Welcome back, everybody! Sorry for posting a bit late today, but the last two days were a bit crazy in Bobville. Let’s get to it!
9/30 – Lizzo Twerking With Madison’s Flute Is The Antithesis Of Civilizational Excellence
Cultural vandalism isn’t the most pressing issue in our lives, but it is part of a much bigger picture. And it matters.
10/1 – Biden’s Student Loan Bailout Retreats in Face of Early Lawsuits
At least they can legally toke up now, right?
10/2 – Republicans abandon Obamacare repeal
The optimist in me would like to believe that the reason for this is that even I have to agree that there are much bigger problems we face than writing an Obamacare repeal bill that’s just going to get vetoed. Don’t worry – I’m sure that once Republicans have enough votes they’ll go back to their surrender theater and find creative ways to not repeal that monstrocity.
10/3 – The Seth Rich Case: The FBI’s Other Laptop Scandal
I’ll admit that a few years ago I dismissed this as a conspiracy theory. Now we’re at the point where this article seems perfectly rational. Welcome to 2022!
10/4 – Where Artificial Intelligence Can Expose Leftist Vote Fraud
How about something positive for a change?
10/5 – Psaki Buries Her Knife in Biden’s Back
Well, Psaki was always promising to circle back…
10/6 – Biden: A Figurative Suicide Bomber
Not sure if I agree completely with all of the actors here and their roles, but the gist of the post is dead on
Or almost any Leftist today, for that matter.
H/T to Kitt for the header image in this week’s post. Have a great weekend, everybody!
This is currently the most 🔥 video on the internet. The revolution is happening in CALIFORNIA.
Please share.
Wow.pic.twitter.com/pnMOGJ1KHM— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) September 23, 2022
Supercut of Stacey Abrams doing exactly what she recently claimed to not have done: say the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial election was stolen, and the she won, not Brian Kemp.
And she will continue to get away with it.
— Jay Caruso (@JayCaruso) October 5, 2022
Not for nothing but remember this one? https://t.co/nqrilBIQMx pic.twitter.com/avef0lWM8z
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) October 5, 2022
“We cannot let a mentally unfit president near the nuke codes and must remove him at once!” -people eagerly supporting 77-yr-old guy who here’s the deal jack sausage let me tell you something umbrella malarkey purple heckuva more jam please banjo
— Razor (@hale_razor) March 11, 2020
Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Tnx for the HT lil bro seems NY city of millions is freaking over a couple of thousand out of 5 million border bashers. Hey NY we are all in this together…..right?

That pretty much sums it up, now doesn’t it?
Greenpeace still uses Fossil Fuels to run their two ships Arctic Sunrise and Rainbow Warrior II
The French knew how to reduce Greenpeace’s carbon footprint, amirite?
I have long been of the opinion that any older woman wearing “kitten heels,” like Jill, must have squished her stillettos.
Kitten heels are short, squat and ugly.
Jill looks like every other woman over 21 in them, too old for them.
She really needs a full-time fashion assistant to dress her.
That what she has its Hillary R Clinton

See what happens when you stagger into an upholstery store?
At least we don’t have to worry about Jill ever running for President, given what a disaster her first term has been