Yet another tea party movement forms, and this group will provide more than the usual pride in citizens, standing up against a government they demand be reined in. Why? This tea party movement is made up of those supposed non-existent black Americans. And what gives me yet another smile is that this group is formed right under the nose of Dem Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, who made news in the past two days demonstrating her lack of Constitutional knowledge when she proclaimed any repeal of O’healthcare was unConstitutional.
Grab the Orville Redenbachers, folks…. this is going to be sheer entertainment.
Co-founder of the newest Texas tea party in Houston is a now familiar name, Anita Moncrief. Ms. Moncrief sprang to the forefront back in late March, 2009, when I posted about her exposé of ACORN, and the deliberate attempts by the NYTs to conceal the Obama-ACORN ties. Curt followed up with his May 18th post and additional updates. If Ms. Moncrief were a liberal Democrat, as she stated she was, during her ACORN working days, she is one no more.
As their mission statement reads, in part:
“To build a strong base of conservative Black entrepreneurs, elected officials and constituents that provide Black conservatives a viable way to express and implement their conservative values politically.”
Co-founder Anita Moncrief says the party is also looking to overcome stereotypes.
“We’re trying to break the stereotype that the tea party is racist,” said Moncrief.
Per the above Fox local affiliate report, they observed “at least half” of the 75 who attended the newly formed Crispus Attucks Tea Party were white. While this is apt to be some sort of sticky point for the predictable naysayers who will be appalled at black Americans, daring to question Democrat policies and it’s effect on the black community, the healthier observation is that the Crispus Attucks Tea Party will not be demonstrating any racism, and welcome the community at large.
UPDATED: Per Ms. Moncrief, replying on a Free Republic thread, the notion that it’s a “black tea party” is the headline picked by the media, (and perpetuated, in part, by me). It’s likely it was labeled such because of both the founders, and the majority of citizens in that particular urban neighborhood. Also, the choice of christening their movement after the historic former slave, Crispus Attucks, may have added to the perception that it was a “black tea party”. However, as I mentioned above, and Ms. Moncrief states in her own words below, they welcome the community at large, and this is not an exclusive “black caucus” type meeting of the minds.
Ms. Moncrief says:
To: SpaceBar
I think you are missing the point. When I worked for ACORN, they used blacks to hide their illegal activity. What we are trying to do is break that cycle. Last night’s meeting was about unity. If we are true Conservatives, we care about ALL of America and want to take it back. Tea Parties are set up where people live and there is not one in 3rd ward.The media is calling us a “black Tea Party” but we are simply a Tea Party set up in a urban minority area. All are welcome. We are also a party of the Texas Tea Party Federation.
Anita MonCrief
anita@emergingcorruption.com25 posted on Wednesday, January 19, 2011 7:58:56 AM by anitamoncrief
This detracts from their tea party formation in no way. They do every tea party movement in the nation proud, and great service, when Moncrief and her neighbors demonstrate that citizens’ disfavor for an out of control government and the decades of increased control has no racial boundary.
You may also wish to check out Ms. Moncrief’s website, Emerging Corruption. She is in some illustrious company on the editorial board. END UPDATE
Equally impressive is their press release, which should cause a few lib/prog heads to spin exorcist style.
This inaugural meeting will be a celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday and his leadership. It will also be a celebration of all of those who blazed trails for other Americans and especially for those who have advanced the full assimilation and liberty of the descendants of America’s Black slaves. America is entering a period in time where “Content and Character are indeed more important than Color” for those who prepare themselves to be competitive. That too is worth celebrating
~~~Neither political party has been intellectually honest with itself or Blacks. The Crispus Attucks Tea Party unleashes the anesthetized political giant rendered helpless by an unending stream of government programs funded by tax dollars. Programs, welfare checks and the demise of pride and the work ethic have robbed Blacks of their identities and their dignity. They have devastated Black neighborhoods and rendered them politically and economically impotent. The Crispus Attucks Tea Party will shift political power away from race bating politicians, games of ‘Three Card Monty” played by highly skilled political operators and race hustlers who base all political activities and campaigns on race. Operating within Black districts these charlatans have proven incapable of acting in the best interest of those they claim to represent.
