LIAR [Reader Post]


A simple post:

September 25, 2012

President Barack Obama delivered an extensive denunciation of a 'crude and disgusting' anti-Islam video made in California, telling the United Nations that 'it is time to heed the words of Gandhi' and declaring: 'The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.'

Obama strongly condemned the protests that spread across the Middle East and the murder of Chris Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya, branding them 'an assault on America'.

But he stated that the unrest and murderous attacks were the result of the low-budget video, which had 'sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world'.

He said: 'I have made it clear that the United States government had nothing to do with this video, and I believe its message must be rejected by all who respect our common humanity. It is an insult not only to Muslims, but to America as well – for as the city outside these walls makes clear, we are a country that has welcomed people of every race and religion.

'We are home to Muslims who worship across our country. We not only respect the freedom of religion – we have laws that protect individuals from being harmed because of how they look or what they believe. We understand why people take offence to this video because millions of our citizens are among them.'

Oh Drat: Music Production Courses And Soundsld-militant-claim-two-hours-libya-010758099.html;_ylt=AgjrtGeURbg3WSrvh5ZZdwWs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTNsYmYyN2MxBG1pdANUb3BTdG9yeSBGUARwa2cDMTcwYTM1NmQtNzM2My0zM2Y5LWIwZWUtY2VhOTk1YmUwNzZlBHBvcwMzBHNlYwN0b3Bfc3RvcnkEdmVyAzVlZWQ2MjQwLTFkNzktMTFlMi05N2VmLWVkOTY2MjgyZjM2Mw–;_ylg=X3oDMTFpNzk0NjhtBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lBHB0A3NlY3Rpb25z;_ylv=3″>Today:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Officials at the White House and State Department were advised two hours after attackers assaulted the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11 that an Islamic militant group had claimed credit for the attack, official emails show.

The emails, obtained by Reuters from government sources not connected with U.S. spy agencies or the State Department and who requested anonymity, specifically mention that the Libyan group called Ansar al-Sharia had asserted responsibility for the attacks.

The brief emails also show how U.S. diplomats described the attack, even as it was still under way, to Washington.

U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed in the Benghazi assault, which President Barack Obama and other U.S. officials ultimately acknowledged was a “terrorist” attack carried out by militants with suspected links to al Qaeda affiliates or sympathizers.

Administration spokesmen, including White House spokesman Jay Carney, citing an unclassified assessment prepared by the CIA, maintained for days that the attacks likely were a spontaneous protest against an anti-Muslim film.

The most transparent administration “ever”

Barack Obama is a LIAR.


Now the question is why?

Don't hold your breath waiting for the Obama-flack ridden press to ask.

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You should watch the interview with former Secretary Rice that I linked above.


What Hillary says now or yesterday is irrelevant.

What Obie and Rice et al said in the days when they were trying to cover their asses, that’s what’s relevant.

Look there and you will find the genesis of the lies.


The larger point is that there is no evidence, as yet, of any lies told by the administration in reference to the terrorist attacks and murders in Libya.

Cary, eyes on me. Good.

Now, did you read this?

But he stated that the unrest and murderous attacks were the result of the low-budget video, which had ‘sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world’.


I’m not sure I get your point. Are you suggesting that I think it’s okay for ANYONE to use a racist term derived from black slaves towards a black President? This “But so and so did it” retort isn’t your style, my friend.

Andrew Cuomo:

In 2008, then-New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo said of Barack Obama: “You can’t shuck and jive at a press conference.” Steve McMahon, a Hardball regular, talked to then-MSNBC host Tucker Carlson and demurred, “Well, that’s not the way I would have put it.”

Read more:

Sissie Matthews:

“What has it been like, as you shuck and jive, hang out with the men over there, the women over there, in uniform risking their lives every day?” he asked Rachel Maddow on July 7, 2010.

The easier way to fact check 0-blama is to assume it’s all a lie and look for the truth!!


The way I understand it, is that there were multiple events going on, and the messages got mixed. Yes, the attacks on the Libyan embassy were orchestrated terrorist attacks (as Obama stated on 9/12) clearly executed on the date that would be most painful to Americans.

There were ALSO protests within Islamic regions against the video that was found offensive (frankly, I found the video offensive, too… and it’s difficult to explain the concept of free speech to them, although we need to make the effort to do so.)

