Obamacare falls 38 million short



The fall offensive has begun. It is now claimed McObamacare has now served 7 million!

More than seven million people enrolled in ObamaCare by the March 31 deadline, topping the White House’s initial goal, the administration said Monday.

Press secretary Jay Carney opened his daily briefing on Tuesday by saying the enrollment figure was 7,041,000.

“Today we can say definitively, that at midnight last night, it’s fair to say we surpassed everyone’s expectations, at least everyone in this room,” Carney said.

More people could be added to that number, since the administration is allowing consumers who were unable to complete their applications to continue the process beyond Monday. The total also does not include data from the last day of enrollment for states who run their own exchanges.
It’s not clear how many people have paid their first premium under the healthcare exchanges, though Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, quoting insurance industry officials, said 80 to 90 percent of enrollees had done so.

But have the newly insured done so? A heretofore unknown study says otherwise:

But while he took great pains to enphasize that the number would grow – saying ‘we’re still waiting on data from state exchanges’ – he dodged tough questions about other statistics that reporters thought he should have had at the ready.
Those numbers included how many Americans have paid for their insurance policies, and are actually insured. Also, he had no answer to the thorny question of how few signups represented people who had no insurance before the Affordable Care Act took effect.
Numbers from one study, a RAND Corporation effort that has been kept under wraps, suggests that barely 858,000 previously uninsured Americans – nowhere near 7 million – paid for new policies and joined the ranks of the insured by Monday night.

Most of the sign-ups are those who already did have coverage and few of the new sign-ups were previously uninsured:

Aside from the issue of the numbers’ likely decrease when non-paying enrollments are taken into account, administration officials have been coy about a RAND Corporation study that shows relatively few Obamacare enrollees were previously uninsured.
‘What I can tell you is that we expect there to be a good mix of people who were previously uninsured who now have insurance,’ White House press secretary Jay Carney said Monday.
‘Certainly, there’s a significant number who now have qualified for Medicaid in those states that expanded Medicaid who will have insurance who didn’t have it before.’
But the Affordable Care Act carried with it the promise of covering ‘every American,’ and it appears to have fallen tremendously short.
The RAND study, which has not been published – only the Los Angeles Times has seen it – found that just 23 per cent of new enrollees had no insurance before signing up.
And of those newly insured Americans, just 53 per cent have paid their first month’s premiums.
If those numbers hold, the actual net gain of paid policies among Americans who lacked medical insurance in the pre-Obamacare days would be just 858,298.

I just watched Obama take a victory lap and dun Republicans in the process:

“I don’t get it,” Obama says. “Why are folks working so hard for people not to have health insurance? Why are they so mad about folks having health insurance?”

“There are still no death panels. Armageddon has not arrived. Instead this law is helping millions of Americans.”

Obama warned that “history is not kind” to those who stood in the way of American progress.

Obama said that he wouldn’t talk away from the alleged 40 million uninsured but he just did. Obama claims victory with 1.5 million uninsured signed up and only half of them paid a premium.

To get that Obama blew a billion dollars on a garbage website. Premiums are going up next year and many can expect sticker shock.

Obamacare performance is well below projections:

Hard Truth #2:Performance is Well Below CBO Projections

So is 7.1 million fewer uninsured a job well done or something in need of drastic improvement? The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office has been the official “scorekeeper” for Obamacare since well before it was even passed. I see no reason not to use CBO projections of coverage as the basis for determining how well the law is doing at this juncture. Indeed, using CBO projections arguably will make the law look far better than it would otherwise, since the CBO has rather drastically scaled back its expectations for the law since 2010. CBO’s estimates of the number of uninsured we might have expected to see in 2014 absent the law have fluctuated over time. So the fairest comparison is to measure performance against the projected percentage reduction in the total number of uninsured who we would have in 2014 were the law not enacted.


As someone said, if you fire 20 people and hire back 18 of them you didn’t create 18 new jobs.

Obama said that history is not kind to those who stood in the way of American progress. Neither is it kind to galactic liars. Despite all the Obama bullshit 38 million uninsured still remain.

This is not success.

