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@ Larry —

It’s no use: the cons want their tax cuts and they will borrow from the Chinese to get them. It is what they did in 2001 and 2003 and if Obama lets them, they will do it again in 2010 and 2011. This will be a disaster as far as our long term budget is concerned, but since they REFUSE to consider any spending cuts at all, they will just add more debt.

@hard (#150): Quoting directly from the first of your links:

After the meltdown, some conservatives blamed the CRA for almost solely causing the crisis by requiring banks to make risky loans to unqualified borrowers. It was an unfair charge. “CRA had at best an incremental role in the U.S. housing debacle,” says J.D. Foster, an economist at the Heritage Foundation.

The Heritage Foundation is, of course, conservative. Your link above isn’t an analysis of the financial meltdown; it’s an editorial warning against modern-day expansion of the CRA.

The claim that the CRA had anything at all to do with either the housing crisis or the financial meltdown is utterly unfounded, for a whole lot of obvious reasons, extensively discussed and documented by me on this blog previously.

By the way, I didn’t dismiss any of your sources simply because they were conservatives; I simply said, that’s OK, but it does give me license, in return, to cite a liberal economist (Krugman), and my citation was not Krugman’s opinion, but, rather, his summary of relevant data. I carefully read each and addressed the substance of what was being presented and discussed. It’s a very cheap argument to attack the source, as opposed to the substance (especially data, as in that offered by the single “comment” I cited, simply out of convenience, as I didn’t have the time to go searching for a more authoritative source.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

“After the meltdown, some conservatives blamed the CRA for almost solely causing the crisis by requiring banks to make risky loans to unqualified borrowers. It was an unfair charge. “CRA had at best an incremental role in the U.S. housing debacle,” says J.D. Foster, an economist at the Heritage Foundation.”

“The claim that the CRA had anything at all to do with either the housing crisis or the financial meltdown is utterly unfounded…”

Larry, did I NOT say that the CRA played a role in the crash? I said it did. Incremental (in his opinion) is still playing a role, correct? You said it had NOTHING to do with it at all.
The other two links have individuals who are economists who also stated the CRA definitely played a role. I notice you did not address what they said. Selective rebuttal, eh? It looks like you skipped them because you couldn’t distort what the article said like you did with the first one.
Earlier you criticized a source of mine because they didn’t offer any citations . Well, your “commentor” criticizing the article didn’t cite anything beyond a dollar amount from Heritage, but now it’s valid? Come on Larry.

Braindead rob, yes, how dare I demand to keep more of the money I earned instead of it being pissed away to study foreign ants. You schmuck.

Let me ask you this Larry, would you be in favor of extending the Bush tax cuts IF federal spending was slashed? This is a yes or no question. If you want to explain your answer feel free, but yes or no first please.


Hundreds of thousands of Illinois voters will be disenfranchised!

Two days ago, the Democratic Secretary of State announced that voters can be provided “free food” at “voter turnout events.” Harry Reid has been offering free food and, according to other reports, some Democratic allies such as teachers’ unions are offering gift cards in return for a vote for Reid.
Nevada law (NRS 293.700) provides that, “A person who bribes, offers to bribe, or use and other corrupt means, directly or indirectly, to influence any elector in giving his or her vote or to deter the elector from giving it is guilty of a category D felony and shall be punished as provided in NRS 193.130.”

Here’s the paragraph from the article Larry selectively quoted:

“After the meltdown, some conservatives blamed the CRA for almost solely causing the crisis by requiring banks to make risky loans to unqualified borrowers. It was an unfair charge. “CRA had at best an incremental role in the U.S. housing debacle,” says J.D. Foster, an economist at the Heritage Foundation. But CRA did help create the conditions in which disaster could occur

The problems began in the 1990s, when Congress made it harder for lenders to do business if they had not passed the CRA “exam” — that is, if they had not met the government-imposed standards for loans to low- and moderate-income borrowers.

