62 Million Voiceless Americans [Reader Post]


undernew20management20200.jpgIs it still called debate when only one side controls the conversation? That’s the question the 62 million Americans who didn’t vote for Obama are asking themselves.

62 million Americans now have absolutely no voice in the way our country is being governed. No say in the quadrupling of our debt or in the onerous taxes being piled on top of record unemployment. They have no say in the pending trillion dollar health care ‘reform’ or the more costly ‘cap and trade’ legislation steadily making its way through Congress.

With Democrats firmly in control of the White House and the House of Representatives, and most likely the Senate, the left has found no need for bipartisanship. After all, ‘Obama won.’ Case closed.

Should any pesky Republican complain, the voice goes unheard – kinda like a tree falling in a forest. Did it really fall if no one heard it? The right is reduced to pondering questions like these as the left continues implementing radical change at breakneck speed. Changes that affect every segment of our society and every single American. Changes that are being implemented without the requisite ‘national conversation’. Why hold a conversation?

The left is in control and there is no need to consult with the people they were elected to govern. The politicians and the experts know best. And should the GOP try to halt this tsunami of ‘change’, a quick change of the filibuster rule to 51 instead of 60 is put in place. That’ll teach em.

Under the guise of fighting the non-crisis of global warming, the EPA has declared the very air we breathe to be dangerous. Not to worry. Uncle Sam will save us. Here comes cap and trade. It will only cost $3,100 extra in energy costs per family.

Under the guise of universal health care, our government is preparing to take over app. 17% of our economy by nationalizing health care. Not to worry, they are consulting with the policymakers in Canada responsible for the sterling healthcare in that country. The very same government health care that forces Canadians to come to the US to get their medical needs taken care of. 

Under the guise of saving the economy, the feds have taken over banks, insurance companies and car companies, prompting even thug dictator Chavez to joke, “Hey, Obama has just nationalized nothing more and nothing less than General Motors. Comrade Obama! Fidel, careful or we are going to end up to his right.”  

Under the guise of saving us from those nasty capitalists, Obama has appointed a new Pay Czar to make sure no-one is paid more than the politicians deem they are worth. At least those who are unfortunate to work for companies that have received bailout funds. And in one case, the formerly sovereign state of South Carolina has actually been forced to take bailout funds, and accept all the strings that come with it.

Consent of the governed is being ignored as the Obama administration hijacks ever more power to the federal government, in direct contravention of the 10th amendment and the Constitution. And 62 million Americans can do nothing except marvel at the audacity.

The left is rejoicing at finally being able to implement utopia here on earth. A utopian vision that has consistently failed whenever it has been foisted upon a populace, either through charisma or brute force. But never mind. Obama’s utopia will work, experts assure us.

The experts who now hold us hostage are first and foremost, political beings, having been appointed ‘czars’ on the basis of political connections as opposed to merit. They are thoroughly steeped in theory and liberal orthodoxy and severely lacking in real world experience.

These unelected czars (15 at last count) now have control of our tax dollars and the regulatory bureaucracy that enables them to enforce their whims. Whims which are based more on political expediency than the rule of law. They will never be held accountable when their theories are tested and fail. And fail they must, as history has taught the 62 million people who didn’t vote for Obama.

As we speak, the left, with the willing compliance of an adoring media, are kowtowing to our enemies while demonizing and penalizing capitalists, the very wealth creators whose money now allows the government to implement an agenda anti ethical to the American way of life.

The Obama administration, under the guise of tolerance, inclusion, multiculturalism, empathy and concern for the disenfranchised, are destroying jobs though regulation and taxation. A total of 2.19 million jobs have been lost since Obama became President. (The news that Wal-Mart will be adding 22,000 jobs this year is ignored, as they did it without unions or government help.)

The Democrats are enacting legislation that makes it impossible for America to become energy independent, while at the same time, partnering with Arab countries to help them develop nuclear energy.

Our ‘leaders’ are burdening America with an unsustainable level of debt while at the same time, continuing to send our tax dollars ($106 Billion) to the IMF to bail out the world. And sending $200 million more to Pakistan to help out with their refugees.

The Left, with Obama as its messiah, believing that all cultures and countries should be equal, are systematically reducing America to third world status. A level playing field at last. Whew.

Meanwhile, the 62 million people who didn’t vote for Obama wait in vain for their own elected representatives to stand up and say STOP. Alas, aside from a handful of Republicans like Sarah Palin, Mark Sanford, Jim DeMint, Rick Perry and Dick Cheney, the silence from the Republicans is deafening.