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Anyone seen any job openings in their local areas for the Death Panels?
And premiums are going up ? ? Wow that is a shocker !!

Oh Wait ……….. don’t premiums go UP every year? when was the last time they went DOWN? So let’s talk about the RATE of increase in healthcare.


Anyone seen any job openings in their local areas for the Death Panels?

“The IPAB is essentially a health-care rationing body.” ~ Howard Dean 7/28/2013

And premiums are going up ? ? Wow that is a shocker !!


So let’s talk about the RATE of increase in healthcare.

Why would we do that when the rate of increase has nothing to do with what the Collective promised us before they forced this garbage on us?

Or is this where the Collective’s goal post is now moving to?

As someone said, if you fire 20 people and hire back 18 of them you didn’t create 18 new jobs.

But that is exactly what Obama tried to claim.
Note the box that states: Dotted line ex-Census hiring.
Obama tried to game his ”recovery” by hiring, firing, re-hiring and re-firing census workers over and over and over again!
Some claimed they had been re-hired 20 times!

Conventional wisdom, reasonable deduction, rational thinking, and perhaps political punditry respect, mandates that when we read at The Hill, which by the way, hasn’t been all that ACA friendly as of late, the success of enrollment, that tends to have some credence.

When we read some silly spew by Dr. John on a bigoted web site, well, not so much.

When 5 million people were cancelled.
And some others also signed up via ObamaCare fed or state exchanges, it does little better than a wash.
Remember many new people were added because they got subsidized.
So, they are not helping pay for ObamaCare at all.
Those 5 million, to the extent they pay fully for their new, higher premiums, are the only ones helping ObamaCare’s bottom line.
McKinsey & Co. says that only 27% of those who have picked a plan through Obamacare were previously uninsured.
Of those Only 53 percent of them had paid their first premium, compared with 86 percent of the previously insured reports CNBC. http://www.cnbc.com/id/101512883
That is a pathetic bottom line!
And to think Democrats could have fixed the healthcare system (that was acknowledged to be the best on earth) with only a few jury-rigs had they not wanted a signature bill for Obama.
My problem is that full numbers ought to be available from the gov.
But they are not.
I wonder if Dems can prevent their release all the way until past the mid-term elections?
I bet they try.

How many people walking this planet did not think that this number was “NOT” going to be 7 million-plus….days, weeks, and months ago NO-ONE could give you a number….on APRIL FOOL’S DAY….the biggest fool comes up with a number only hours after the poles closed….REALLY….2 days ago the crazy witch from Kansas….was asked “how many”…..she couldn’t answer…you know why….the fool told her to keep her trap shut….he was going to tell “THE WORLD” that HE DID IT….7.1 million only…since Sept 2013 the big question always was….HOW MANY-WHAT THE BREAK DOWN ???????…..all of the fool’s answers “I don’t or I’ll get back to you….REALLY

Oh, give it up! It’s here, it’s staying and it will save the life of a family member.

And by the way…

“…You’re forgetting about the people who signed up for insurance directly through the insurance companies. They aren’t counted in the HHS numbers.

And it is estimated that about 80% of people signed up have paid so far. And remember that a lot of the people signed up don’t have their first payment due for a couple of
weeks. The Medicaid signups (not including renewals, etc) is between 4.7 and 6.5 million.
For real information and hard data about all of this (rather than desperate spin) check out:”


@Nanny G: Your 5 million cancelled argument, much like the bulk of today’s right wing propaganda, is just another example of the right wing dishonesty that American voters have come to realize. You are simply either another blatant liar regurgitating right wing misinformation or you are just profoundly ignorant. And then there’s of course the possibility you’re incredibly dishonest.

A factor that many many people of reasonable intellect and a tad of political knowledge have come to understand, your argument exempts the overwhelming volume of folks that really weren’t cancelled but rather we “rolled ever” into a new policy because their old had to be upgraded.

Here in KY, 40% of the population that were once uninsured now are, thanks to ACA.

Pound sand all you like but ACA is here to stay.

And why did their “old policies have to be upgraded” dumbass?

@Ronald J. Ward: And what about 0-blama’s pre-election promise that if you like your health insurance and/or doctor you can keep them “period”! You want to talk about liars??

