The shooter has been identified as Jared Loughner:
Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is in an intensive care unit following surgery for a gunshot wound in the head at close range, the University of Arizona hospital announced Saturday afternoon.
Spokesman Peter Rhee said Giffords is optimistic about the congresswoman’s recovery.
State Sen. Linda Lopez, a close friend of Giffords’, told Fox News that the three-term congresswoman was shot in the temple and the bullet exited through her forehead. Lopez said Giffords was responding to commands and she was confident that she will survive surgery but is not sure what Giffords’ long term prognosis is.
At least 19 people were shot at Giffords’ “Your Corner” event held outside a Safeway grocery store in Tucson, including three members of the Democratic congresswoman’s staff in Arizona. Five have died, including one of Giffords’ aides, and nine are in critical condition at the University of Arizona Medical Center.
My prayers are with all the families effected by this horrible tragedy.
Within minutes of the shooting the liberal nimrods came out in force on twitter and their favorite web haunts to proclaim the Tea Party and Sarah Palin guilty for supposedly pushing this nutcase into shooting the Democrat Congresswoman.
Listening to FOX News, State Senator Linda Lopez told Sheppard Smith she heard the shooter served in the military in Afghanistan. Lopez also talked about the ‘horrible signs’ at Tea Party rallies during the last election.
Within minutes of the shooting:
TeaBagsAreForCups (214 posts)
Sat Jan-08-11 01:36 PM
Response to Original message
14. Looking forward to learning his moniker at the cesspool…… The “Free” Republic.
RimJob will be establishing a memorial contribution account in his name during the current FReepathon.
“Woo hoo!”
Twitter within minutes of the shooting:
@SarahPalinUSA will u be happy when everyone on Your target list is shot dead? Don’t u know there’s crazy people that take things literally?
@McCainBlogette I hope your Dad is happy with the hateful rhetoric he helped perpetuate now. Sarah P’s ‘target’ list is on his hands too.
@StaffaRoadTrip She was on Palin’s “target list”. She’s got blood on her hands. Happy now, tea partiers?
Palin six people are dead at shooting of Congresswoman Giffords one of your targets. I hope you are happy.
And on CNN:
AZ Daily Star political cartoonist David Fitzsimmons on @CNN: “The right has been stoking the fires of heated anger and rage” in AZ.
And from our own comments our resident lefty nimrod John Ryan:
there are a lot of nuts out there. And it is real easy for them to get guns capable of killing many people. And it doesn’t take much talk using words like “traitor” or “destroying our country” to set them off. In any school in the USA if a child makes a list marked “hit list” he is going to be in big trouble. When a politician does he/she gets cheers. The Federal Judge that was killed had received many many death threats. And they were not coming from the left.
The Myspace page of the suspect, Jared Loughner, was taken down minutes ago but a screenshot of the pictures has been put up on twitter (not sure if it’s real yet):

He also apparently has a youtube channel with five video’s he made….after viewing them you understand the man is a NUT. He writes (much of it barely coherent) about mindcontrol, brainwashing, a “new currency”, “conscience dreaming”, and oddly enough government control of grammar structure. The youtube channel is here but it will be taken down soon so I downloaded the video’s:
He’s a nut, a Schizo. On his Youtube page check out what he likes!

The Communist Manifesto?
This is a tragedy and NOT the time to point fingers at one party or another, especially considering this guy doesn’t appear to affiliated with either but instead believed the government was controlling his mind.
Picture of the suspect:

See author page
@Mata (#169) My reference to gun shops versus black market was simply to note that the shooter did buy his weapon at a gun shop and not via the “black market.” We don’t know whether or not the shooter had the wherewithall to locate a similar weapon in the “black market.” He didn’t have do go to the latter lengths, as it was perfectly legal for him to purchase his weapon in a gun store. Anyway, this is a moot issue, because Hard Right subsequently convinced me that it is not inappropriate for such weapons to be legally available in gun stores, for qualified buyers. I guess that I would focus more on screening the buyers.
Just for fun, BTW, I spent five minutes perusing today’s headlines, looking at “clips” vs “magazines.” I can tell you that, in Google news, “clips” is generally the preferred term (although some articles use both “clips” and “magazines” interchangeably). I realize that this is not the language used among the firearm cognoscente, but the term “clip” is well understood to refer to the 30 round/bullet device in the NYT article in question. I frequently encounter technically incorrect medical phraseology in the lay press, but I don’t judge the article based on the usage of popular culture English, as opposed to precise medical terminology.
