It’s Not Reparations, It’s Revenge…
Democrats frequently talk about reparations for black Americans, compensation for slavery and Jim Crow. Indeed, House member Cori Bush recently proposed $14 trillion as a good place to start. Any …
Democrats frequently talk about reparations for black Americans, compensation for slavery and Jim Crow. Indeed, House member Cori Bush recently proposed $14 trillion as a good place to start. Any …
Welcome back to Day 871 of America held hostage by the Biden* regime! On to the crazy, but first we jump into the Wayback Machine all the way back to …
Over the last few years, many people have wondered if our country was headed for another Civil War. Maybe they started wondering back in 98 with the Clinton impeachment, or …
Welcome back to Day 430 of President Groomer’s* occupation! 3/19 – Is Ace of Spades ‘Cruel’? The Other McCain takes a good look at a fellow blogger 3/20 – The …
Last week Dan Bongino talked about the pointlessness of arguing with the left. He said something like “We think the left are simply people with bad ideas while the left …
Some things in life are constant. My entire life America has been one of those things. Despite Vietnam, Watergate, Iran Contra, the Dot Com bubble, 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, the …
Late last year I started listening to the History of Rome app. While functionally terrible, content wise it’s quite good. Having been many years since I read Roman history, it’s …
While researching material for a historical novel about a Cossack family of the Ukraine and Crimea, I found a remarkable amount of provocative and fascinating material. For instance, the Ukraine …
Certain things tend to set off triggers in you. For me it was Don Lemon– when he joined the flag-damning freaking idiot liberal lemmings in their bloodlust considering the …
Barack Obama’s relationship with Islam is definitely strange, at least as relative to that of most Americans. The United States may not be a Christian nation, but it is has …