“If these allegations are true…”
Often there is one iconic picture that captures the essence of a Presidential administration; Gerald Ford falling, Richard Nixon entering the helicopter, Ronald Reagan riding a horse. The above image …
Often there is one iconic picture that captures the essence of a Presidential administration; Gerald Ford falling, Richard Nixon entering the helicopter, Ronald Reagan riding a horse. The above image …
Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive! – Sir Walter Scott Just how stupid is the White House press? Just how sycophantic is the …
Mitt Romney has been called a “vulture capitalist” and even a “murderer” by Obama sycophants and the press does little to disabuse voters of it. CJ gave us ten reasons for liberals to hate Mitt Romney and I’d like to expand even more on that. There’s a lot more to Mitt Romney than the Obama press allows.
It is an impressive thing to watch Barack Obama smile and lie through his teeth. It is another equally impressive thing to watch the left wing press zombies sit with their drool buckets, nodding their heads without question, thoroughly intimidated.