Ms. Jackson Lee? According to Big Government’s James Simpson, she was graciously invited to attend. The Congresswoman did not accept… whether with, or without grace, is not documented or sourced. But I will note this…. James Simpson is one of the editorial board on Ms. Moncrief’s news website, Emerging Corruption. Simpson described la femme Jackson Lee’s response to the invitation as a “snub”. Simpson may have some inside knowledge… that I do not know. But the Congresswoman is not known for her social graces… i.e. her abuse of flight attendants, throwing cell phones at staffers, and making absurd statements about christening hurricanes with “lily white” names. (Mata Musing: it’s an interesting cyber trail, looking for these stories… most of which seem to have been expunged from the internet. Why is that, I wonder?)
Newly elected Texas State Representative James Early White, however did attend… and expressed no qualms about the expected heat he’ll be likely to take as a black elected “in” with tea party ties.
The newest tea partiers named their group after Crispus Attucks, a runaway slave turned sailor/dockworker who was the first to die in the Boston Massacre March 5th, 1770, three and a half years before the Boston Tea Party. Per the library at Thinkquest, he lay in state in Fanueil Hall until, along with three other victims of the Boston Massacre, he was entombed in a common sepulcher.
In 1888, a monument was constructed on Boston Common facing Tremont St. During the dedication, poet John Boyle O’Reilly read a poem called Crispus Attucks:
“Honor to Crispus Attucks, who was leader and voice that day;
The first to defy, and the first to die, with Maverick, Carr, and Gray.
Call it riot or revolution, his hand first clenched at the crown:
His feet were the first in perilous place to pull the King’s flag down:
His breast was the first one rent apart that liberty’s stream might flow;
For our freedom now and forever, his head was the first laid low.
Call it riot or revolution, or mob or crowd, as you may,
such deaths have been seed of nations, such lives shall be honored for aye.”
As with all the tea parties, I wish these folks great success in capturing the ear of their elected officials. But I suspect that their road may be made even more difficult than what we’ve already seen to date.
Vietnam era Navy wife, indy/conservative, and an official California escapee now residing as a red speck in the sea of Oregon blue.
Montcrief is a national heroine. Lee is a national moron. A retarded person who is elected by fools. Surely the most ignorant person elected to national office in 75 years. I demand an IQ test.
I daresay that Jackson Lee will no longer be in the position to expect blind loyalty and an easy path with this movement, Pat. And it’s about time. Now that’s “social justice” I can get behind. LOL
@ MataHarley #2
Sorry Mata, we’re talking about SJL here.
Only because she hasn’t a clue. That flag on Mars we planted needs replacing. Can we send her. Pulllleeezzze???
The launch of this group is commendable and they have their work cut out for them in the future. Just sad they were a tad late to the party and couldn’t help John Faulk oust the QueenBee this past November.
Why do I have a sudden urge to sing the battle hymn of the Republic?
Seriously, it popped in my head and I can’t Sus out why?
Anyone who has her staff troll the obits for funerals that she can attend and attempt to turn into political rallies does not deserve the mantle of office.
SJL is overdue for some serious retiring – ballot box style.
Ms. Montcrief is quite a courageous lady; it takes guts, and courage to break free of these chains! Let’s make sure, we can help them as much as possible, they will need our support more than ever since we all know opponents will label them with the most vile names possible.
Well, got the goosebumples from reading this and now the Battle Hymm of the Republic is stuck in my head after reading the comments. Great Post!
These fine people will be well informed of the politics as usual, behind the scenes agenda(ACORN
crimeshenanigans) with Anita Moncrief involved. That’s got to put any candidate they support a few steps ahead in the process by knowing what they are up against other than the challenge to SJL.Salute!… and only the best for the brand new Crispus Attucks Tea Party!