“From 1995 on, there was an incredible push by the Clinton and Bush administrations in every way they could — CRA, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and other ways — to increase the homeownership rate,” says Russell Roberts, a professor of economics at George Mason University. “What that did was to push up the price of housing, and that made it imaginable to lend money to people you never would have lent money to, on terms you wouldn’t have done before.

In particular, Fannie Mae began to aggressively promote homeownership using the Community Reinvestment Act to give loans to people who couldn’t afford them. Fannie went to bankers and said, make as many CRA loans as you can; we’ll buy them and take them off your hands. “Our approach to our lenders is ‘CRA Your Way,’ ” top Fannie executive Jamie Gorelick told the Mortgage Bankers Association in 2001. “Fannie Mae will buy CRA loans from lenders’ portfolios; we’ll package them into securities; we’ll purchase CRA mortgages at the point of origination. …”

Fannie promised to buy billions and billions of dollars worth of CRA loans because it was under pressure to do so from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, which in turn was under pressure from Congress, which set ambitious quotas for low- and moderate-income loans…”

Here is another quote:
Denying that CRA, Fannie and other institutions played any role in setting the stage for disaster, they’re proposing more of what helped get us into trouble in the first place. It’s no way to fix the problem.

Hey, my son just returned from Afghanistan for 14 days. I told him of the discussions with the lefties on FA. He told me I was wasting my time!

@ Randy, Your Son may be right. My Daughter lurks here and reads the postings. At USAFA, their postings to any forum are monitored. She asked why I don’t just get a book deal, publish memoirs and run for Elected Office instead of arguing with fools at FA. You know Pardner, she just may be right except for that running for Office business. I have enough enemies right now and associating with fools and habitual liars on a regular basis is not one of my goals. That would be like having a pack of used car salesmen and telemarketers as your only pals.

Randy, depends on what your definition of wasting time is. If you are bored with nothing else to do, it can be fun. I was home sick so why not share the “love?”

Randy thank your son for his service. May he return home safely once and for all.
OT, the same goes for you.

@ Curt, FA is a wealth of information for folks who intend to make a difference in the next election and presents views on all things pertinent to making wise choices. It also displays discussions in a town hall fashion that is often well referenced and somewhat well presented for all and sundry tastes.

I know that deployed folks in Operations Centers come here for Skookum’s real world postings and get a taste of what they are missing from a distance. Many thanks for that. FA has quite a cast of characters and some with more character than others. ( 😯 )

Thanks for the opportunity to read and post here. We all know what happened in 2008 so a better informed voter can make wiser choices on State and National levels.

Curt, OT2 and Hardright, Thanks. Zach crashed after a 72 hour trip. There must be a lot of people who lurk here. I get tired of repeating endlessly for those few who can not get out of their bubble.

I guess that there are so many more issues out there that need a good honest discussion and those few can not approach issues with out injecting their ideology. I am a science engineering type. I try to look at all sides and test each theory before making a decision. If I do not know something, I listen and do not comment. That doesn’t seem to stop others from commenting!

OT2 have you seen where Trent Lott wants to make sure that the new members of congress get indoctrinated by senior staff members so they understand the Washington Ropes? I don’t think the beltway crowd understands there will be a new attitude in Washington in Jan 2011!

BRob said:

This will be a disaster as far as our long term budget is concerned, but since they REFUSE to consider any spending cuts at all, they will just add more debt.

Of course he was speaking about tax cuts and not the healthcare scam Obama/Pelosi/Reid and the rest have perpetrated on America. Assuming the bill does not get repealed, when the bills start rolling in for it, the progressive’s cries for more and more taxes to pay for it will be deafening.

