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@Nan G:

I found it:

October 26, 2010 (CHICAGO) (WLS) — This year marks the first Illinois election that any registered voter can cast their ballot by mail, no excuses necessary. Even as the deadline for postmarking those ballots nears, problems are brewing.

An Illinois county election official says that thousands, and potentially hundreds of thousands, of voters who are expecting a ballot sent to them by mail may be disenfranchised.

Chicagoan Rosia Carter is one of 404,000 registered Illinois voters who recently received vote-by-mail requests that were sent by the Illinois Democratic Coordinated Campaign.

“By the time I filled it out and sent it in, my vote would not get counted,” Carter said.

She and others called the I-Team when they noticed the return address is not their local election official but instead a PO box for the organization. IDCC officials claim they are entering ballot request information into their own database before sending the mailings on to election authorities who then mail voters the ballot.

The Lake County clerk received a shipment of 500 ballot requests from the IDCC Tuesday. By law, her office has two days to process the ballot requests. The problem is, Thursday is the deadline for election officials to get the ballots out.

IDCC told the clerk that another 1,500 ballot requests are headed to her office, which, she says, may not give her enough time to process all the ballots, potentially disenfranchising voters.

“I called Mike Madigan,” Carter said, “and they said ‘We farmed out this job, here’s their phone number,’ and I said ‘I don’t want the number, that’s your job to call.’

Absentee ballots:

Lawmakers May Probe Late Military Ballots

By Benjamin Yount

SPRINGFIELD – Illinois may not be finished investigating those late military ballots.

Members of the House Elections Committee say they’re considering formal hearings into how and why 36 counties missed the deadline to send ballots to deployed servicemen and other overseas voters.

State Rep. Dan Brady, R-Bloomington, said there is clearly something wrong when one-third of local election offices miss a federal deadline to ensure soldiers and sailors have their votes counted.


Phil Hare, of the townhall viral video fame where he panned the Constitution, represents one of the districts where the absentee ballots were late going out…he is getting beat. That area was union heavy….was, he was thought to be in a safe seat until the video and a decent conservative challenger. His area was also where they were going to move the Gitmo detainees. The folks can only take so much. 😉


Megyn Kelly had two attorneys on to give their opinions of the two tapes. They are thinking 4th degree assault for the stomper. Good segment:


Larry, you are being a little disingenuous; Reagan was a New Deal Democrat until he read “Witness” By Whittaker Chambers. It was the book written by a former Communist Spy that caused Reagan to have his epiphany. The book detailed the network of Soviet spies that had infiltrated the US government and how Roosevelt was influenced by Soviet infiltrators at the highest levels, fcts that have been confirmed by the Verona Cables. To say that Reagan would have been a New Deal Democrat after knowing how he had been played as a stooge by Stalin and his Ivy League plants in the US is stretching the truth a bit.

You might read the book by Chambers and Body of Secrets to learn of the revelations of the Verona Cables; unfortunately, the information we intercepted from the Russian transmission from US spies and Moscow could not even be explained to Roosevelt because of the spy net work he had gathered around him and the fact that we didn’t want the Russians to know that we had broken their Code.

Yes, Reagan was a New Deal Democrat until (Circa 53 approx.) he learned of how Roosevelt’s inner circle of advisors were Stalin sympathizers. Actually, this same issue, the issue of Loyalty, plagues the Liberal and Progressive Democrats to this day. Although, very few people are aware of the traitors of history, our Socialist Education system refuses to teach real history and relies instead on Liberal revisionist history, their reputation follows through generations and explains our deep rooted distrust of those whose loyalties are more deeply rooted in International Socialism than in the American Republic.

MiSSY: hi, with the so many ballots messed up with,do you think they could used that scam,
to delay the voting results, or even cancel the voting action, claiming it false or illegal,
that would generate a lot of anger ,don’t you think?, bye

>>If you question whether there were two men assaulting a woman>>

What difference does it make what sex they were? I thought women were equal …. certainly when they apply for jobs, whether it’s in the police force, the fire protection forces or the military forces, sex may not be used to influence decisions – so why should it make any difference here??

suek: hi, IF you refering to what I ask B-Rob, It was a joke I put in just to tease and check what he’s gonna do with it. bye

Re the economic crunch…

After reading this blog(link below) for about a year, I’ve come to the conclusion that much of the problem is due to out and out fraud, and the various dishonest activities within the financial system, including members of the administration and is in large part due to “crony capitalism” and the fact that this administration – as well as perhaps the last two – has not prosecuted those who were guilty of manipulating the system to their benefit. It may be due to ignorance – that is, those who are supposed to prosecute the wrong-doers simply don’t have the economic background to interpret and apply the laws. The upshot is that we might as well not have laws regulating the financial industry.