62 million Americans are watching America squander its greatness on the altar of catchy, unproven, politically correct notions. And this American is wondering if the destructive policies that are being foisted upon us without our consent and without debate, are being enacted through stupidity or design.

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Say what you will about his economic policies, but you have to admit, he’s really going to shake things up in detroit.

Everybody knew up front what Obama was. He won …!

All these people with “no voice”: Where were they last year, when the relevant elections and caucuses were held?

They would better be called “commissars” rather than czars.

and when the Dems were in the minority in the House and Senate, all we heard about is they the minority must have a voice in everything. Well, WTF happened to that idea now that they are the majority, I guess it dont apply the other way huh

Just like a pot to call a kettle a cooking utensil


No, they didn’t. The MSM lied to them, and so they didn’t know.

Alan Caruba writes about what should be next, if we can do it…

Perhaps if we get enough conservatives into Congress in the next election, we can get started and lay the groundwork for the next presidential election? One can hope.

A lot of people were telling us the MSM was lying.

A lot of us were saying what could be expected.

Most of us (52% wasn’t it), wanted to be part of the historic first black President and nothing else mattered.

People made the conscious decision to elect not-Bushs everywhere.

We got what we asked for.

We are not going to get conservatives offered to us, and if we do, ACORN will make sure they are not elected.

This is the Dictatorship of The Won.

Get used to it.

Oops. Nevermind.

I’m not sure what the problem is – Obama won about as ‘fair’ as you can get in an US election. Blame the rules and the US electoral system if you want. When Bush won and had control of congress I’m sure those Americans who didn’t vote for him (particularly in 2000 when Bush didn’t even win the popular vote) – felt frustrated and ignored. Or you can do the usual thing and blame the media – but in a free market – the Republicans have a degree of responsibility if they fail to get their message across. McCain ran a poor campaign – even the Right was lukewarm on him. And he suffered somewhat from the legacy of Bush.

The Republican Problem goes a lot farther back and a lot deeper than the sorry McCain campain and Bush Derangement Syndrome.

It continues to this very hour, viz the recent “dinner”, the [non]reaction to the Deviant Loserman Debacle, and the list goes on.

When the Republican Hierarchy starts to think differently from the Democrats, starts to put forward candidates that are different from the Democrats, and starts listening to those of us that are not Democrats, then and only then will we be able to explore the possibility that it is not too late.

I personally think we are looking at World History ca. 1917.

So what would you do instead, Morgan? Instead of simply kvetching, describe a fix to the problem.

I would do just as I’m doing – struggle to make available all the information the old media fails to report.
I believe many voted for Obama because they were only exposed to the gushing stories in the media.


obama ran on SMALL GOVERNMENT and bipartisanship. He said small gov. in every speech. He also said he would cut spending,remember he said he would cut excess, wasteful spending. thats how he got independents to vote for him. I guess he ment he would pay as you go after he spends or prints 10 or 20 trillion, gives it to the unions and ACORN.

He did mention that the constitution was flawed, and needed “change.” Nobody got that it seems. He deceived alot of people, and is now looking dangerous to me. “Change” at such speed by appointing czars to go around the legislative branch and his cabinet. These Czars cannot be called in front of a commitee because they are not offically appointed. So they have control of business and all our trillions. The scotus let him off the hook a few days back. we are screwed.

Ben Bernanke was in front of a committee hearing, he was asked if he will tell all the american people where the 2 trillion the fed printed would be allocated- he simply answered “No”. I always thought he was a russian spy or something worse.

Just wondering if that 62 million voiceless Americans includes the 150,000 whos jobs were created or saved by President Obama ?
Pretty ungrateful IMO for not even a single one of them to be out there vocally thanking President Obama for creating or saving their job.
150,000 saved from unemployment thats a lot of photo oportunity the media is ignoring and denying President Obama.
Just sayin 😉

The GOP took themselves out the debate with 0 House votes on the ARRA. For some reason they were proud of this display of historic impotence. That doesn’t mean there’s no debate. There are conservative Democrats and liberal Democrats. They now get to debate each other over bills, at least until midterms.

As usual, Fit, you are devoid on fact and heavy on liberal emotional drama.

The GOP spoke loudly on their opinion of the ARRA with their vote… 177 of them voting no, and 11 of them voting yea. Only one did not vote – Virginia (Ginny) Brown-Waite (R-FL).