BRob, I don’t ever expect you to get it about economics. Numerous posters here have tried and tried to explain the simple things to you, yet it goes completely over your head. Unless you have ever truly ran a business, and know intimately how taxes(including personal income taxes, of which many small businesses file) affect it, you don’t have a clue in the world about tax cuts, spurring the economy, and the jobs and extra tax revenue it creates. You can talk deficits all day long, but they really have little to do with either tax cuts or tax hikes. Increasing or decreasing taxes affects the economy, which does have a direct reflection on federal tax revenue. Deficits are more a product of overspending, and you’ve talked about cuts, yet still claim no conservatives willing to speak about them. How about Reps Paul Ryan and Jeb Hensarling?

Interesting how you blast conservatives for not promoting spending cuts, and you give a pass to all the liberal/progressives who don’t even know what a spending cut is.

Maybe next time you can talk again how ‘conservative’ supporters of Rand Paul are violent menaces to society while you defend the violent actions on the left. Oops, I see you’ve already done that. When conservatives brandish weapons outside a polling place, or converge on a private residence with only a young child home and throw out nasty insults, or violently attacked delegations to MN for the GOP convention(, or protest the president with signs promoting murder/assasination, or beat a man because he is a black conservative, and you actually acknowledge the above acts as violent outbreaks of liberal protesters, then you can be horrified at all violence. Until then, your anger comes across as mock, with no sense of it being heartfelt.

@Hard (#155):

Here’s the paragraph from the article Larry selectively quoted

“After the meltdown, some conservatives blamed the CRA for almost solely causing the crisis by requiring banks to make risky loans to unqualified borrowers. It was an unfair charge. CRA had at best an incremental role in the U.S. housing debacle,” says J.D. Foster, an economist at the Heritage Foundation. But CRA did help create the conditions in which disaster could occur.

Please allow me to explain my “selective” quotation to you. You cited three opinion pieces. All from conservative bloggers. The Washington Examiner is owned by the same parent company as the Weekly Standard. The author of the story was the Examiner’s “chief political correspondent.” He is NOT an economist. He’s a political pundit. The only part of the story worth quoting (because it was the only quote from an actual economist who straightforwardly addressed the specific issue under consideration, to wit: that the CRA was to blame for the subprime mortgage crisis and subsequent financial meltdown) was the opinion of the actual economist, J.D. Foster, who works for the (conservative) Heritage Foundation. I gave the entire quote of the economist. In the paragraph above, the last sentence was not part of the quote from the (conservative) economist. The last sentence was a strictly editorial comment by the political pundit. This is the sentence which reads: “But CRA did help create the conditions in which disaster could occur.” Note that the Heritage economist did NOT say this! The Heritage economist said: “After the meltdown, some conservatives blamed the CRA for almost solely causing the crisis by requiring banks to make risky loans to unqualified borrowers. It was an unfair charge. CRA had at best an incremental role in the U.S. housing debacle.”

Note that the (conservative) Heritage Foundation economist said that “some conservatives (those would include the other two links provided by Hard Right) blamed the CRA….but that is an unfair charge.”

I will never get Hard Right to admit that he is wrong on this. In a previous thread, I took an enormous amount of time to present actual data and actual opinions from a spectrum of actual economists. I did the same thing in my discussions of the totally false assertion that tax cut ever pay for themselves, in generating more revenue for the treasury than they cost the treasury.

Rather than taking my word for it, why not perform your own Google search?


“Did the CRA cause the mortgage market meltdown?”

“Do tax cuts pay for themselves?”

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

, with due respect to Mata’s impressive scholarship, it’s much, much simpler than that.

1. The dollar value of bad CRA loans was about 1% of the total bad loans.
2. Most of the bad loans were for re-financings, investment properties, and vacation homes.
3. Most of the bad loans were subprimes sold by loan brokers, working on commission, who got higher commissions by steering otherwise creditworthy buyers into subprime adjustable loans, with low teaser rates than the low interest, fixed loans that these borrowers would otherwise have qualified for.
4. CRA loans performed at least as well as comparable non-CRA loans.
5. CRA participating banks outperformed CRA non-participating banks.
6. No officials of any failed banks have ever blamed the CRA for their bank’s failure.
7. The bad loans were not made because of any government “pressure” to loan money to unqualified borrowers. The bad loans were made because there was a massive glut of capital, in the USA and around the world, which had no place to go, in a world with too many dollars and US treasuries paying on the order of 1% or less. At the height of the feeding frenzy, I was probably getting a half dozen solicitations a week to refinance my house, or, even better, take out equity credit lines. There were not enough loan customers to supply the demand for new loan customers. This was the real cause of the crisis, would-be loan capital in search of loan customers. It had NOTHING WHATSOVER to do with the CRA.