@Rick Hicks:

And why did their “old policies have to be upgraded” dumbass?

Well, maybe like many things that have become dilapidated, you have to move forward. The old TV picture tube had to be updated. We’ve upgraded from the horse and buggy, from penicillin, from the southern plantation slave owners, and, where do you want me to stop?

What was you point again? I mean, other than presenting yourself as a dumbass?

@Common Sense:

And what about 0-blama’s pre-election promise that if you like your health insurance and/or doctor you can keep them “period”! You want to talk about liars??

To clarify, that was not a “pre-election promise ” and it’s puzzling where or how your argument originated, other than of course, to keep consistent the dishonest reputation of FA.

That “keep your own insurance” promise came after the election and prior to to the law’s implementation, as most any fact checkers will point at 2009 and later statements confirming your “big lie”.

His “pre-election promise” consisted of a promise to overhaul healthcare, which was the promise of both House and Senate Democrats, which resulted in the Democratic take of the White House and both chambers of Congress, which they lived up to their promised, which was upheld by the Supreme Court.

History, reality, and facts are relevant, unless of coarse you’re a FA hack, which I suppose then you can just throw all that out the window.

Sort of random thoughts…

So, the measure of success for our healthcare system is that people have actually (under threat) managed to tell the government and insurers they want to buy insurance! Some unknown fraction has actually paid money and is covered. What an accomplishment after only four years of taxation and one year of operation! Everyone is so excited about signing up that the healthcare sytem is declared a success before any actual healthcare has happened.

Isn’t this really the story of Barack Obama? Accolades before achievment, only said achievment never takes place. The only achievement ever required of Barack Obama was winning the Presidency. That was the pinnacle, then all that was left was the gloating.

I was just in to see my doctor and asked, “How’s the paperwork?” He said, “Oh, bad enough but it’s about to get a lot worse. They have a new coding system that is quite over-complicated”.

@Ronald J. Ward: I’m not quoting your ad hominum attacks.

But I would like to point out that it is Democrats from Obama – who allowed the continuance of all of those so-called ”sup-par,” or ”bad apple,” plans – to Senators and congressmen who are pleading for ObamaCare to create a ”copper plan,” subset.
And what would a copper plan be?
It would be exactly what ObamaCare defined as a ”sub-par plan,” or a ”bad apple plan!”

@Ronald J. Ward:

the success of enrollment

lol Yeah, I’m sure the success of enrollment is what has Pelosi wanting to pivot to job creation, despite the wonders of liberation from job lock.

In any case, it should be noted here that 79% of the enrollees are having their subsidies paid for by the working class.

@Kraken: I’ve been here for awhile so obviously I’m no stranger to the hypocrisy sold here.

For the sake of argument, I’ll concede your argument that 79% will be be paid for by taxpayers (not an agreement or endorsement). But your argument excludes the reality of the cost to our deficit without ACA, which the CBO has concluded to be a deficit reducing legislation. Those same tax payers are on the hook either way you slice it. The only exception would be if you can come up with a more humane or gentle way to simply say those “have nots” should just go home and die at an expeditious rate.

That’s the thing about today’s conservative arguments. You just lack the stomach to confront them on a rational level.

@Ronald J. Ward: While you’re quoting the CBO, did you realize it predicted (right after the Supreme Court case) that by March 31st over 14 million previously uninsured people would be signed up?
Came a bit short, huh?
Obama did a clever rhetorical moving of the goalposts in recent months.
Although he used the CBO when it was to his advantage, he LOWERED expectations on sign-ups early on after the web site was such a mess.
Now, he can ”declare victory,” when ObamaCare numbers are a mere fraction of CBO predictions.
And all the benefits of O’Care (risk pool, financial) depended on the CBO’s numbers being correct!

7 mil enrollees, some 800 k + have paid so far. Medicaid is through the roof, especially in states that are broke. 6 to 10 million insurance policies cancelled so far. The free stuff moochers have to be subsidized. Taxes have to be increased everywhere to pay for this boondoggle. The idiots( Bamster, Pelousy, nepotism Reid) are doing victory laps. This would be humorous, if it wasn’t so serious. Trying to buy votes with healthcare- bah humbug.