Here’s a smattering:
Larry, all you have done is shown that when it comes to learning about firearms, one should avoid the media.
Well Hard Right, he also showed the Mata got under his skin. 😛
Geez Louise, (as Curt says), Larry. So when the media and our elected officials demonstrate mass stupidity, we just accept that as the new norm? Redefine everything because someone doesn’t do the tiniest bit of research on their chosen subject?
Fer heavens sake, go learn about the difference between and magazine and a clip and stop defending the dumbing down of the nation via media mass ignorance. As the guy says, you might as well call the tire, a wheel.
Listening to you, we should change the definition of a tire to wheel merely because the idiot media calls it a wheel. Nope… I demand more. A little credibility is needed when some pundit shoots off their mouth. When they are so danged uninformed as to say the Glock was illegal under the AWB (it wasn’t… the magazine was, and a magazine is an accessory), and call “tires”, “wheels”, there’s not much I can point to in the article that has much viability. Just shows me that the author is dumber than dirt on more than one point.
The rest was emotional, anti gun liberal goulash. As I said, the guy shouldn’t have ever been let close to a butter knife at dinner. But because he was, you want to take MY butter knife away.
Does the phrase “cold, dead hands” ring a bell with you?
As I sat down in front of my
monitorview screen that sits on mydesktable, I began to read thisblogbulletin board. It occured to me thatterminologylingo isimportantweighty. One shouldalwaysoften strive to use the correctterminologylingo.For instance when talking about
weaponsmean hurty things, it is easy to getconfusedmixed up. My dad told me about what his drill sergeant told him to say – “This is my rifle, this is my gun, this is for killin’, this is for fun.” Or something like that.Anyway, in this
mattertopic, I agree with Mata.anticsrocks, hi, your dad is smart, and you’r smart too,
maybe because of him? bye
@mata: The NYT op-ed which I quoted (which started the whole “clip” versus “magazine”angels-dancing-on-pin-heads debate) was obviously written by a non-expert who was merely asking rhetorical questions and not making learned pronouncements. The very substantive issue she raised was simply this: “should there be limits on what types of firearms are allowed to be sold?” It’s a perfectly reasonable and understandable question to ask, given the circumstances. But in order to get to the heart of the issue, we were forced to have a debate over whether the only people with the right to raise such issues for public discussion are those who correctly use the technical terminology relating to firearms.
What do you think when you read lay media stories about a person being “in shock” over the killings or someone having a “nervous breakdown?” Both are terms which have no meaning in psychiatric language and “in shock” has a very precise meaning in medical language (circulatory collapse, usually owing to hypovolemia). Obviously, no one loses critical blood volume simply by hearing bad news. But most people understand the meaning of these terms in lay language, just as most people understand the meaning of the words “clip” and “bullet” in lay language.
It is ironic that you are someone who resists the efforts of “nannies” who would regulate your activities, while being a language nanny, who would regulate our very speech.
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA
Perhaps the beauty of the English language is the vastness of the total number of words. NPR estimates there are over 900,000.
Of course that is FORMAL or words defined various dictionaries . . . slang, synonyms, local dialects, . . . wheeeeeeee dogggggies . . . (local dialect/phaseological) . . . some estamates put the number at more than 1 billion . . . Slick Willie even redefined the word IS.
Some words are used in formal settings where life depends on having terms that are very, very clear and specific. Why does a sailor use the tery “Aye”?
I would guess, that most of the people on FA have never lived in an environment where their life was continuously 100% of the time in jeopardy, where every breath taken is actuall in the hands of the group with whom they are integrally part of. It is a tramatic situation of never ending awareness.
Military people usually are formally trained in communications simply for that reason. Simply that is why there is a phonetic alphabet . . . A is alpha, B is bravo, C is charlie . . . so on and so forth to Z is zebra.
Here on FA we get into a heated controversy over Clip verses Magazine . . . and even those terms in the military are defined to specific weapons. . . take the M-1 rifle . . . it truly has a spring like clip . . . almost like a paper clip that holds the ammunition . . . a M-16 has a magazine, a container into which the ammunition is inserted . . . yes, it is terminology specific to the firearm.
Thus it is that “generically” applying the term clip or magazine causes some of us to smile and shake our heads in wonderment.
We have two or more people both, perhaps showing their lack of familiarity . . . why do we smile in wonderment . . . simply because we who have been there and were about to die . . . know the significance of knowing the difference and the importance of good communications specific to saving each others lives. We deal with the “boots” in our own ways. Scuttlebutt at the geedunk stand.
