The Week in Radical Leftism, 10/06/2023
Welcome back to Day 990 of the Biden* Occupation! Let’s get to it! But first a trip into The Wayback Machine to last month: 09/06 – Anti-Trump RINOs 14th Amendment …
Welcome back to Day 990 of the Biden* Occupation! Let’s get to it! But first a trip into The Wayback Machine to last month: 09/06 – Anti-Trump RINOs 14th Amendment …
Welcome back to Day 661 of America held hostage by the Biden* regime.We’re going a little bit light, and this week’s edition is for anyone who needs a break from …
Welcome back, everybody! Sorry for posting a bit late today, but the last two days were a bit crazy in Bobville. Let’s get to it! 9/30 – Lizzo Twerking With …
Ann Coulter, one of my favorite all-time conservatives (and easy on the eyes as well), wrote a very interesting article on January 28th. As usual, its excellent. She discusses the …