It boggles the mind the desperate Obama supporters could try to make an issue out of a Governor demonstrating fiscal responsibility. Yet already we have a few regulars and visitors regurgitating the latest Obama camp talking points… screaming flip flop.
So is it? Again, I put my nose down to track down the details on the infamous “Bridge to No Where”…. or, as known to Alaskans… as the Gravina Island Bridge to Ketchikan’s Int’l Airport.
And again, it all comes down to the timeline of events, and how Sarah Palin did the fiscally responsible thing. The history:
Former Gov. Frank Murkowski (CAGW’s “Porker of the Month” for Jan 2006), plus GOPs Sen. Ted Stevens and Rep Don Young were trying to shove the Gravina bridge project thru in his final lame duck months. From the Citizens against Govt Waste site, Nov 21, 2006:
Even though the Bridge to Nowhere has gone nowhere fast since Congress stripped it of its federal earmark, outgoing Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski (R) is still trying to keep the project alive.
According to the Associated Press, the lame duck governor hopes to award a $30 million contract for roadwork leading to the proposed bridge by December 1 three days before he leaves office. Incoming Republican Governor-elect Sarah Paulin supports construction of the bridge but has neither commented on the current governor’s actions nor explained how she plans to cover the cost.
~~~In a last desperate attempt to salvage this project, Gov. Murkowski is rushing the Alaska Department of Transportation to find a contractor to begin the “Bridge to Nowhere” project before his term runs out.
But it is not clear where the additional funds will come from. Alaska had the opportunity to use its share of federal transportation funds for the bridge, but instead diverted the money to other, more pressing projects, while the state legislature did not include the measure in their capital budget. Negative publicity and public sentiment make further federal earmarks all but impossible, but the governor forges on.
Note the timing. The national ridicule over the earmark, plus the release of the funds sans mandate they are used for the bridge, all happened before Sarah Palin took office. This means what she inherited was the funds which could be used for whatever the State deemed higher in priority.
As the anti-Palin blogger, Mudracker quotes from an old 9-28-06 issue of the Ketchikan Daily News, the then campaigning Sarah Palin was not about to get in the way of the Congressional efforts.
“People across the nation struggle with the idea of building a bridge because they’ve been under these misperceptions about the bridge and the purpose,’ said Palin, who described the link as the Ketchikan area’s potential for expansion and growth.
Palin said Alaska’s congressional delegation worked hard to obtain funding for the bridge and that she ‘would not stand in the way of the progress toward that bridge’.
‘We need to come to the defense of Southeast Alaska when proposals are on the table like the bridge and not allow the spinmeisters to turn this project or any other into something that’s so negative,’ Palin said.”
Then again, as a candidate, and not an “in”, Palin was also not in possession of budgetary specifics either. Despite that, and with the obvious national controversy, Palin did say they were considering other alternatives to the bridge late in her campaign. Among these was a more efficient ferry system to replace the current ferry.
Palin spokeswoman Sharon Leighow said Saturday that as projected costs for the Ketchikan bridge rose to nearly $400 million, administration officials were telling Ketchikan that the project looked less likely. Local leaders shouldn’t have been surprised when Palin announced she was turning to less-costly alternatives, Leighow said. Indeed, Leighow produced a report quoting Palin, late in the governor’s race, indicating she would also consider alternatives to a bridge.
After the election, and prior to Palin taking office late December 24th, 2006, her transition team gave her their Dec 19th reporton Southeast Region of the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities.
Gov. Sarah Palin must deal with serious morale problems in the Southeast Region of the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, according to a report from her transition team.
The problems stem from former Gov. Frank Murkowski’s attempts to rush two controversial road projects in the last days of his administration, the 12-member team said.
The investigators found “great employee strife and conflict over these projects impacting overall morale,” in Southeast.
~~~Both the Juneau road and the Ketchikan Gravina Island Bridge project, known by its detractors as the “Bridge to Nowhere,” drew criticism in the report.
“Statewide, these two projects are seen as a severe drain on resources that would otherwise be assigned to heavily used commercial and passenger routes,” the report said.
The team said federal earmarks in Congressional appropriations trump all other priorities, including those in the State Transportation Improvement Plan, and the state suffers as a result.
The team consisted mostly of Anchorage residents with experience in roads and engineering. Its members interviewed engineering firms, construction contractors, trucking companies, transportation-related associations, department employees and the public.
The group reached “near consensus” about transportation issues and made a recommendation that the state’s National Highway System roads be the focus of improvement efforts. Those are the roads in Alaska that carry most of the people and business traffic.