Surprisingly I don’t keep firearms of any kind in my home, period. For keeping them in your home, I humbly submit, creates a level of dangerous threat that the Great Spirit would rather “I personally not live with.” As a FAMILY we have an arsenal (we got our guns, some are fun too!) and we never mix the guns in the bedroom.
Why did the frontiersmen keep their firearm above the fireplace?
TallGRASS, HI, did you say one billion, when I thought I was doing good in words,
I need to count how many I know so to know how many years I have to learn the rest
and get to one billion in my lifetime,
@Tallgrass. Very thoughtful comment. I read that the reason English has so many more words than other European languages is that it is derived from two distinct language trees: French/Latin and German. The reason the spelling is so irregular is that the printing press came to England BEFORE spelling rules were codified, whereas in most other European countries, consistent spelling rules were codified before the printing press was introduced.
I hadn’t realized that Giffords was Jewish.
Given that one of the shooter’s favorite books was “Mein Kampf” and given his skinhead hair do, I think it’s more likely that he was inspired by Hitler than by Palin.
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA
one of our CONSERVATIVE mentionned that earlyer,,before this was published,
Turns out that Loghner’s mother is also Jewish and that she and Giffords attend the same synagogue.
It is believed that Jared Loughner attended that synagogue with his mother.
Unknown at this point is what, if any, interactions may have occurred between Loughner and Giffords at they synagogue.
Loughner is half-Jewish, then (as am I). Bobby Fisher, another half-Jew, was rabidly anti-Semitic.
The idea that this could actually be a personal thing (if Loughner actually knew Giffords in person), rather than an ideological thing, or even strictly a mental health thing, is provocative. It shows how rush-to-judgements are always a bad thing. Sometimes, it takes a whole lot of time to finally get at the truth of the matter.
To a great degree, perhaps not in the official definition of each word but my perpective tells me:
Definitions for:
Conservative: The person that is more conscious of the “what will possibly happen”.
Liberal: The person that is more conscious of the “what can possibly be”
There in creates a sociological difference in perspective that is so wide as to have one group looking at the Northern Lights and another at the Southern Lights . . . yes they are caused by the same thing . . . but the perspectives are 180 degrees apart. Not only that each group has their backs to the other and even refuse to consider that they are looking at things from different perspectives . . . seasonal variations . . . one is warm and cozy the other is icey and hard, lol.
Stupid isn’t it?
Back to the gun above the fireplace . . . safe storage location wasn’t the ONLY reason . . . nor was readily being available . .. why keep a firearm in a warm place?
TallGrass, maybe because, in those times the fireplace was always facing the door, and your opponants only place of entry,
Well that’s giving Ms. Gail undue credit. What she said, and where I take issue with her lack of research and knowledge, is this:
No and no. The Glock was not made illegal under the AWB subsection in the 1994 Omnibus Violent Crime Act. The optional accessory of high cap mags was.
Would he have to take a matter of seconds pause to reload another magazine? Yes. May that have been an advantage? Possible. Depends upon the reaction time of those around him. As it was, Loughner was armed with three more fully loaded magazines, another 30 (which was not a Glock manuf, but other as the Glocks are 33), plus two of the standard issue 15 round magazines. He fired 30 rounds, plus the chambered round, in about 15 seconds per reports. Not sure how fast people get over the “stunned” factor, and then can discern where the shots are coming from and the time to get to him. But I can say that the extra time for the high cap magazine also probably contributed to extra time to get your bearings, and assess the situation. So it’s impossible to say he may not have had that 2-3 seconds to reload successful. It’s a moot point.
Shooting as fast as possible, an experienced shooter could empty the magazine in 7-10 seconds. Loughner, no experienced shooter with this weapon, was not taking careful aim, and shooting indiscriminately. He hit slightly better than 50% of his rounds… low statistically… and 19% of his shots gave him the fatal result he desired. I don’t know where they were standing in proximity, but my guess is they were closer than further.
The high cap magazine size, and Ms. Gail’s suggested cure… which is not limiting the type of firearms that can be sold, but the amount of ammo anyone may possess at their disposal for a single load… still comes down to the same analogy. If a murder is committed using a butter knife, do we then restrict the sale of butter knives to law abiding citizens to “prevent” another crime?
According to Ms. Gail, McCarthy and Lautenberg… yes. However no law has ever stopped a criminal from becoming a criminal. Since you will still be able to purchase the high cap magazines, and always will (whether thru gun dealers, factory direct or otherwise), it’s a futile exercise.
And the larger point is that’s a small infraction compared to the larger crime of murder they are willing to commit.
