Thank God for 2020 (1 of 4)
Yes, I know that headline sounds insane on its surface, and to some degree it is. Before I continue, of course I have to first point out that as bad …
Yes, I know that headline sounds insane on its surface, and to some degree it is. Before I continue, of course I have to first point out that as bad …
Yesterday I published a piece talking about Leaving Facebook, breaking down how & why I broke my Facebook addiction two years ago. I left off in that piece noting that …
Welcome back, and hopefully your NCAA bracket wasn’t destroyed too completely by the upsets – let’s get straight to the crazy! 3/15 – California: The Crazy State It’s a “radical …
Welcome back everybody! Leftist crazy never sleeps and neither do we! 03/01 – Why Did It Take Two Weeks To Discover Parkland Students’ Astroturfing? This post isn’t as inflammatory as …
One of the more irritating tactics you’ll see from the Radical Left is suggesting that their positions, no matter how extreme, are actually conservative ideas and that we’re only opposing …
Oh my, it has hit the fan. Phil Robertson ignited a firestorm of criticism that engulfed him following a GQ interview in which he spoke about his views on what …
Religions are largely kept together by the faith of the followers as opposed to proof. Whether it’s Christianity, Judaism, Islam or any other religion, it’s not science or empirical evidence …
The Korans burned in Afghanistan were destroyed not out of malice, but out of concern. They were “mishandled” but not intentionally. Detainees had written in them, sending messages to one another. Writing in a Koran is itself considered blasphemous.
Not that anyone cares.
Riots ensued. This led to two Americans being killed soon after.
This is big. Huge. Gigantic. A firestorm.
And Republicans would be idiots for not seizing upon it.
Barack Obama has made the biggest blunder of his political life.
That’s the question posed by the creatures of The View the other day.
When it comes to giving to the poor…the Bible does tell us to pay our taxes. And the Bible does promote GIVING to the poor. But…the government TAKING money from one person to GIVE to another is not giving, it is TAKING. Jesus promotes CHARITIBABLE giving. FORCED giving is not giving at all, it is TAKING!