Based on her transition team’s report, Palin did the first fiscally responsible act as Governor, and canceled Murkowski’s controversial project linking Juneau to the nation’s highway system upon taking office.
She also put a halt to the Gravina bridge construction, but stepped more cautiously on totally abandoning the bridge project – which had been been promised and in the works for decades. However it was obvious that the funds were inadequate for the bridge, which had then swelled to $300-$400 million in cost from the original $190 million in 2003.
Another indicator Ms. Palin was not convinced this bridge was the right way to go was noted in this March 2007 NYTs story on the bridge story’s progress a year later. Knowing that the funding was short of the ever increasing costs, Ms. Palin never included additional money for the Gravina bridge in the state budget. Obviously, she was not convinced enough to commit the State and taxpayers to debt by rubber stamping construction.
But Gravina’s access and growth problems still had to be addressed in some way. And if Ms. Palin’s attitude was similar to Ketchikan’s Mayor Williams, just slamming the project door shut as quickly as she had the Juneau road project could be interpreted as a sign of disrespect.
Regardless of the ridicule about the bridges as a pork-barrel binge, there are political facts that have kept hope alive for those who believe the projects are necessary for Alaska to grow economically.
To direct the federal financing to other projects, for example, would require action by Gov. Sarah Palin, a Republican, and the State Legislature. It would also mean undoing the work of the powerful Congressional delegation, led by Senator Ted Stevens and Representative Don Young, both Republicans, who secured the money for the bridges.
“No way in the world am I going to put myself in that position,” said Mayor Joe Williams of Ketchikan Gateway Borough. “These guys were put through the wringer.”
He added, referring to Mr. Young, “I may talk about it 10 years after he’s dead and gone, but no way in the world am I going to do that now. I’m supporting that man because he supported us. That would be like going to Dad and talking about something Dad asked us to do and we didn’t do it. That’s not a good idea.”
~~~Mal Menzies, director for the southeast region of the state transportation department, noted that Ms. Palin had not included more money for Gravina in her proposed budget and that state planners were simply dealing in reality.
“I think the community is starting to see that the money for this project is not there,” Mr. Menzies said. “They could be open to smaller bridges, but the problem is we don’t even have the monies for the smaller bridges yet.”
Feb 26, 2007, just two months after Palin had taken office, and had received budgetary reports on the Gravina bridge, the Anchorage Daily News ran an editorial asking Palin to say no to the bridge construction, and shut down further spending.
Governor, please say no and shut down spending.
The project has some federal money but is short about $300 million. No one expects Congress to kick in any more cash, and most legislators aren’t willing to open up the state checkbook. So the likely place to find $300 million is from the pockets of users. But we’re not talking about dropping a few coins into a toll basket. Get ready to dig into your wallet and pull out a lot of bills to drive on a long approach ramp to climb 200 feet in the air on one bridge, then down on a middle island, then up 120 feet in the air on a second bridge to reach the airport island, and down again on another long ramp. Or just leave it as is, and ride the shuttle ferry a few minutes for the short walk to the terminal.
At that point, Palin was still allowing design and feasibility to still go forward. So where are we now:
Between the fiscal analyses, plus dissenting voices protesting the expense it would lay upon the taxpayers, is it any wonder that by September 2007, Palin officially canned the Bridge to Nowhere project, to the criticism of it’s advocates.
“We will continue to look for options for Ketchikan to allow better access to the island,” the Republican governor said. “The concentration is not going to be on a $400 million bridge.”
Palin directed state transportation officials to find the most “fiscally responsible” alternative for access to the airport. She said the best option would be to upgrade the ferry system.
~~~The town — seven blocks wide and eight miles long — has little room to grow. Local officials have said access to Gravina Island, population 50, is needed for the town and its economy to grow.
They called the state’s decision premature, saying it came without warning.
“For somebody who touts process and transparency in getting projects done, I’m disappointed and taken aback,” said state Rep. Kyle Johansen, R-Ketchikan. “We worked 30 years to get funding for this priority project.”
Premature? Perhaps to those not paying attention to her obvious lack of commitment.
Which brings us to the appearance of her decision appearing politically expedient. It was only a month earlier when McCain criticized the earmarks, citing that such pet projects could have gone a long way in preventing disasters such as the MN bridge collapse.
“Maybe if we had done it right, maybe some of that money would have gone to inspect those bridges and other bridges around the country,” McCain told a group of people in a town-hall style meeting in Ankeny, Iowa.
