Tragedy And Depravity

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This is a terrible tragedy. May the victims and their families find comfort and peace in the future.

We as a free country, expose ourselves to the depredations of lunatics with weapons; unfortunately, it is within our definition of freedom, that citizens without criminal records can purchase weapons and use them in carrying out their insanity. This is a price we pay for our freedom.


The Left has taken on a serious amount of guilt, not by publishing the rants of this deranged gunman, but by trying to destroy all record of having published his insanity, presumably to absolve themselves of guilt. This might be considered destruction of evidence in a court of law, time will tell.

Make Sure Brain Is In Gear Before Engaging Mouth(sign above a First Sergeant’s desk)

The depravity of the situation becomes evident, in an effort to scoop the story, they blamed the Tea Party, Conservatives, and specifically Sara Palin for the murders, without having the slightest evidence to support their claims. Inventing news is not new, but trying to score political points from the tragic shooting of one of your own political people is a base and classless move.

Now that the killer, (caught with smoking gun, but not yet convicted and executed) has turned out to be a published contributor of the Left and a political operative within their own ranks; the Left swings into damage control mode and tries to erase or expunge any connections they have with the killer. These actions expose a base and sinister core in the Progressive Socialist movement operating within our country that remains true to the genetic traits of their DNA, if we travel back a few decades to the depravity and duplicity of the Soviets and the Communist Chinese.

This is a terrible tragedy for those poor people and their families, first and foremost, but in a larger sense it is a tragedy for all of America; for we have now seen the duplicity and lack of morality of the Left’s Propaganda Machine. The effort to mimic Rahm Emanuel’s famous line that he so willingly offered to the world, “Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste”, has backfired on the Left and they are still spinning lies hoping to hit on just the right one one that will bail them out of this nasty situation that has exposed their corruption to the core.

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That was extremely well stated, Skookum. No sooner had the dust settled from this unspeakable act, and before the identity of the shooter had even been established, the useful idiots on the left were desparately trying to hang the blame of this tragedy around the necks of the Tea Party, Fox News, Conservative Talk Radio, and most of all, Sarah Palin. It would appear to be their default knee jerk reaction to any high profile tragedy. Fort Hood shooting by an irate muslim yelling “Allah akubar!”? Obviously rage brought on by Republican obstruction of Obamacare. Attempted Time Square bombing by an another irate muslim bent on jihad? Obviously more rage brought about by Tea Party demonstrations against Obamacare (as expressed by Michael Bloomberg). Democrat headquarters vandalized by irate unpaid staffer? You guessed it, overheated Tea Party rhetoric.

These delusionals on the left have abandoned reason for emotion and in doing so, have traded truth for a lie. Indeed, the truth matters little as long as the proper emotional template is laid. Hence any heinous violent atrocity is blamed immediately on conservatives and their “vitriole”, even though the perpetrators are more often than not, leftwing loons. Sadly, once the truth finally comes out, it is often buried in a back page retraction, if ever mentioned at all.

Unfortunately this story as it unfolds will be tarnished by the media bias. Errors of omission and, quoting such reliable sources as Dem. Sheriff Dupnik and Dem. AZ State Senator Linda Lopez. Both who within minutes of the incident blamed Tea party members and talk show hosts. Also we should start a list of these morons, Krugman NYT should top the list. The Jurnoolists will be out in full force, twisting and hiding the truth if it reflects badly on their progressive cause. Unfounded accusations will be their template.
Question. Was Dupnic’s sheriff dept charged with protecting the people of this mass shooting? Suggestion, keep this loose cannon away from the crime scene and the shooters house. News conferance on now with head of FBI director Muller, answering questions and so far keeping the dufus Dupnic in the backround.

“Now that the killer, (caught with smoking gun, but not yet convicted and executed) has turned out to be a published contributor of the Left and a political operative within their own ranks”

I’m trying to catch up…where is this info at?

Dupnik is on Fox news now. DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Was wondering the same, malize. From what I can see, the loon lived in that grey area of extremism where the right/left boundaries become blurred. When you examine it closely, extremist leaders… whether left of right… have a fine line dividing them.

Fans of Mein Kauf and Communist Manifesto are not fans of Palin and the tea party. Gifford was a moderate Dem who supported both gun rights, and increased focus on the AZ border… not exactly one out of step with the AZ tea party. Why would a supposed tea party member aim for a middle of the road elected one with some shared values in the bigger local issues?

Answer… they wouldn’t.

His high school peers describe his politics as “left”, but that was three years ago.

On the flip side, others bent on demonizing the tea party and conservatives will use his constant use of the Constitution (i.e. the community college who booted him out was un Constitutional, etc), his railing about property rights and distrust of the government, and his attempt to enlist with the Army as tying him to the right wing.