We have a few families, but aren’t there 350 million people in this country?

I don’t want to expose all my personal and financial information on the web, until we have some assurances or insurance from the government that their expensive website isn’t compromised; otherwise, our expensive health insurance can become catastrophically expensive. We don’t seem to be getting any assurances from out glad-hander in chief and if we do, it may be lies once again, like the $2,500 cheaper premiums and the keep your plan and doctor lies.

Come on people, can’t you trust a liar once again. He wouldn’t lie to us again, he knows it causes ill-feelings among honest people. It’s absolutely essential for us to believe the lies once again or he will have a hard time getting people to sign up and the Unaffordable Care Act will become like the Edsel. A good idea that just kinda farted, stumbled, and fell, until they took it off the market.

@Ronald J. Ward: OK to clarify he did say it, agreed?? He also ended with the word “period” agreed? Can you at least admit that this was a lie?? And you use the word FA?? Your the one acting like an idiot on the sight!!

@Ronald J. Ward: ronald teabagee you are hilarious keep it coming ,you are funny

The AARP encouraged their members to push their politicians to vote for obamacare. Shortly after obamacare became law, the AARP told their employees that their insurance rates would be going up.

Conservative organizations were started to take the place of the AARP, and a lot of us cancelled our membership to it. I cut my card up, and taped it to the back of the “PINK SLIP” I set the AARP, printed on PINK paper.

My girlfriend called up the California Obama Care today to get insurance and she was told they aren’t taking anyone on until October, since everyone was supposed to have joined by the end of March. They told her, they would be glad to help her find insurance, but she suspected a con or bait and switch game, and since she was required to have Obama Care by law, she wanted Obama Care. More and more people distrust our government, now that we are lied to on a regular basis.

I suppose this is the way it will be from now on, we will buy health insurance at the government’s convenience, when they are ready.

@Ronald J. Ward: You sound rather bigoted yourself, so I’m not sure why you’re here casting stones.

You’re an Obama supporter, we get it. You wanted he, and everything he “stands” for, to “win”. It’s understandable. What is not understandable is a growing tendency of Obama followers to through around words like rationality and reason while employing neither.

Not everyone follows what you follow, and it’s always been the job of the people to be skeptical of what a President and the admin claim.

Same for Bush, same for Obama. Some of us think Obamacare is an abject failure, and with good reason.

Deal with it. The stalin-style propaganda train went off the rails long ago.

@Ronald J. Ward: The point is, neither you nor the government operatives who are running this rattletrap program truly know what “I” need … because that would require omniscience and flexibility-of-response on your/their part that is beyond your/their capability.

Yet you INSIST we do it “your” way, and impose that insistence via the coercive force of law … that is, unless what you are insisting upon is making y’all look bad, so you put it off and erode the rule of law in the process.

More evidence that Progressives are the new fundamentalists of the 21st century, with a zeal that makes fire-and-brimstone Baptists look like loose-topped libertines out for beads at Mardi Gras.

Despite their erudition …
And academic pedigree …
The Best and the Brightest look instead
Like a box of dim bulbs to me

Hand over the keys to your body, and they might
Give you a blue pill* for “free” …
The Best and the Brightest look instead
Like a box of dim bulbs to me …
… like a box of dim bulbs to me

(MP3 is at https://www.facebook.com/notes/ritchie-the-riveter/dim-bulbs/140514325995655 )
* get your mind back above your waist … think “The Matrix” …

@Nanny G: Obama lies and will continue to lie…because Big Media never calls him out for his lies. It just goes on and on.

