Radio talk show host Mike Malloy, not quite ready to join Obama in this new civility thing: “Rush Limbaugh choking on his throat fat – that you know, to me, that is not a threat. I can’t, I wish I could, but I can’t reach into his throat and jiggle up his throat fat so he suffocates. I can’t do it.”
James Eric Fuller, 63, who was shot in the knee in Arizona, told The Post the day before his arrest, that top Republican figures should be tortured — and their ears severed: “There would be torture and then an ear necklace, with [Minnesota US Rep.] Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin’s ears toward the end, because they’re small, female ears, and then Limbaugh, Hannity and the biggest ears of all, Cheney’s, in the center.”
Rep. John Lewis: “I think people should be required to get health insurance. We require people to get insurance for their automobile state by state but the federal government has an obligation to encourage by law, moral persuasion, to get people to get health insurance.” Constitutional scholar Lewis then backed this up by citing the Declaration of Independence, the Preamble of the Constitution and the 14th amendment.
Rep. Steve Cohen: “They say it’s a government takeover of health care, a big lie. Just like Goebbels, you say it enough, you repeat the lie, you repeat the lie, you repeat the lie, and eventually, people believe it, like ‘blood libel.’ That’s the same kind of thing. The Germans said enough about the Jews, and the people believed it and you had the Holocaust.”
Liberals from the Past:
Air America’s Montel Williams: “Yesterday, Representative Michele Bachmann delivered a speech filled with urgent and rhetorical—violent rhetoric—at a gathering sponsored by the Independence Institute of Denver….[saying] ‘What we have to do today is make a covenant, to slit our wrists, to be blood brothers on this thing’ [stopping Obamacare]…so, Michele, slit your wrists—go ahead, why not? Or, if you want to, do us all a better thing and move that knife up about two feet, start right at the collarbone.”
Chris Matthews: “Rush Limbaugh is looking more and more like Mr. Big, and at some point somebody’s going to jam a CO2 pellet into his head and he’s going to explode like a giant blimp”
The lovely Miss Sarah Bernhard warns Sarah Palin that is she comes to New York, she will be “gang-raped by my big black brothers.”
General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt: “We’re all Democrats now.”
Shirley Jackson Lee: “The Fifth Amendment speaks specifically to denying someone their life and liberty without due process. That is what H.R. 2 does and I rise in opposition to it. And I rise in opposition because it is important that we preserve lives and we recognize that 40 million-plus are uninsured. Can you tell me what’s more unconstitutional than taking away from the people of America their Fifth Amendment rights, their Fourteenth Amendment rights, and the right to equal protection under the law?”
President Obama concerning Roe V. Wade: “Government should not intrude on private family matters.” Essentially, the fetus is being treated by the law as property, not unlike slaves of 200 years ago.
Jonna Spilbor: “I didn’t know that Texas had YouTube; I’m kind of shocked.” (She is a defense attorney on Fox; this was a joke :)).
Joe Scarborough: What did she say immediately upon being selected as Vice-President that would have you term her as, quote, ignorant?
Carl Bernstein: Um, I’d have to go back and look at what it was that led some of people in your party to say this really is who she is, that she doesn’t know–I think part of it had to do was not knowing where the Soviet Union, where the former Soviet Union was, and where Russia was, as I remember. She didn’t know where the hell it was on a map.
Joe Scarborough: I don’t remember that.
Carl Bernstein: You don’t?
Joe Scarborough: No.
Carl Bernstein: There were some problems of geography, as I recall.
Sarah Palin had accurately said, you can see Russia from Alaska; it was Tina Fey who mocked this by saying (in character as Sarah Palin): “I can see Russian from my house.” A surprising number of voters attributed this quotation to Sarah Palin.
Chris Christie: “I am not arrogant enough to believe that after one year as governor [of New Jersey] that I am ready to be president of the United States.”
Rush Limbaugh: “The vote to repeal Obamacare is not the fulfillment of a campaign promise. It is an attempt to fix something that will destroy the US economy. It is an attempt to fix something that will harm the US health care system.”
Rush Limbaugh: “And CNN wonders why they have 54,000 viewers at eight p.m. We have that many on the corner of Fourth Avenue and wherever in Oshkosh!”
Rush Limbaugh: “Oh, come on, Snerdley [Rush’s call screener]! Come on! Look, I know Open Line Friday is Open Line Friday, but we’re not going to take a call from somebody who says she has Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate. What are you trying to do to me? I knew I should’ve taken the day off! Jeez!”
Sarah Palin: “If it weren’t for double standards, the lamestream media would have no standards.”
A retired math teacher who spends most of his time exegeting the Old Testament and, once a week, puts out an ezeen.
The rabid hate that continues to come from the left goes to show what I have been saying. They not only see nothing wrong with slandering their opponents, they feel justified in doing so. That is why they did not apologise and not a single leftist could be seen condemning them for what they did.