Welcome back everybody! Leftist crazy never sleeps and neither do we!
03/01 – Why Did It Take Two Weeks To Discover Parkland Students’ Astroturfing?
This post isn’t as inflammatory as its title suggests, but an interesting look at how the sausage gets made. It’s also something our side needs to step up and do more of, and yes that includes your faithful blogger.
3/1 – Philadelphia Soda Tax Fizzles, Brings in $13 Million Less Than Expected
Radical Left policy checklist:
1) Ideas founded in economic illiteracy? Check!
2) Policy will disproportionately hurt the poor? Check!
3) Ultimately fails? Check and check!
3/1 – Facebook Threatens Satire Site Babylon Bee over CNN Story That Snopes Rated ‘False’
Nothing screams panic like when The Radical Left needs to do their always “professional” job of fact checking satire sites.
3/3 – White Customers Asked To Pay More At New Orleans Restaurant
This week’s edition of “Your best bigotry comes from The Radical Left”
3/3 – POLITICO: Those Damned Republicans Are “Seizing on” the Issue of the Coward County Sheriff
And there’s nothing Big Media hates these days more than a story that distracts attention from how (they believe) guns and guns alone are solely responsible for the Florida school shooting.
3/3 – Venezuela has achieved economic equality
Everybody is a millionaire! And as I like to point out, this is our latest reminder that our country was one rigged Democratic Primary away from half of the country voting to turn America into Venezuela – Part I
3/3 – Sweden: Woman faces two years in prison for making jokes about Islam
…And American Leftists weep with envy
3/3 – Italy fed up with migrant invasion
Between this and the next story I like to think that there may still be hope for Europe
3/4 – Merkel Acknowledges Germany ‘No-Go Areas’; Longtime U.S. Media Deniers Hardest Hit
Better late than never that our moral and intellectual superiors start deciding that we can handle the truth
3/5 – Dreamers Turn on Dems, Block Entrance to DNC: ‘Too Many Years, Too Many Lies!’
Paging Doctor Frankenstein!
3/5 – Hollywood Contemplates Looking in the Mirror, Then Turns Away
Hollywood’s brightest stars came together as one and told us they had stood up to something bad — but never quite defined — and assured us that everything was different now. It was a powerful night for vague euphemisms.
Elsewhere, the founder of #MeToo talked about her desire to work with gun-control activists, demonstrating that the movement is quickly mutating from a broad-based coalition in support of an unassailable cause — stop harassment and assault — into garden-variety progressive leftism.
I wish they had just let Rose McGowan come out and yell at everyone for ten minutes.
3/5 – Kimmel: We Make Films ‘To Upset Mike Pence.’ That’s True, And It’s An Important Admission.
Actually, most normal people are a little bit uncomfortable with movies glorifying pedophelia and bestiality
3/6 – Liberals Are Fine With Teens Rearranging The Constitution, But Don’t Trust Them With Guns
Yes kids, you might want to look up the name “Cindy Sheehan.” It’s a short ride.
3/6 – Guess Who Else Wants Guns Illegal in U.S.? Iran’s Supreme Leader
It’s always good to see Fascists standing together!
3/6 – WATCH: A Star Is Born! Speech On Guns By VA Lawmaker Causes Democrat Walk-Out, Goes Viral
As Ricochet’s Jim Geraghty and Nick Corombos pointed out in their Monday podcast, this is good news for Virginians who’d like to have a choice in the Republican Senate primaries other than the guy running on the platform of Confederate statues in Corey Stewart
“It’s really difficult to have an open and honest debate about this […] because members of this body are comparing members of [the Republican] side of the aisle to Nazis,” he said, adding that it was particularly offensive that GOP members were also compared to “segregationists.”
3/7 – Antifa Tries to Shut Down a “Sargon of Akkad” Event
The left continues to be violent, and the leftwing media continues to either cover up for them or, when their violence is so notorious it cannot be covered up for, to actively defend them and justify their violence.