It’s pretty easy for this president to do his victory lap. He knows few if any in the media will questions his statements. He can skate away on a rink lies and the press will only regurgitate the message. Fools will lap it up. This law was supposed to insure the 30 million uninsured and leave everyone else alone. It was supposed to drop prices by up to 2500 per family. Your relationship with your doctor and health care providers was to be untouched. All of this was a lie.
Waivers were handed out to the politically connected and changes were made at the stroke of a pen to insure the political blowback would be minimal.
Signups are celebrated. The real numbers of those of have paid a premium or more than one premium isn’t given. The number of that 30 million who now have insurance for the first time isn’t given either. Just put on your rose colored glasses and smile for the camera; it’s all good in Obieland.
We are just at the beginning of this disaster. Millions more on Medicaid and no increase in health professional’s handling Medicaid is a recipe for failure and poor health outcomes. It’s overwhelming the number of those getting a subsidy which means someone else must pay. It’s Redistribution of wealth 101. Not enough young healthy people signing up and too many older frequent insurance claimants’ means insurance companies will see a dim path to survival. Bailouts will be coming if they are to survive. We will all be paying more to support this mess.
Then we have the side show, things like full time workers becoming part time workers, employers dropping health coverage due to increases in costs brought on by the ACA.
With this (fake) milestone of 7 million will Democrats running for re-election run on Obiecare and its benefits? Or is it a millstone around their necks? Stay tuned.

@Ronald J. Ward:

You can’t call others liars and hypocrites then push the propaganda based previous CBO cost estimates, that have since been updated by CBO, showing obamacare will INCREASE the deficit by over 1 trillion.

Obama and his ilk are despicable liars. They kept telling us they didn’t know the numbers….still don’t know how many have paid….then they magically claim to get over their 7 million claim on 1 April?

Keep telling yourself obamacare is a success. We will see what happens in November.

@Ronald J. Ward: As I understand it, the new law was not the “Affordable Enrollment Act”, but the “Affordable Health Care Act”. The goal was not enrollees but insured people. Would that be correct?

So, while they claim 7.1 million enrollees (they even lie about that; 7,041,000 us NOT rounded up to 7.1 million) how many actually did not have insurance but now do and have paid into it is a big a mystery as he whereabouts of flight MH370. But, it sure doesn’t seem to be 7 million and it sure doesn’t seem to have the required ratio of payers but not users.

@Ronald J. Ward: ” which the CBO has concluded to be a deficit reducing legislation” How do you figure that? With a $2 trillion price tag to leave 30 million still uninsured, how do you compute it would have a snowball’s chance in hell of reducing a deficit?

@Pete: Pete, the dishonesty and hypocrisy fall squarely in your lap. You want to pick and choose when the CBO’s numbers are credible based on how it suits your agenda. You do the same with your insinuation that the 7 million is a “magical” number and therefore it’s to be rejected. You have no evidence other that it simply doesn’t compliment your Obama bashing objectives.

I don’t look at ACA as any overwhelming success as you imply. Like most any program of this magnitude, glitches will be there and issues need to be ironed out. The GOP or conservatives or baggers or whatever the hell they are these days have done absolutely everything in their power to sabotage it, to insure failure, and have resisted any and all efforts to fix any of it, or even, offer any meaningful solutions to our disaster of a health care system.

The only obvious alternative that the Obama haters have to offer is that the uninsured just go home and die.

@VoteOutIncumbents: #27

Obama lies and will continue to lie…because Big Media never calls him out for his lies. It just goes on and on.

Big Media is part of the lies. They are one of the democrat’s brainwashing machines.

@Mully: #28
I disagree that obamacare is a failure. It all depends on what a person thinks obamacare was supposed to accomplish. It has accomplished most of what it was intended to do.

What has obama done that helps the USA?


Look at it from the point of view that obama wants to do everything he can to harm the country. From that angle, obamacare has been very successful. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

The bottom line. This health care law was meant to fail and has nothing to do with health care. This failure will allow the government to force the American citizens into a one-payer health care system CONTROLLED by the government.

Read saul alinsky’s eight rules to a socialist state. Rule number one which is touted to be the MOST important is to gain control of the health care system and you gain control of the people. obama is going down this list one by one and if the American people do not wake up, they will find they have lost their freedoms and their children will pay the ultimate price.

@Smorgasbord: From that point you are correct. But that would be a behind the scenes view. In public they are crowing about 7 million signs up. It was supposed to be that 30 million without insurance were clamoring for insurance and this was the vehicle to get it. Well 30 million uninsured didn’t show up and sign up, so to them they can’t be happy. Plus the many side shows like medical device taxes that have resulted in jobs losses, more part timers, losing ones doctor and insurance only to be offered a more expensive plan, that’s just for starters.

