I thought I’d have some fun with the DNC Rabid Attack Ad:
Amazing that the DNC believes their ad to be a winning strategy: Let’s characterize and flippantly dismiss concerned Americans on both sides of the political aisle as nothing more than torches-and-pitchforks-style rabble-rousers. Brilliant.
Thanks to skye for use of her photos and apologizes to Dana Loesch for pillaging her photos like the uncouth, ill-mannered mobster, that I am.
The ones who are “scripted” and “astroturfed” are the Democratic leaders out there following their “playbook”. Any “community organizing” on the part of the vast rightwing conspiracy of an honest-to-goodness- grassroots movement should be described more like Miracle-Gro than the manure-fractured outrage which the term “astroturfing” suggests.
How dare they condescend and dismiss the concerns of real ordinary Americans! The reason why some of these “mob” citizens resort to anger and “shouting down” is because they already tried listening and reasoning with their congressional leader, and all they are getting back in return are DNC-talking points and pre-scripted answers. The Dem leaders aren’t engaged in debate and conversation but following their own Pelosified marching orders; they aren’t talking to their constituents, but at them.
Someone should make one of those “I’m with stupid ->” style t-shirts, but saying “I’m with the mob” with arrows pointing every which direction. Oh, and bring along some (cardboard/fake) torches and pitchforks.
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
Absolutely frakking brilliant!!!!
That was good guys.
And Skye you have the cutest Mobster picture of them all.
LOL!!!! FanTAStic – kudos to you!!! Will send the link to my friends!!
I could almost hear the bolts in her neck when Hillary’s voice over came across and it made me think of HillaryCare. My blood ran cold. You’d think they would be smart enough not to try to revive the monster that killed the Dem majority in 1994!
Good job…
Just one thing. Dana is a “she”:
Great add, I can hardly wait to see the scene where Obama, turns to Biden and asks for a light and Joe flicks his Zippo and lights Barry’s thumb on fire.
@Mary Beth “The Mangler”: Thanks for clarifying that. Fixed!
@ BuffaloBob: Hilarious!
“Keep your laws off of my body”
Where did that crowd go. anyway?
@Broher Bob: ““Keep your laws off of my body”
Where did that crowd go. anyway? “
They’re now going to get their abortions paid for by the U.S. taxpayer. So they don’t mind this law.
It’s the rest of us that need to be worried.