“Maybe the 200,000 people who cross that bridge every day would have been safer than spending $233 million of your tax dollars on a bridge in Alaska to an island with 50 people on it.”
I’m sure those that prefer to insist that Ms. Palin is an opportunist will ignore the facts that her own transition team advised against the bridge, and that she had already put a halt to another of Murkowski’s extravagant projects.
The anti-Palin types may also prefer not to notice that Ms. Palin stated during her campaign that other alternatives were being considered, and that she deliberately did not set aside additional funding for the bridge in her budget.
One also has to eliminate pandering to McCain for a Veep spot in that era as well.
So the charge she did the politically expedient thing just doesn’t hold much water. It’s hardly a decision that came out of no where. A flip flop? She would have had to have been fully on board with the project since day one for it to be a complete turn around. Indications that she wasn’t sold on the idea were there from the beginning.
Instead Palin approached the project with the respect due to both the Ketchikan residents and the advocates who had worked so long to secure the funding. And in the end, she opted to do the right fiscal thing for the State.
The governor urged Alaskans not to dwell on the bridge.
“Much of the public’s attitude toward Alaska bridges is based on inaccurate portrayals of the projects here,” Palin said. “But we need to focus on what we can do, rather than fight over what has happened.”
If taking a cautious approach to spending and development feasibility, followed by the right decision, is a liability in a political executive administrator, I’ll take that any day of the week.
UPDATED 9-12-08 In case I didn’t make this clear, the bridge funds were diverted from that specific earmark to general transportation fund projects by Congress, and approved by both Biden and Obama (rather than diverting to Katrina projects)…
….. in 2005…. a year BEFORE Palin took office From a Nov 2005 WaPo article…
The $223 million span linking the small town of Ketchikan to sparsely populated Gravina Island and a second Alaskan bridge project have been stripped of their funding by congressional negotiators as they race to wrap up legislative business.
That decision reflects a growing unease among Republicans of criticism of runaway government spending in a transportation bill that includes 6,000-plus special projects for House members’ districts. But the maneuver is largely cosmetic and may only slow the bridge projects. As part of the deal, Alaska will get to keep the $454 million that Congress set aside for the two bridges, and technically the state can use the transportation funds for any project it chooses — including the bridges. [Mata note: Which of course Palin did not plan to do by not allocating state budget funds and following the advise of her transition team report Dec 19th, 2006]
The Senate tried unsuccessfully last month to redirect a portion of the Alaska bridge funds to fix a heavily traveled interstate bridge outside New Orleans that was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. That effort drew furious words and a resignation threat from veteran Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), former chairman of the Appropriations Committee.
“It’s largely symbolic,” said Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who would have preferred to strike all $24 billion in special projects that members stuffed into the highway bill. “The money will still go to Alaska,” as opposed to the hurricane-ravaged Gulf Coast, or to fund other budget priorities, McCain said.
One more time for anyone that is fact retention challenged… A YEAR BEFORE PALIN TOOK OFFICE!
She cannot return bridge funds that she did not receive. She received transportation funds that she could have still allocated for the Gravina Bridge. She did not pursue the bridge because it was not cost effective for the Alaskan taxpayers. So she killed the deal.
To suggest Palin took bridge earmark dollars, instead of transportation funds, is beating a dead horse. No matter how many times the MSM try to portray it any differently, the facts remain the same.
Yet the MSM continues to make fools of gullible guppies by planting false claims for the Obama faithful to spread – and for no other reason than to blatantly support Obama.
To me, the real story is the 4th branch of openly and deliberately spreading lies by avoiding the timeline facts in order to elect a candidate. OMG… when the media is so overtly partisan, we are in deep sheeeeeeeeet.
Vietnam era Navy wife, indy/conservative, and an official California escapee now residing as a red speck in the sea of Oregon blue.
From the 9/22/07 article: “Much of the public’s attitude toward Alaska bridges is based on inaccurate portrayals of the projects here,” Palin said. “But we need to focus on what we can do, rather than fight over what has happened.”
ie, it wasn’t pork; you idiots just didn’t understand how important it was. At any rate, she needed to preserve her political capital to ban abortion for rape victims and get creationism into the public schools.