Although I have respect for Mata’s scholarship and opinions, they do not reflect those of true economic experts who have specifically studied this issue in much greater detail.

Here is the conclusion of a very thorough analysis by two Federal Reserve Economists:

Two basic points emerge from our analysis of the available data. First, only a small portion of subprime mortgage originations is related to the CRA. Second, CRA-related loans appear to perform comparably to other types of subprime loans. Taken together, the available evidence seems to run counter to the contention that the CRA contributed in any substantive way to the current mortgage crisis.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

@ Randy, Swell. Lets indoctrinate them all, teach them the secret handshake and show them the ropes, oiled hemp, and show them a little tar and feathers if they assume the old time disgraced traditions of Congress past. I thought that DC needed an oil change and filter rather than a new paint job.

Our 111th Congress was headed for the abyss, going 90 MPH on four flat tires. New Congress types need to remember Who they work for and that their election happened to replace other Dolts who strolled through the mine field with Fools taking point and no adult supervision.

Indoctrination, what a lovely concept!

Larry, I cited two economists who felt it did play a role, so you’ll excuse me if I’m not impressed with your response or your claim that you are right because of your two economists. All either of us has done is shown that even economists disagree with the CRA’s role in the crash.
I have also learned that in some areas one doesn’t need to be a scholar to recognize certain facts. What you used is called making an appeal to authority. We should disgaree with a certain person’s opinion because they aren’t a so-called expert. That doesn’t work on me. So you’ll have to excuse me if I trust Mata’s opinion over yours. I know you’ll never admit to being wrong since facing reality isn’t the strong point of a liberal like yourself, but it’s been fun watching you twist and bend in order to cling to your wishful conclusion.

Tell me Larry, would you favor tax cuts combined with slashing spending?

I stand corrected. I thought it was impossible for cons to go any lower than to excuse two men physically attacking a woman. But now I see this:


“And when asked if he would apologize to Valle. ‘I would like for her to apologize to me to be honest with you,’ Profitt said.”

He took this right from Dick Cheney, blaming the guy he shot for the shooting injuries. Or Ginni Thomas, expecting an apology from the woman her husband harassed. Dude and another man assaulted a woman and he wants HER TO APOLOGIZE?! What is wrong with you people?!

OLD TROOPER 2, I find your story on your number 3, very funny indeed, the second time I read it

B-Rob, how do you know IT’S 2 men? and how do you know IT’s a WOMAN?;
CAN you proove it?; just to say, some of you talk without proof, and like to accuse the CONSERVATIVES without proof. bye

