LIAR [Reader Post]


A simple post:

September 25, 2012

President Barack Obama delivered an extensive denunciation of a 'crude and disgusting' anti-Islam video made in California, telling the United Nations that 'it is time to heed the words of Gandhi' and declaring: 'The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.'

Obama strongly condemned the protests that spread across the Middle East and the murder of Chris Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya, branding them 'an assault on America'.

But he stated that the unrest and murderous attacks were the result of the low-budget video, which had 'sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world'.

He said: 'I have made it clear that the United States government had nothing to do with this video, and I believe its message must be rejected by all who respect our common humanity. It is an insult not only to Muslims, but to America as well – for as the city outside these walls makes clear, we are a country that has welcomed people of every race and religion.

'We are home to Muslims who worship across our country. We not only respect the freedom of religion – we have laws that protect individuals from being harmed because of how they look or what they believe. We understand why people take offence to this video because millions of our citizens are among them.'

Oh Drat: Music Production Courses And Soundsld-militant-claim-two-hours-libya-010758099.html;_ylt=AgjrtGeURbg3WSrvh5ZZdwWs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTNsYmYyN2MxBG1pdANUb3BTdG9yeSBGUARwa2cDMTcwYTM1NmQtNzM2My0zM2Y5LWIwZWUtY2VhOTk1YmUwNzZlBHBvcwMzBHNlYwN0b3Bfc3RvcnkEdmVyAzVlZWQ2MjQwLTFkNzktMTFlMi05N2VmLWVkOTY2MjgyZjM2Mw–;_ylg=X3oDMTFpNzk0NjhtBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lBHB0A3NlY3Rpb25z;_ylv=3″>Today:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Officials at the White House and State Department were advised two hours after attackers assaulted the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11 that an Islamic militant group had claimed credit for the attack, official emails show.

The emails, obtained by Reuters from government sources not connected with U.S. spy agencies or the State Department and who requested anonymity, specifically mention that the Libyan group called Ansar al-Sharia had asserted responsibility for the attacks.

The brief emails also show how U.S. diplomats described the attack, even as it was still under way, to Washington.

U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed in the Benghazi assault, which President Barack Obama and other U.S. officials ultimately acknowledged was a “terrorist” attack carried out by militants with suspected links to al Qaeda affiliates or sympathizers.

Administration spokesmen, including White House spokesman Jay Carney, citing an unclassified assessment prepared by the CIA, maintained for days that the attacks likely were a spontaneous protest against an anti-Muslim film.

The most transparent administration “ever”

Barack Obama is a LIAR.


Now the question is why?

Don't hold your breath waiting for the Obama-flack ridden press to ask.

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A very telling portion of these emails is that officially Obama hired and paid the February 17 Martyrs Brigade to guard our legation in Libya.
How did the Feb 17 Martyrs Brigade get their name?
Following Friday prayers on Feb. 17, 2006, thousands of Benghazians attacked the Italian Consulate to punish the temerity of an Italian minister, Roberto Calderoli, who several days earlier had publicly defended free speech in the West.
The Italian consulate was set on fire.
All personnel were evacuated.
Libyan police used tear gas to try to disperse the rioters, later opening fire and killing 11 attackers.

>>>>Those 11 killed are the “martyrs” for whom the February 17 Martyrs Brigade named themselves.<<<<

Only two of these men were even ”on duty” the night of the attack.

What the emails don’t say is that Ansar al Sharia (“Supporters of Islamic Law”), the al-Qaida-linked militia believed to have led the consulate assault in September, is a spinoff of the February 17 Martyrs Brigade.

All I have to say is — all government officials and especially elected democRATS and rinos down to town council level and all financial institution bigwigs should get a copy of the movie “For Whom the Bell Tolls” and watch carefully over and over as needed — the last 5 minutes of the first half — it should be required civics study as prerequisite to elective and otherwise self-appointed elitest positions — all it will take in the end is a few good men and maybe a few flails and handy dandy cliffs..

Four-star General Jack Keane, former Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Army and current defense analyst serving as Chairman of the Board for the Institute for the Study of War, just politely shot down the FOX News meme that the immediate military response to the attack in Benghazi was somehow fumbled or less than it could have been, leaving Megan Kelly blinking and at a loss for words. I don’t suppose that particular segment is going to get much additional play.

Obama’s credibility is falling apart. And, with it, Old lady Clinton’s. She says that the emails received, and note that she is not denying that the Obama administration received emails telling of an Islamist attack, do not amount to proof.

My question, amid all these Obama lies, is why, despite the fact that the Obama administration said there was not enough evidence to make a determination early on, did they say early on that it was a spontaneous attack due to a Muslim insulting video? What evidence did they have that led them to even mention that idea. There was none, because as it turned out; there was no spontaneous attack due to any video. Only Obama bearing false witness.