The media is therefore complicit in leftwing violence, and yet also insists that it should be spared even any criticism, because to even criticize it is to attack the foundations of democracy by “chilling speech.”
Well — what about providing aid and comfort to fascist organizations explicitly devoted to chilling speech, media?
3/7 – WaPo Columnist Pens FRIGHTENING Defense Of Marxism: ‘It’s Time To Give Socialism A Try’
Our latest reminder that our country was one rigged Democratic Primary away from half of the country voting to turn America into Venezuela, Part II
3/7 – Cuomo: God Asks if You’ve Been a Good Progressive When You Get to the Pearly Gates
Yeah, and if you proudly admit to dedicating your life to tormenting his followers you’ll be promptly sent to The Other Place.
3/7 – WATCH: Scarborough Tries To Lecture Ted Cruz On Guns, Gets Embarrassed
OK, Morning Joe getting embarrassed isn’t exactly news, but I like his “You can talk down to me all you want to”, which is Leftspeak for “Stop stating facts that contradict my beliefs!”
3/8 – Chicago Tribune Rips ‘Complicit’ Democratic Congressman for Not Condemning Farrakhan
Wow, things are getting bad when Democrats are finally getting called out for their racism by their once-loyal minions in the press!
3/9 – NEA Funds Woke Journal
Funding the racial & gender supremacy of The Radical Left!
And one from the vault – Two years ago I advocated that It’s Time for a National Conversation About Having a National Conversation On Guns. The more things change the more they stay the same…
We’re at the point where the tenth amendment lets states defy federal laws on immigration, but has no place in a state banning men from the ladies’ room.
— Razor (@hale_razor) March 7, 2018
Your head was so far up Obama’s ass, you got whiplash every time he stopped short. #StopTalking https://t.co/PFrtpwU6C1
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) March 6, 2018
if your vision of a utopian future is hipster coder drones shuttling between their high density urban sleep pods and their creativity cubicles by solar light rail, you can piss right off.
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) March 7, 2018
Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
But look how beautifully some artists are making use of their new cheapest art media:
Meanwhile a Muslim rapist of a 13-yr old girl gets only 2 months, including “time served” while he awaited trail.
Movies that lose money but “virtue signal,” are proof that Obama was right about “some people already having enough money.” /off
Methinks Cuomo has conflated “Classical Liberalism” with “progressiveness.” I do believe that acts of classical liberalism are looked upon favorably by God.
Progressiveness (abortions, providing abortions, putting self in God’s place, lying, cheating, etc.) not so much.
The democrats fear the truth that gun control dont work but t heir too darn stupid to listen to reason
Pointing out Scarboro voted for ending the ban on assault rifles hurts his widdle feelings. Trying to argue gun rights with someone who went before the supreme court and won, cut him off and talk over him is not winning the debate. Shame on Cruz for having a battle of wits with the unarmed. Talking down to Scarboro how can you not?
@Nanny G: Ha ha! Great point about Hollywood having made enough money!
@kitt: Interesting point – by definition would any discussion with a Leftist equate talking down?
Because the phoniness behind it was not important. What was important was making the best liberal use of a tragedy.
But I thought anything done in the name of “humor” was allowed?
Or having their food spit on. Look! There’s a McDonald’s!
The Blue Wave is not looking like such a lock these days. The Democrats may have missed their opportunities to squeeze any favorable concessions for themselves while exploiting the immigration issue.
And they stink and lose money. Keep it up.
Oh, and for the exact same reasons, too.
Is it possible to have this speech broadcast by loudspeaker all across the nation? Maybe all liberals will get up and walk out.
I can hear their reasoned argument: It’s never been tried and it always works!
And then they find out it’s a trick question.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: http://www.wsws.org/ its always a good idea to know what the adversary is up to CIA agents now running for office as democrats. They have already infiltrated the media.
It has been a big shit storm the past week, for sure.