There are No Dangerous Weapons…Only Dangerous Men

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The slogan is taken from my new favorite T-Shirt

And the left is already making sure this crisis does not go to political waste:

With all those guns out there …the Tucson tragedy won’t be the last…

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More than once this young man, Jared Lee Loughner, came to the attention of the criminal justice system.
Each time he was given another pass.

Would he have been free to go out and buy a gun had he been arrested for his substance abuses that lead twice into intervention programs instead of court?
Probably not.
But I wonder if those very attempts at ”saving” him from an arrest record led to his being in one of those brain washing aversion drug therapy programs.
He wrote about brain washing and thought control.
While his syllogisms were faulty, his attempts at logic showed he had a strong feeling against being manipulated via mind games.
Just food for thought.
I’m concluding there was little political about this kid.

Warning to the left. Don’t even think of messing with the 2nd Amendment.

@Nan G: It is unfortunate that this happened and I pray that all will heal….
Could this problem man have shot so many if some of my 2nd Amendment brothers and sisters were there?
It also points that the police could have stopped this from happening if the courts were not so liberal and the laws enforced. This could have easily been done with a truck to hit instead of a gun.
Why is the media so biased? What is there agenda and for whom?
It is not for the people!

Nan G says:

“Would he have been free to go out and buy a gun had he been arrested for his substance abuses that lead twice into intervention programs instead of court?
Probably not.
But I wonder if those very attempts at ”saving” him from an arrest record led to his being in one of those brain washing aversion drug therapy programs.
He wrote about brain washing and thought control.
While his syllogisms were faulty, his attempts at logic showed he had a strong feeling against being manipulated via mind games.
Just food for thought.
I’m concluding there was little political about this kid.”

He does have a few similar traits as Rush Limbaugh though…..Drug treatment instead of arrest record, preoccupation with Mind Control, failure or unwillingness to serve his country in the military (basically Rush had a boil on his ass)

If you call for locking up each and every drug offender to prevent future potential heinous acts, you risk snaring up many folks who turn their lives around and become responsible productive citizens, that surely can’t be the standard nor the lesson taken away from this terrible act.

The truly dangerous men will be those Republicans who begin diving under their desks due to the ludicrous attacks of the left over the Giffords shootings.

Make a list of those that do!
We have a lot of great guys that are coming back from combat who could and would represent We the People better!
Time to change them all!

There are No Dangerous Weapons…Only Dangerous Men

Weapons–particularly firearms–are dangerous by design. If an owner forgets that for a moment, he or she become a dangerous person.

Ummm Greg, a firearm is useless without the person. A gun will not go out by itself and shoot someone. Without the person it’s just a lump of metal.
All you did was prove what Word said as correct in another way. Safety IS important.

Karl Marx remains the hero of socialists everywhere. His students include Mao, Pol Pot and Kim Jong Il. Marx’s ideas are responsible for over 100 million deaths at the hands of people who were trying to impose their idea of Utopia on others. If we want to understand dangerous men, Marx, and those who believe his vision of the perfect socialist man have blood on their hands.

It should be noted that several of the members of the current administration, such as Anita Dunn, and Van Jones have either made direct or indirect references to their support of Mao’s policies. Mao is responsible for over 40 million deaths while attempting to impose Marxism on the peoples of China. North Korea and Cuba remain prison states today because of Marxism.

Socialists love guns when they have them and their victims do not.