Voting no is not a “… display of historic impotence” except in your mind.

He only deceived the ones that wanted to be deceived.

The ones that belittled and derided (or ignored) those of us who mpointed out that Omamba had never had a job, hand never learned anything except what people like Wright and Ayers taught, and who thought ACORN was a good idea.

The ones who wanted “to be a part of this historic moment”.

Oh yeah, and some of us pointed out that he said what a particular group of listeners wanted to hear.

And that whoever controlled (and controls) his TelePrompter controlled (and controls) him. He is incapable of independent thought.

Any of you out there that voted for this POS and are now surprised by his actions and that of the democraps in the house ans senate are idiots!
His (short) and their records were there for all to see, he is a consumate liar and obviously controlled by others.
If you voted for the POS expecting “change” you sure got it..
He is a socialist, his wife hates whitey, he and his fellow idiots will make Carter look good by the time they’re done.

And many liberals felt unheard for eight years. At least if you email the White House now, you get some sort of reply, even if it’s automated.

@ GaffaUK
You are absolutely correct sir. No matter what, this was a free, open and fair election. Republicans have to shoulder an enormous amount of blame for the last eight years. The fact that the Republican congress under the leadership of Hasstert tried to out democrat the democrats can’t be discarded. Spending was out of control and they basically sucked. One thing the Republicans did do under Bush though, was keep us from another attack.
McCain was a terrible choice for a nominee. I have an enormous amount of respect for him as a man and a warrior. As much as I dislike some of his policies, he would have been a great president based on his honor alone. And he would have been a much better president than the current occupant.
All that aside, the entity that failed the American people during this election was the press. If they had been fair in their coverage, Obama may still have won. As Larry Sheldon said:

Most of us (52% wasn’t it), wanted to be part of the historic first black President and nothing else mattered.

Oh, and we have the clueless American electorate to blame as well. Listen to this if you don’t believe how clueless they truly are. Just a warning, it is the Howard Stern show, so there is a bit of rough language.


“Oh, and we have the clueless American electorate to blame as well. Listen to this if you don’t believe how clueless they truly are. Just a warning, it is the Howard Stern show, so there is a bit of rough language.”

Did you SERIOUSLY use a Howard Stern gag to back up your position?! We heard from FOUR people in Harlem, when a hundred were likely interviewed – by a guy who was planning to vote for Obama himself – and that’s what you cite?! Seriously?! You guys have already done better than this.


Well I agree with what a lot of people are saying, in that, we live in America and have the ability to put who we want into office. Just like a good win, there needs to be gracefull loss. As the saying goes, if you make plans and they fail, go back to the drawing board with the lessons learned and start again. There can’t be an alternative.

There may be many ‘voiceless’ people, but aren’t they only voiceless if they choose to not speak out? I believe it only takes 1 to change history; luckily we have millions. Maybe that was the problem to begin with. Not enough people put the effort into making smart campaign choices. I too am not a big fan of McCain, but maybe that would have made him a good president in this current time frame. What we have now is the equivalent of a an ultra-conservative version of Sarah Palin getting elected, along with a republican run government. I doubt many liberals think in those terms, but that is pretty close to what we have with Obama.

Even though I would like to think that Sarah would be more accommodating and honest than Obama, it would still be the same feeling for liberals to be sitting under that. With that said, once people start to feel betrayed or mislead by Obama, things may start to really shift. The MSM is either going to protect him or sell him out. Remember video archives are a b****. You can’t exactly ‘forget’ what you told the American public to get your man into office. All those promises are either going to be fulfilled, or they are going to be lies. We will see. So far, not so good. People will swing with the pendulum back toward the center and demand more verifiably correct information, and honesty from public figures.

Obama needs to stop thinking like a movie star, and start thinking more like the leader of the free world. Because shortly, he will be neither a movie star, nor leader of the free world.

Actualy your numbers are not correct.

There are about 210 Million registered voters in this country.

Obama won with about 69 Million votes… thus…

About 131 Million registered voters are not heard.

Current US Populaiton is about 306 Million…

So, in essence, since Obama got 69 million votes… there are 237 Million American voices that are not heard.

Take yer pick, but the numbers of the silenced are worse than you initialy state.