Paul Supporter Claims MoveOn.Org Activist Was a Threat
Let me use small words and short sentences so that the brain trust at firedoglake can’t possibly twist this: the Rand Paul supporter that put his foot on a professional left wing activist outside the Paul-Conway debate was wrong to do so. Lauren Valle, the activist attempting to push her way through the crowd to get to Paul, had already been subdued and was on the ground.
But I will argue that Paul supporters had reason to believe that Valle was a potential threat based upon her earlier actions.
Police have summoned Tim Profitt to appear before a judge to face an assault charge after a scuffle was caught on tape outside the KET Studios in Lexington before Jack Conway and Rand Paul’s debate Monday night.
Today, Profitt says he fears for his safety and has received numerous death threats after others have watched the incident on tape. He says his actions were misunderstood.
“I feared for his safety,” Profitt explained.
In the video, it appears to some that 23-year-old Lauren Valle is wrestled down to the ground by Rand Paul Supporters and then stomped on.
But to Tim Profitt, the the situation is much different. He says what the video doesn’t show is Valle’s aggressive behavior. Profitt says she rushed Paul’s car three different times; each time refusing to stop.
He says at the time, he didn’t know what she was trying to do.
“We thought she was a danger; we didn’t know what she was doing.”
Profitt explained that he used his foot to try and keep her down because he can’t bend over because of back problems. He also says police were alerted to watch her before Paul arrived because people in the crown recognized her as someone who may try and pull a stunt.
Anyone with a basic grasp of history knows that American leftists love to use women to do their dirty work. Obama friend and mentor Bill Ayers used women in his terrorist cell to plant bombs; his then-girlfriend was killed when killed in a Greenwich Village townhouse explosion when the bombs she was constructing to attack a dance at a nearby army base prematurely detonated. His wife, Bernadine Dohrn, is still the primary suspect in the bombing death of a California police officer.
And who could forget Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme (part of the Manson Family that Dohrn so admired she created forked finger salute in their honor celebrating Sharon Tate’s murder) and her attempt to assassinate the President, or a similar attempt on President Ford’s life by leftist Sara Jane Moore?
Erratic individuals, acting aggressively and attempting to push their way through the crowd can easily be viewed as a physical threat to a political candidate. I therefore find it quite plausible that the scenario at the Paul/Conway debate was such that Paul supporters thought subduing Valle was a rational response to a perceived threat.
Once she was down, however, and ceased to be a threat, it was wrong for Profitt to step on her shoulder in an attempt to pin her down. Others had the situation in hand.
Do his actions rise to the level of assault? I’ll leave that for the legal system to determine.
I can tell you that any rational viewing of the videotape clearly shows he did not “stomp” on Valle’s head, as the irrational members of the community-based reality trumpeted throughout the leftist blogosphere. He foot was clearly on her shoulder and back, and if he touched her head at all, it was incidental.

The bottom line here is that lefties will do anything or use anyone since they believe the end justifies the means. Then when they are caught, they lie about it! Look at the Governors debate in FL. Look at the SIEu voter machine maintenance workers in NV. Look at cold cash Jefferson in LA. Look at Barney Franl or Maxine Waters or Harry Ried, Nancy Pelosi and here water front earmarks.

I’m surprised that nobody has really picked up the story of the ruling in the 9th district court yesterday. They struck down another part of Arizona’s law requiring voters to show proof of citizenship. The ruling was based on the National Voters Registration Act of 1993. Clinton was the sitting President and both houses had a Democratic majority not a super majority but a majority non the less. Which is all that was needed for this anyway. Basically it states all a person has to do is sign a mail in registration card claiming they are a citizen and can face perjury charges.

What strikes me funny is Democrats knowing that foreign nationals can fill out a registration card and vote to help change the outcome of the election, and yet cry foul when the National Chamber of Commerce publishes political ads against Democrats because there “might” be some foreign money involved. Hypocritical much?

(correction the current Administration is NOT part of this law suit)

I just read on B-Rob’s link no 2, someone mention the very dangerous activitys of the
ANd if someone want to hurt a person,they don’t need a gun, they will conceale smaller offensive items very easyly done and as potent as a gun.

B-rob, spare us your faux outrage and indignation. We know you are simply trolling. You’re also guaranteeing that more people will go out and vote Republican due to your dishonesty. Your efforts to smear Conservatives and suppress the GOP vote will fail.

173Reply to this comment

Comment #121
The Arizona Daily Star is reporting that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has overturned Arizona�s requirement that people show proof of citizenship to register to vote.

This can go to the Supreme Court, but not in time for this election.

