Obama Lies to Cubans, and Exposes His Real Purpose

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Cuban Military Junta
Cuban Military Junta

President Obama is being applauded by his pandering members of the left’s publicity machine for poking a stick in the eye of the GOP and its likely 2016 Presidential candidates.  The economic geniuses at the NYT pretend that there is suddenly a long line-up of American corporations running for their executive jets ardently anxious to unwrap the supposed Christmas present being handed to them and awaiting them in Cuba.

We’re excited to sell average Cubans a couple of  Chevys?  Or perhaps three of four Teslas? How?  Cubans are broke. Fifty cars were sold in Cuba during the past 6 months.  The Castros and the military hold all the money.  The Castro family has been filling its personal bank accounts with plunder since the revolution. At the same time it has used government funds to agitate mobs clamoring for communism in Central and South America, to finance and support existing dictatorships, and to finance terrorism against the United States.

The Castros accumulated so much cash offshore in 50 years that now they’ll perhaps spend a few of those hard-earned Dollars, (not the “Cuban Convertible Pesos – CUC,” or the lowly “Cuban Pesos – CUP”) on a tractor or two, . . . umm, oh hang on, America is already a principal supplier of products to Cuba.  So what gives?   Easy: Banking and credit.  The bankers are looking for direct access to the Castro generals, rather than having to circumnavigate around sanctions through European or Canadian banks.  While it is entirely possible that Obama is looking for a pretext to close Guantanamo before he leaves office and turn over the land to Castro, the banks don’t much care — they have their eyes on cash.

Increasing “business” and “financial” ties with these military dictators will make these thugs richer, increase their power, broaden their influence, and accomplish absolutely nothing of substance for the Cuban citizenry. We cannot change their mindsets and their ideologies, and certainly cannot change their relationships to the forceful acquisition of personal wealth.

The apologetic MSM is confused, so it pretends that sanctions did not work and therefore any change will be an improvement.  The MSM was as surprised as everyone else to Obama’s startling Cuba announcement yesterday. The MSM suggests this may have been a move against Putin’s plans to establish a base in Cuba — of course the fact that Putin and his Russia are now in very serious financial trouble with a rubble crashing worse than the price of oil probably means Putin regrets his recent waving of Cuba’s $32 billion debt. Putin has more critical problem than placing a base in Cuba. Are we witnessing a race to see who kisses Castro most effectively?

Obama’s teleprompter gibberish spewed more inane idiocies which had nothing to do with his real agenda.  The confused international community looking for rationale cannot find any because it doesn’t understand who and what Obama is, stimulating the guessing to flow in abundance.

Obama claimed of his Castro deal, “Where we disagree, we will raise those differences directly.”  Really? When? Why were those differences not raised prior to an agreement?  Why was there no qui pro quo? Why NOTHING on freedom, on voting, on elections, on release of confiscated property, etc., etc.   The speech was full of embarrassing clichés ensuring that we heard Obama believed in motherhood and apple pie, however, he could not help betray his feelings toward America when he told Castro, “Today I want to be honest with you. . . . let us leave behind the legacy of both colonization and communism . . . “   There it is.   The single most telling word to waft across the airwaves from his teleprompter, “colonization.”    He continues to harbor the sentiments which drove his father to become an activist against America.  In his mind these are two truths, . . .  America spreads colonization, while Cuba is a communist nation. He doesn’t grasp that only one of those is almost a fact.

TIME praises Castro
TIME praises Castro

The Stalinist Castro junta, which controls every element in Cuba’s economy and has a history of committing extortion on foreigners, on its own people, and on foreign corporations, will enjoy new-found wealth, status, and influence.  In Havana, the Castro funded and orchestrated celebrations of Obama’s announcements, may play well in the White House, but mean nothing to a vast majority of Cubans.  The Cuban people have been insulted and the rest of the world is confused.  Obama has not helped Americans drowning in poverty, or improved the plight of Americans sinking into despair from years of unemployment, but he tells Cubans that he is going to bring them freedom and wealth?  Perhaps they too have heard his speeches on Obamacare.

The apology tour continues.

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Obama lied, I’m shocked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pandering to his base ???
Polls show less than 30% of Americans were against normalizing relations with Cuba
Yes this will cause big problems for the GOP who must pander to their ultra right base especially in the primaries

There is not much difference between castro and obama in ideology

What keeps Cuba from nationalizing, again, any US businesses that might decide to set up shop in Cuba?

Slavery is the root of much of the evil in the world, and while blacks run around lamenting their personal slavery that ended 150 years ago, that slavery is a mere fraction of the slavery that exists today. The Castro brothers are among the richest people in the world. They have accumulated this massive wealth by holding the people of Cuba in virtual slavery and abject poverty. Unfortunately, the Leftist mindset finds the shared misery and poverty of the Cuban people to be acceptable. The poverty, squalor, and misery is shared among the entire population and the elites live in magnificent splendor; the same dream our Leftists envision for America.