Good thing. Houston needs all the improvement it can get. There is much black crime and is a sanctary city that needs a change for the better in its present culture.
This might be the best thing that has happened in this country in 2 years. Ms. Moncrief is also likely, if this effort has any success, to replace Sarah Palin as the most hated person of the msm.
As far as the Battle Hymn of the Republic goes – I think the just the Chorus will do fine.
I worked in the parking lot at a black polling location in SJL’S district. They are pushed to vote straight D. I was also verbally accosted by a lunatic councilmember named Yolanda and others who tried to block the voting public from getting on my e-mail list for a charter amendment to mandate E-Verify. Most black people were really seeing the light on immigration. I have percentage-wise a seeming advantage from this demographic group. Guess they are seeing the light. We live 5 minutes from King Street have been titillated by many excellent speakers and my husband worked the polls to crack open the voting fraud. Also helped the Faulk campaign. Hope I have the honor of working with Moncrief on these issues. She is an awesome speaker!
If you are a City of Houston dweller please visit my site:
Wait….what about maybe not tea party but shows up a TONS of tea party events and understand what the hell is going on….
MonCrief held the first Crispus Attucks TEA Party in Houston’s historic Third Ward, traditionally a black community. What was once an area of black Americans with nice lawns, well kept churches, thriving family businesses and strong family bonds, the 3rd Ward is now a war zone of drugs, high school dropouts and babies with no fathers.
I read that Ms. MonCrief is planning on moving to Texas so she can give all her attention to this latest endeavor, the Crispus Attucks TEA Party. That’s great. Other Texas Tea Parties will give her a forum and a podium from which to carry her message. For too long, (since the ’30’s) black Americans have been fed a lie about how Democrats are the party for them.
Crispus Attucks TEA Party and King Street Patriots; a force to be reconned with.
Great post Mata, and great news!
Wow, finally, some real black leadership that is rising above the “oppressed/victim” chains of enslavement by the power-elite.
SJL is the epitome of the downside of all things affirmative action. If I were a Yale grad or JD from UVA, I would be horrified to know that this woman representing the country is so ignorant of facts. For heaven’s sake, she actually asked to see the flag that Neil Armstrong planted on Mars! I wouldn’t pick her for a contestant on “Are you smarter than a six grader.”
I’m not a fan of finger pointing at dumb people, but if any women puts herself out there in such a dishonest way, she can only be one of three things, dumb, a liar, or both.
Lee is also the epitome of the nauseating hypocrisy of the left. Imagine if Sarah Palin, who didn’t have the advantage of going to the Ivies, asked about the Mars flag or made up her own version of the Constitution? If proof is ever needed that we are what we are, NOT our Alma Maters or our degrees, SJL should be the poster child.
I have a feeling the hispanics are going to see the light before 2012 as well. What a great day it will be in America when people are seen as people and not votes, especially from those who stymy human lives for their own political power.
What a fun read, Mata. 🙂
drj, TSgt Ciz and Patricia, yup… it was actually fun doing a post about good news for a change. I think they lift the hearts of us all. Made me laugh with all that music playin’ in your heads.
@ric, thank you for the ragingelephants link. Never heard of them, and we should hear *more* of them. Do you have intimate experience with the group? You know that “reader posts” are always welcomed here at FA.
@noislamocommie, thanks for the local view, and for the link to your site. You’ll notice I added an UPDATE with Ms. Moncrief’s email and website to contact. It would be great if your movement worked in tandem with the Crispus Attucks tea party. And do let us know how it goes.
The true sign of any leader is to be all inclusive. What a great lady this is. How long before the powers that be start the smear campaign. I would have to assume that Jesse and Al will be leading the charge.
Never the less, it warms my heart to see that the message is getting through to the people! bless you Ms. Moncrief and all my best wishes for success!
Hey, Shelia you can read the entire Constitution in the back of a standard, run of the mill Webster Dictionary.
Not that hard to find.