s essentially a yes or no; that’s what the rules state, then?

MR. CLUNE: Yeah. In the past, we have included some conditions in the permit. And I mean, we’ll need to face this issue when the time comes.

Part of their consideration is whether it is in the nation’s national interest to do so. A secondary part is they will look at the environmental studies to see if any of that is *not* in the national interest.

Of the multiple States involved, all the studies have been submitted, approved and the States each have their ducks in a row. This has been going on since the end of 2008, and your hero in the WH promised that his State Dept would provide a response by the end of the year.

Nebraska’s alternate route is the only study that is left. That Nebraska, their legislative assembly, their Governor and Transcanada have agreed to find acceptable alternative routes, and provide updated studies, the *only* reason to hold up the State’s approve for crossing the US-Canadian international border is if they are banking on an unacceptable environmental study in a state that has already has massive amounts of existing commodity lines.

If the State Dept simply said that the pipeline can cross the border, it would then be a Transcanada financial decision as to spend money prior to the Nebraska enviro study’s submission to the State, or not. At worst case they would have to design around Nebraska entirely and that’s not likely to happen. As I’ve said, there are commodity pipelines already zipping thru Nebraska.

They’ve already said they’d go ahead and build in the approved states while they work with Nebraska on their updated study, and take that risk (because it’s low). That way when Nebraska crossed the finish line on their state’s issues, they would be much closer to actually using the pipeline to get a return on their investment.

Since you’re kinda slow on the uptake, let me repeat the obvious in short, small word, bulleted points

1: The State Dept (i.e. Obama) has the role only of approving the pipeline crossing the US/Canadian border, and they will base that on if that benefits the national interests (duh… no brainer there)

2: The only outstanding enviro study (which they assume relates to national interests) is from Nebraska, which already has massive commodity lines running thru it. So it’s highly unlikely there is no acceptable place to run an additional pipeline

3: A simple okay from Obama’s State Department can put people (or in your world of twitter language – ppl) to work within weeks in the other states where all the process/studies/legislation/ground work has been done.

4: If, for some reason, the State Dept wasn’t happy with anything sent on Nebraska, the one who loses their shirt is Transcanada since they’d have to route around Nebraska. Again, not likely which is why they would commence work. Meanwhile, thousands of jobs in multiple states would have been created, paychecks received… and yet not a drop of oil would ever flow thru the unused pipeline.

It’s called a win-win situation, gamer boy.

You say you “doubt” bankers would go along without the State approval? Well, of course they would… which is why Nebraska’s Governor and Transcanada want the State Dept to simply say, as they have for all other similar endeavors in the past, “sure, you can cross the int’l border.” That’s all that’s needed. Period.

Saying that doesn’t mean that Transcanada’s pipelines won’t have to meet the important criteria, as the other agencies and States require of them. It’s the equivalent of saying if you build it to the various regulations criteria, sure you can cross the border.

Simple, eh?

And of course they will eventually approve it.. probably in the month or so before the election so Obama can make it look like a magic break thru instead of an unnecessary delay.

And why am I so sure? Because Obama hired the former lobbyist for Transcanada for his election campaign last fall, and another Transcanada lobbyist was Hillary Clinton’s deputy chair of *her* campaign.

With the comfy, crony relationship to both the State Dept and to the POTUS himself, via their shared lobbyists, this is all politics… holding it up for a last minute election triumphant announcement while, in the meantime, he uses it to play his union base against his environmental base and consolidate support he’s been losing.

This is a POTUS who puts his own career before that nation’s fiscal and energy health.

What it’s *not* about is due diligence that will not successfully be done, and jobs that start immediately. By gosh… to let it go forward now – when both Republican and Democrats in Congress support this – destroys his “do nothing Congress” campaign slogan that he’s already banked on using (right next to evil and heartless capitalist pigs…) that he needs for his potential re’election/reelection/re election/re-election (happy now?).

I think it is time to enact the “Wrestling with a pig in the mud” rule and realize that “the pig likes it.” Responding to the ones who like to argue only encourages them to argue more. If you argue with them, then they win, because they have brought you DOWN to their level. Please stay at the higher level.

I’d just like to interject something a wise lady once wrote:

When…you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing – when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors – when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you – when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice – you may know that your society is doomed.

MATA gave me the name TOMMY LEE JONES,
YES I knew it and now I know why the long name was feeling heavy on the tip of my tongue,
no wander I couldn’t spit it out
good advice, the pigs are smart

@ilovebeeswarzone: (&
I used to wonder why some actors used their middle name or initial in their name. On some TV show they used the example of Michael J. Fox. When he wanted to join the union there was already a Michael Fox and they don’t allow two people with the same name. It is less confusing. He chose to use the J. in his name. I am guessing there was already a Tom or Tommy Jones, so that is probably how Tommy Lee Jones came about.

@Smorgasbord and @John Cooper, sorry… but I get irritated when pretenders come on here,and spend most of their comments abusing the FA community (before I even got here) based on their self-professed superior experience. Ran out of patience.

I realize that trying to point out reality to an ideological idiot is futile, but I wanted to supply the links and reality for those that are genuinely curious as to the reality of the permits and the politics.

No promises that I won’t again go after him, but I’ll give it my best shot. I’m mean he’s standing there with the bullseye on his cyber chest, just demanding it. So danged tempting, and it is open season… LOL

@MataHarley: #99
The US Constitution and Curt give everyone the right to comment how they want on FA. It’s just that I am guessing that these liberals are making bets with each other who can get the most people to comment, and how mad they can get them. This is the way it was on the CB. In every major city there seemed to be one guy who had a souped-up CB and purposely tried to start an argument just to start an argument.

I will say again my statement I finally came up with that got them off of the air. I would tell the other person who started arguing with them, “I used to think that there was no use for jerks like him on this planet. Then I realized that if we didn’t have jerks like him, we wouldn’t appreciate the really nice people as much as we do. So, thanks to this jerk, the next time I meet a nice person, I will appreciate them a lot more, thanks to this jerk. So, he is serving a useful purpose and is serving it quite well.” I never did have one of those jerks come back on the CB.

Mata– No need to apologize to me. I mostly just ignore trolls. I agree with smorgasbord who wrote “I think it is time to enact the “Wrestling with a pig in the mud” rule and realize that “the pig likes it.”

Occasionally, though, I let loose. Since I’m on an Ayn Rand roll this afternoon, let me add what I really think about lefties:

“When one observes the nightmare of the desperate efforts made by hundreds of thousands of people struggling to escape from the socialized countries of Europe, to escape over barbed-wire fences, under machine-gun fire—one can no longer believe that socialism, in any of its forms, is motivated by benevolence and by the desire to achieve men’s welfare.

No man of authentic benevolence could evade or ignore so great a horror on so vast a scale. Socialism is not a movement of the people. It is a movement of the intellectuals, originated, led and controlled by the intellectuals, carried by them out of their stuffy ivory towers into those bloody fields of practice where they unite with their allies and executors: the thugs.”

–Ayn Rand, “The Monument Builders,” The Virtue of Selfishness, 87.

John Cooper
wow right on, thank you for that