Ok, it’s rant time.
Nothing can tell us more about the Democratic party then today’s shenanigans with the Detainee bill. That the left would scream about protecting the terrorists right to have Habaes Corpus and access to classified information should tell you and the American people everything we want to know about them:
How far from our historic and Constitutional values are we willing to stray? How mercilessly are we willing to treat those we suspect to be our enemies? How much raw, unchecked power are we willing to hand over to the executive?
The legislation before the Senate today would ban torture, but let Bush define it; would allow the president to imprison indefinitely anyone he decides falls under a wide-ranging new definition of unlawful combatant; would suspend the Great Writ of habeas corpus; would immunize retroactively those who may have engaged in torture. And that’s just for starters.
It’s people like this writer who have lost the Democrats chance at getting back the reins to Congress. This shrill ignorant crying about the poor widdle terrorists is the exclamation point to the Democrats views on the world.
I mean come on…..let Bush define torture? It’s not like no one would raise a stink if Bush said “hey, lets go ahead and allow electrodes to be places on the testicles of these terrorists!” Would you people show just a grain of freakin common sense please! If he authorized this kind of interrogation he would be doomed. This bill lets the interrogators do their damn job. You cannot get information from hardened terrorists by saying pretty please. You cannot get information from hardened terrorists by telling them “you have the right to remain silent”. You cannot get information from hardened terrorists by coddling and tickling them…..
Every time I think the left could not be any more idiotic I see these kind of articles. I don’t even want to travel to the depths of the DummiesU hellhole today…..and that’s usually a fun ride for me but I’m just plain sick of them.
And then I see lefties leaving comments on some blogs like “this means Bush can arrest any American for allegedly plotting terrorist acts, deny him Habaes Corpus, and deny him access to the evidence against him!”
Puhlease. The House bill clearly states there is a process….a Combatant Status Review Tribunal will decide whether someone is to be classified as a enemy combatant, not Bush. So please get your schizo medication refilled……Bush is not the enemy, the terrorists are. Until you Democrats start to come to grips with this fact you will never gain majority power in Congress.
Case in point of someone who needs a refill on his medication is Sen. Leahy. Hugh Hewitt pointed out his disgrace of a speech today:
This is not just a bad bill. This is truly a dangerous bill..I have been asking Secretary Rumsfeld for the last several weeks whether our actions are eliminating more of our enemies than are being created. But now we understand. We are creating more enemies than we are eliminating. Our intelligence agencies agree the global jihadist movement is spreading and adapting, and is increasing in both numbers and geographic dispersions. We aren’t making ourselves safer. We’re putting us more at risk. Intelligence agencies go on to note the new jihadist networks and cells with anti-American agendas are increasingly likely to emerge and the operational threat will grow not only abroad but in the homeland. This is truly chilling.
So let me get this straight. The Left and this blowhard believe if we just stopped fighting them, just stopped killing them, then all would be right in the world. Love, Peace, and Harmony will overtake this planet of ours….
Sigh….I mean what can you say to these kind of people? Can someone really be this stupid or is this all a political game? For the sake of America’s future lets hope its all politics because if these people really think like this, really believe in this kind of moral relativism, and they get into power…..look out!
The Bush Cheney Adminstration not only failed to stop 9/11 from happening, but for five years failed to bring Osama bin Laden to justice even though they had him cornered at Tora Bora –they yanked our special forces out of there to send them into Iraq. We witnessed the growth of additional enemies.
Wha-wha-what! We went into Iraq two freakin years after Tora Bora. Amazing.
When America can be seen abandoning its basic American Democratic values, its checks and balances and its great and wonderful legal tradition, and is seen as becoming more autocratic and less accountable, how’s that going to help foster democratic reforms elsewhere? Do as I say and not as I do is a model that has never successfully inspired peoples around the world, and it doesn’t inspire me.
Democratic values for our own CITIZENS you dummy! Not for those who fly planes into our buildings killing thousands of innocent people’s lives.
And then he rambles on and on about the super secret Republicans twisting their mustaches and rubbing their hands while stirring a pot of magical torture soup…..crying about the worst of the worst in Gitmo having to be held in a jail cell while they attack our troops as they guard them…..mind boggling!
Then the coup de Gras….his plans to fix everything:
We should be doing, focusing on getting the terrorists, securing the nuclear material, doing the things that Senator Kerry has talked about, others have, win the peace in Afghanistan, where the Taliban has regrouped.
Yes, because as you know we are not focused on getting the terrorists right now right? Only 4000 of them have been killed in Iraq alone…not enough for Leahy. Securing the nuclear material? WTF? Win the peace in Afghanistan? Hmmmm, guess they don’t have a Democracy over there already? Or do they?
And this vote should tell the lefties something….
65-34! This is not a vote along party lines. This means Democrats such as Rockefeller (yes, you heard me right…Rockefeller!) can see the handwriting on the walls and they understand the American people don’t agree with you cowards on the left. They want our Government to have the damn ability to make a terrorist a bit cold sometimes so that they can get information that will save our lives.
It’s called letting them do their damn jobs.
The Senate approved legislation this evening governing the interrogation and trials of terror suspects, establishing far-reaching new rules in the definition of who may be held and how they should be treated.
The vote, 65-to-34, came after more than 10 hours of often impassioned debate touching on the Constitution, the horrors of Sept. 11 and the nation’s role in the world, but it was also underscored by a measure of politics as Congress prepares to break for the final month of campaigning before closely fought midterm elections.
The legislation sets up rules for the military commissions that will allow the government to prosecute high-level terrorists including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, considered the mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. It strips detainees of a habeas corpus right to challenge their detentions in court and broadly defines what kind of treatment of detainees is prosecutable as a war crime.
The bill was a compromise between the White House and three Republican senators who had pushed back against what they saw as President Bush’s attempt to rewrite the nation’s obligations under the Geneva Conventions. But while the president had to relent on some of the key specifics, it allowed him to claim victory in achieving one of his main legislative priorities.
All I have to say is 65-34! The American public wants us to have the power to protect us, not tie our hands as Clinton did. They know it, and even in this politically charged, highly partisan times, some Democrats know it.
Bush agrees:
Democrats offer nothing but criticism and obstructionism and endless second-guessing. The party of FDR (Franklin D. Roosevelt), the party of Harry Truman, has become the party of cut and run
This is the lasting legacy of today’s Democrats. Cut and run, refuse to fight, refuse to make a terrorist a bit cold , refuse to actually take the steps needed to protect this country.
I hope your proud lefties….
I know I am of my party.
Congratulations to Bush and the Republicans for fighting the good fight and prevailing.
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So let me get this straight. The Left and this blowhard believe if we just stopped fighting them, just stopped killing them, then all would be right in the world. Love, Peace, and Harmony will overtake this planet of ours….
Sigh….I mean what can you say to these kind of people? Can someone really be this stupid or is this all a political game? For the sake of America’s future lets hope its all politics because if these people really think like this, really believe in this kind of moral relativism, and they get into power…..look out!

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