When asked about the emails, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton said that “posting something on Facebook is not in and of itself evidence” and added that this “underscores how fluid the reporting was at the time, and continued for some time, to be.” — MSNBC.

So where is the evidence, Mrs. Clinton, that it was a spontaneous attack due to a video? She lies.

Obama is sinking in his lies and his, whatever it may be, reason for not being a truthful and honest president given the fact that foreign policy and the defense of our country is paramount.

With good reason, Mr. Romney will question why the Obama administration was hiding the fact that they knew it was an Islamist attack.

And then there’s the idea that during the vice-presidential debate, Biden, during questions about Benghazi and the death of our Ambassador, was smiling, smirking, and even laughing. The Obama/Biden administration is the worst ever on the seriousness of the issues. Only lies and distortion of facts. Worse yet, the economy is still bad because of Obama’s inexperience.

I will vote for Romney come November 6th and, now more than ever, I’m sure many undecideds and even self-respecting Democrats will as well.

I don’t understand why they thought the video excuse was going to make any difference. Just for arguments sake, lets say it was because of the video that these people had their knickers in a knot. State still didn’t provide the Ambassador with the security he requested. His fears were ignored. He was right there, he knew what direction the wind was blowing. We still didn’t have proper defense during the attack. The hired guards ran and hid. We still didn’t do anything after the attack started to help our guys out. But guess what? Our four Americans are still dead. So did the response to the video make them any less dead? “Oh, it was the video. I guess that makes it OK, then.” Yeah. I’m sure that makes the families feel a whole lot better.

@Greg: You are joking, right? Keane has been one of the most vocal about how our people in Libya and other countries don’t have the protection they need, and he reiterated this in the clip you are referring to. Your misinforming comments about “memes”, “fumbling,” and “loss for words” is staggering in it’s dearth of honesty.

Do you work for the Obama campaign? Seriously, I want to know. Failure to answer will be taken as a “yes.” I’m trying to find out why you want to throw verbal smoke bombs on every post here, so that’s the only reason I can come up with. You used to approach real conversation, but since the polls shifted, you just write stuff that is . . . well, crazy.

I’m trying to figure why anyone would persistently post rebuttals against any and every article at FA unless they had a reason to do so, my suspicion being that you either work or volunteer for team Obama and have the task of trying to dishearten conservative voters on conservative blogs.


Megan (Video here) pointed out how a CBS News reports a retired CIA officer said, ”you find a way, you make adjustments when you’re under attack, this Administration made ZERO adjustments…”
Retired Gen Keane said we had totally inadequate security forces in country.
He also said, ”There is no back up.”
“Only five US people even carried weapons.”
Keane also agreed that the damning information would have gone into State and from there into the WHITE HOUSE situation room.
So, they would have known in the white house while the ”blow by blow emails were flying.
Among what was known was there were NO Demonstrations going on.
He did NOT go into whether out-of-country military could have been brought in in time.
We have heard (not on THIS video) that some of our forces were less than 1 hour away had they been mobilized.
They would have been able to get there on time.
Air support would have been able to pinpoint take out the attackers even having taken off from foreign bases in time to save lives.
I doubt you heard what you THOUGHT you heard.

@Greg: The General is correct. Given POTUS’s lack of engagement, the military, State department, and Executive Branch were completely impotent and unable to take any action. This would have required a “George Patton” moment where he immediately assessed the German intent of breaking out to the coast and then turned his 3rd Army 90 degrees and attacked to pinch of the bulge in Allied lines. He exercised command discretion and kept higher headquarters informed.

This audacious action will never happen in this disastrous “Audacity of Hope” administration. He slept, he lied, our fellow Americans DIED! Romney didn’t need to talk about what all Americans know happened. We are not stoopid!


Seems you’re not much of a man of your word. It was just slightly more than 24 hours ago you said you were going to refrain from opining after you made such a huge blunder in your last attempt to paint Republicans as evildoers.

But no surprise; I find most liberals have no moral standards, so why should you be any different?

Now, to Gen. Keane; his interview with Kelly was saying that he was not going to second guess the military, not the Administration, or what the military did, or did not do. He, by no means, defended the Administration or the lies that has been propagated by this Administration. Your attempt to spin what Gen. Keane said is more than disgusting.

Like all liberals, Greg, you assume that others have not seen/read/heard what you are talking about and you can throw your crap out there to see if it sticks. It won’t. I saw the entire interview, and Kelly was not “left blinking” as you stated.

So now you are nothing more than a mouth piece for the current corrupt administration, you are a liar.

Gen. Jack Keane also said:

o – The consulate security in Benghazi “totally inadequate” given recent “pattern of attacks.”
o – The word scandal is appropriate, the fact that our consulate was not defended properly.”