If Denninger is right, the worst is yet to come.


Hey bees…

Nah…it’s just the same old lib double standard again. You know…”women are equal. women can do anything a man can do. How dare you treat a woman differently than a man!” and then…”OMG!!!! 2 _men_ attacked that little ol’ defenseless _woman_!! How _dare_ they treat a woman that way!!”

Not sexist when _they_ have different standards….

suek, that’s what I should have said, to the first attack, bye

Nan G, that is pretty rough stuff to witness.

However, we should all remember, Obama’s friend and neighbor (and probable ghost writer judging from Obama’s actual prose and poetry that hasn’t been sequestered) Bill Ayers, the unrepentant domestic terrorist and murderer, dedicated his book, Guilty As Hell And Free As A Bird to Sirhan Sirhan.

According to Michellle, Ayers had to write something or the advance contract would go down the tubes. You can’t blame Obama, he is a terrible writer and doesn’t have much of a work ethic, despite what the teleprompter says.

If the male readers of F.A. agree with Sueks comments in 209 and 212 I’d like to hear it. Thanks

Well, would you be making such a fuss if it was a man who tried 3 times to get close to Ron Paul? It is not only men who are a threat anymore. Women want equal consideration.

Congrats ilovebees!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 200!!! Way to go. You have joined the club. :mrgreen:

@rich wheeler, #216:

I have no trouble with some “double standards”. While men and women are equal, that doesn’t mean no consideration should be given to their obvious differences. Generally speaking, the strong should protect those who are less able to protect themselves. Force being used inappropriately against women, children, or the elderly punches my button. This, I think, is as it should be. If two adult males are willfully going at it, I’m not automatically inclined to think it’s my business.

I doubt if that “double standard” is liberal. I imagine it’s pretty much the adult male norm.


I don’t know what they will do, the ballots that come in late, I know won’t be counted. When I worked for the Congressman I was given several sets of printouts of all the voters in the county. It gave the names, addresses, ph numbers and the party each voter was registered to.

I used the lists to recruit people to help with phone banks, distribute campaign literature, host coffee parties, deliver signs, etc. but I only called Republicans. So when I was called by the democrats asking me if we wanted an absentee ballot sent I thought it odd because I’m sure they were working off voter lists and why would they be calling me being as though I wasn’t a registered democrat. I wonder if they made sure the democrats got their ballots on time, hmmm.

They are always up to something and people will get angry if they use the absentee ballots and they come in too late to be counted, but if I were them, I’d go to the polls, explain to the judges what happened and see if I could still vote, let the election board sort it out later.

anticsrocks: thank you, I had to take it, because I knew it was going to go soon, as GREG
was 199. and did not hear from you, it’s my first time and was the big one too, bye

MISSY, What about the MILITARIES who did NOT receive their paper to vote,
THAT will be lost too.


It happens to them way to much. If they have computer they still may be able to vote and they have extended the deadline for the votes coming back, if they don’t get back in time, they can sue but their vote still won’t be counted.

Military Vote in Question After DOJ Gives Illinois ‘Pass’ on MOVE Act, Advocacy Group Warns

Military voters from the land of Lincoln could be shut out of the midterm election after the Justice Department reached an agreement with Illinois that gave the state “a pass” for violating federal election law, an advocacy group warned Monday.

The Justice Department hammered out the court agreement Friday addressing the failure of 35 Illinois counties to send military and overseas absentee ballots 45 days before the election — a requirement of the MOVE Act. The agreement gave voters from six of those counties a few extra days to send back their ballots but did not specifically address the other 29 counties.

Eric Eversole, a former Justice voting section attorney who runs the nonprofit Military Voter Protection Project, told FoxNews.com the deal effectively lets wayward Illinois election officials off the hook and does little to ensure the state’s military voters get their ballots in time.

“For at least 29 counties, there were absolutely no consequences,” he said. “Illinois is precisely the reason why you can’t wait until a week before the election to try and resolve a clear violation of military voting rights.”

For some overseas military voters, he said, “it might not get there.”

The Illinois agreement was the final deal struck by the Justice Department to address states’ failure to send their ballots out in time. While agreements with other states had tougher provisions compelling them to send out more express ballots and extending the deadline to receive them by many more days, Eversole’s group said the Illinois decree gave “no meaningful relief” to military voters.

There is an online alternative for some military voters who do not receive paper ballots in time, and the administration is urging service members to use that option if they need to.


The deadline to send out ballots, which 35 counties missed, was Sept. 18. For six counties where ballots were sent out between 16 and 20 days late, the agreement extends the deadline to receive ballots from Nov. 16 by two to three days. For those counties, the deadline to postmark the ballots moves from Nov. 1 to Nov. 2.

