Donald Trump and Elon Musk: The New American Patriots
Donald Trump and Elon Musk, two men with the world at their feet are risking everything for America. They don’t have to, but they do. Not so different than some …
Donald Trump and Elon Musk, two men with the world at their feet are risking everything for America. They don’t have to, but they do. Not so different than some …
As we all know, Democrats and the Swamp hate Donald Trump. They probably hate him more than any president ever. Those elites, including celebrities, journalists, and politicians, used to love …
Donald Trump failed at business… a lot. USFL, Tour de Trump, Trump Resorts, Trump Airlines, Trump University, ect. Leftists love to point that out. But that’s not the whole story. …
Ronald Reagan once said: “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the Government, and I’m here to help.” He was right, the government’s not your …
One of the great places to observe the successes of New Year’s resolutions is at the gym. January invariably sees the place packed with new people in their new workout …
Every time I hear Obama was off in la-la-land while all of these low level grunts were working individually instead of taking directions from the White House, I’m reminded of …
While US Constitution and free market capitalism set the the foundations for American prosperity, it took a rugged, passionate, free people to build it. From George Washington to George Washington …
One of the many reasons conservatives dislike government overreach is because government is so often wrong about so much. And what’s worse, regardless of the magnitude of the government’s failures, …
I’ve always been a fan of Van Gogh’s paintings. I similarly like Renoir, and Seurat. Although I like some of Picasso’s early work, most of it I find a bit odd. …
Two very different news stories stood out for me recently. The first was the story of the killing of 26 innocent women and children at the school in Connecticut. The …