Not sure I agree with the logic..
To me, its very simple: No vote = No voice.
if you don’t vote, than my opinion is, don’t complain. You don’t have the right. Obama won by a large majority and counting the whole U.S. population as ‘voiceless’ or ‘having a voice’ is impossible to do. In fact, with many of those people comprising our younger, uninformed, highly MTV-Impressionable youth, I would say Obama has even more support. When the educational system and media are aimed at programming and building drones (all the way from Seseme Street through adulthood), I am not optimistic. It is even more of a slap in the face, when registered conservative/republican adults didn’t vote and yet complain they don’t have a voice.

“Take yer pick, but the numbers of the silenced are worse than you initialy state.”

You need an editor.

That should read: Take yer pick, but the numbers of the silent by choice are worse than you initially state.


Remember all the fuss when Bush replaced certain prosecutors? The Dems acted as if political appointies shouldn’t be treated like political appointees, and couldn’t be fired and replaced as long as it didn’t obstruct justice. But Clinton fired ’em all, just to get rid of a couple who were dangerously close to coming down on him. And now Obama is pulling a Clinton, without the cover-up. And even if the Reps put up a stink about it, we’ll never hear about it because the MSM won’t tell America. And if you don’t hear about it on the evening News, it isn’t important.

@Larry Sheldon:

Wait. 210 million? I have to look that up…. hmmm, I see just over 200, so, ok. But that’s interesting, because the population is just over 300 million. That means that 2/3 of Americans are registered (and eligable) to vote? Interesting.

Just another of the typical “stories” here:

long on words, short on truth

long on words, short on real substance

long on words, all pablum for the masses that get their “truth” from fox news, the sorriest excuse for journalism there is.

I live in a town full of people who probably frequent this site. If you try to have a debate as the writer of this story starts, all you get is the same right wing, neocon rhetoric. If you ask them for an original thought you’re met by a deer in the headlights look…ask them to think and they are lost. Ask them to truly come up with a criticism they can defend with facts they just storm off quoting Rush, or Cheney or Palin without ever bothering to check the facts…so sad there could be 62 million people in this country that actually think the way this writer does.

Oh well! There is always hope, that audacity of hope that scares so many of you here. So sad…And so scary that there are 62 commenter’s above my entry who can only pat each other on the back for blinding repeating the same garbage from one comment to the next.

“That should read: Take yer pick, but the numbers of the silent by choice are worse than you initially state.”

No… I said what I meant… nice of you to try to edit my opinion…

My Twins, who turned 18 in March, were not given a voice in this decision, though they are now registered voters.

My 82 year old Mom, was in the hospital last election day.

Nice of you to say their opinions don’t matter.

hmm my post was caught in spam i think


Hi Ken….

Interesting to see you pass through wearing a different sock.

You go on and on and on blathering about the original post being short on substance, yet I see no effort on your part to offset the original post.

Wonder why that is.

Then you launch into some long winded diatribe about neocon rhetoric and Rush and Cheney and Palin….topping it all off with FoxNews icing.

Tell me, dear Ken, where’s your substance?

Where’s your effort to put forth facts to support your positions?

Where are your facts to support your accusations?

I know you don’t hang around here a whole lot, but we don’t generally take kindly to folks who scatter crumbs on the carpet.

I’m sure you’ll be back any minute now to address the points in the original post point by point by point.

I’m sure you’ll be back any minute now to support the accusations that you flung out to see what would stick.


Any. Minute. Now.

Please be so kind as to indicate where I said that anybody’s opinion didn’t matter.

I have been saying quite the opposite, actually.

The children are an edge case and I think it is unfair to claim that they should have had a voice retroactively, although there is a certain attraction to the idea.

Your mother, if she has the mental capacity to vote, could have used an absentee ballot and unless she’s in the military, it would have been counted. Several times, in some states.

The rest of the people qualified to vote on election days past who did not, are silent by their own choice.

Please do try to stay on-topic.

@ Cary
Good lawd. If I had cited Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh you would have screamed “right wing bias.”

Here is part of Ziegler’s film. Yeah, yeah he’s a right winger, but check it out anyway.
Here ya go
Here is a Zogby poll that inspired Ziegler’s film Here ya go again and was later confirmed by a Wilson poll. Here ya go with another

Lastly, this isn’t a democrat problem or a republican problem, this is an American problem. Check out Rick Sanchez, an obvious lefty and the guy he interviews here. Here ya go some more

sorry dude. You folks had control for 8 years and screwed things up real bad. Real bad. Now all you can do is shout No instead of offering anything. Why? simple: you said you believed in balanced budget. You said you believed in small govt. You said you believed in privacy. Well you gave us huge deficit. Huge govt. War based on a lie. And a recession. Now we need to spend to get us out of that recession. Banks taken over? that is called FISA, and it has been in place for some time and it is–a govt program to insure our accounts.