The State Department, White House and Pentagon declined to say what military options were available.

Sharyl Attkisson from CBS reported the other day that “The Pentagon says it did move a team of special operators from central Europe to the large Naval Air Station in Sigonella, Italy [Sicily],” but gave no other details. Sigonella is just an hour’s flight from Libya. Other nearby bases include Aviano and Souda Bay.

Military sources told CBS News that resources at the three bases include fighter jets and Specter AC-130 gunships.

Benghazi’s only 450 miles away from Sicily and both the F-15 and the F-16 fly at more than 1,000 miles an hour.

“State Department officials dismissed the suggestions as unrealistic. ‘They would not have gotten there in two hours, four hours or six hours.'”

CBS News has been told Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did seek clearances from Libya to fly in their airspace, but the administration won’t say anything further about what was said or decided on that front.”

It was leaked that there was no serious consideration at that hour of intervention with military force, unnamed officials said. “Doing so without Libya’s permission could represent a violation of sovereignty and inflame the situation,” they said. Instead, the State Department reached out to the Libyan government to get reinforcements to the scene.”

Retired CIA officer Gary Berntsen who led the team that responded after bombings of the U.S. Embassy in East Africa: “You find a way to make this happen,” Berntsen says. “There isn’t a plan for every single engagement. Sometimes you have to be able to make adjustments. They made zero adjustments in this. They stood and they watched and our people died.” Actually, Obama went to sleep.

So many unanswered questions.

Now it’s breaking this may be bigger than Iran Contra. There’s a report out that alledges Ambassadors Stevens mission scope included funneling jihadis and guns to the rebels and our enemies (AQ, Islamists, jihadis) in Syria.

And here is a gem of a nugget of great intelligence I just found on the Strategy Page that actually brings the breaking story together: A lot of the aid for the rebels, coming from groups in Saudi Arabia and other oil-rich Gulf states, is earmarked for Islamic radical groups only. This is causing problems for countries bordering Syria, where Islamic terrorists are not welcome.

Then reaffirmed with a just discovered NYT headline: Rebel Arms Flow Is Said to Benefit Jihadists in Syria.

It’s no speculation. Arms are being funneled directly to jihadis. It’s not too far of a reach to say we were part of this coordination.

This might have legs. It would explain the sensitivities this admin has regarding this whole affair.

Why should we really be surprised to find out that Obama’s lies, which he does with certain regularly? At least those of use who are adequately informed know this (much thanks to

Here’s a real zinger:

Obama’s real record on Israel

During the final debate, President Obama pointed to his 2008 pre-election visit to Israel’s Holocaust memorial, Yad Vashem, as an answer to Governor Romney’s criticism of his foreign policy on Israel. That same stop was made by over a million visitors and hundreds of world leaders and dignitaries the same year. Invoking it as a means to establish the President’s pro-Israel credentials is an insult to the intelligence of voters who care about the welfare of the Jewish state.

The president’s move is reminiscent of a similar game played by the United Nations. The organization trashes the state of Israel 364 days a year, and pauses on the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp on January 27th for an “International Day of Commemoration.”

Undoubtedly, keeping the memory of the Holocaust alive is a service not only to Jews but to anyone interested in preserving and protecting universal human rights and freedoms.

But the question before American voters, who value our special bond with the Middle East’s only democracy, is whether the specifics of the president’s four-year record are consistent with the well-being of the people who live and breathe Jewish self-determination as a bulwark against modern antisemitism.

Just a partial rap-sheet speaks for itself.

President Obama has never visited Israel during his time in office, despite having been as close as thirty minutes away in Egypt, and managing to go to Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Iraq.

Read more:

In debates, in public, on television, in commercials, Obama lies! We know it. And, millions of voters know it now, too. As we head towards the election, most all of the electorate will NOT want to vote for Obama.

Type in “The lies of Obama” in your favorite search engine. You’ll get places that have them chronicled by year.

As for Greg’s words, “the FOX News meme that the immediate military response to the attack in Benghazi was somehow fumbled or less than it could have been”

To my knowledge there was no response at all. Not a fumbled one or some kind of response, there was no response. We know we did have a drone overhead feeding the video back. Drones don’t just happen to wander by. Someone put it there at that time. So someone knew what was going on.

“It was leaked that there was no serious consideration at that hour of intervention with military force, unnamed officials said. “Doing so without Libya’s permission could represent a violation of sovereignty and inflame the situation,” they said. Instead, the State Department reached out to the Libyan government to get reinforcements to the scene.”

The attack on our embassy was in itself a violation of sovereignty, our sovereignty. I believe that by international law, an embassy is legally the soil of the nation represented, and an attack on an embassy is an act of war against that nation.
And just exactly how much worse could things in Libya get if they were “inflamed”, anyway?