@Hard Right and Ms. bees

All BRob is doing is the same thing liberal/progressives have been doing for a long, long time. Accuse your opponents of committing actions that you, yourself, are actually committing. In this case, he accuses the men of “assaulting” the woman, yet when the video is seen, the woman is clearly a possible assault threat to Mr. Paul himself. Going further, with liberal/progressive dismissal, or even outright denial, of factual events involving liberal protesters taking violent actions, we see that in this one incident, they are ‘outraged’ at this particular event denouncing violence on the right. That is, as Hard Right has stated, “faux outrage and indignation”.

It is hard to take anyone seriously when they engage in intellectually dishonest rants.

msbees #171 How do we know it’s 2 men and a woman? Because we’ve got 2 eyes?

You jokester.You’re not serious.Just tryin to get to 200.Got me

@ johngalt, B-Rob is whipping a dead horse. Do I have to repost my story about dogs chasing cars and what happens to the dog that catches one? Our boy Rob is not content to allow the Legal Authorities investigate, determine charges and adjudicate. He is attempting to try this ‘case’ here at FA. I am not available for faux jury duty right now.

Kcanova: hi, OF course It strike any other AMERICANS who read this,IT’S a way for them to go swindle a law of the land as they usualy do for any other laws they want change on their own agenda: NO wander no AMERICANS feel safe with them on top and MAJORITY on top of that
look at those of them come here and being so repulsive with pushing their views,
because they cannot find anything good to say about their own sides.
EVEN those in the WHITE HOUSE working at a lower level are fed up with the depress manic behavior of their leader. bye

@Old Trooper

Your right, of course. I just can’t help slamming the truth back at him. His claims of “moderation” ring hollow, given his penchant for labeling everything wrong in the country as the fault of conservatives, while giving passes to the liberal/progressive crowd on every issue discussed here.

He claims to be moderate and want ‘fiscal responsibility’, and claims conservatives are the ones who’ve been irresponsible, yet fails to note, and even supports, the $1trillion+ in the stimulus and porkulus bills that have done nothing of what they were advertised for, and everything for the supporters of the Democrats.

He claims to be a moderate and want ‘fiscal responsibility’, and claims conservatives have added trillions of dollars of debt, but fails to note, and even supports, the fact that Obama has added as much debt in two and a half years as Bush did in nearly 8 years.

A person is known by the company he/she keeps. As BRob has been keeping company, by his support of everything liberal/progressive, then he is known here as being a liberal/progressive.

New Topic?

While we discuss, others breed.

Mohammed is now the most popular name for newborn boys in England and Wales ahead of Jack and Harry, it emerged today.


1) Mohammed – 3,300

2) Muhammad – 2,162

3) Mohammad – 1,073

4) Muhammed -515

5) Mohamed – 387

6) Mohamad – 33

7) Muhamed – 27

8 ) Mohammod – 18

9) Mahamed – 14

10) Muhamed – 10

11) Mahammed – 6

12) Mohmmed – 4

TOTAL: 7,549

There are two other spelling sometimes used, but not in 2009.

Nan G: hi, YES they are ask to make a lot of babys, for future supremacy of the religion.


bees —

If you question whether there were two men assaulting a woman, that means you have not watched the video, nor read the main perpetrators half-a@@ed explanation for stomping on the woman’s head.

Randy —

You post someone who seems to refuse to acknowledge that the Profitt guy stomped on her head. The only problem with that is that Priofitt ADMITS he stomped on her head, only he claims it was not as bad as it looked because he had a bad back and, therefore, .

There were cops on the scene. If these mooks actually THOUGHT she was Squeeky Fromm, then they could have let the cops deal with her. But guess what? They did not act as if she was a threat or had a gun. She was not brandishing any weapon and she did not even have a sign with a stick on it. So to say now that they thought she was a threat is simple b.s. This is especially true when you watch the video: after the guy steps on her head, he then stands over her and yells at her. Hmm . . . not the actions of someone who feels a physical threat; more like the actions of someone who was pissed off.