Perhaps you might learn something now instead of simply trying to scare folks and call names. You GOP folks did learn from Nancy Regan: Just Say No…and that is all you can do
because you seem to have run out of ideas.

@harry angstrom:

So many talking points in such a small amount of space.

You should be proud.

We know for sure that you’re confused…FISA is not FDIC….and the bank takeovers that Obie has orchestrated aren’t FDIC either.

“Small govt.” Yeah, I’m sorry about how the Republican Congress and the Republican President took over those auto companies and are attempting to implement gov’t healthcare……Oh…wait.

“War based on a lie.” Michael Moore, is that you?

“Spend to get us out” of a recession? Really? Would that approach work for your household? Where, in the real world, does that approach work?

Yes, the GOP has alternatives to this current debacle, and they’ve been continually offered.

You’re obviously not paying attention.

Also, it’s “R-E-A-G-A-N” not Regan.

Lets turn your post into a mathematical formula. Sounds like you are a man of logic and reason:
Since you state that we believe (are):

Long on words (no substance) + illogical and emotion driven + Fox news (propaganda/false/inaccurate/wrong) + lack original thought + no-facts based rhetoric + gullible = Conservative Republican

You on the other hand suggest that you and your party:

Takes moral/intellectual high ground + possess the “real” news channels (mostly truth/no propaganda/accurate/correct) + possess original thought + posses the Truth + possess real substance + fact based rhetoric = Liberal Democrat

Correct? More or less?

Lets look at your post:

long on words, short on truth
long on words, short on real substance
long on words, all pablum for the masses that get their “truth” from fox news, the sorriest excuse for journalism there is.

Unless you are stating this as fact, I see a bunch of attacks. If it is truth or a sweeping statement, back up your claims with sources. I don’t get my ‘Truth’ from fox news.

I live in a town full of people who probably frequent this site. If you try to have a debate as the writer of this story starts, all you get is the same right wing, neocon rhetoric. If you ask them for an original thought you’re met by a deer in the headlights look…ask them to think and they are lost. Ask them to truly come up with a criticism they can defend with facts they just storm off quoting Rush, or Cheney or Palin without ever bothering to check the facts…so sad there could be 62 million people in this country that actually think the way this writer does.

Storm off quoting Rush? Cheney? Palin? Man, sounds like you started to make a point (laced with insults and stereo types) and then resorted to a sweeping claim that we all think as the author does. Why is that sad? Is it sad that people believe information contrary to your belief system? Or is it sad that we are the people you associate with conservative republicans? Is what you are saying fact based? I for one don’t storm off quoting rush, palin, or cheney and feel I know my issues. You wouldn’t be taking the low road and stereotyping or generalizing your opposition to justify your /own/ beliefs, would you?

Oh well! There is always hope, that audacity of hope that scares so many of you here. So sad…And so scary that there are 62 commenter’s above my entry who can only pat each other on the back for blinding repeating the same garbage from one comment to the next.

I don’t think you read all the posts, since there were several known liberals posting as well. That wouldn’t mean you just made a broad generalization again would it? How can you take the moral and intellectual high ground “without ever bothering to check the facts”? Without storming off quoting Obama and assuming that we lack the audacity and hope? Maybe you were long on words and short on truth and substance. I for one didn’t get anything productive out of your post.

Sounds to me, like you are that very same person you are raging against.


OK, what’s so special about audacious hope? Be specific – no nebulous unsubtantiated b.s.

and be sure to give some solid rational for why this is a “good” thing…
and this

To Aye:

You are on your game today sir. Your responses are quick and poignant!

Keep it up!


Harry and Aye…

Good grief… Harry doesn’t know the difference between the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (aka FISA), and Aye’s somewhat dyslexic. (Added: I see you corrected that, Aye… typo prone today? LOL)

It’s FDIC, guys. FICA is SS payroll taxes.

And Harry, FDIC does not give the government the ability to “take control” of banks. It’s a deposit insurance program that has always been underfunded in the event of a serious crash. And if you had a clue, you’d know that it is not funded by a dime of taxpayer cash via Congressional appropriations, but by insurance premiums paid for by banks and institutions, and earnings on investments in U.S. Treasury securities…. which aren’t “earning” anything with the amount of money Obama and Geithner are printing up in the wee hours at Fed Reserve.