In the long run, don’t think Loughner’s politics will enter into it, but instead is something he, himself, used just to justify his insanity. Strikes me as the guy was purely a defective human, and apparently the military saw that when they rejected his application.

May he hang from the nearest tree ASAP following his rightful trial, where an ACLU lawyer will (hopefully unsuccessfully) attempt to get him off as being a victim of society and Sarah Palin. I see it as a healthy “thinning of the herd”.

As far as his politics? Who cares. While he appears to lean more left, his rantings really made no sense for either side.

Skook, I doubt that “Boy Blue” was Loughner. That poster said he was gay, and Gifford was a member of the LBTG Caucus. The two beefs he could have is that she voted against Pelosi as minority leader, or that she was pro gun rights.

Obviously Loughner was pro guns since he legally purchased one in October. No indication of his sexual preference, but that didn’t seem to be part of his ravings. Even if we assume he tried to enlist, prior to the repeal of DADT, and said he was gay (thereby being rejected…), he’d still find a friend in Gifford. So that doesn’t make sense either.

While we don’t know, I think all indications… including the writing style and admission of working for Gifford’s campaign twice… say this is someone different. Loughner met Gifford once that we know of, and pronounced her “stupid” and “unintelligent”. Unlikely to be a campaign volunteer.

What is so tragic about this shooting is that there is no blame where it belongs, on the shooter himself. It is my understanding we all have free choices and free will. Not according to the left. We are just nothing but puppets without any thoughts of our own. This is so tragic. I pray for all concerned.

Skook, Loughner was carrying it all… the Glock, extra ammo and a knife. Additionally, I know many liberals who are not gun control advocates. (not the totalitarian, Billy Bob, of course… LOL)

Who are you talking about INRE wife? Loughner was not married, to my knowledge. Are you talking about the Boy Blue poster? Can’t say an admitted gay is unhappy his wife left him. So I guess I’m in the dark on your response here, guy.

I would say that if Boy Blue was worrisome in anyway, he isn’t likely now if Gifford would be his only target. That’s already come to fruition by someone else, apparently. Secondly, if law enforcement wanted to track down Boy Blue, finding a gay man who worked on her campaigns twice shouldn’t be all that difficult. But they have this perp already in custody, and with witnesses and a smoking gun… literally.

Don’t know what KOs has to do with this since I don’t hold the Dems or Daily KOs responsible for this anymore than I do Palin or our violent entertainment industry today. In fact, the more I read about Loughner, the more I am convinced that politics had little to do with his ultimate actions, save he may have used them as a superficial excuse. There is no rhyme or reason as to his political flavor. He’s no more definable as right than he is as left, because what conservative or tea partier would shoot a Blue Dog Dem who was a strong advocate for immigration in AZ, and pro gun rights? And what extreme leftist would rant about the Constitution and property rights?

Clearly, the guy was defective in all aspects.

Well, Skook…. while I haven’t a clue personally, but the Billy Bob rumor is that Palin’s busy erasing material too.

If covering un PC tracks post this murder attempt is a crime, it may be going on via both sides. But for either side to even play that game strikes me as some sort of bizarre admission that commentary was an accomplice to a scumbag mass murderer.

Skook, would never accuse you of not being a competent blogger. LOL Well, we did ramp you up to speed on the technology, but your writings and approach to politics are unique and Aesop’esque in structure. All in all, as I said, the more I read about this loony bin, the more I think politics was only an piss poor excuse he drummed up. He can’t even get his politics coherent. Just a loser with a screw loose. May he swing soon.

But yes… I assume that in the wake of all this will be the firebombs tossed back and forth about rhetoric responsibility (mostly done as incompetently as Billy Bob has done…), and the convenience cries to knock it off. Politics has been dirty business since this nation was founded, and we probably just know about it more since we have instant and widely available 24/7 news. So I doubt it will all the sudden turn to sweetness and light. Any attempts to do so is like throwing your firearm down first, throwing your hands up in the air while you wait for your political enemy to lower the full auto he’s holding, aimed at your heart.

They have a speech club, you bring a gun.

Nan, you’re right. Rush will hit it out of the park on Monday.

Here’s an example. A few months after Waco, the Russian Duma was burning. There was trouble getting Yeltsen into power. There was a fierce fire, many armored vehicles, and army personnel tripping over each other. Janet Reno must have been in charge.

I’m thinking we should start calling braindead-rob Cuitlahac. It translates from the Nahuatl language as “plenty of excrement.”
After seeing what the shooter wrote I figured he was just plain nuts and political beliefs for the most part, did not factor into why he did what he did.