ABC, CBS and NBC Ignore Pelosi’s Torture Hypocrisy


For the past three weeks, controversy has swirled around Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who has called for a “truth commission” to expose the supposed war crimes of the Bush administration but who herself was briefed years ago on the use of waterboarding and the other enhanced interrogation techniques that are now drawing howls of outrage.

ABC, CBS and NBC have said nothing about the Speaker’s shifting stories, or the potential hypocrisy of her once supporting (or at least not objecting to) policies that she would later condemn as illegal “torture.”

Only Comedy Central called her out?!

I wonder what it’s like to be the guy at ABC, NBC, or CBS who decides what stories get reported and what ones don’t, and to know that Jon Stewart is less biased?

How the mighty have fallen…

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Altogether now: Pelosi lied, terrorists died. I’m glad. She is just like me (without the lies).

@BPT (Australia):

If photos of Waterboarded/tortured captured jehadists were put alongside photos of the bodies of these guys…:
..there would be no “waterboarding is torture” debate.

You will go through life much happier if you follow my philosophy.

“News is neither good or bad, unless it helps the Left or hurts the Right.”

What happened to the “missing” post? (The one that started about not always agreeing with RINO Allahpundit.)

“ABC, CBS and NBC have said nothing about the Speaker’s shifting stories,”

Cue the crickets…

NBC = No Believable Content
CBS = Content is Bull Sh….
ABC = ACORN Business Channel

Those of us old enough to remember (sorry Scott) will recall how the press made Newt Gingrich target #1 on a weekly basis. They assisted their allies in the Democrat Party by making sure everyone knew every controversial thing ever said by Newt Gingrich.

Sort of the same thing with Sarah Palin, where every rumor was repeated over and over as news but the reality of Obama’s ties to Ayers and Wright were swept under the rug.

Pelosi is on live now (11:19 AM) lying through her teeth with the third or fourth version of her story. Most people in the country don’t know who she is because she’s an embarrasment to the left.

This time she claims the CIA briefers said nothing about waterboarding.

Meanwhile, she’s calling President Bush a liar on Iraq WMD.

She has some nerve.

She is also the stupidest woman in high government office EVER!

I’m loving the torture debate! More popcorn and Pelosi news conferences, plz!

Pelosi, “I was briefed that some “torture” was being used, but not waterboarding. The next head of the House Intel Com was told that, so she wrote the letter complaining about waterboarding”.

Um…what about the other forms of “torture” Nancy? You admit you were told about EIT in 9/02, and you did nothing? Ohhhhhh, CIA’s gonna start leaking hardcore. The people who briefed here really ought to file a suit.


For this reason lesser have gone before the Ethics Committee. Ok, elected officals, standup and do the business you were hired to do.

TDS skewers Democrats all the time. There’s no “11th commandment” with Progressives.

Hate to burst your bubble but Pelosi’s not the plum target you guys seem to think she is. She may be House Speaker but she’s not exactly popular even within her party. Remember the awful book sales?

Target? That’s typical of the left to think that we are targeting her out of political motives. Honest motives are an alien concept to the left.
She LIED about knowing about waterboarding, then tries to accuse the CIA and Bush of lying to get the heat off her.

Great points fitfit, but…it’s not just about her.

Pelosi briefed 9/4/02
-knew about 9/10 EIT methods, admits to it, and did nothing

Graham briefed 9/27/02
-knew about EITs, did nothing (didn’t even write about it in his book)

Rockefeller briefed 2/4/03, 9/4/03, 7/15/03, 3/7/05, 3/8/05, 7/11/06
-told all about EITs, including waterboarding, all in “great detail”, did nothing
-later individually briefed as well!

Harman 2/5/03, 9/4/03, 7/13/03, 1/25/05, 3/8/05, 9/6/06
-told about EIT, did nothing
-told about CIA IG investigation and destruction of videos, wrote a letter, but still funded program and urged others to do so as well

Thad Cochran briefed 10/18/05
-told about interrogations, still funded em

Harry Reid briefed 9/6/06
-told all about waterboarding and other EITs, still funded em

The list goes on and on and on…Dems were briefed, yet continued to fund programs, and all the while-even today-say the CIA lied to them, they were tricked, they’re innocent lawyer/lawmaker career politicians who were outsmarted by Pres Bush.

Nope. Not buyin it. I can list the closed door House and Sen intel briefings too where they could have raised questions, concerns etc directly to intel leaders, but either didn’t, were foolish, or didn’t care. Point is: DEMS KNEW, LIED THEN, and ARE LYING NOW

Pelosi, Reid, Rockefeller, Harman, Kerry, Kennedy, Feinstein, Feingold, Levin, Murtha, Bayh, Nelson, perhaps 3 dozen others….all claim that Bush misled them on torture and prewar Iraq intel, all were briefed many MANY times. THEY LIED THEN/THEY’RE LYING NOW.

Fit fit…

Nancy put the target square on her own back…. there is no ‘you guys’ here. The far left set out a trap and caught one of their own.


My point is Pelosi is not as “one of their own” as you think.

If she is not one of their own, why is she in one of the four highest positions for Dems in this country? I think if you take Polosi, Frank, and Biden and add their IQ’s together, it might reach the averge range.