The problem with the behind the scene view is it may destroy the democrat party at the national level for a period of time. Not that anyone is clamoring for a bunch of republicans to take over, but there is little other choice.

This article sheds some light on the numbers.

@Ronald J. Ward: #31
obamacare should be like a piece of merchandise. You look at the different ones, compare them to each other, then pick the one that is best for you, or leave it on the shelf and walk away. The democrats want their merchandise to be a monopoly, because they know it won’t sell if it can be compared to other products.

If obamacare is the great product that you and other liberals are saying it is, all you have to do is wait, and let it sell itself. It can be like other products that people buy, like, and tell others about. If obamacare is the great product you say it is, all you have to do is tell others how it worked for you, and how glad you are to have it, and it will sell itself, like millions of other products sold themselves after people tried them.

Just tell people how obamacare has helped you, or helped friends or relatives you know, and how glad they are to have it, then it will start selling itself. It is like when I go to a chiropractor if my back bothers me for a few day, and he puts things back in place in one treatment, and my back quits hurting. One chiropractor even put my fallen arch back in place. Just tell others how obamacare has helped others, and they will want to sign up.

Why do any of you trying to debate RJW? He’s nothing more than a racist, bigoted, OFA plant for Obama. A true believer who would find an excuse for Obama if Obama axe murdered his own children. And we already know that all True Believers know that Obamacare is a total disaster and is only going to get worse, they are just trying to convince the rest of us that reality is not real.

As much as RJW is here trying to tell us the sun doesn’t rise in the east, you have to wonder if OFA pays him per word.

@enchanted: #35
The water in the pan that the demofrogs are relaxing in has gotten to the temperature they like. Why would they want to jump out now?

@Ronald J. Ward:

Should I be congratulating you on your tenure or something?

But seriously, both of us are also no stranger to your proclivity to make purely fantasy based pronouncements. Your perception of hypocrisy is borne out of the Collective’s misunderstanding of the word. For instance:

The only exception would be if you can come up with a more humane or gentle way to simply say those “have nots” should just go home and die at an expeditious rate.

This suggests that the “have nots” went home and died at an expeditious rate before legislative chicanery was used to pass ObamaCare. This is of course incorrect. This statement requires a complete and total ignorance of Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act and other prograzms that provide assistance for the “have nots.” However with the introduction of the appointed IPAB, otherwise known as a Death Panel, this will likely change thanks to ObamaCare.

That’s the thing about today’s conservative arguments. You just lack the stomach to confront them on a rational level.

This is a statement that really shouldn’t be taken seriously. When the bulk of the “have nots” who are crying about being unable to afford health insurance, are covered with thousands of dollars worth of tattoos and modern primitive piercings that perforate their faces, the Collective simply has no place determining what is or is not a rational argument.

Let’s be perfectly honest here, this is a law that the Democrats passed with not one of them reading it beforehand. There’s nothing rational about that.

@Ronald J. Ward:

Ronald, it’s important for you to understand, that the only meaningful solution for our health care at this particular point in time is a full repeal of ObamaCare.

The only obvious alternative that the Obama haters have to offer is that the uninsured just go home and die.

Please point out where someone actually said this verbatim.

This is one of the Collective’s primary problems. They consistently argue passionately against points that no one is making.

@Mully: #36
After watching the video of Sebelius having a long pause, I have to think that the way the reporter made a statement, instead of asking a question, she was waiting for him so say more. I know I was, but he just left the statement blank. I was waiting for him to continue with a question. If I were in Sebelius’s place, I probably would have asked the reporter if I was supposed to reply to the comment, or if he is going to ask a question. I have seen other reporters do this with people that haven’t been on camera before, and they don’t know what to do.

Let’s not forget that a lot of hospitals are not on the obamacare list, and some of them are very highly rated. Why wouldn’t they want people to go to the best hospitals? It would be interesting to look at hospital donations and see which ones gave to who, if any of them donated to any candidate.

