RINOs Are Herd Animals
How convenient it was for Christie to keep his rather large posterior blocking the view of Republican candidates, while he played his voters and supporters for chumps with his mincing indecision on whether to finally admit he didn’t want to run for the presidency. But for what purpose, the casual observer may ask in bewilderment.
Oh, but the answer is easy and was exposed today: Christie admitted, it was an “easy decision” to endorse Romney. It was an easy decision because it was his intention all along to endorse his fellow RINO.
A candidate who teases the public while playing the coy overly cherubic nymph, who can’t make up her mind to go skinny dipping in the pool of public opinion, will hold the public’s interest much longer than the intellectually honest one who says she is absolutely not swimming in her birthday suit. Thus the indecisive nymph holds the public’s attention with promises of promiscuous and salacious behavior, while she offers glimpses of her abundant fat rolls to entice and keep the libido of the crowd at a fevered pitch.
Alas, she is but a tease, the pachyderm nymph can dance only so long and must walk off stage before boredom begins to set in and the crowd loses interest, but wait the roly-poly nymph has a final offer of advice for those who enjoy being teased and tempted. The nymph stands to announce an endorsement for Romney!
Well dog my cats, who could have seen that one coming. A RINO throwing his considerable weight behind another RINO, what an original concept.
An old political parable says, “Politics makes for strange bedfellows.” I will try to keep from imagining that one, but it is not hard to imagine the AGW, amnesty, and Socialized Healthcare boys throwing themselves in together in showers and on large mattresses. Like in your most vivid imagination, it is not the act itself, but the manner in which it was done; that is what is found to be the most offensive.
Christie had the nerve to say it was “completely intellectually dishonest” to compare Romneycare to Obamacare; actually, it was completely intellectually dishonest for him to lead his supporters along about the possibility of a run, when his intent was too hold the public’s attention for as long as possible, so that Christy’s endorsement of Romney would have the greatest bang for the buck. Like most plans hatched by a literate devious mind that has an inflated opinion of its effectiveness, these well laid plans often reach up and take a bite from the posterior of the perpetrator.
No, Chris Christie, you accomplished nothing with your coyness, except perhaps injury to your own reputation as being a fickle and indecisive politician. You managed only to steal attention from the honest efforts of the real candidates, who are willing to stand in front of the nation and debate the issues and expose their philosophies. These candidates have the courage of their convictions and they are honest in their desire to run for the presidency. You on the other hand have displayed a duplicitous personality and a lack of ethics, along with a healthy measure of this intellectual dishonesty you so disingenuously mentioned. While I have an aversion to the thought of voting for a RINO, I will say that our leading candidates seem to all have ethics, a welcome change from the present administration. It is the lack of ethics that will defeat Obama and I doubt that your dubious endorsement will have a measurable effect on Romney’s poll numbers or on the election; especially, since it is precisely this dishonest approach to politics that has Americans so upset with politicians and particularly, the Obama Administration.
A professional horseman for over 50 years, Skook continues to work with horses. Skook has finished an historical novel, Fifty Thousand Years, that traces a mitochondrial line of DNA from 50,000 years ago to the present. The story follows a line of courageous women, from the Ice Ages to the present, as they meet the challenges of survival with grit and creativity. These are not women who whimper of being victims, they meet the challenges of survival as women who use their abilities without excuses or remorse, these women are winners, they are our ancestors.
Fifty Thousand Years is available in paperback and e-book, it is getting great reviews. You can purchase a copy here; Visit me on Facebook.
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That’s it for Christie. I will never support him for anything.
The GOP establishment wants Romney. It’s his turn. Like it was John McCain’s turn. Like it was Bob Dole’s turn.
And to think, I used to like Christie…
The 2 Rhinos picture is hilarious….
Christie has always been pretty much of a liberal on every issue but fiscal responsibility. Actually, I’m surprised he didn’t endorse Hillary for President.
A picture is worth 1,000 words. African herd animals. Brilliant point:
Then….the next minute, turning around and endorsing him, is indeed, hypocritical. “Hippo”-crisy. Yet another sub-Saharan African animal. But, to keep with the theme: It’s just “RINOcrisy.”Rhino-christie?
What is frustrating is that the idiots on the debates are going after everyone but Romney! Do they think they are jockying for VP or something?
I’ve known for a while now that Christie was a RINO. In fact, I posted a link about it here some time ago. He’s Conservative on spending and government, but a typical lib on all else pretty much. This is no surprise for me.
I give Christie kudos for all the good things he’s done in NJ. That’s where he should stay – NJ needs all the help it can get. The more I hear about Christie, the more I’m glad that he decided not to run. Romney is a RINO and needs to go away! He looks and sounds good, but he should, after running for president for the past 5 years.
It’s sad that the current crop of candidates have been delineated by the talking heads and the press. Cain is a one-trick pony, Perry can’t debate, Bachman is beating a dead horse, Gingrich has too much baggage (although he hs the best political credentials), Santorum is a santimonious lightweight, Ron Paul has some good ideas, but he’s a nut and Huntsman is a smarmy RINO. Having said all that, I’d prefer Perry to all the others, but will vote for ABO!
And now they’re hinting that Christie will be Romney’s VP. God forbid Romney gets the nomination. Obama’s Agenda 21 Rural Council EO would never be reversed.
When will the candidates be questioned about Agenda 21? I want someone to ask them about that.
Hey anticsrocks #2 I thought when you liked someone you stuck with em lol.
How bout Cain when HE endorses Romney after getting crushed in primaries?
Skooks How bout that “indicisive nymph” Sarah Palin?
Anyone taking bets as to who is going to be the first to nail Romney with his involvement with ObamaCare? Too bad Perry gave it a pass last night.
We all loved that picture!!! Christi is just keeping the White Rhinos in the GOP family. Maybe in 2016 enough people will finally be fed up enough to make another third party that is conservative.
@Richard Wheeler: It is sad to see that you have devolved down to just being an agitator who tries to stir up arguments.
I liked Christie when he first took on the NJEA. At that point, I did a bit of digging into his record and found that he was a RINO.
But I am confused. I mean you care about which politicians I like….why?
Antics, Rich w became a troll around the time of the Tucson shootings. I guess he thought they had a sure fire Oklahoma bombing moment that they could use to destroy us evil Conservatives. When it fell apart, so did he.
Now it’s just anger over watching his socialist fantasies go up in smoke.
Christie was the next Romney for the RNC. Christie is anti gun, pro abortion, pro dream act, the only thing that identifies Christie with conservative is fiscally. That is not a bad thing, but too many other issues that are just like Romney. Cain (no to 999), Newt, Perry, Santorium, in that order.
H.R. You’re confused. I made no accusations re. the Tucson shootings. I do accuse most of you F.A’. ers of flip flopping from Pawlenty to Palin to Bachmann to Trump to Perry to Christie to Cain to ??? What a ride. Retire 05 has been loyal to Perry.
Palin bashers like Ann Coulter have endorsed Romney.
Exit question Why isn’t Palin running?
Because she doesn’t want to, beyond that its none of our business. She is a private citizen.