By normalizing relations with Cuba, Obama has given the failing Fidel the legacy of his dreams, in his final days, he will be accepted by the Democracy to the North and he has the opportunity to increase his magnificent wealth before releasing his final breath. The real irony is an accusing finger pointing at the moronic Castro: he could have had it all decades ago by relinquishing the slavery of his people and letting them participate in the natural wealth of Cuba. Unfortunately, despots, tyrants, and other slave holders don’t want to give up power and control; in their dreams, they wait for a buffoon to come and bestow the gift of respect on them, before they die.

@enchanted: #3
. . . . With a serious dose of incompetence. Sadly, that has become abundantly clear to anyone watching and listening.

@Skookum: #5
Quite right, much as the buffoon did when he Officially Welcomed the African Dictators and “genociders” to a lavish White House Dinner. Never, was the White House so soiled.

Goldman Sachs must be so proud.

@James+Raider: Bankers and their enabling elites will have fortunes for generations of nepotism.


when he Officially Welcomed the African Dictators and “genociders” to a lavish White House Dinner.

Just before the “Ebola” crisis — that reminds me — what has anyone heard lately re the US troops that went to Liberia? — or where ever in West Africa? — and about the ‘quarantine stations’ for their return in Italy and conveniently spread out over the US?

What has been the outcome of the several hundred people that were supposedly being ‘watched’ that had been exposed on public transportation and in shopping areas by the ‘nurse’ that went to Ohio?

@James Raider:

@enchanted: #3
. . . . With a serious dose of incompetence. Sadly, that has become abundantly clear to anyone watching and listening.

I wouldn’t be too sure about that ‘incompetence — after all li’l barry got in by vote — did not have to have any blood spilling ‘revolution’ —

Perhaps there is a plan… a plan to send some of Obama’s administrators and advisers to Cuba to “help”. That would be the ultimate end of that regime.

Bang-it is the money and not the people. Wonder if castro will tolerate a gay amerian fool president?

Wonder if castro will tolerate a gay amerian fool president?

You wonder? –

@John: you are a one trick pony ,a lame pony

Skook as always is right on the button on this. However, let me ask another question here.

If Comrade Obama gets his way and “normalizes” relations with Cuba, how soon will it be before Obama’s Commie buddies (does China or Russia come to mind here?) move to plant “defensive weapons” (we’re talking nukes here kids) as in the 60’s. In turn can we even begin to think a President that daily espouses pure hatred for every ideal we stand for and furthermore has yet to show the balls to defend us in a timely fashion against anything would in fact move to prevent such weapons placement. My gut says no.

Please note. I’m not asking this flippantly as I am wont to do sometimes. It has been proven far to many time you cannot negotiate with madmen. NK has nuclear weapons because of chicken s… policy and one only has to look at the negotiations now going on with Iran as this President does his damnedest to aid and abet a western hating country in their pursuit of those same kinds of weapons to realize that he would most likely turn his back as his “brothers in ideals” in Cuba endeavor to endanger us 90 miles from our shores. And don’t think for one moment the countries that hate us (and this includes China amongst others) will not attempt this.

This latest audacity of the dope is nothing more than a slap in the face of Cuban Americans, who vote almost exclusively Republican. Take a look at how the Cuban caucus is growing:

Ted Cruz, Cuban father
Marco Rubio, Cuban parents
Elana Ross Lehtinen, Cuban parents
and the newly elected
Carlos Curbelo, Cuban parents, who just defeated a Democrat.

Why does Obama care what the Cubans in American think? He doesn’t. They didn’t vote for him either time and are a solid Republican bloc. So he put the screws to them with his “normalizing” relationships with the Castro gang, literally giving away the farm and bailing Cuba out financially, while we got nothing in return. Never mind Obama’s penchant for trading multiple high value terrorists for one American citizen.

I also think this builds the road to Obama handing over Guantanamo to Cuba, there fore closing the base altogether. Then what? We will have radical Islamist terrorists housed on American soil, which has been his goal from the git-go.

Too bad the Republican leadership sold their cajones to the highest bidder.


And don’t think for one moment the countries that hate us (and this includes China amongst others) will not attempt this.

And with the COMMUNISTS controlling the Panama Canal — Thank You Jimmah Cahtah – you a$$hole — and about to dig another across Central America, having mega container ports in Bermuda and Long Beach, Commie morons in Venezuela, — looks like the whole Caribbean has been taken over — do not leave out this SOB administration shutting down US oil drilling in the Caribbean and green lighting China drilling and subsidizing Brazil’s oil drilling! Vancouver, Canada has been known as Hong Kouver for over 30 years — San Francisco has been Chinese for the last 60 years- Seattle has a Chinese port director and a massive unused container terminal — would be interesting to know what’s going on behind those scenes! Thank your local demo-COMMUNIST voter and the RINO enablers.


