Trump and Pro-Athletes Spar Over Flag, National Anthem, White House Visit; Lefties Scream Racism


Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion:

Twitter has been afire today with the controversy about Stephen Curry going to the White House and reactions to President Trump’s speech in Alabama.

During President Trump’s speech at a rally for Luther Strange (R-AL), he addressed the growing trend among NFL players to kneel disrespectfully during the national anthem.  Trump asked, ““Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say ‘get that son of a b***h off the field right now – he’s fired’?”.

Most people hearing or reading this comment recognize that the president is referring to the disrespectful kneeling “protest” that involves football (and other sports) players deliberately taking a knee during the national anthem.

The Warriors’ Stephen Curry hesitated when asked about whether he would attend the White House celebration, and Trump responded by rescinding the invitation to Curry.

The left, as always, hears RAAACISM not patriotism in the president’s comments.  They are subsequently completely unhinged in their response to their own fevered and deliberate misinterpretation of Trump’s comments.

Then-49er Colin Kaepernick who started this disturbing trend in response to the short-lived Black Lives Matter explained his rationale last year to NFL Media.

NFL reports:

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. “To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”

The resulting controversy was explosive, and Kaepernick has had trouble finding a new team since leaving the 49ers.

Since then, more and more players have started kneeling for the anthem, including at least one white player.

The president’s comments, reflective of a lot of Americans’ thoughts on the issue, were received as racist apparently because the majority of NFL players who take a knee during the anthem are black or brown.  Therefore, according to leftist logic, any criticism of these players’ actions is not about the players’ actions at all; it has to be—can only be—about their race.

The NFL issued the following statement:

Just so we are all clear: it is not disrespectful or divisive to take a knee during the national anthem, but it is disrespectful and divisive to speak out against it.

Ah yes, because Trump never attacks white people. Or something.

Washington Redskins’ linebacker Zach Brown makes a potentially arguable point, that football has nothing to do with the President.

For the point to stand, however, it has to work both ways.  Football is no place for political protests, either.

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@richard wheeler:

Be a little smarter–“it” connotes singular as in Super Bowl.

I’m guessing you’re trying to be funny. Right? So if a team wins all their games, including the SB and they say ‘we won it all’ they mean they ONLY won the superbowl? Going by your statement, the word ‘it’ means Superbowl and the word ‘them’ means all the other games. So ‘won it all’ means they were 1-16? winning ‘only’ the superbowl? how did they get into the superbowl without winning any playoff games (all part of ‘them’ not ‘it’? I think you’ve tied yourself into a ball trying to be cute. Let me make a note so I’ll remember this. The next time a pro team says “we won it all’ it means they were 1-16, winning ONLY the superbowl. ‘got it’.

@Richard Wheeler: Saints fans burning their souvenier gear. State legislatures already working to kill grants to pro teams for stadiums, etc. Lot’s of tax loopholes going bye bye. Huge advertiser refunds having to be made by network for low viewership on Sunday night. (amounts to over 34 million just for sunday night game. You think the loss of millions and millions will not affect payrolls, etc? Many teams now exist only on tv contracts, if that tumbles, they tumble. Attendance severely down from last year and down 4% from one week ago. You think this is a short term thing. Once lost, fans will not come back. I used to like NBA, haven’t even seen a score from one in at least years. Not even sure who won last championship and don’t care. Will never go back.

@Richard Wheeler: Even with deflategate, I still thought Brady was one of the ‘good’ guys of the games. Now, if the patriots came to town and were playing at the high school field and admission was free, I wouldn’t go. That’s how many people are feeling about. it.

@Richard Wheeler:

like Nike and Under Armour

I like Nike shoes, have worn them regularly for at least 10 years, just threw all pairs in garbage. UnderArmour is good gear, just put last pair of warm ups in garbage. Will never wear again. I’m not the only person feeling that way.

@Redteam: You do love to ramble–KISS works best for me.
You claim to be a sports fan?
Win IT all—Baseball–World Series
Hockey–Stanley Cup
Football–Super Bowl

I’m sure you’re gonna ruin Phil Knight’s day throwing away his shoes.
Thank God Tom Brady still has Giselle after losing you.

You and Trump obviously love the turmoil—he’s feeding his red meat base of which you’re a proud member primarily to divert people from his massive failures.
You’re giving up sports,
movies, concerts, clothes etc lucky you’re in your golden years–you having ANY fun–RT?

