Although these grotesque displays have been going on for years, it was only in the last few that the public has become aware of the phenomena know as “The Drag Queen Story Hour” (DQSH). If you’re unfamiliar with these and are eating I recommend you stop eating before going any further. The events are precisely what they sound like – some creepy guy culturally appropriating womanhood by wearing a dress while donning garish makeup and a Party City wig reading stories to young children. For some bizarre reason, mothers suffering from Munchausen Syndrome (That was no typo that I assume attendance is being driven by the mothers, as no actual man would let creeps like these anywhere near their kids) choose to expose their children to these grooming events, often coupled with the contradictionally named “Family Friendly Drag Shows”.
In a classic example of The Streisand Effect, my local newspaper, The Falls Church News Press (FCNP), decided to offer some free publicity to a group of Christians protesting on behalf of the kids being subjected to such an event at a local eatery. To back up a bit, downtown Falls Church has a longtime restaurant, Claire and Don’s Beach Shack. When we first came to the area we went a few times – when the weather is nice, it’s a good beach atmosphere for outdoor dining. The food was passable, but you came for the vibe. The last time we dined there was a few years ago. Part of their laid-back ambiance included bumper stickers on the walls and bar throughout the bar area. I had noticed some political ones previously, but this last time I noticed it was more than just stickers for favored candidates, which I have no problem with. But now they were some with condescending if not outright nasty messaging (And no, I don’t remember the details, nor am I interested enough to go back. Call it a hunch, but if anything, I’m guessing they’ve only gotten worse). Combine that with them serving Little Bob what the menu billed as mac and cheese but turned out to be a bowl of mostly plain rigatoni with some gourmet cheese in a small pyramid on top, which wound up being our final visit to C & D.
The FCNP is run by an 80 year old 60s radical (we know he’s 80, as the main front page story of a recent issue was his 80th birthday) whose paper is filled with editorial content offering diverse viewpoints ranging from Hard Left to Extremist Fringe Left. The back page of the paper offers a page of editorials dedicated to LGBWERTY+ politics. One of the pressing issues that he promotes are the horrible, intolerant people who object to kids being exposed to creepy older men who have an unhealthy interest in dancing in a suggestive manner for other people’s young children (That’s when his column isn’t promoting other high priorities of the movement, such as mutilating children and allowing male creeps into women’s spaces). In particular, he took umbrage at a Christian group based out of PA who took the time and effort to drive to the DC area to protest on behalf of innocent kids. Color me intrigued, but since I learned that these are monthly events, I decided to use the following month’s scheduled time for when I would run my Saturday errands as an excuse to pass by.
I drove past, and found across the street a group of well dressed mostly younger men holding up a sign running their protest. I rolled down my passenger side window as I passed and gave each member a thumbs up. The good guys are called The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (Which sounds like the name of a potential rival superhero team that occasionally partners with The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) , or just TFP for short. Don’t let the official sounding name fool you – since I had a few minutes I decided to park and personally offer my support to what wound up being a bunch of down to Earth happy warriors. Apparently the word got out, and a group of counter protesters had arrived. Surrounding corners had groups carrying rainbow umbrellas (Classic BLAMtifa tactic to harass anyone trying to film them), although while I was there the Lefties stayed on their street corners. There was one exception; one of their freaks was standing in the middle of TFP, not looking at or talking to anyone, just chanting some consonant-less bizarre melody, sounding something like OOOOO– EEEEEEEE-OOOOOHHHH”. I went into Jay and Silent Bob mode, and cheerfully asked if he was paying tribute to Morris Day and the Time, trying to get him to join me in a refrain of “Jungle Lovvvve, Oh EE Oh EE Oh!” Xi/Hir chose to ignore me and continued chanting, and that was the worst I witnessed that day.
That was back in March, and personal commitments kept me away from April’s protest. I learned from my TFP contact that last time the counter protesters stayed home. But apparently now the Creeps are expanding their scope, and on this Saturday, 5/4, West Potomac High School in Fairfax will be hosting their own Child Grooming Event. TFP will be there, and just like in April I have family commitments that prevent me from coming out to show solidarity. It looks like the good guys will be starting as early as 10:00, a Rosary at 11:00, and some more activity at Noon for anyone running late.
If you’re in the area and have a free minute or two, try to swing by and support the good folks standing against this gross cultural appropriation of womanhood.
I’m sick and tired of the Dems gaslighting people about why Republicans really feel the way we do about Drag Queen Story hour. It has nothing to do with bigotry or hatred toward the LGBTQ community and EVERYTHING to do with protecting children. GTFO!!!
— AZ Representative Rachel Jones (@RJ4arizona) April 30, 2024
No school shootings, no drag queen story hour with little children and no one pretending to be kitty cats. You went to school, said the pledge of allegiance, The Lord’s Prayer and the Ten Commandments were posted in the foyer. You knew the rules and the consequences.
— TNGirl (@Dana8386) April 29, 2024
Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.
Cross posted at Flopping Aces
<!– Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
“Feminism” is a big part of this problem.
Who are these “moms,” of these children?
Literally, almost everyone can point to someone they know who fits in one of these last two categories of “feminism.”
This should be grounds for child endangerment charges.
Exactly. Where the %#@^ is Child Protective Services in this? Probably investigating the parents who report this trash
Bob, CPS is a child trafficking org.
Dead on.
It’s great that there are concerned people that stand up to this demented garbage.
Yeah, good group of guys and I’m glad I got to talk to them. And I never would have known about TFP and been telling their story if FCNP hadn’t decided to try to smear them.
You are depressed ask your doctor if meds that may cause suicidal thoughts are right for you.
A weird source of amusement for Family Bob is when we watch TV together and some pharmaceutical ad comes on. We then proceed to make fun of the “possible side effects” that get delivered in a quick, low delivery.
Family-Friendly Drag Queens come to Main Street: Grooming of children by professional sex workers is now totally mainstream:
Sad but true. And thanks for coming over from MeWe to join the conversation here!
Even the “drag queen,” look is being mainstreamed.
Regular women, not drag queens, are affecting this look.
Huge long fake eyelashes and gigantic lacquered lips are a new look for women.
It’s like they are assuming the narrative that “men make better women than women,” is true!
Our old Chevy Pick-Up from 1952 or a round ten had a Gun Rack like that to and there was no annoying sewer mouth Pea Brains like Hogg around
As Chris Plante likes to say, “It’s not our guns – it’s your sons”