Here’s the link to the FDIC. Remove the cyber foot from your mouth, click on it and read before wandering in like a bozo with a bullseye on your tee shirt.

And you’re whining about Bush deficits, but insist Obama’s more than doubling of that is justified? OMG… what has public education come to. Hang… forget that. Where’s common sense gone? You’re a joke, and thanks… I needed the guffaw.

And oh, BTW, Nancy is not a “dude”.



I had it fixed before you pointed it out.

I fired my proofreader. 🙂

LOL! I see that, Aye. We were hitting the “send” button simultaneously. However the original error did make me laugh.

That will teach me to try and dash off a quick-n-snarky response to the O’bots that pass through.

I’m currently working on four different things at once and ended up fat fingering the comment as a result.

Glad I could provide you with some entertainment.

We take it where we can get it right?

Obama won under false pretenses. He ran as a moderate. The “in the tank” MSM presented him as a moderate and vilified and pilloried any who dared point out that Obama’s political history was contradictory to the hype. Many of the swing voters ignore the facts about Obama, because they trusted the media that was telling them that these facts were lies and smear campaigns by “right wing extremists.” Most people don’t bother to do the homework themselves, instead they trust the news media. (Hell, even their hated FOX anchor Bill O’Reilly who refused to listen to the facts or to ask hard-hitting questions of Obama, declaring him to be a “stand-up guy.”)

In the meantime, voters had been fed hateful politically biased reporting about the Bush Administration by the same MSM for eight years, which served to paint in their gullible minds the MSM “Republicans-bad” mantra. (The same MSM neglected to remind us that both George Bushes were moderate Republicans.) Granted, some of the ire against the Bush Administration was fully justified. (Erosion of the 4th Amendment rights, the financial bailout. etc..). The MSM has been painting all Republicans with the same broad brush for years, and the public bought the propaganda.

All this deception foisted on the American public is what nudged them into marginally voting the Democrats into power. As we all know, following the elections, the Democratic party and Obama dropped all pretense of moderation, and is in a drunk-with-power race to radically transform the country before the sheeple catch on to the fact that they have been had.

The mantra by the Democrats now is “We won” which they propagandize as meaning that this is blanket justification for any far-left agenda they want to shove down our throats. Ignoring the fact that some voters thought they were voting for a moderate administration and the “lessor of evils” (MSM; Republican=Darth Vader and the Evil Empire) The Tea Parties are the first awakenings of the public to the realization of the truth.

dunno there, ditto. Speaking with absolute certainty for myself, and based on reading other comments here on FA, I can say that there are few of us who ever viewed Obama running “as a moderate”. The only ones fooled were those who did not do their due diligence vetting a candidate (both media and the public sector), or are those who still consider Obama “moderate” today because… in their left perspective… he is.



Mata, I was not speaking about those who diligently research their candidates before voting, but the busy voters who don’t have the time to, and the sheeple. All of whom are reliant on the MSM, and who are easily swayed by them. While it behooves the responsible voter to properly examine the candidates, (and there are plenty of Republicans who are also real stinkers,) the truth be known, this can be a daunting and exhaustive task. Which is why so many trust in the MSM to do their homework for them. While some are coming to the realization that the MSM is no longer worthy of such trust, many are still in denial, believing only what they are told.

Occam’s razor:

The Won won because more people voted for him than voted for anybody else.

What were the dominant issues? In order of probable importance:

Bush is evil.

Bush is evil.

Sarah Palin is evil.

Bush is evil.

We want to be part of this historic moment–our first Affirmative Action President.

Probably contributing: Bush is evil.

How y’all enjoying the results? Iran looks like it is going to be a hoot.


I think he’s referring to the general populace perceving the cipher “as a moderate,” if I read him correctly.

The Tea Parties are the first awakenings of the public to the realization of the truth.

What happened to these – did the revolution fizzle out? Or was it a storm in a teacup?;)

Tea Party protests are still going on around the US and many are planned for the 4th of July: The national theme proposed for the Independence Day Tea Party protests is: “Repeal the Pork – Learn the Constitution”.




Preparations are also being made for a major 9/12/09 National Taxpayer Protest in Washington, DC: http://912dc.org/2009/04/sign-up-for-the-protest/

Recognizing the unmet need of American political conservatives, SurgeUSA.org proposes a new “Specious American Politician” award. For those who are not familiar with the term “specious”, here’s one common definition:

1. apparently true but actually false: appearing to be true but really false
2. deceptively attractive: superficially attractive but actually of no real interest or value