@Richard Wheeler: If only it were only 1 fan or customer, but we come at them in waves thousands and thousands telling them enough is enough you have crossed the line. Lots of players are spokesmen for local businesses, few live just on their NFL salaries to live better than any kings in history.
Can you name one NFL player that is living in the same neighborhood he grew up in, how many were at the top of their graduating class.

@Richard Wheeler:

There were 3 or 4 guys protesting–then Trump gives his “fire the SOB’S” rally speech and you got 300 including coaches and owners—this has become anti-Trump—a divisive move by DT–He enjoys conflict

The VAST majority of Americans agree with Trump. One of his outstanding qualities is that he can say, in understandable language, what American values are.

For bitter sore-losers, nothing Trump says or does can gain approval. Why? Because he committed the sin of blocking Hillary from continuing the US downward spiral into socialism and corruption. We were all fully aware how childish NFL players are; we see it every game. We didn’t really need a full demonstration of how childish they are, but we now know they are just as childish, spoiled, bitter, sore-loser butt-hurt as the rest of liberal America.

You and Trump obviously love the turmoil

Who was it that started a “protest” based on lies promoted by the race-baiting left? I don’t think it was Trump. The left, as usual, is the source of the turmoil. Trump merely addressed it honestly.

@Richard Wheeler:

There were 3 or 4 guys protesting–then Trump gives his “fire the SOB’S” rally speech and you got 300 including coaches and owners—this has become anti-Trump—a divisive move by DT–He enjoys conflict

Oh, I see; so a bunch of snowflakes are butthurt because the President of the United States thinks they are acting “stupidly?” That’s your excuse? You do remember the presidential use of the word “stupidly”, don’t you?

This is what should be in the headlines:



(per the Chicago Sun-Times 9/25/2017)

A total of 37 people, seven more than previous weekend reports the Chicago Tribune, were shot from 7:30 p.m. on Friday through approximately 8:30 p.m. on Sunday.

According to the Times, gun violence claimed 184 people in Chicago from June 21 to Sept. 21. The city has recorded more than 507 homicides so far in 2017.

Tell me, RW, how many of those 37 do you think were blacks shot by other blacks in the People’s Republic of Chi-town?

Nah, they’re butthurt because their little snowflake egos were put on the line. I’ll give them some respect when those players, especially the black ones (which make up 70% of the NFL) do something to help the victims in Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis and South LA. Until then, they are just overpaid, over rated cry baby snowflakes who don’t deserve any respect as many of them, earning millions of $$, blow it on booze, broads, drugs (including steroids), fancy digs and pit bulls then whine when the bill comes dues because of injuries and they don’t have the money to pay their medical bills. Earl Campbell they’re not.

The NFL would not allow the Dallas Cowboys to take bended knee when police officers were gunned down in Dallas and the media railed on Tim Tibow when e took bended knee to pray (the NFL was shocked, I tell you, shocked over that) yet here they are last weekend, butthurt egos in hand, taking bended knee over a perceived injustice of the POTUS insulting them. If they are that fragile, perhaps they should get out of the game.

No big deal about Nike and Under Armour. Here is how it works: when the NFL fans stop buying Nike and Under Armour, and they will, those players will feel the crunch more than anyone. They can say “good by” to those heafty endorsement checks they get from those companies. Or had you forgotten that players don’t endorse a product without being paid for it? I stopped buying Nike a long time ago when they sold out to China. And I have to check the labels for New Balance to make sure what I buy is made in the USA.

And what about the whole “safe space” mantra of the left? I could go to a Cowboys game, sit next to a rabid left winger (like you) and have something in common; my support of the Cowboys. A reprieve from the constant barrage of political warfare. No longer. The NFL has simply become a political tool where now, depending on your politics, you support the NFL snowflakes, or you don’t. You see, the left is never happy unless they can destroy.

You wore that flag on your sleeve, RW. But your left wing politics is so strong that you will defend those who dishonor that flag. News flash!! Trump’s name is not in the National Anthem and his face is not on the flag. And your service in prior years doesn’t give you a pass today. Remember, Benedict Arnold was a great patriot, until he wasn’t.

@retire05: Trump will lose this war against the NFL and move on to some other foolish battle. Fans will not stay away.
He should have left CK and the few who knelt with him alone—Instead he throws red meat to his white supremicist Trumpists in of all places ALABAMA.
Why? Diversion from his current failures. He loves to stir the pot–thrives on it. Unnecessary. His 35% base, as witnessed here–love it–other 65% definitely do not.
“acting stupidly” He said “fire the SOBs” Still The Apprentice.