As Secretary Rice indicated, there was a lot of information coming in at once. In light of all this, it is my opinion that the presence of any intentional lies are unlikely.


The way I understand it, is that there were multiple events going on, and the messages got mixed.

Next question- how many “murderous acts” occurred on 9-11-12?

Common Sense
yes you are true to your name, that is a good one,
how do you cal this theory?
reverse probing?


There were a total of four Americans killed at U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.

With all due respect, I think we all read the newspapers here. I’m not interested in participating in a quiz.


Just one involving the murder of a US ambassador.

more than one
they then went to get the other in another compound and the fourth one somewhere else,
all killed violently while fighting for their lives, and left alone by a whole COUNTRY


Perhaps Palin didn’t intend it as such, but it did come off that way to me.

That says more about you than about her, eh?


**SIGH** Yes, I guess it does. It means I know the meanings behind the words I use. Fancy that.


It means I know the meanings behind the words I use.

Shuck and jive has multiple meanings as I cited for you in #47

You, of course, opted to interpret what she wrote in the most negative fashion possible rather than applying one of the more common and widely accepted meanings to the phrase.

Again, your choice speaks more loudly of you than her.

@drjohn: My point is that if the message was “mixed” then why blame the video?? Is there more imperial evidence to support the video vs a planned terrorist attack?

Personally, unlike the MANPADS which are definitively not in the hands of the tangos, I can say I believe that Palin knowingly said what she said to draw attention to herself.

1. Her face-lift is horrible. Yikes. She was cute 4 years ago now she looks horrible. Not as bad as Michelle or Hilary mind you, but still bad.

2. He voice really bothers me. That Alaskan twang is nauseating in the extreme.

3. Why does Fox even have her on? I mean she contributes what exactly?

4. I see she whored her other daughter out to Dancing with the Stars. Unreal.

5. Notice that no one really pays attention to the pablum she spouts any more?


Personally, unlike the MANPADS which are definitively not in the hands of the tangos…


You missed something:

Last month The Times of London reported that a Libyan ship “carrying the largest consignment of weapons for Syria … has docked in Turkey.” The shipment reportedly weighed 400 tons and included SA-7 surface-to-air anti-craft missiles and rocket-propelled grenades.

Those heavy weapons are most likely from Muammar Gaddafi’s stock of about 20,000 portable heat-seeking missiles—the bulk of them SA-7s—that the Libyan leader obtained from the former Eastern bloc. Reuters reports that Syrian rebels have been using those heavy weapons to shoot down Syrian helicopters and fighter jets.

This blog had documented the part-by-part appearance in rebel hands of one old heat-seeking system, known as the SA-7. Since midsummer there have been occasional sightings of full systems but none, as far as we know, showing the system in actual use.

Two videos recently posted on YouTube suggest that what had been expected is now occurring.

The first video, embedded below and posted today, shows what would appear to be a two-man hunter-killer team with an SA-7, waiting for an aircraft from hiding behind a building. Matthew Schroeder, an analyst who covers missile proliferation and the arms trade at the Federation of American Scientists in Washington, noted “the glint of the missile’s seeker head, so the missile is in the tube.” This, along with the visible battery and grip stock, indicates that the system is complete.The man with the SA-7 does not loiter; he is soon picked up by another man on a light motorcycle.

The second video shows what appears to be a weapon of the same class being fired at a passing fixed-wing jet. The video is not perfect. And it is not possible in the jerky and grainy video to determine which type of missile is in use, but at about 2:02 its audio seems to capture the sound of a missile’s launching and then shows the telltale corkscrew signature of the weapon through the air.



Have a great weekend, Aye.

@Cary: What’s your point?

Condi gave a great interview. She commented on the mechanics of what is SUPPOSED to happen, and left any other speculation on her part to remain unsaid.

@Cary: Um, okay let’s look at what MadCow said.

Let’s put aside, at least for now, the fact that the latest Benghazi revelations appear to be entirely uninteresting,

So the latest revelations about Benghazi appear entirely uninteresting? Tell me, were one of the four murdered Americans a member of your family, would ANY new reports on the situation that led to his death be “entirely uninteresting” to you?

Or would you applaud Ms. Maddow’s attempt to change the narrative away from responsibility to calling names instead?

I doubt that you will answer me honestly.

Prove me wrong.


Did you even read my last comment to this same exact question you posed previously? It appears you didn’t. If I want to run in circles, I’ll go to the park. I’ve got a full plate over the next few days. Have a great weekend.