To get to the heart of the issue, I call into question both the credibility and agenda of the “thoughtful” article you linked. There was so much in there that belied the truth that we may as well be discussing the validity of an auto repair manual, written by Mickey Mouse.
As far as her “thoughful” philosophical questions… what’s new and groundbreaking about them? They are the same tired arguments that gun grab advocates regurgitate at every opportunity. That because bad guys break laws and possess something these anti RKBI types don’t think they should possess, none of us should be allowed to possess the same.
Hasn’t stopped a crime yet. As I pointed out, while the AWB was in force, both the Columbine and DC Beltway sniper events happened. Did a good job, keeping their choice of murder weapons out of their hands, yes?
Per the NFA, the types of weapons are already limited and highly regulated by federal law. States also pile on their own laws. Fully auto long guns and particular accessories have BATFA paperwork that dwarf the O’healthcare bill in size. Those who may possess any types of firearms *also* have limitations, and have since the passage of the NFA in 1934. The ATF uses this to dance on the edge of Constitutional behavior by maintaining a “national firearm registry” database. Another huge beef of mine. But that’s a different issue altogether.
So one more law does what to stop criminals? Nothing. All it will do is hamper both sporting enthusiasts, and the self defense of citizens. Criminals don’t care about laws. Law abiding citizens do.
Apples and oranges. What you describe is mere poetic license, describing someone’s emotional state… which they aren’t equipped to do anyway.
However when you are discussing introducing laws that curtail our 2nd Amendment, terminology becomes very important. If they haven’t a clue about the specifics of that which they are trying to regulate (housing and banking policy being an extremely good example), then it can be argued they are ill-equipped to regulate it at all without sufficient indoctrination.
In the case of Ms. Gail, she batted 1000 in the “too stupid to have an opinion about gun regulations” department. Why would I care to address her same ol, same ol BS talking points that have been proven to be flawed time and time again?
But I will say this…. Ms. Gail’s stupidity doesn’t bother me nearly as much as both McCarthy and Lautenberg’s. Ms. Gail’s reach may extend to anyone crazy enough to bother reading her. But the elected officials’ reach extends to my Constitutional rights. So when it comes to educating the voters as to the behavior of elected officials, when they again try to dissect the Bill of Rights, the media should have the responsibility to get the facts straight, and research what they don’t know.
Lastly, I don’t think Loughner was “inspired” by anything… not politics, not Jews, not skinheads. Zip. The loon doesn’t appear to be able to hold that cogent a thought trail in his brain. I think his friend who pointed out he had a penchant for chaos nailed it perfectly. Chaos was what he craved because chaos was how his brain functioned. To look for a “cause”, other than the crazy SOB himself, is an utter waste of time. Society, symbols or anything else did nothing.
The cause is a real nutcase, who was ignored by law enforcement and his university professors. No one can force an adult into mental institutions or tests unless they commit a crime. However with the brushes of the law he had on record, his documented threats, and his unstable character, he should have been removed from the streets long before this.
BTW, it is my understanding that when he went to purchase ammo at one Walmart, they refused because his behavior was suspicious and unstable. He went to another Walmart at a later time, where he must have been in better control, since he did get the ammo then.
The cold gun would misfire . . . all the tallow used to lube the gun would become solid and prevent the gun from being reliable. A warm gun is nice to have!!!
@Tallgrass, so sorry I’m late to your casual “quiz”. I read it, and the first two phrases that came into my mind were:
1: keep your powder dry (since those were the days of flint lock black powder rifles) and…
2: “happiness is a warm gun”…. John Lennon
Right on both statements!
I have enjoyed the debate, especially your comments and replys concerning gun control. It is personally very astonishing to me the refusal of the gun control crazies to realize that pursuit of happiness depends entirely on being able to protect it. There is much, much more behind the motivations of the gun control advocates than just gun control . . . and basically has nothing to do with anything but POWER hunger and influence.
Mata, we all should know our members of Congress have often referenced press reports in debate, have also had them read into the record, warts and all.
thank you MATA and TallGrass for the info, y’all know your stuff for sure,
I would not like a cold gun either for the hand burning sensation
and even more when your hunting a polar bear, that remind me to always bring at least one glove,
@Larry: You said:
Thank you Captain Obvious…
MATA #106 Well written and informative.As always.
Some gun favorites
Mr.Saturday Night Special Lynyrd Skynyrd
Shotgun Junior Walker and The All Stars
Knockin On Heavens Door Bob Dylan and Guns and Roses “Mama put those guns in the ground.”
and my favorite Lawyers Guns and Money The late great Warren Zevon