@Cary: What would you expect on madcow’s webbie siite — check the first few comments — Mike Savage was 110% correct when he said that liberalism was a mental disorder —


I actually read Palin’s Facebook before anything, and thought the same thing. Guess I have the cliche mental disorder…


Oh I know. Talk about telegraphing weakness. At least Clinton had the witherall to lunch a bunch of cruise missles.

Sorry to sidetrack. But speaking of (game changing) cruise missles – just broke a few hours ago – Boeing produced a non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse cruise missle capable of hitting multiple targets. They tested it today with 100% success.

I’m sure that partisans on both sides can readily detail “lies” told by the other side.

If I don’t consider mere Etch-a-sketch position changes to be “lies,” and if I’d prefer to avoid the term altogether, my Chutzpah award goes to Mitt Romney, for claiming that Obama followed Romney’s “advice” in taking Detroit through a “managed bankruptcy.”

Romney was dead set against the US government directly loaning the auto industry any money, much less making massive equity investments. What Romney disingenuously suggested was that the auto industry should obtain private capital to finance its restructuring, with the government offering to guarantee any loans which the industry was able to obtain. At the time Romney made this suggestion, the capital markets were in worse shape than the auto industry, and there was absolutely no loan money to be had, to say nothing of private equity money. Bain Capital, for example, had absolutely no interest in making an equity investment in the auto industry.

The lack of private capital was affirmed by GM’s vice chairman, Bob Lutz, who is a very prominent Republican who was seriously wooed by Republicans to run for Michigan’s governorship, following the term-limiting of Jennifer Granholm:

Here’s what Lutz had to say about Romney’s claim:

“I’m a free-market Republican, too. But you have to temper political philosophy to its illogical extreme. I have a long memory and won’t forget,” Lutz said of Romney.

“These people who were against the loans forget there was no money available for debtor-in-possession financing. The banks were out of money. The only entity with money was the U.S. government, which only printed it.

“Without the loans, GM and Chrysler would have closed. Then the suppliers, then Ford. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, would have been unemployed and (that would’ve) been a catastrophe for this country.”


Right now, I consider Obama to be (still) a slight favorite to prevail over Romney in the election. But the only reason that Obama has a prayer, much less being in a favored position, is that Ohio understands the role Obama played in preserving jobs not only in the auto industry but also in the tire industry, where Obama, despite cries of “protectionism” and “union cronyism” from Romney and the GOP, did indeed get “tough with China.”

Romney, you see, was against getting tough with China before he was for it. Just as he was dead against government bailouts of the auto industry, before he was for it. Just as. Just as. Just as. Just as…

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach CA

I notice that Hillary Clinton’s address today was purposely ‘Backing-up” from her previous claim of being “responsible,” . . . . . today she stated that she is “responsible to the American people.”

That is not a minor step backwards, it’s a leap back from the abyss. She may be having second thoughts on her position to protect Obama. Billy must be fuming.

That’s good news. Despite the fact that terrorists are generally pretty low tech, and would not be completely neutralized (pardon the pun) by an EMP attack, the nations that support the terrorists certainly depend on technology, and would be crippled by these missiles. Which would be a very good thing.
The terrorists would lose communications and weapons like SAMs, but they would still be a threat on the ground.

From the Articles of Impeachment against Richard Nixon:

The means used to implement this course of conduct or plan included one or more of the following:

1.making false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States;

2. withholding relevant and material evidence or information from lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States;

3. approving, condoning, acquiescing in, and counselling witnesses with respect to the giving of false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States and false or misleading testimony in duly instituted judicial and congressional proceedings;


Hmmmm…. indeed:

In 2008, on Chris Matthew’s show no less, then-Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, speaking of Obie said :

“You can’t shuck and jive at a press conference.”

In September 2011 White House spokesperson Jay Carney said:

“Sorry. I’m going to shuck and jive! Time to shuck and jive.

I wonder what Madcow herself thought when the person interviewing her in 2010 said this:

“What has it been like, as you shuck and jive, hang out with the men over there, the women over there, in uniform risking their lives every day?”

Of course, the person who used the term shuck and jive in the quote above was…wait for it…none other than Chris Matthews (of tingly legged fame) who now has his pretty pink panties all in a twist because Mrs. Palin used language identical to his.

Hypocrisy, thy name is MSNBC.

the DONALD CAME ON FOX and challenge OBAMA to show his passport source, his college reports
and his birth certificate, for a amount to be given to a charity of his choice of 5 million dollars

OK Hillary, then resign. I don’ t think this an admission but rather your shrill cry of ‘squirrel’!