The straws are in the kitchen drawer on the left, jpe. Grab as many as you need…
I know this “jpe” character. He’s disgraced my blog a few times in the past. He’s most likely the same “jpe” who blogs here:
Anyway… what scares the leftards is that Sarah Palin is smart, articulate, conservative, is a real Christian (not like those who listen to racist hatemongers for 20 years), knows how to shoot, hunt, and fish, and fights corruption within her own party. They fear and loath women like her.
they are so grasping at straws. why is it that they want to bash her for doing the right thing? they are awfully scared of her aren’t they? she looks great in a skirt, is attractive and is more man than most of the liberal men out there. thanks for all of the great work mata, you are really going the extra mile to make sure we are informed, even if the other side isn’t.
No prob, Luva…. just trying to prevent everyone from getting that “deer in the headlights” look when they spring all the BS on ya!
Spread the word. We don’t need no road kill because of lack of knowledge, eh?
had an interesting conversation with friends at dinner last night. the 2 independents are now board with mccain because of her. the other couple who are hard core dems started to dot he talking points of the left, i asked for no political talk becasue i can get nasty and carried away. they kept going and finally people at another table asked them to be quiet, it was interesting. then we all went and had drinks and agreed not to talk politics any more. the left is terrified of her, sounds like they have good reason to be.
The Obama camp is NOT being smart – Their focus on Palin shows the American people they are running against the GOP VP nominee not the GOP Presidential Nominee. ROFLMAO!!!!!
Another great report Mata!
Thanks for expanding on this Mata Harley. I thought your posts in the other thread regarding this issue was terrific, but this dots all the i’s and crosses all the t’s. Excellent! I vote VP Palin chooses you for her new chief of staff.
Just read through this on American Thinker. “The Coming Trials of Sarah Palin.”
The last paragraphs reminded me of you:
Conservatives from all quarters will need to answer the bell. To defeat attempts by the left and their handmaidens in the media to destroy the Governor’s character, the conservative response will need to be swift, sure and unflagging. Conservatives will need to be smart and creative in the ways of getting their arguments and messages to average voters.
The battle of the narratives will begin, with the legacy media and the Democrats on one side and the new conservative media, especially talks radio and the internet, that engine of creativity, research, analysis and energy, on the other.
Sarah Palin’s candidacy represents not only a new and important chapter for the conservative movement and the Republican Party, but for the nation as well. And how will you know this? By the volume and ferocity of attacks to come against Governor Palin leading up to the November elections.
Bravo Mata Harley, too bad the Dems are stuck with an MTV attention span. All they can follow is a 15 second sound bite.
The Juneau Road project was not canceled by Governor Palin. During her first days in office, she cancelled a “pioneer” road contract for the first few miles because of its rushed nature by her predecessor.
See for more information on the problems with this project. So far, $24 million in mostly federal dollars has been spent on this road for planning.
She also spent approximately $25 million for a 3 mile “road to nowhere” on Gravina Island, to the place the bridge would have gone. There are a few cabins there — that’s all — and swampland along the route. That was federal earmark money that she spent, rather than getting it reallocated for better transportation projects or returned to the federal government.
Director and Engineer, Alaska Transportation Priorities Project
Thank you for your clarifications and added insight, Ms. Epstein.
INRE the Gravina road to no where… per the Citizens Against Govt Waste, as linked in my post above, it said that Gov. Murkowski was in a rush to get the contract for the road finalized in his last days in office.
I had read in all these stories that the road went ahead with construction. But based on the federal allocation, and Murkowski’s rush to get the road contracted prior to his leaving office, I’ve not seen that the contract was finalized by Palin and not Murkowski. Perhaps you can let us know if that contract was the reason the road went ahead, instead of the funds being allocated elsewhere.
As far as the Feb 2007 Alaska Transportation Priorities Project release on the Juneau Road/Ferry that you linked, it confirms that the project was not popular and should be shelved until further studies on it’s fiscal concerns are addressed. That seems to be keeping with Palin’s transition team report in the Juneau article I linked above.
I did not quote the transition team’s comments about the Juneau project as the nation is more familiar with the Gravina Bridge project. However per the Juneau Empire story
Are you suggesting in your comment that Palin did not cancel that project, and it is still ongoing?
One more question, Ms. Epstein, INRE the Juneau Mega Project….
Your ATPP news release, and your comment that $24 mil in federal funds were spent on this planning makes me want to ask about the timing. If the funds were spent as of Feb 2007, Gov. Palin had held office just a little over one month.
Are you saying that in that time, Gov. Palin allocated those planning funds? Or were they allocated by her predecessor?
This all makes sense, but what do you think Sarah Palin meant in her speech when she said, “I told Congress thanks but no thanks on that Bridge to Nowhere”?
