Why I love Sarah Palin [Reader Post]

I love Sarah Palin. There, I’ve said it. While I’ve never met her, that is beside the point.

What is right on point however is why I love her. Sarah Palin bleeds American. She is not American simply because of an accident of birth. Rather, she understands what makes America different; she believes that America is exceptional and knows what makes it so; she is passionately pro-American without being jingoistic; she is willing to fight for what she believes regardless of who’s lined up against her; she is willing to put her credibility and reputation on the line to help others who share her views. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, she is a normal, average, regular person.

Cops arrest 11 year old kid for drawing, no one arrested for threatening to kill Scott Walker or Sarah Palin [Reader Post]

Sometimes there is a complete lack of balance in the world.

An 11 year old Arvada Colorado boy who was being treated for Attention Deficit Disorder was told by a teacher to draw pictures when he was upset instead of disrupting the class, so the boy did just that.

Say What? 2/9/2011 edition [Reader Post]


President Obama: “To the people of Egypt, particularly the young people of Egypt, I want to be clear: We hear your voices.”

President Obama from less than a year ago about much larger demonstrations all over America: “So I’ve been a little amused over the last couple of days where people have been having these rallies about taxes. You would think they would be saying thank you.” and “Those of you who are watching certain news channels on which I’m not very popular, and you see folks waving tea bags around…”

Say What? 2/1/2011 edition. [Reader Post]

Finally, Democrats stopped with the crazy talk and the violent rhetoric. Just kidding.

Democrat Rep Jim Moran: “It [Republican victories in November] happened … for the same reason the Civil War happened in the United States. Southern states, particularly the slaveholding states, didn’t want to see a president who was opposed to slavery. In this case a lot of people in this country, it’s my belief, don’t want to be governed by an African-American, particularly one who is inclusive, who is liberal, who wants to spend money on everyone and who wants to reach out to include everyone in our society. And that’s a basic philosophical clash.”

The media war on Sarah Palin is a cover-up [Reader Post]

In a previous post Politico was shown as conducting a vendetta against Sarah Palin and along with much of the media continues the baseless bashing of Palin. It is as though Politico, TPM and the phonies at WaPo get wee-wee’d up any time Palin lands a right cross on Barack Obama. They then have editorial hissyfits in retribution for anyone daring to besmirch their leader.

Say What? Jan. 30, 2011 Edition [Reader Post]

Radio talk show host Mike Malloy, not quite ready to join Obama in this new civility thing: “Rush Limbaugh choking on his throat fat – that you know, to me, that is not a threat. I can’t, I wish I could, but I can’t reach into his throat and jiggle up his throat fat so he suffocates. I can’t do it.”