You never cease to amaze. While we have the biggest scandal of the last century hanging over Obama’s head, you choose to focus on the debate as to whether GM should have filed a managed bankruptcy or been bailed out by the taxpayers.

Now, the truth of the matter is that Romney was right. GM should have been allowed to reorganize under a standard court managed bankruptcy. Instead, the taxpayer was put on the hook for GMs continued failure. And while you may want to sign the praises of Bob Lutz, rememer he was basically the one who agreed to the union contracts that contributed to GMs downfall. Every one with any clear eye understood that GM had to renegotiate those contracts to ever become healthy, except for Obama, who wanted to continue his union backing. And while you, and the C[ommunist] N[ews] N[etwork] may claim there was no financing available to GM with government guaranteed loans, that is a lie. There were a number of financial institutions that were capable of making those kinds of loans, and Timothy Geithner made sure of that.

As to the role Obama played in perserving those auto jobs in Ohio, well, according to the Governor of Ohio, there are 500 less auto jobs now in Ohio than there were when Obama took office. But I am sure you know more about Ohio than its governor does.

I have no doubt that you will vote [again] for Obama. But if you do, remember that the blood of more than one American is on his hands, the latest being four FSO in Benghazi. Shame on you, Larry.

But would the good Mr. Trump be willing to give 5 mil to the Muslim Brotherhood?

We will all have the opportunity to evaluate Libya, once all the information comes in. This blog spent 2 years lynching Obama over Fast and Furious. The reality didn’t match the hysterical attacks.

With regard to the auto bailouts and the availability of private financing, we have Republicans who were there on the inside, and we have Republicans who weren’t there, constructing their own narratives, after the fact. The words of Lutz speak for themselves.

With regard to the condition of the auto industry in Ohio, which is the state most likely to determine the election outcome:

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach CA

While we have the biggest scandal of the last century hanging over Obama’s head, you choose to focus on the debate as to whether GM should have filed a managed bankruptcy or been bailed out by the taxpayers.

While we have the biggest scandal of the last century hanging over Obama’s head, Romney chose to ignore it entirely, just two days ago, in focusing Romney’s own debate points.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach CA

How much information do you need on Libya to understand that it has become a major cover-up project for the Administration? Jeeze, Larry, how blind are you? Stevens was gun running on orders from the White House. Even the NYSlimes, the beloved Bible of the left, has been reporting how the U.S. is furnishing weapons to the rebels in Syria who are AQ. We did the same in Libya when the Sauds refused to.

Now you say that conservatives were trying to “lynch” Obama over Fast and Furious. I guess dead Americans, and over 300 dead Mexicans, are not enough for you. I guess the Congressional hearings that proved the Administration was deliberately allowing guns to be walked across the border, means nothing to you. Sorry, chump, but I think you have drank too much of that California Koolaid. There is no denying that Brian Terry was murdered with one of the weapons this administration facilitated to be sold to the drug cartels in Mexico.

So tell me, Larry, how many American deaths, caused by the policies of this administration, is acceptable to you?

As to Lutz, you cling to what he says because it agrees with your agenda. You seem to think that I am stupid enough to believe you, or him, and not do my own research. I’m not. You see, the mistake you liberals make is that you think you are soooooo much smarter than conservatives. It will be your downfall, and none to soon.

Now, as to those jobs: the article was taken from a report provided by the Natural Resources Defense Council whose chairman is a co-founder of League of Conservation Voters, another radical far left wing group that subscribes to global warming b/s. So why am I not surprised that you would quote an article that was written using a left wing organization’s numbers?

Yes, Obama is responsible for the death of Brian Terry, Jaime Zapata, 14 Americans at Fort Hood and four Americans in Benghazi. Unlike you, I don’t have to drink the whole glass of milk to know its sour.

So what has Romney got to do with it? Is he in a position to do anything about it? No, only Congress can do that, and the American voter.

Tell me, Larry, do you keep your copy of Rules for Radicals on your bedside table or in the bath room?

Retire05, I treat you with respect. You don’t reciprocate. We can have good, vigorous debates, from which both of us can learn something, or you can make yourself feel good by throwing mud, cloaked in anonymity, as you are.

I’m not a radical and I’m not a masochist. I’ll have my say; you are welcome to the last word. In the future, I’m going to try and avoid you like the plague. You are not at all a pleasant person. I’ve been a very active participant on this blog for more than 4 years. I’ve had literally thousands of debates, big and small. 95% of them have been entirely worthwhile, from my point of view, although I’ve very seldom “won” a debate here — sometimes because I’ve just been wrong. More often because it’s impossible to prove that I’m “right,” but I’m always outnumbered.

Try showing some of your attitude over on The Daily Kos — sign your own name, while you are at it. Then not only will I treat you with respect, but I’ll truly respect you.