Just by the amount of b.s. spinning and blame shifting I see here, one thing is sure: you cons KNOW how much this hurts your side. A Rand Paul country coordinator and a tea bagger concealed carry advocate teaming up like they are in the WWE, attacking an unarmed, small woman with glasses . . . but she needs to apologize to them?! Stay classy, cons . . . stay class . . . .

Here’s a new twist on voter fraud:

Bucks County, PA:
A bogus letter seeks to trick voters into needlessly registering for absentee ballots and then, for reasons unknown, causes them to send those ballots to a post office box apparently controlled by the Democratic candidate for Congress!

This has led to an influx of questionable absentee ballot applications.

On letterhead of the fictitious Pennsylvania Voter Assistance Office, the mailings warned recipients that their right to participate in the Nov. 2 election might be in jeopardy if they failed to respond.

Six Bucks County residents provided affidavits included in the petition in which they describe encounters with campaign workers who instructed them to complete absentee ballot applications when they did not plan to be out of town for the election or to sign the names of family members to obtain ballots for them.

One woman said that she received the Pennsylvania Voter Assistance Office letters and discarded them. “Nonetheless an absentee ballot was submitted in her name,” the petition says.

Whole story here.

A copy of the final notice version of the fraudulent letter.

Also more here.

Heh, how appropriate, Professor Jacobson comments:

While the left-blogosphere is sucking on this incident like a crack addict who has gone days without a fix, the reality is that most Americans will recognize this for what it was and is: A provocation by an organization known for provocation intended to create a publicity stunt to be used to distract the public from the abject failure of the Democrats who are standing for election.

This publicity stunt gone bad will work about as well as Jack Conway’s Aqua Buddha strategy, which has allowed Rand Paul to pull away in the polls.

Keep it up. Your disconnect grows larger every day.

The only possible assault was by the “foot” guy so spare us your lies and deliberate distortions.
The only people who are uspet over this are loony leftists like yourself who really don’t care, but think this will get your side votes while allowing you to attack us.

Braindead rob, you are pushing votes to Rand’s side. Keep up the good work..

@Nan G:

I noticed somewhere in one of these threads you mentioned Illinois voting. Hubby and I are IL voters, this year for the first time ever, we were called by some democratic organization asking if we could be sent absentee ballots. Just said no thanks, we are happy to go to the polls but the thought immediately crossed my mind….what are they up to now?

B-Rob, I was just checking to see your answer on my question,
and kidding you.
LIGHTEN up a bit and have a good laugh, It will transform your life here at FA,
and elsewhere. You might even have the compulsion to vote for CONSERVATIVES like everyone.

ms bees Do you do stand up?

missy Are there helicopters circling your house?

rich wheeler, no I don’t do stand up, I don’t like ovation of any kind,
but I can do pushup, can you?,

@ B-Rob, any Medical Report that you would cite in order to amp up your FA Show trial?
Do you prefer litigation via internet or actual Court proceedings by Legitimate Authority?
Do you have any real work to do or is posting to FA ‘billable time’ for some unsuspecting client?

I am posting this via my personal laptop and not on a Government one or on a Government ISP.

The You Tube video was a great piece but will it be admissible in Court?
Do We have any unbiased witnesses not affiliated with Move On or the Paul Campaign?

It’s your Show Trial here, Counselor…or should I say Judge, Jury and Executioner?

BTW, I am not a Kentucky Resident, already submitted my Montana Absentee Ballot and on my lunch break posting from a Subway Sandwich shop in DC by WiFi.

OLD TROOPER 2: hi, yes not good ➡ for dog chasing car,
but If you would have seen me chasing my dog chasing car,that was bad,
as I had a car chasing me chasing my dog chasing car,

188Reply to this comment’

I only recall Michelle Obama’s politiking inside the polling place for Ill.
If I mentioned anything more I don’t recollect it off hand.

Edited to add:
Also that the Ill. officials lied outright to the feds about sending out Absentee Ballots for the military….they did not send them out in time to get back before the election, disenfranchising tens of thousands of military voters.

ms bees You surely don’t want to challege this old Marine to a pushup contest.