Bill–3 or 4 players protesting and mostly ignored–Trump escalates to a war–question is why?

@Richard Wheeler:

Trump will lose this war against the NFL and move on to some other foolish battle. Fans will not stay away.

Sorry, RW, but it is the NFL that is going to loose, bigly. All those unsold tickets, all those who refuse to tune in to watch, all those $$ lost by companies that sponsor the League. Viewers are already down by 10% this season. That’s gonna leave a mark. The Cowboys were booed when they took a knee even though they finally stood for the anthem.

He should have left CK and the few who knelt with him alone—Instead he throws red meat to his white supremicist Trumpists in of all places ALABAMA.

Give me a fricking break. Anyone beyond the borders of Loonafornia, you know,, those of us in flyover county, are “white supremacist Trumpists” to you. Name calling, degrading the opposition, seems to be all your radical leftists have.

Now, answer why you, who wore that very flag on the sleeve of your uniform, thinks over paid, overly pampered snowflakes are right for insulting that very flag. Not one of those snowflakes every turned down a Benjamin, have they? And which one of the Steelers stood, as per NFL rules, with his helmet under his left arm and his right hand over his heart? A VETERAN. Only to get dissed by his own coach. Guess you think that’s OK. You need to stop with the Semper Fi crap since you have such little respect for the very flag men have died to hold high.

Your hypocrisy never ends, does it?

@Richard Wheeler:

Trump will lose this war against the NFL and move on to some other foolish battle. Fans will not stay away.

HA! He has already WON! Did you see the Monday night game? The NFL tried to come up with a typically chicken$hit evasion of responsibility by allowing everyone to take a knee BEFORE the national anthem, then stand for the anthem. Why do you suppose they did that, Rich? Because it was “right”? They did it because, due to these stupid protests based on racist lies, they are BLEEDING ratings.


The NFL has a rule that players must stand for the national anthem or be fined. They are taking the coward’s way out so they don’t have to confront the spoiled the little million-dollar babies and enforce their own rules, a typical liberal response.

Bill–3 or 4 players protesting and mostly ignored–Trump escalates to a war–question is why?

Because they are WRONG. Because they disrespect the flag, the nation, the military and veterans. Unlike Obama, Trump does not compliment and encourage bad behavior. Pittsburgh quarterback Rothlissberger has already come out with regrets on folding to Tomlin and joining the protest in favor of racist lies.

He should have left CK and the few who knelt with him alone

So, when just a few people break the rules, it should be ignored, hoping it just goes away. When a player celebrates excessively in the end zone, it should just be ignored and maybe no one else will do it. Pass interference should be ignored so more players won’t do it also, in solidarity. Since only a few people commit armed robberies, maybe we should ignore it and then it would just go away? Is that why robberies keep happening… because we punish it? Who knew?

I think it is disgusting to make a player… a PLAYER… make that kind of decision. Villanueva has been reprimanded… FOR FOLLOWING THE RULES… and feels torn for honoring his flag and country instead of standing with his protesting teammates. That is just about the most disgusting and unconscionable treatment of a player, especially a veteran, I can imagine. But, I suppose THAT’S not divisive, is it, Rich? Forcing players, obviously against their will, to break rules and disgrace themselves before their fans is not divisive, is it?

Trump is on the side of right, patriotism, honor and truth. If that is WRONG, then this entire nation is in a LOT of trouble. The left infects and destroys everything it can… and YOU defend it.

@retire05: Many Vets feel our fight was so people could freely exercise their First Amendment Rights–This protest including the likes of Brady, Rodgers, Kraft and James is not against the Flag or Patriotism–It’s against Trump’s foolish and divisive intrusion.

Bill you say “Trump on side of right, patriotism, honor and truth” BS That was Superman who he surely is not. He loses this battle
Booed by Arizona fans–that surprise you?

How deep is the commitment of NFL players when it comes to taking a stand against the flag and anthem (pretending it is Trump they oppose?)
Not very.
Not if it involves any cost.

Take the Oakland Raiders.
Last night they 1st were going to hide in the locker room so the public wouldn’t even see their “commitment.”
They were told doing that would cause forfeiture of the coin toss.
Their opponent would start BOTH halves with possession of the ball.
The Raiders would also have a 15 yard penalty.
So, they came out of the shadows and stood, holding hands while 5 or 6 of them knelt.

And what does the NFL Rule book say?
ALL players MUST be on the field for the anthem, standing, helmet in left hand, quiet, respectful.