I also think this builds the road to Obama handing over Guantanamo to Cuba, there fore closing the base altogether. Then what? We will have radical Islamist terrorists housed on American soil, which has been his goal from the git-go.

My thoughts exactly as I was about to write this comment!

Too bad the Republican leadership sold their cajones to the highest bidder.

They haven’t had any since the 1930’s — ref backstabbing Goldwater, stuffing Nixon and Kissa$$inger down our throats, backstabbing Reagan as much as possible until they couldn’t ignore him any longer — then compromising him with Bush the First — then the long string of loser RINO’s – backstabbling Sarah Palin – to the extent they ignored her at the 2012 election — those dip$hits lost so many voters with that crap on top of nominating an Architect of Obamacare (Gruber was in on setting up MA care also) — they threw the whole election to the COMMUNIST party.

Crying Juannie and turkey gobbler MuckConnell have to be replaced!


Hasn’t Castro heard of the Laffer Curve? He would get far more money if he lowered his rate.

The only reason the people of Cuba will work under such a tax rate, other than to keep their family from starving will be to set up an opportunity to defect. Castro like nearly all slave owners and the elitists of our country who admire them, want to control large groups of people; in effect, to own them as slaves. In America, the ignorant and the naive are standing in line to accept the shackles of slavery, to be owned by the elite totalitarians who know so well how to dictate the lives of other people. Why do you think they admired Chavez and Fidel? These tyrants could care less about Laffer’s Curve, they want complete and total control, maximizing return of tax revenue becomes academic for them. They want the entire enchilada.


In America, the ignorant and the naive are standing in line to accept the shackles of slavery, to be owned by the elite totalitarians who know so well how to dictate the lives of other people.

And voting for slavery – 2 or 3 times over – whenever possible!

@Skookum: #23
We can add to this comment that given the lack of real Republican Response to Obama’s amnesty for all program, we can expect an explosion of floating logs, rafts, and leaky boats, carrying human beings launched from Cuba.

@james raider:

We can add to this comment that given the lack of real Republican Response to Obama’s amnesty for all program, we can expect an explosion of floating logs, rafts, and leaky boats, carrying human beings launched from Cuba.

OOOPS– TOTALLY WRONG there buddie — what you WILL see is the US Navy and or Cruise Ship industry used to import NOT only refugees — BUT — more ‘eff’n CO)MMUNIST apparatchiks !!!!

To total G-D ‘ELL with the demo-COMMUNIST party and their G-D RINO enablers!!!

The economic geniuses at the NYT pretend that there is suddenly a long line-up of American corporations running for their executive jets ardently anxious to unwrap the supposed Christmas present being handed to them and awaiting them in Cuba.

Yet I foresee that great numbers of the limousine-left will do exactly that. Starting with the Hollywood and New York socialites socialists being on the first flights out.

@Ditto: #27
Ditto, you’re probably right — plenty of self-proclaimed members of the “beau mode” from N.Y. and Hollywood will fight for a place at the front of the line to shake hands with the Castros. They’ll be calling their buddy on the golf course in Hawaii, to put-in a good word for them.

This ridiculous Non-Deal is so far beyond the pale of common sense it that it is incomprehensible.

This is significant article and it becomes more poignant on the second read. Obama’s bizarre relationship with the Castro brothers or maybe the Cuban elite, should be researched, until the missing component is found. There is something dreadfully wrong with this scenario and Americans are probably about to subsidize another wealth redistribution scheme: Americans are going to empty their pockets to pump up the off-shore bank accounts of billionaires, under the pretense of giving the Cuban people a chicken dinner.

Good work, JR

@Skookum: #29
Merry Christmas Skook, and thank you for the positive note.

Americans are probably about to subsidize another wealth redistribution scheme

For 6 years everything this liar has done, has weakened America.

Additionally, his stance toward dictators in Africa, in South America, and in the Middle East should be viewed as insanity, from an American perspective. And yet, 40% of the Nation still supports him. In 6 years, all of America’s enemies have become emboldened.

On the other hand, American friends like Canada and Israel, have had their legs pissed on by this goof. There’s a reason he put an end to the European missile shield — it has to do with his deep seated hatred for Europeans. That’s why he didn’t want any quid pro quo from Putin — he didn’t care, and the MSM turned itself into pretzels to excuse his decision.

By the time he leaves office, one of Obama’s crowning glories will be that the terrorists that are the Iranian ayatollahs, will have nuclear capabilities under thumb. The MSM has already laid the groundwork for America’s acceptance of this fact. And now. just a few miles offshore, a capable enemy for whom the doors are now being thrown wide open.

Obama will sit on a UN created throne, probably a mobile one so that he can run around a golf course in Havana with Holder, and pontificate to the world, belching idiocies that will make sense to no one, not even his dim-witted horde of ideological sycophants.

None of this bodes well.