And, just for the record (to address one of your earlier points), there is no financial advantage to me, whatsoever, from any provision in ObamaCare — quite the contrary. But I’m more concerned about the 40,000 Americans who die each year, owing to lack of health insurance, than I am about whether or not I can afford to increase my inventory of creature comforts. The speech that flipped me from Republican to Democrat, was JFK’s 1960 inaugural: “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” And Joe Biden was correct, it is patriotic to pay taxes.

I know that you disagree, and I respect your disagreement. That’s why all true democracies have more than one political party. People have honest differences of opinion; in democracies, we respect the right of people to hold views contrary to our own.

There’s a difference between “the Obama administration” and Obama, himself. The “Obama administration” consists of about 3,000,000 employees. Obama neither hires most of them nor directly supervises most of them. He was completely exonerated in Fast and Furious, and, despite your own rush to judgement, all we have now are unsubstantiated leaks, incomplete information, supposition, accusations, and partisan lynch mob behavior.

What you call “unions,” I call “workers.” So the workers got a break in the auto bailouts. For a change. The auto industry was saved, the workers were saved, but investors got a haircut. It was the investors who knowingly took a risk. The workers just took a job. The term applicable to investments gone bad is moral hazard. It’s a necessary part of capitalism. But the alternative, as clearly explained by Lutz, who actually knew what was going on, as he was at Ground Zero, unlike the armchair Monday morning quarterbacks, was everyone losing.

The purpose of the bailout was to save an industry and to save jobs. The terms of the federal bailout were not put in place to “give a sweetheart deal to union bosses;” they were put in place to save jobs and help the economy. No bailout, everyone goes down the drain. With the bailout, the investors go down the drain, but the workers keep their jobs and the economy is helped a great deal.

When you have the facts, you argue the facts. When you have the law, you argue the law. When you have neither, you pound the table, e.g. “NY Slimes.” “Communist News Network.” etc. etc. Those are not serious arguments for anything. It’s merely petulance.

– Larry W/HB

Let me give you a little bit of history about me; back when your kind was protesting the war in Southeast Asia, I thought you were right. I attended a anti-war protest to lend my voice. It was in downtown St. Louis and I had to ride the bus to get there because my car was broken down and I couldn’t afford to fix it and still feed a kid. But when I got there, what did I find? Not patriotic Americans but a bunch of college kids who just wanted to avoid the draft. And book sellers. Books by Marx, books by Alinsky, books by every radical left winger they could find, including Mein Kampf. There were people selling pictures of Mao, and Hitler. That was a learning experience for me and started me on my journey to read everything by the Founding Fathers, and the beginnings of our national history I could find.

What I learned was that those people were really not protesting the war, they were promoting socialism, Marxism and Communism and every other ism you can think of. And later I learned that they were actually being funded by the Communists. Useful idiots, all of them.

Through the years, I didn’t hold any anomosity toward those on the left, I simply thought they, like you, were ill informed. They had heard some rebel rousing speech somewhere and in their youth, bought into the whole mantra of “social” justice. But then George W. Bush was elected and I learned just how nasty your side is. You don’t want a nation designed by those who you could not hold a candle to, you want some social justice utopia. You are no better than the revolutionaries of any other failed communist state that believed they could change human behavior and make their nation into a true egalitarian paradise.

Remember Valerie Plame, Larry? Remember how orgasmic the left was at the thought of bringing down a sitting president? Remember the claims that Karl Rove was going to be frogged marched out of the White House in cuffs? Now, it didn’t matter that Valerie Plame was not a covert agent, and had not been for over five years, or that she and her liar husband, Joe Wilson, were hitting the D.C. cocktail circuit every chance they got, or that they both donated to John Kerry’s campaign or that Joe Wilson was tied into Middle Eastern business deals. They were a tool, people that could be used to try to destroy Bush. Do you remember “Bush lied and people died” being plastered everywhere, or the CodePink marches with placards of a beheaded President Bush? Do you remember how the left screamed that Bush was violating the U.S. Constitution and how he needed to be removed from office? Do you remember those years, Larry, because I damn sure do. And that is when I decided that none of you are fit to even live in this fine nation and I will fight everyone one of you until the day I die.

You’re a hypocrite. You say that you worry more about the 40,000 uninsured in this nation, although you know that not one person can be turned away from an emergency room for lack of insurance. Then tell me, Larry, what have YOU personally done for those 40,000? Did you find a poor family, or some family of illegals that your state is overrun with, and buy them insurance? Did you open a clinic for them? Get your other doctor friends to go in with you to build, and support that clinic? Or do you happily charge for your services every chance you get? How much of your own personal wealth have you redistributed? 10%? 50%? 70%? You say that you agree with that idiot, Joe Biden, that it is patriotic to pay taxes? Just how patriotic are you, Larry? How much extra do you send to the IRS every year, over and above your tax liability? You can, you know. You can write a check to the IRS for any amount your little heart desires and tell them you are contributing it to the IRS coffers. The IRS will happily accept it. So tell us, Larry, how much over your tax liability do you send to the federal government in your effort to be so patriotic?