@Budvarakbar: Well Bud, sorry. I went back and re-read that comment and it seemed pretty clear that since I posted a quote of her (Maddow’s) own words, that my comments were referring to Ms. Maddow.

@Cary: I didn’t think you had the stones to address my questions with any shred of integrity.

Look, I can’t help it that your lefty heroine, Ms. Maddow wants to downplay either the original situation in Benghazi which led to the deaths of four Americans or the subsequent “shuck and jive” on the part of the Obama administration.

I can’t help the fact that Maddow realizes that Obama royally screwed this one up and is now trying to switch the focus onto a supposed racial comment by Gov. Palin. Maddow’s in CYA mode for the administration, anyone can see that. Well, anyone but you, it would seem.

Have a nice day, good luck with your running and your full plate.


I answered it and thank you.

PS – One doesn’t need “stones” to have integrity… but that’s two entirely different conversations. Just food for thought.

@Cary: Hey it’s no problem Cary.

We just now have you on record that mundane issues like an ongoing investigation into the horrible deaths of four Americans is “entirely uninteresting,” and a manufactured accusation of racism is much more important to you.

Now myself, I find it appalling that an alleged journalist like Maddow is bored with attempts to find out what went wrong and why and how four Americans were murdered.

I would much rather get to the bottom of the story, to find out the hows and the whys of what went on so that those four, brave Americans at least, did not die in vain. But then again, I’m not an “enlightened” progressive so that is probably why I don’t focus on race to the extent that if it doesn’t exist, then it must be manufactured.


I’d appreciate it if you didn’t put words or positions in my mouth, especially when I already answered your question. Perhaps not to your satisfaction, but I answered it. Your attempts to bully me into saying what you want me to say by emasculating me are something I’m way past falling for. All you need to do is scroll up to find what I’ve already said, not that difficult. I’m done.

@anticsrocks: My original question was that by posting Maddow’s insipid attempt to divert the issue from responsibility for the deaths of the Americans to some manufactured outrage over a supposed racial comment, did that mean you agreed with Maddow? Did you also think that further investigation into the deaths of the Americans in Benghazi was uninteresting?

You answered thusly with a denial and an attempt to put words into Maddow’s mouth it would seem:

Nice try, but that’s not what she said. She said the latest news regarding the incident (which is the subject of this post) is uninteresting in the fact that it reveals nothing, and provides no proof of lies.

So after asking more than once, and with your refusal to further elaborate, much less even actually answer my initial question, one can only come to the conclusion that you agree with Maddow; that you think further probing into Benghazi (new revelations, I think is how she put it), are “entirely uninteresting.”

Don’t you think that accusing Palin of manufactured racism instead of putting her (Maddow’s) energy into trying to find out what happened is pretty damn hypocritical?

You can accuse me of bullying, but you sir, are the one who refused to answer my question and instead attempted to obfuscate.


Which in your mind is worse?

Do you believe everything you read in the MSM—or is Reuters, in this instance, not main stream. I would expect an Islam extremist group to take credit for this action, regardless of the truth of the matter. And, besides, a story like this sells more news. You should also refer to a dictionary for the meaning of the word ‘lie’—with particular emphasis on the qualifying term ‘intent’ to deceive—which you could only ascertain by mystical experience or by self-admission or by direct contradiction on the same subject within a short period of time. Do you know how hard it is to indict a person for perjury?

@Liberal1 (Objectivity):

Do you know how hard it is to indict a person for perjury?

William Jefferson Clinton … Martha Stewart … Scooter Libby … Shelly Zimmerman … etc … etc

Not difficult at all. Next question.

@Liberal1 (Objectivity):

by direct contradiction on the same subject within a short period of time.

You mean like having the admin’s front people all telling the media, and the world, for two weeks after the fact that the attack happened due to a “film”, rather than what we find is the true cause. And that, after the admission, by some in the know, that the attack, as it happened, and even before it happened, is due to a group the President said were “on the run”? You mean like that type of contradiction?

My guess is that the President, with Jarrett and Axelrod, pushed the theme of the “movie” being the cause because to admit that AQ was behind it contradicted their assertion, and promise, to the American people, that AQ was “on the run”.