The problem with the behind the scene view is it may destroy the democrat party at the national level for a period of time.

What is wrong with removing a cancerous growth on the USA? I hope it never grows back.

@Ronald J. Ward: I never thought there would be such a thing as an Alan Grayson wannabe, but here ya go.

Do you beat your wife too, Ronald?

@retire05: #38

Why do any of you trying to debate RJW?

There is a difference between debating and arguing. Most liberals like to argue, and if they can get you to argue with them, then they win by bringing you down to their level.

As I have mentioned before, I don’t usually respond to their comments, unless they direct them to me, but sometimes they say something that could mislead someone new to FB, so I will comment on it to give the newbie a different point of view. I am also like you, retired, and have a lot of time on my hands.

As much as RJW is here trying to tell us the sun doesn’t rise in the east, you have to wonder if OFA pays him per word.

I am guessing people like him are paid to do what they do. Just keep track of the times they post, and they are posting all through the day, and on most days; even holidays.


Why do any of you trying to debate RJW?


White House Claims 7.1 Million Obamacare Enrollments, but How Many Previously Uninsured Have Paid?


Once you’re covered, you’re covered.
So, if your company lays you off because THEIR costs for ObamaCare require them to scale back on workers, YOU still have your coverage…..and subsidies kick in to give you them for FREE!
Good for ten full-time ”job-locked” health care workers at Newman Regional Hospital in Emporia, KS as well as five part-time ”job-locked” health care workers there.

Now multiply this by every once-covered employee who gets laid off and realizes it is going to be too lucrative to stay unemployed than to accept work for less than his freebies.
We have a real problem brewing in this country.

@Ronald J. Ward:

Yeah, you are clearly showing the contemptible dishonesty inherent in leftists now, RJW. And you can shove your pathetic “want poor people to die” garbage right up your piehole. I dare you to follow me for a single 24 hour period taking care of patients – many on medicaid – and try blowing that evil disgusting propaganda again. You show your worthless stupidity every time you spew that lie. Not that the empty-headed ideology that is your trademark hasn’t already amply displayed your lack of comprehension of anything resembling reality.

The McKinsey study states that at most 27% of people in the “7.1 million” were previously uninsured. You lie when you continue to claim that there weren’t over 5 million (and in some reports 7 million) who had their insurance plans cancelled due to obamacare, and who seem to be a plurality of the “7.1 million” Obama claims are now insured. It is beyond credulity to believe that the administration that couldn’t prevent their website from shutting down multiple times – including twice on the final day of enrollment – and has insisted that they couldn’t tell how many people have actually paid the insurance premium – and therefore the actual number of truly insured – magically produce a number (incorrectly rounded up, by the way, so they must be using Common Core math principles) to claim “victory” for their socialist power grab.

So let’s look at the REAL numbers, zealot. If the McKinsey study shows 27% as people who were previously uninsured, that means you are talking about 1.9 million (again, using the baseline 7.1 million though incorrectly rounded numbers) people previously uninsured who now have insurance. McKinsey also reports that of the previously uninsured, only 53% of them have actually PAID their premiums. So now you are looking at only 950,000 people, previously uninsured, who have paid their obamacare premium and thus have health insurance.

But that isn’t all, you dishonest zealot – the Washington Post is reporting that even the Obama admin doesn’t know how many of their enrollment numbers are actually duplicate enrollments that were double counted to reach their 7.1 million numbers. This is the POST, not some right wing rag, zealot. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2014/03/27/the-insiders-more-obamacare-lies-no-one-is-surprised/

You continue to deny the repeated lies of Obama and his minions used repeatedly to fool enough low information voters into supporting an unworkable, catastrophically expensive socialist takeover of the US medical care system.

You continue to ignore the horrendous economic impact obamacare is having and will continue to have on employment and the economy in this country – and still refuse to acknowledge that Obama KNOWS the negative impact since he keeps delaying (unconstitutionally) the implementation of his socialist power grab until after the next election trying to avoid the bloodbath to come in November.

You are one of the most hypocritical and dishonest people with whom I have ever had the displeasure of interacting. You are beyond disreputable, and as is typical of a blind zealot, have no shame.