You are gleeful that the union “workers” got a tony deal from the Obama administration while the secured bond holders got the shaft. Are you so stupid that you don’t know that without investors, those “workers” would not have had jobs? And Lutz, well he was the rocket scientist that decided it would be a good idea to remake the Pontiac GTO, which lost GM millions due to production costs and no buyers. He also supported a number of other models that went belly up. Yeah, Lutz disagreed with Romney. He was trying to protect his own hide. You can bet that Lutz didn’t take a haircut on his own GM stock. No siree. He came out like a fat cat in a good garbage can. Thanks to the government bailout. Nevermind that GM recently announced that almost all of their new construction would be in China. And Chysler is now foreign owned. So much for “American” made cars. As for me, I’ll stick with Ford. Also, I never said the bailout was to help union “bosses” so please, stop with putting words in my mouth. The GM bail out was designed for one thing; votes from UAW workers who are now working their little asses off trying to get Obama re-elected. Seems that the president of the UAW is not into a “workers” wage with his $169,000 annual salary, bonuses and expense accounts. Where is his sense of equality? And btw, you know where the CPUSA held their Austin meeting at? Yeah, at the CWA headquarters. Watcha think of that?

And please, don’t tell me to go over to DailyKos. I get enough Socialist bullshit from you. I don’t need to give Marcos traffic. But I am sure you are a regular over there.

Tell me, Larry, when did you become a socialist? At what age? And why is it that you think you have the right to run other people’s lives. Oh, I know, you on the left claim to belive in choice. But you don’t. You want to be able to tell others how to live and what to do, from the amount of water in my toilet to the guns in my safe. From what car I drive and what I should eat. And let’s not forget how much of my income you want to confiscate while you refuse to send any additional money to the IRS yourself.

I can only assume that you back Barack Obama because he, like you, is a Marxist. I can only assume that you have no problem with his policies that have killed dozens of American citizens. I can only assume that you have no problem with his over 900 executive orders that allows him to take control of every power plant, bus line, train company, grocery stores, etc. if he simply decides there is a national emergency and without going through Congress. I guess you have no problem that for three years we have not had a Constitutionally mandated budget or that he has created more national debt that was created from George Washington to Bill Clinton. Maybe you support the policy of calling terrorism “work place violence” so that he doesn’t have to admit that a terrorist attack was committed on U.S. soil while he props his feet up on the Resolution Desk. Or that he is arming Al Qaeda and cozying up with the Muslim Brotherhood. Don’t believe me? Research the visitor’s log from the White House. Maybe his past associations with a terrorist, William Ayer’s, doesn’t bother you or his association with Tony Rezko, Rashid Khalidi and Edward Said is A-OK with you. But it bothers me when we have a president that couldn’t get a job at the State Department because he couldn’t pass the clearance.

So don’t respond to me anymore. You think that will hurt my feelings? It won’t. I have no use for you, or Greg, or Tom or Lib1. You are what is wrong with this country.

BTW, read JKF’s speech to them New York businessmen. I think you will find you are no longer such a big admirer of JFK. You see, he belived in cutting taxes across the board for everyone and that would bring greater prosperity to everyone. Believe me, you are no follower of JFK because he was not like you; he believed in lower taxes and a strong military and that, I’m sure, goes against the very grain of your little Marxist soul.

@Cary: Seriously? Maddow?

From her rantings that you linked:

Let’s put aside, at least for now, the fact that the latest Benghazi revelations appear to be entirely uninteresting, and even the most unhinged White House critics are yet to document any administration “lies” associated with last month’s attack.

Let’s instead ponder a fairly straightforward, two-part question: “Shuck and jive”? Seriously?

The only shuck and jive here is the favorite old standby of liberals when they have no credible argument – cry racism.

So I guess that since she thinks the Benghazi attacks where four Americans were killed are “entirely uninteresting,” (her words) then she will be volunteering to pick up the phone and tell that to the families of those four murdered Americans.

Nah, that would require effort on her part.

But I have a question for you, Cary. By posting this link to Rachael Mad-Cow’s blog, you also think that the death of four Americans is “entirely uninteresting?” You said:

The reality didn’t match the hysterical attacks.

Tell that to the families of the folks killed by all the weapons the Obama admin allowed to walk across the border. I would imagine that reality matched and surpassed the “hysterical attacks” for them.

He was completely exonerated in Fast and Furious…

Was he really?