But the agreement does not offer a specific remedy for the 29 counties where ballots were mailed out between two and 12 days late. It instead includes a section that says election officials must mail out, either electronically or by express mail, “properly and timely requested” ballots they learn were not transmitted — and then accept Nov. 2-postmarked ballots until Nov. 19. The decree also orders officials to make sure all requested electronic ballots are sent out.

Justice spokeswoman Xochitl Hinojosa said the 29 counties did not get extra time because they already have 14 extra days after the election for their ballots to be received. She said the ballots will get to them in time and if any voter’s on-time ballot is not counted, “we can file a lawsuit.”

Eversole, though, said the agreement just doesn’t go far enough. He said it could have at the very least explicitly extended the deadline for all 35 counties. And he expressed concern that the agreement did little to prevent the violations from happening again in 2012, saying it sends the message that so long as states accept ballots after Election Day, they can ignore the 45-day requirement in the MOVE Act. The 45 days, though, were meant to give military voters enough time to receive and send back their ballots before Election Day.


MISSY, THE MILITARIES should be the FIRST one to vote and given the NO1 priority,
on the decision such as this, and those who are responsible to deny them that priviledge should be dealt with severely enough to loose their own position no matter how high the ladder is to be demolish, in order to rectifie that wrong doing, for our chidren’s future
WHO will take the INTEREST in mind and activly pursue that nessessity for the MILITARYS
TO have their votes secure in this AMERICA of theirs:
THEY are the one hurting and dying for serving their country,; WHO ELSE AMONG THE ELECTES,
SHAME UPON those RESPONSIBLE to deny the troups on a time of war, where you set the STRATEGY YOURSELF. SHAME IT IS

Where on earth is Wordsmith? I haven’t seen anything posted by him in quite some time.

Ron H.

Ron H: hi, I sure hope he’s okay, bye

CNN/TIME Opinion Poll
http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2010/images/10/27/topstate8.pdf (NOTE: this is a PDF link)

One major thing wrong with this set of polls.

When you look at the raw data you see it, otherwise you might be fooled.

Page 9,
Page 11,
Pages 13, 14, 15,
Page 17,
Pages 19, 20
Pages 22, 23
Page 25,
Page 27,
Pages 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34.

See it?

Yeah, they skipped the young voters, sometimes even the middle aged voters, sometimes all the urban voters, sometimes all the rural voters and so on.

Talk about skewing the numbers!

There is a God!

October 28, 2010
‘Liberal’ gene found. Can a cure be far behind?
Andrew Thomas
This may be the single most significant medical breakthrough in human history. I want to be the first to congratulate the scientists from Harvard and University of San Diego (rife with appropriate human subjects) who have isolated the “liberal” dopamine receptor gene called DRD4, and nominate them for the Nobel Prize in Medicine and perhaps even the Nobel Peace Prize, as well.

This gene apparently provides a predisposition to this widespread mental disorder, which affects approximately every two in a typical family of five (at least in my case). According to the scientists, this predisposition is triggered into full-blown liberalism by excessive social interaction during adolescence…for example as occurred with the baby-boomers during the era of “Free Love”.

The good news is that a cure is possible! Perhaps a genetic modifier could be introduced as a nasal spray ingested through the lungs, as has been proposed to reverse other genetically-induced diseases such as cystic fibrosis and psychotic narcissism Can you think of any appropriate subjects for the clinical trials?

Can you foresee a future where people entering polling places are hit in the face with a dose of “sanity spray” prior to voting? I’m certain that a vaccine can soon be developed to insure that our children lead healthy and happy lives, free from illogic, confusion, anger, hypocrisy, and projection.

Imagine a world without “victimized” classes, without special interest organizations having the words “green” or “justice” in their titles, with no demands for entitlements and manufactured “rights”, and where no one thinks we can borrow our way out of debt.

Unfortunately, I can also imagine a massive revolt against any attempt to chemically-alter liberal thought (although chemicals probably contributed to it in the first place). Like brain-dead zombies resisting a psychic therapy that could turn them human again, liberals will probably balk at volunteering to be cured.

Oh, well…I can dream.

Andrew Thomas


@ Randy, Urinalysis for illegal substances and the DRD4 gene should be the basis of immediate removal from elected/appointed office in both State and Federal Government and permanent ban from Public Office for life

If there is actually merit to the DRD4 gene (Hard to imagine, a Liberal gene having merit), how can you explain a New Deal Democrat like Ronald Reagan becoming a Conservative after reading “Witness” by Whitaker Chambers?