$1.3 BILLION is on the line.
That’s how much taxpayer $$$ the NFL gets annually.
That’s $$$ that can be cut off completely.

The NFL is suffering a ratings and attendance spiral down.
How will it make payroll for all these millionaires without fans or backers?

Then they’ll really be free to express themselves, 24-7.
Colin Kap has that freedom now.
What’s he doing with it?

@Richard Wheeler:

: Many Vets feel our fight was so people could freely exercise their First Amendment Rights–This protest including the likes of Brady, Rogers, Kraft and James is not against the Flag or Patriotism–It’s against Trump’s foolish and divisive intrusion.

BULLSH!T. Trump’s face is not on the flag nor is his name in the anthem. Those two things are what brings us all together as Americans. If they want to protest Trump, fine, but they dishonor what has always been common ground.

Why don’t you try to explain how you could have worn that flag on your sleeve and still defend NFL snowflakes dishonoring it? Picture the flag raising on Iwo Jima; do you think those men felt it was, to paraphrase Grebbie Goebbels, just a piece of cloth? Why was raising that flag so damned important to the point where they lowered the smaller flag and put up a really big one? Do you really think that all those fans that booed the Cowboys voted for Trump? Really? Are you that delusional? Oh, that’s right, you don’t answer questions. You just obfuscate. That’s your M.O. because you have no legitimate response.

If those NFL snowflakes want to do something notable, why don’t they help kids trapped in bad schools and violent neighborhoods escape that life so they have a chance at a better future? Why don’t they protest the slaughter going on in Chicago? Instead, that slug Colin Kapernick, raised by loving WHITE parents, wears socks showing police as pigs.

But you don’t answer the questions that make you uncomfortable, ever. You ignore them, just like the rest of the radical left. Your hypocrisy continues to grow.

@retire05: I’ll say it for the last time—this protest is not against the flag or patriotism.
You think it is—you got a right to be wrong.
Let me know when the Cowboys get booed in DALLAS.

Nan The players coaches owners and commish are not “pretending.” It is against Trump.–you are the one pretending it’s not.
I say the NFL will not spiral down—your clownish messiah can’t pull that off Nan.

Bill What gives you the right to speak for Vets? you who willingly decided not to serve

@Richard Wheeler: When these guys sign their million-dollar NFL contracts, they are signing to abide by the laws of the NFL. When they disrespect the flag, the country, the military AND the President, they are violating their contract and should be fined. They are being given lots of leeway, yet they feel “oppressed”.

Yes, Trump has won, but it really isn’t his victory; he merely stood on the winning side. Yes, the NFL’s cowardly little scurry away from the issue was booed resoundingly in Arizona… as the protesting “Patriots” were booed. I really don’t care if you delude yourself into believing that the majority have the warped views of the evil, oppressing United States as you do, but you had best wake up and experience a little bit of reality. I would be a real eye-opener. No, the fans booing such childish cowardice does not surprise me. It should surprise YOU, though. Surprise and frighten you.

@Deplorable Me: Your 56 is pure BS Bill–Trump has won Nada–The majority of our citizens stand against him–the delusion is yours and your fellow Trumpeteers.
” Frighten me??” You’re the guy that was too frightened to join the military and serve your country Bill.

@Richard Wheeler:

: I’ll say it for the last time—this protest is not against the flag or patriotism.

Were those snowflakes knelling in response to a speech by Trump, or even a picture of Trump? Make excuses all you want. The majority of Americans do not agree with you.

You think it is—you got a right to be wrong.

And in your arrogance, because of your left wing mental illness, you think you are right. Now, answer my questions or do you not have the cajones to answer?

Did you slam the rapist, Billy Clinton, for his refusal to serve? Are you going to tell us you didn’t vote for Draft Dodger Clinton?

@retire05: I’m in agreement with Marie Tillman –Pat’s wife who slammed Trump–said her husband died to protect freedoms “including the right to peacefully protest.”
Clinton a rapist? Is Trump a rapist? Both accused –neither indicted.
snowflakes–That’s become a Trumpist favorite lol

” Mental illness” Trump admitted his in Stern interview. I’m as sane as you 05.-is that good?

@Richard Wheeler: It began as a false premise of cops hunting down black males to murder and the system allowing them to do it, Is that really happening?
I know you love worthless liberal causes such as Antifa so Rich take a knee!