In light of his claim of Executive Privilege to prevent the tens of thousands of documents from being released for examination, even the most blind partisan cannot make that claim with a straight face.

You’re being lied to Larry. Boldly. With no pangs of conscience. And with no fear of being caught.

How does it feel to be lied to by the guy you supported and for whom you cast your vote?

How does it feel to know that the guy that you voted for lied to you repeatedly about Fast and Furious, about GM, about Obamacare, about Benghazi, and only God knows how many other issues?

How does it feel to know that this guy lied to you, and it’s documented that he lied, and that thru either incompetence or deceit, his behavior has cost hundreds of people their lives?

What’s it like to know that, in the face of these repeated breaches of your trust, you will most certainly go into the voting booth and cast your ballot for him once again?

How does it make you feel?

If it were me in your shoes I would be ashamed but, of course, you are the only man who gets to walk in those shoes.

no I don’t think so, but to uncover the identity of OBAMA which is still shady,
he will give the 5 millions for charity, and if OBAMA TAKE HIM ON
which I don’t think so,
it’s incredible to see the one still voting for OBAMA even on a second time of him not revealing his identity up front, and the HARRY READ ASKING ROMNEY FOR HIS TAXES REPORTS,

@ilovebeeswarzone: Well — they voted the bolsheviks in — have been off and on — mostly on — for the last 80 years.

geez, I forgot to put them on my list of humans past and present,
it must be a global human insanity,
we have to start researching the cause,
we already know the effects of shrinking brains

get the shrink

@retire05: A very nice, thorough response to one of the resident trolls — You only left out one detail re security clearances for employment at state — how in ‘ell could the olde berkeley leftoid skank and her weiner hummer get jobs there — hmmmm?

@anticsrocks: @Aye: liberalism is a mental disorder

@anticsrocks: I would like to recommend that posters please limit their use of pronouns and actually name the names — I got almost all the way thru this post before I realized the ‘her’ and ‘she’ you kept using were refering to madcow —

The overuse of pronouns makes it much easier for the leftoids to take things out of context and / or warp them out of recognition to suit their nefarious (treasonous) purposes.

I just heard a new name,for him is an obamanomist, and odamonomis,
fits good


I assume you are speaking of Huma Abadin. Well, she was hired by Hillary when Hillary was first lady, and she simply followed Hillary to State. No one knows if Huma Weiner has been cleared by the FBI and Hillary ain’t saying. A number of Congress critters want to know exactly what the FBI has on a woman who is so close to every national security document we have.

But look at every friend Obama every had. Radicals, to the person. And to understand how the Chicago machine works, you have to go back decades to the relationship between Vernon Jarrett, Valerie’s former father in law that she remained very, VERY close to, and Frank Marshall Davis; Vernon Jarrett who worked at the same newspaper as David Axelrod. Axelrod’s mother, who wrote for a Communist newspaper, who was friends with Frank Marshall Davis. All roads leading out of Chicago run right back to Frank Marshall Davis and Hawaii.


But I have a question for you, Cary. By posting this link to Rachael Mad-Cow’s blog, you also think that the death of four Americans is “entirely uninteresting?”

Nice try, but that’s not what she said. She said the latest news regarding the incident (which is the subject of this post) is uninteresting in the fact that it reveals nothing, and provides no proof of lies.


I’m not sure I get your point. Are you suggesting that I think it’s okay for ANYONE to use a racist term derived from black slaves towards a black President? This “But so and so did it” retort isn’t your style, my friend.


liberalism is a mental disorder

Thank you so much for the intelligent, insightful, original clinical diagnoses of my condition. You have done me a great service, and I shall seek help immediately.


Seriously? Maddow?



I’m not sure I get your point.

My point is that those who wish to toss around accusations of racism should be very cautious about making sure that they’re not guilty of the very same things that they wish to accuse others of ie hypocrisy.

Unless Mrs. Palin’s accusers wish to confess their own racism then they should shut their pie holes.

Of course, when you get right down to it, there’s nothing whatsoever that is racist about the term “shuck and jive”.


Of course, when you get right down to it, there’s nothing whatsoever that is racist about the term “shuck and jive”.

I think it depends on the context. Perhaps Palin didn’t intend it as such, but it did come off that way to me. I’m sure it was unintentional.

The larger point is that there is no evidence, as yet, of any lies told by the administration in reference to the terrorist attacks and murders in Libya.


The larger point is that there is no evidence, as yet, of any lies told by the administration in reference to the terrorist attacks and murders in Libya.

Dayum! If you can’t see what is right in front of you then those blinders must be strapped on really, really tight.

@retire05: #33,

Good piece – just a stone’s throw from an article. You’ve nailed some great highlights.

Many of us have walked this familiar trail.

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