And, where there is smoke, ofttimes there is fire, Lib1. We are now finding out that the consulate in Libya requested, and even demanded, increased security for themselves in the area, on fears that what actually happened might actually happen. And were denied. “By whom?”, should be the question asked of the President and his admin.

And even if we consider that the entire episode is due to confusion on intelligence reports, confusion on requested extra security, and a “fluid” situation, there are a couple of important points to consider, for the American people;

-One, AQ is behind it. This contradicts Obama’s assertion that he has AQ “on the run”. And no amount of wiggling and twisting can absolve Obama of being wrong here.
-Two, if the above ‘confusions’ led to the misunderstandings taking place about Obama, this shows a serious lack of competence in handling by Obama and his admin. Is this what we should be getting by someone who has over three years “at the helm”?

@Liberal1 (Objectivity): I would expect an Islam extremist group to take credit for this action, regardless of the truth of the matter.

You have a point about the believability of the mainstream press, Lib1.
We have seen them photoshop worse smoke over an area.
We have seen them take the word of a woman who claimed unshot bullets (right out of the package) were ”shot” into her home.
We have seen them swallow narratives whereby the same woman ”lost” about five different homes during a battle.
We have seen them allow a dead child from a hospital to be dirtied up and carried to and fro in a bombed area just so they could get an action shot.
We have seen their ”after” photos once a suitcase full of toys were strewn all over the top of a bombed street.
We have even seen them take an OLD ambulance missing its siren from the middle of the Red Cross and claim it was hit with a missile.

So, yes, the media MIGHT have been running ahead to report that this al Qaeda splinter group, Ansar al-Sharia, took responsibility for the Benghazi consulate/annex attacks.

Except for one thing.
The Libyan people on the ground also knew who did it.
The Libyan people went to the Ansar al-Sharia bases and forced them all out.
People, NOT THE MEDIA, knew, Lib1.

This is just a joke; don’t anyone go getting all lathered up about it…

Verb: To Lie


Snow White, Superman and Pinocchio are walking along.

They see a sign: “Contest for World’s Most Beautiful Woman.” Snow White goes in, later comes out smiling, wearing a crown.

They walk along and see another sign: “Contest for World’s Strongest Man.” Superman goes in, later comes out smiling, wearing the belt.

They walk along and see a sign: “Contest for World’s Greatest Liar.” Pinocchio goes in, later comes out with his head down crying.

“Who the hell is Mitt Romney?” Pinocchio sobs.

Hi John:

-One, AQ is behind it. This contradicts Obama’s assertion that he has AQ “on the run”. And no amount of wiggling and twisting can absolve Obama of being wrong here.

There is Al Qaeda and there is Al Qaeda. There’s the “original” Al Qaeda, responsible for the USS Cole, 9/11, and running the terrorist training camps in Afghanistan. That’s the group which was the target of the “war on terror.” Those people are, indeed, “on the run.” They are hiding out in the border regions (Afghanistan/Pakistan). That group has been utterly gutted by NATO, the Seals, and by Obama and his drones.

Then you’ve got Radical Islam — “inspired by” Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda copycats.

It’s analogous to Lipitor (the original, proprietary anticholesterol drug) and atorvastatin (the generic copycat).

We could kill off Pfizer (the parent drug company which made the original), but there will always be the copycat generics, around the world.

So we’ve basically won the “war.” And transformed the war on terrorism into a global police and intelligence operation. There will probably always be some version of the generic Al Qaeda copycats. Just like there will always be policemen who want to roast women alive and eat them.

No one can ever eliminate crazy people or homicidal religious fanatics. The latter are the world’s most renewable resource. But you can’t argue that Obama was not a worthy successor to George W Bush in the war on terror department.

As for Libya, as I’ve written before, we’ll eventually have all the facts. Right now, all we’ve got is partisan bloviating, of the type which always goes on (e.g. Trayvon Martin) in the immediate aftermath of a violent tragedy with political implications.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach CA

Hi Aye,

Fox News has learned from sources who were on the ground in Benghazi that an urgent request from the CIA annex for military back-up during the attack on the U.S. Consulate and subsequent attack several hours later was denied by U.S. officials — who also told the CIA operators twice to “stand down” rather than help the ambassador’s team when shots were heard at approximately 9:40 p.m. in Benghazi on Sept. 11.