Seriously this is probably the greatest political conversion of all time, yet few Conservatives are aware of the event or its significance. Witness will never be required reading in a Liberal university, that is a safe bet, but besides the obvious possibilities of awakening the Liberal mind and reversing a serious washing of the brain during grammar school and high school, holding the book back, it is a book that requires effort and concentration to read. Unfortunately, these traits are often deleted from the primary thought process of Liberals. Why require reading that deviates from the party line and is also a difficult read?

On the other hand, I must possess this genetic deficiency, (a deliberate pun), for as a young human, I saw that farms and businesses ran more efficiently with Conservative principles and that severe pecuniary insufficiency was the result of Liberal ideas employed in the management of a farm or ranch. However, there is an indication that a person with a genetic code that carries DRD4 can, with reason and logic, undue, resist, or overcome an unfortunate accident at conception.

Since some of the most blood thirsty regimes that have ever existed were Socialist or Communist types, were the leaders just non DRD4 types who took advantage of the willingness of the sheep-like gullibility of the typical Leftist or are there sadistic bad asses among the bleeding hearts who are willing to kill millions to make things right. Bill Ayers’ admission that he was willing to kill 25 million to get Socialism off to a good start, comes to mind: it is only an assumption, but I doubt that many would accuse Ayers of being short the DRD4 gene. Thus the theory of compassionate Socialists begins to fall apart in Obama’s living room.

Just a Little Genocide


I asked, “well what is going to happen to those people we can’t reeducate, that are diehard capitalists?” and the reply was that they’d have to be eliminated.

And when I pursued this further, they estimated they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these reeducation centers.

And when I say “eliminate,” I mean “kill.”

Twenty-five million people.

I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people, most of which have graduate degrees, from Columbia and other well-known educational centers, and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people.

And they were dead serious.

This was the testimony of FBI informant Larry Grathwohl in the 1982 documentary No Place to Hide.

The 25 people plotting the extermination of the 25 million Americans who would bitterly cling to the American way of life?

The Weather Underground, led by Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.

OLD TROOPER 2: this is quite a big one to learn from those peoples,
I’m glad they have been neutralyze, bye

@Old Trooper 2:

As you probably know, their evil was limitless, why they are respected in the Chicago/Obama circle is something I will never understand or forgive. They have lived an ugly life and stupid Obama accepted them, just a guy in the neighborhood…sure, sure he was. 🙄

“I don’t regret setting bombs,” Ayers was quoted in the opening line of the Times’ profile. “I feel we didn’t do enough.” In 1969, Ayers and his wife convened a “War Council” in Flint, Mich., whose purpose was to launch a military front inside the United States with the purpose of helping Third World revolutionaries conquer and destroy it. Taking charge of the podium, dressed in high-heeled boots and a leather miniskirt — her signature uniform — Dorhn incited the assembled radicals to join the war against “Amerikkka” and create chaos and destruction in the “belly of the beast.” Her voice rising to a fevered pitch, Dohrn raised three fingers in a “fork salute” to mass murderer Charles Manson, whom she proposed as a symbol to her troops. Referring to the helpless victims of the Manson Family as the “Tate Eight” (the pregnant actress Sharon Tate had been stabbed in her womb with a fork), Dohrn shouted: “Dig it. First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, they even shoved a fork into a victim’s stomach! Wild!”

Embarrassed today by this memory, but unable to expunge it from the record and unwilling to repudiate her terrorist deeds, Dorhn resorted to a baldfaced lie. “It was a joke,” she told the credulous Times reporter, Dinitia Smith; she was actually protesting America’s crimes: “We were mocking violence in America. Even in my most inflamed moment I never supported a racist mass murderer.” In 1980, I taped interviews with 30 members of the Weather Underground who were present at the Flint War Council, including most of its leadership. Not one of them thought Dohrn was anything but deadly serious. Outrageous nihilism was the Weatherman political style.


@ Missy, One of the things that I learned at a very early age is that you are known by the company you keep. I reckon that Obama’s Father never imparted that wisdom to him.

Obama’ Chigago connection, Ayres, Rezko, Jarret and others is indicative of the company he kept, as well as his Pastor that he threw under the bus. Quite an indicator of character. 😯

Poor Bill Ayers, he did’t get his Professor Emeritus because the son of Robert Kennedy was on the board overseeing the award and he couldn’t bring himself to give the award to a man who dedicated one of his books to the man who killed his father, Sirhan Sirhan. Even liberals must draw the line occasionally; although he wont press the issue to have Ayers tried for murder, after all, bombing the police station was so long ago and he is a dear fried of the Obamas and all.

A girlwhopostedlastnightabout costs of steel,it realy depends where you go to buy it, hi tensile as much assix ninty pounds a metric tonne and standard is around £687 per ton- hope this helps

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