I certainly can’t speak for Palin, but I’d translate it as “It was wasteful, Alaskans didn’t want it, I didn’t want it, and I didn’t go back to get more fed funds to pay for it”….
But doesn’t “Thanks, but no thanks, Congress” kind of imply that Congress was trying to give her something and she turned it down? Is that really what happened here?
Jimmy, prior to Palin assuming the guv’ship, the $200+ federal funds were already allocated to Alaska, the controversy had already raged, and Congress couldn’t take that funding back. They removed the criteria that it had to be used for the bridge, and they used it on other more pressing road problems. (meaning transportation avenues with far more traffic)
But remember, the improved access was still needed, and funds to build the bridge were $300 mil short.
Instead of going along with Stevens and Young, pressing Congress for more money, she opted to go for a more cost effective solution and refuse more fed cash for that project.
Now… she could explain all this to you in a speech, and the nation’s eyes would glaze over. “thanks, but no thanks” is a snappier soundbyte that’s easier to understand.
When I heard “thanks, but no thanks” last night, I was surprised to find out that she kept the money. Congress takes back funding all the time! Want to share why Congress couldn’t take back this funding?
Ms. Epstein, MataHarley
Can someone explain why Governor Palin continued building the “road to nowhere”?
On NPR this morning, I heard Governor Palin thank her congressional representatives for coming through with increased spending for Alaska The John McCain that I vote for should choose someone who doesn’t accept a “nice bump” in spending.
Moby Alert!
Yep, Aye Chi… the “mobys” are always the laziest. Never want to read links or go thru history themselves. They want someone to condense it down to a sentence or two, and tell them what to believe. That’s why they’re such damned uninformed voters, these Obama types.
pmcdee, I’m so sorry that you can’t follow trails and links, nor research yourself. I recognize an attempt at “gotcha” when I see one.
However I suggest you ask Congress why they didn’t demand the $200 million back. Afterall, was granted to Murkowski’s treasury prior to Palin becoming Governor.
As for why Palin didn’t hand perfectly good cash back to the feds when it was already there? Quite simple. The Alaskan transportation system…i.e. roads… is more unusual than lower 48 states. Permafrost and weather wreak havoc, and road repair there is annual.
There were other transportation projects where the funds were put to good use.
Secondly, you suffer from the same problem as Doug. We went thru this already on another thread, and you can read that and catch up.
And earmark is federal funding for a state project. Quite simply, if you want to get rid of all earmarks, you get rid of any funding the feds give to individual states. Period. Obviously this is not the ultimate goal, as federal funds for things such as transportation/interstate needs is appropriate.
So what we have is legitimate earmarks with appropriate funds for the project, and ABUSE of earmarks for overinflated funds for the project. It is the latter than needs to be monitored and cleaned up. Wisely used federal funds are part and parcel of the federal-state budgeting… the key words being “wisely used”….
As far as the Gravina road goes, I would have to assume that if one governor contracted a building firm to do the road, and the funds were already in the treasury, then the choices were either continue the road in case they built a smaller bridge later in time, or the guy could legitimately sue the government for breach of contract.
One way you get a road as a just in case. With litigation, it’s money down the drain. So what would you do?
“Never want to read links or go thru history themselves.”
I did some research on why Governor Palin didn’t stop the “road to nowhere” and couldn’t find an answer. I was asking because you seemed to be knowledgeable on the subject,… but wait this just in …
“As far as the Gravina road goes, I would have to assume …”
So, at the end of your long dissertation, beginning with how I am lazy, you actually do not know yourself. Typical.
BTW, not all early closures of contracts need to result in litigation. If there is a will, there is a way, but I see little will in Governor Palin, just a lot of talk.
pmacdee, all news reports document Murkowski scrambling to finalize a contract on the Gravina road prior to his term ending. There are no reports that Palin carried on that attempt for a contract. Tell you what, you find a report that says Palin contracted the road, and not Murkowski, and I’ll do an update. Otherwise, all evidence points to the contract being done by Murkowski.
As far as not all breaches of contracts ending in litigation… but of course. It’s up to the party who’s damaged to sue.
Let’s see… a contractor gets a $25 mil contract for a road, and the state pulls the contract. What would he do? Why not sue… he’s got all the legal eggs in his basket to get some cash, and has planned and engineered the work. He’s got costs to cover. But of course, he could have been a nice guy, ate the costs and scrambled for other jobs to fill the hole he thought he had filled, and walked away. Right…
As I said, if you have the costs of litigation and get nothing for it (especially since the signed contract is in his favor), or you go ahead in case they opt for a smaller, lesser expensive bridge in the same place, which is the more fiscally responsible thing to do?