Read more:

Sure, someone screwed up. Who were the “U.S. officials?” Were they Clinton, Obama, and Biden? Leon Panetta? Who? Do you know? When were the above told and what were they told? Everyone said that it was Obama’s fault and Holder’s fault that ATF-supplied weapons got into the hands of Mexican narcos and were used to kill an American border guard. Blood was on their hands, it was claimed. Turned out, it wasn’t so.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach CA

Sure, someone screwed up. Who were the “U.S. officials?” Were they Clinton, Obama, and Biden? Leon Panetta? Who? Do you know? When were the above told and what were they told?

Well, what we know for sure is that Panetta was in the Oval Office with Obama shortly after the e-mails from Libya began arriving in the Situation Room which is, as you know, right downstairs.

We know for sure that Obama, Clinton, and Panetta are now all on record telling multiple conflicting evolving tales as to what they knew and when they knew it.

Someone, or several someones, has been lying their asses off in order to cover this whole thing up.

Just yesterday Panetta lied about the quantity and quality of the information that they had to go on.

The presence of a drone and its’ video feeds, security camera video footage, e-mails, and repeated pleas for help are all pieces of incontrovertible, undeniable evidence that people knew and opted to just leave these people to fend for themselves.

This goes to the highest levels, right into the Oval Office. No matter how much Obama may wish to insulate himself he’s complicit in a failure of the most basic responsibility of his office.

You claim that the Fast and Furious matter has been settled and that Obama and Holder have been cleared. How can you say that with a straight face when there are hundreds of thousands of pages of information that is being withheld under a claim of Executive Privilege? If Obama and Holder were unaware of Fast and Furious as they claim, then what is the valid basis of their Executive Privilege claim?

The heat on this Benghazi thing has been building for two or three weeks now. Today, the pan bubbled over and caught the kitchen afire.

Hi Aye,

F & F was thoroughly investigated by the Inspector General. They identified the highest ranking officer who knew about it; and it was several levels below Holder. George W Bush claimed executive privilege over a whole lot of things, and I don’t think he did it to cover up culpability for anything. It’s complicated running a government. You need to have a free flow of information, meaning that people should be able to say what’s on their minds, without an eye to what might someday be made public. You think that congressional committees don’t leak? You think that a “clean” Inspector General would risk getting involved in an obstruction of justice criminal activity to protect the butts of Holder and Obama? That would have to be a huge conspiracy, in and of itself (the cover up). Sure, you can believe what you want. You can claim what you want. But it doesn’t make any of it true.

With regard to your certitude that Panetta and Obama and Clinton are in deep doo-doo, neither Romney nor his supporters (e.g. Condi Rice) share your certitude. It’s not like Romney has ever missed an opportunity he sensed to stick it to Obama, and, right now, Romney is fighting for his political life, in the battle of his life.,0,4555322.story

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach CA

Read this slowly: Executive Privilege

Obama CANNOT make that claim to block the release of documents if he and Holder were not aware of or involved in Fast and Furious.

Period. End of story.

From a previous response to Greg on this issue which he ran from like a six year old girl:

The trouble for you is that Obie has claimed from the beginning that he didn’t know about Fast and Furious. Now, as the heat begins to rise, he’s suddenly claiming EP.

Was he lying to us when he claimed he found out about the operation from media reports?

Or, is he lying now by attempting to exert EP where that privilege doesn’t apply.

He cannot be telling the truth in both places Greg. So, tell us, in which place is your TelePromTer Jesus misleading us?

Here’s some additional information for you to refer to:

Yesterday, Representative Darrell Issa, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, sent a letter to President Obama criticizing the decision of the White House to assert executive privilege in the Fast and Furious case.

“This is one of the most scathing letters. It’s cut and dry. Very clear. Very professional. Just clear,” Glenn said on radio this morning. “And if it was any other President other than this one, this would be the lead story on every broadcast all over America and possibly the world.”

In the letter, Rep. Issa details comments made by the President that claim he had no knowledge of Operation Fast and Furious. If that is actually the case, executive order would not be applicable to this case:

For the past sixteen months, Senator Grassley and I have been investigating Operation Fast and Furious. In response to a question about the operation during an interview with Univision on March 22, 2011, you stated that, “Well first of all, I did not authorize it. Eric Holder, the Attorney General, did not authorize it.” You also stated that you were “absolutely not” informed about Operation Fast and Furious. Later in the interview, you said that “there may be a situation here in which a serious mistake was made and if that’s the case then we’ll find out and we’ll hold somebody accountable.

