Say What? November 15, 2011 edition [Reader Post]

President Obama: “The way I think about it is, this is a great, great country that had gotten a little soft and we didn’t have that same competitive edge that we needed over the last couple of decades.  We need to get back on track.”

President Obama: “Instead of working to boost our economy, they’re out there spending time trying to defund Planned Parenthood and prevent millions of women from getting basic health care that they desperately need – pap smears and breast exams.”

President Obama on retaining the Hispanic vote: “I don’t think it requires us to go negative in the sense of us running a bunch of ads that are false, or character assassinations.   We may just run clips of the Republican debates verbatim.  We won’t even comment on them, we’ll just run those in a loop on Univision and Telemundo, and people can make up their own minds,”

Say What? November 7, 2011 Edition [Reader Post]

Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi: “I think it’s really important to know that President Obama was a job creator from day one.  Now, was the ditch that we were in so deep that when you’re talking to people and they still don’t have a job, that that’s any consolation to them?  No.  But I’ll tell you this, if President Obama and the House congressional Democrats had not acted, we would be at 15 percent unemployment. Again, no consolation to those without a job, but an important point to make.”

Poor people will prosper under 999 – and so will the rest of the country. [Reader Post]

Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 tax plan is imperfect, but it’s by far the best plan on the table. As such, criticism of 9-9-9 comes from all quarters.

The left is unhappy that its egalitarian nature is the opposite of the progressive tax structure we’ve had for a century. I suspect however that it is not simple tax policy that drives their antipathy, it’s revenge. You don’t have to listen very long to one of President Obama’s “fair share” speeches to recognize it. Or watch much of the “Occupy your city here” demonstrations going on around the country to see the envy. The notion of those fat cat Wall Street bankers paying the same tax rate as a single mother of three who works two jobs to support her children is simply unacceptable.

Say What? October 17, 2011 edition [Reader Post]

Wall Street protester chant: “You can become immortal…you can have sex with animals or whatever.”

Occupy Wall Street in Los Angeles protester Patricia McAllister (employee of Los Angeles Unified School District) “I think that the Zionist Jews, who are running these big banks and our Federal Reserve, which is not run by the federal government. . . . they need to be run out of this country.”

Say What? October 12, 2011 Edition [Reader Post]

Vice President Joe Biden: “There’s a lot of people in Florida that have good reason to be upset because they’ve lost jobs, even though 50 some percent of the American people think the economy tanked because of the last administration, that’s not relevant. What’s relevant is, we’re in charge. And right now, we are the ones in charge, and it’s gotten better but it hasn’t gotten good enough. And in states like Florida it’s even been more stagnant because of the real estate market. And so I don’t blame them for being mad. We’re in charge, so they’re angry.”

Joe Biden: “We are in charge. We have turned it [the economy] around.”

Joe Biden, answering a question to a class of 5th graders: “Because things got really bad before we came into office and an awful lot of companies said `there’s no more jobs for you here.'”

Say What? 10/4/2011 Edition [Reader Post]

President Barack Obama, for about the 100th time: “This jobs bill is fully paid for. This jobs bill contains the kinds of proposals that Democrats and Republicans have supported in the past. And now, I want it back. It is time for Congress to get its act together and pass this jobs bill so I can sign it into law.”

Say What? 10/1/2011 Edition [Reader Post]

Obama on Black unemployment being nearly double the national average at 16.7 percent: “It gets folks discouraged. I know. I listen to some of y’all,”

President Barack Obama: “The Republicans in Congress call this class warfare. Well you know what? If asking a billionaire to pay the same tax rate as plumber or teacher makes me a warrior for the middle class, I’ll wear that charge as a badge of honor. Because the only class warfare I’ve seen is the battle that’s been waged against the middle class in this country for a decade.”

Say What? 8/24/2011 Edition [Reader Post]

Chris Matthews: “Aren’t you worried, though, that in a world where we have to compete with science, in science and technology with Chinese and Indian young geniuses, and some of them move here, and some that are still over in their countries around the world, we’re competing in a world of science and technology to be a country that might be led by someone who doesn’t believe in evolution? Who doesn’t believe in climate change? Who doesn’t believe in the scientific community of his own country, the National Academy of Science, for example, on climate change? Wouldn’t that be kind of scary to have somebody who is so anti-intellectual as president?”