You see little will in Gov. Palin because you don’t want to. Not my fault you want to ignore her facts on record. But then, you are governed by emotion, and not logic.
Thanks for the in depth presentation on this issue.
I am afraid that you are missing the main point. What she said at the convention with great bravado was that she turned down the bridge project out of strong philosphical belief that earmarks are wrong. If that were the case, then she would not have weighed the financial and political considerations, but rather turned the money down from the very beginning because it was a federal earmark.
In my book that is political expediency.
Here a Moby,
There a Moby,
Everywhere a Moby Moby.
It’s like someone kicked the top off of an ant hill.
They’re digging and parsing and dissecting every sentence ever written and every statement ever made looking for something that will rescue their Messiah.
Palin is right over the target, the flak is flying, and the inhabitants of the Leftward fever swamps are squirming in angst and anguish as they watch their HopeyChangfulness slip from their grasp.
The polling numbers are beginning to roll in now. The race is back to dead even for the polling period before last night’s speech. Obama’s train is coming off the track, hence the emergency 5am e-mail this morning.
The wolves in the media and here on the Net have done whatever they could do since last Friday to find a weakness in regards to Sarah Palin. Any weakness.
They even attacked her children. Her CHILDREN! with the most vile, scurrilous, sewer dwelling smears in the history of American politics. Unbelievable.
Is this the “change” that B-Rock has been touting? If so, I’m sure that America wants no part of it.
Sarah Palin demonstrated last night steely eyed, firm footed, unflappable resolve, poise, dignity, and confidence even in the face of TelePromTer issues and CodePinko demonstrators trying to storm the stage just as she was delivering the “Lipstick” line.
The two individuals who attempted to disrupt Palin’s speech last night are none other than Jodi Evans, and Medea Benjamin, Marxist. Together, they founded CodePinko.
Jodie Evans is one of Uh-bama’s top money producers. I wonder if he’ll denounce her behavior. I won’t hold my breath waiting. He never has before.
The MSM and the sub-human animals from the Left have failed.
They underestimated this breath of fresh air from the great state of Alaska.
Rich, it is you who misses the point.
One more time…. s-l-o-w-l-y…..
The money came in, and Congress no longer looked at those funds as a bridge earmark…. BEFORE Sarah took office. Now how you can ask a woman to turn down federal funds for a bridge project that were received by the state BEFORE she was in office, is beyond comprehension…. yours, that is.
That $200 mil, in the Alaskan treasury so to speak, was no longer “bridge to nowhere” funds, but federal funding for transportation projects. Palin used that money for other needed transporation improvement projects, as laid out by advisors and analysts.
That aside… the original bridge problem still remained. The Ketchikan community needed better access to the airport, and Gravina Island needs growth stimulus with that access.
Palin listened to her transition analysis team, the Alaskan themselves, considered other access alternatives, and chose a route that did not require asking Congress for ANY federal funding. Which is why she said “thanks, but no thanks”. Had she presented another cost effective access plan, they could have gone to Congress to fund that as an earmark project.
Instead, as she said, if they want a bridge, they’ll build it themselves. I believe they are favoring a more efficient ferry system instead.
So she *did* turn down the bridge project, because she would not let it go forth, nor allocated Alaskan taxpayer dollars to fund it.
She is correct. You only hear what you want.
Mata harley is dead on with his/her/info. on the next female President of The United States of America!What I loved(one of many points in her speech)was her reference to the “good ole` boys club” in Washington and how she didn`t care what the leftwing liberal media machine thinks of her,or about throwing back cocktails with the corrupt liar`s club either.She`s going to Washington to serve,WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES, not: US AND OUR PATHETIC,SPINELESS IDEAOLOGY AND OVER-INFLATED EGO!!THAT`S THE WHOLE DAMNED PROBLEM WITH THAT RAT HOLE CALLED “CONGRESS AND SENATE”,IT`S FULL OF STUPID PC,SPECIAL-INTEREST-LOVIN` LIBERALS!!!
When Obama and Biden are up in their Washington clouds and making it rain cash soup isn’t it the job of lower elected officials to hold out bowls for their constituents? Somehow I don’t see McCain/Palin being so eager to tip the pot and start pouring. Thanks for your efforts btw.