From the earlier stages of the investigation, the White House has maintained that no White House personnel knew anything about Operation Fast and Furious. Your assertion of executive privilege, however, renews questions about White House involvement.

“This whole thing is so well written, and so very clear,” Glenn said. After reading the letter Glenn said that you can come to one of two conclusions: (1) the President and his senior advisors were involved, and this investigation is correct, or (2) the President wasn’t involved directly, but is knowingly trying to cover something up and change the Constitution in the process.

“Which is it,” Glenn asked.

On the heels of this letter there is also a new poll from The Hill that finds likely voters disapprove of the President’s handling of the Fast and Furious by a near two to one margin. Included in that number are 28 percent of self-identified Democrats who disapprove and 30 percent of self-identified liberals. Those numbers do not bode well for Obama.

“Every single day there’s been a historic important moment,” Glenn said. “It’s amazing how history is changing right in front of our eyes, and media is nowhere to be found.”

Read the entire letter below:

Rep. Issa Letter to Obama Re: Executive Privilege

With regard to your certitude that Panetta and Obama and Clinton are in deep doo-doo, neither Romney nor his supporters (e.g. Condi Rice) share your certitude. It’s not like Romney has ever missed an opportunity he sensed to stick it to Obama, and, right now, Romney is fighting for his political life, in the battle of his life.

It is my belief that Romney very wisely decided to purposely leave this out of the debate. Perhaps he knew, or had a feeling, that the dam would break on this story and that it would take on a life of its’ own.

For sure he knew that if he got involved in it he would be accused of playing politics.

Either way, he opted to stay away from the issue.

His failure to broach this topic at the debate, however, does not negate the issue. Nor does it absolve Obama, Hillary, Panetta, et al of the blood stains that are on their hands.

Nor does it absolve Obama, Hillary, Panetta, et al of the blood stains that are on their hands.

From your mouth to God’s ears. Bypassing due process.

This is going to turn out to be a terrible tragedy, mismanaged by lower level State Department officials, who were not political appointees and who wanted to handle things on their own, without asking for permission from Mommie Clinton.

The investigation will reveal both flaws in State Department procedure, which probably went back to the 1980s, and individual culpability of lower level officials. It will also confirm Condi Rice’s opinion that any misinformation was the unintentional dissemination of fog-of-war conflicting information.

Alternatively, it could plausibly have been the result of intelligence efforts to obtain information about the perpetrators, while getting the perpetrators to drop their guard by giving them the impression that the US government felt that it was the result of the spontaneous demonstrations which erupted all over the Islamic world, in the immediate aftermath of Cairo and Benghazi.

You don’t know anything more than I know and I don’t know anything.

– “Blood on their hands.” Just more partisan lynch mob pot stirring.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach CA

You don’t know anything more than I know and I don’t know anything.

He says as he conveniently ignores or outright dismisses what we do know.

What we know for sure is that four Americans were murdered.

We know that two former Navy SEALS, employed by the CIA, repeatedly called for help and were denied that assistance.

We know that Obama has told multiple stories.

We know that Hillary has told multiple stories.

We know that Panetta’s story, and Obama’s story, and Hillary’s story don’t match what we already know of the evidence.

And we know that you’re apparently cool with it and that you’ll draw the curtain on the voting both and cast your ballot for Obama unaffected and undaunted by any of this.

Volumes spoken. You said about F&F:

Turned out, it wasn’t so.

Nah, they just covered it up. Nothing to see here, move along.

Hi Antics,

When the facts don’t match the claims, ignore the facts. Believe what you choose.

You choose to believe that F&F was a scheme, hatched in the Oval Office, between Holder and Obama, rather than a lower level operation, hatched in the Bureau of ATF. You believe the the Inspector General would involve himself in a massive criminal conspiracy which would put Watergate to shame, to cover it up and save the butts of Holder and Obama, with said Inspector General putting himself at risk of criminal prosecution, for participating in said conspiracy, confident that no one involved in the conspiracy would ever reveal the facts.

Notice what a big part of the campaign F&F turned out to be.

You also choose to believe that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Leon Panetta personally made the decision to under-resource the security in Benghazi, and are also involved in a conspiracy to keep the truth from coming out.

You also believe that WMD truly did exist in Iraq, only they were shipped to Syria, for “safe keeping” in the run-up to war in 2003.