Do continue your comedic posts.



Old Trooper —

A copy of the video put on the air would be admissible. As would that moron’s statements to the press admitting he stomped her head, along with his b.s. explanation AND his admission that he knew cops were nearby. Also admissible would be any statements in the newspaper. In other words, the moron better get a lawyer who is buddy buddy with the prosecutor and get a misdemeanor plea deal cut.

Nan G, wow this is bad, they deserve prison for that, I cant imagine not making sure that the soldiers vote for such important decitions making.
I would like ALL AMERICANS to vote against this inadequate governing stripping the militarys
at war from their rights,.

@ #186:

“While the left-blogosphere is sucking on this incident like a crack addict who has gone days without a fix, the reality is that most Americans will recognize this for what it was and is: A provocation by an organization known for provocation intended to create a publicity stunt to be used to distract the public from the abject failure of the Democrats who are standing for election.”

Most Americans can probably recognize the incident for what it was without Professor Jacobson’s assistance. At least they think they can.

Conservatives should have simply acknowledged the wrongness of it and written it off as an isolated case of unacceptable behavior. Instead, many have attempted to justify a moment caught on video that most normal human beings will react to very negatively on an almost instinctual level. Blaming the apparent victim–in this case, a defenseless young woman being forced to the curb by a group of older, angry men–is about as ill-considered as the initial response was itself. Jacobson can’t blame the left-blogosphere for that.

The Russ Carnahan Town Hall incident doesn’t automatically affect people the same way. I can’t even sort out one belligerent male idiot from another. I have no doubt whatsoever that the left has some of its own, but somehow overweight angry men shoving each other around doesn’t tend to shock me.

yes all mine 200 of it SORRY GREG

THANK you GREG, for your support, I will count on you for voting conservatives,
After all you do for FA. bye

@ B-Rob, I’m interested in what the Grand Jury rules for Charges and it would be by my estimate to be the equivalent of Battery by Montana Statute. The Plea Deal concept, although Legally acceptable is a cheap way out and not what I consider to be adequate in most situations but does save ‘bench time’ for Judges in an over burdened Judicial System.

I don’t know if there are other factors to be presented that would come entirely from eye witnesses
but the fact that it was presented on You Tube could possibly be ruled as prejudicial in nature and would tend to influence the Jury Pool if it did go to trial.

Trying the ‘case’ here is laughable as no witnesses can be interviewed and the only evidence is from Media, internet, broadcast and print that is subject to opinion/bias. What I do see is a huge preponderance of opinion. But Profit appears to have committed Battery and has not of yet been Mirandized or submitted Sworn Statements.

In the interest of Truth, Justice, and The American Way, here’s a new video of the incident at the Rand Paul event that supports the conservative position.

I would say Ms. Valle was clearly out of line, at the point in time this video captures. The over-reaction that followed was not entirely unprovoked.

This video will likely be central to Tim Proffit’s legal defense.

Obama banked on the unemployed to vote Dem this election.

I think he reckoned wrong.

Analysis: Obama Seeks Votes Among The Unemployed NPR

Our business (I retired, hubby runs the place) has 47 employees.
All of them get Obama money and unemployment checks whenever we don’t have enough work and send them home for 1/2 day.

None of them likes Obama!

They can see who is ordering printing jobs.
Businesses…the ones that are left.
They know why we have lost big customers, too.
Lack of water to the San Jacine (sp?) Valley put an Almond company under.
Environmental provisions strangled a few other companies including a pen manufacturer who has gone offshore.
Several local auto dealerships are gone and so are their business card orders and letterhead orders.
The company out of Hollywood that used our company to print up DVD and CD covers is also gone.

Many of these men and women had a spouse also working but many have been laid off.

Their grown children cannot find work.

Obama is not going to get any of these votes for his Dems.

He is crazy to entertain this idea.