The Week in Radical Leftism – James Earl Carter Edition!
Happy New Year everyone! As a Nation the countdown is down to 17 days until we’re finally unburdened by what has been in the Obamiden* occupation! Let’s start off the …
Happy New Year everyone! As a Nation the countdown is down to 17 days until we’re finally unburdened by what has been in the Obamiden* occupation! Let’s start off the …
The contrast is breathtaking. It’s not simply the contrast between the protests in each country, but the contrast between the reality of the protests in Cuba and how the Biden …
My earliest memory of being an American was when I played Abraham Lincoln in the bicentennial play at Braddock Elementary School in Annandale, VA. I don’t remember much other …
Welcome back, and congratulations to those of you survived the cold snap thanks to President Trump’s efforts to get more planet warming gasses into the atmosphere! You’d think this would …
Air Force One landed in Havana this weekend, delivering an homage from America to the Cuban dictatorship. In servile acquiescence to his fascist hosts, Obama posed for pictures with likenesses of Che Guevara and Jose Marti, even placing a wreath on Revolution Square in remembrance to Marti. Such undisguised and significant spectacles of validation for oppression reflect an indisputable state of mind — an acquiescence to despotism. It mirrors the suppression of America and its rule of law, which this Administration has successfully imposed through the protection of seniors bankers who violated and vandalized American taxpayers, and America’s middle class and then, for good measure, kicked the poorest of the Nation into permanent poverty.
Obama landed in Cuba and then the fun exploded. First, he bows to Raul Castro: Obama appears to try to put a wet one on Raul and Raul …
President Obama is being applauded by his pandering members of the left’s publicity machine for poking a stick in the eye of the GOP and its likely 2016 Presidential candidates. The …
The Young Castro Enjoys a Cubano With Confidence What type of man wants to live as an Elite Socialist Leader? The two leading Socialists of the Western Hemisphere can give …