You also believe that the rusting canisters of mustard gas which turned up in Iraq were the same WMD for which the UN and the US Congress gave the President the authority to invade Iraq, despite the MULTIPLE admissions by President Bush himself that no WMD were found and that this was all the result of “bad intelligence.”

In short, your mind is made up and you are not about to be confused by the facts. Nor are you of a mind to wait for facts to emerge, before joining the lynch mob. And you disagree entirely with Condi Rice’s assessment, based on facts which have emerged to date, because this assessment isn’t consistent with the hyper-partisan narrative which you support.

And you no doubt supported the proposition that the BP oil spill constituted “Obama’s Katrina.”

And you blame Obama for $4 per gallon gasoline, fully confident that, had McCain-Palin prevailed, we’d still be paying today the $1.86 per gallon we were paying in the depths of the global recession.

Interesting thinking, yours, unless you wish to correct me on this.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA You said:

It will also confirm Condi Rice’s opinion that any misinformation was the unintentional dissemination of fog-of-war conflicting information.

Fog of war? When they had live, real time video and multiple emails DURING the attack?

Who are you trying to convince, us or yourself? You make a whole LOT of assumptions as to what I believe, without even asking me.

And I am the one who jumps to conclusions…


Who are you trying to convince, us or yourself?

I’m merely quoting Condi Rice, who has as much information as you have and much more experience with this sort of thing than anyone commenting on this thread.

You are also choosing not to consider my earlier point, to wit:

Alternatively, it could plausibly have been the result of intelligence efforts to obtain information about the perpetrators, while getting the perpetrators to drop their guard by giving them the impression that the US government felt that it was the result of the spontaneous demonstrations which erupted all over the Islamic world, in the immediate aftermath of Cairo and Benghazi.

Be logical here. Let’s say that Obama actually knew, right away, that it was a terrorist attack. But it’s early on and the intelligence and national security authorities are attempting to determine their next actions. Obama’s initial statements are intentionally ambiguous. He doesn’t blame it on the pan-Islamic uprisings, because, initially, it’s just Cairo and Benghazi. So he gives his Rose Garden speech, in which he doesn’t blame it on The Video, but instead just makes a vague reference to terrorism. But then the Islamic world erupts — clearly over the video. This gives intelligence an idea. Let’s play some Rope-a-dope. Let’s let them think that we think it was just a spontaneous uprising. This would have two beneficial effects: firstly, the terrorists might put their guard down and be more careless than they’d otherwise be. Or else (even better), the terrorists would be peeved that they weren’t getting “credit” (and those groups almost always want to get “credit”) and this could generate some chatter that could lead to their location and capture.

You have no information whatsoever about what happened and why it happened as it did. You don’t know what’s real information and what’s planted information and what’s misinformation and what’s classified information.

The only thing that you really know is that you don’t like Obama and you won’t pass up a single opportunity to weaken him, in advance of the election.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach CA

Hi Antics,

You make a whole LOT of assumptions as to what I believe, without even asking me.

That’s not correct; I laid out a scenario and I invited you to correct the scenario, if stated incorrectly. So I again invite you to correct any of my “assumptions” detailed in #94.

Ball in your court.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach CA You said:

But it’s early on and the intelligence and national security authorities are attempting to determine their next actions. Obama’s initial statements are intentionally ambiguous. He doesn’t blame it on the pan-Islamic uprisings, because, initially, it’s just Cairo and Benghazi.

Larry, I could give a rat’s ass what verbal acrobatics that Obama and his admin have employed since this became public. The bottom line is that he knew in real time and could have said to Panetta, “Get those people some help, NOW!” But he didn’t. Why? Who knows? Maybe he didn’t care, or maybe he was just incompetent, or maybe he was afraid to take action because due to perceived political fall out.

What we know is that he did nothing to help those people and in fact his admin did more than stand by, they PREVENTED help from intervening and as a result four Americans in his employ have died.

THIS is okay with you?

You can EXCUSE this by dissembling and contorting the facts?

Don’t lecture me on ignoring facts when you are blatantly twisting them to prop up your hero. So you TELLING me what I believe, then daring me to defend my position is asking me what I believe in?

Only in the mind of a dyed in the wool liberal like yourself does that make sense.

I had not stated anything, one way or the other about what I believed transpired in F&F, yet you recited an entire litany of what you said I believed.

Amazingly pompous on your part.