@kitt: “cops hunting down Black males to murder them.” ridiculous —how bout simple equal justice under the law–
That’s it—not anti-military or anti-patriotism which Trump has ginned up.

Video of Trump engaged in foreplay?

I don’t support ANTIFA–certainly don’t support KKK or white supremicists–don’t think there are ANY good people among them as suggested by DT

@Richard Wheeler: So why choose the national Anthem to protest against. Many think the Anthem and SSB are symbols of our country to be given honor.
Not symbols of Trump or symbols of Blacks being hunted by cops, we just cant twist our thinking to that ideology, and refuse to empathize with ginned up media lies. We will also peacefully protest with out wallets and not patronize. I hope all fans keep it this peaceful, unlike BLM members who actually hunted and killed police.
Do you think there wasnt a few people there not a member of any group but there to voice their own opinion on the matter of tearing down statues?

@Richard Wheeler: Is it “about Trump?”
Broncos linebacker Von Miller was one of 32 members of the Broncos who took a knee to protest what they see as racial injustice in the country.
As a result of Von Miller’s actions before the game, Phil Long dealership asked CBS4 and other television stations to stop airing their ads featuring him.

Colin did it before Trump was elected.

This whole “racial injustice in the country,” meme is based on lies.
Were Michael Brown’s hands up in surrender when he was shot?
No, he was still charging the police officer.
His buddy made up that story and spread it as can be seen by videos of him.
His buddy was found guilty of lying to police and judge.
But he was given a new identity because he ratted out too many black gangsters for his own good.
So, his phony meme stood.
It’s still a lie.

And how is it racist that 68% of all NFL players are black (with the wealth that goes with that?)
Remember Magic Johnson?
He was one black man who really gave back.
And his generosity made a difference, too.
The theaters, supermarkets and malls he built in black neighborhoods after the Rodney King riots are still standing and doing all right.


In 2012, white males were 38 percent of the population and committed 4,582 murders. That same year, black males were just 6.6 percent of the population but committed a staggering 5,531 murders.

DOJ statistics show that between 1980 and 2008, black people committed 52% of homicides.

It would take cops 40 years to kill as many black men as have died at the hands of others black men in 2012 alone.

@Richard Wheeler: I don’t support ANTIFA–certainly don’t support KKK or white supremicists–don’t think there are ANY good people among them as suggested by DT

The crowd at the statue was a result of a call to save the statue, not a call for the KKK or white supremicists to come, rich.
Of Course there were good people there!
Many of the people who wanted to save the statue were History professors, teachers, military vets, yes, even a few people of color!
You conflate two gatherings.
President Trump spoke of the larger “save the statue” gathering only.
Filled with good people.

@kitt: Kap lost his job for his beliefs and his peaceful demonstration–3 others joined him–no big deal yet.
Our twitter in chief calls them SOBs at a testosterone fueled rally in Alabama and that insult to them and their mothers set off a firestorm. It was his call—he and the Trumpists can play it out.

@Richard Wheeler:

: Kap lost his job for his beliefs and his peaceful demonstration–3 others joined him–no big deal yet.
Our twitter in chief calls them SOBs at a testosterone fueled rally in Alabama

So Trump called Kap, and the other 3, out by name in Alabama?

How far are you willing to spin to uphold your wrong-headed left wing reactionary (I know you love that word when applying it to conservatives) reasoning?

Jazz Shaw (over at Hot Air) has a different spin on this, considering how the media is ginning up the controversy.
1st you have to think of the football players who kneel as useful idiots.

“This has little or nothing to do with police shootings, racial profiling or any of the rest of it. What we’re seeing is an almost brilliant and concerted effort to damage, if not eliminate, the National Football League.”
“[T]he activist Left has despised the NFL for years. They hate everything about it. It’s a game filled with big, tough, manly men engaging in the closest thing to warfare you can manage without guns. It’s a game rife with symbolism and, yes… nationalism. Even people who would never buy an album from a country singer could feel their blood heating up when Hank Williams used to sing, Are you Ready for Some Football. The military loves football and they fly jets over the stadiums in formation and send our nation’s finest out to pay tribute. And it’s not just the military. Our police and other first responders are frequently called out for honors at the games. Everything about it screams of apple pie, fireworks and patriotism. (Or, if you prefer, God, guns and flags.) And the activist Left hates it. ”

Sadly, this makes more sense than that this was a mass response to Trump as if he’s a racist.
Trump got more black votes than Romney or Bush 2.
Trump also got more votes from other people of color than those two.
As a build-up to this was the movie, Concussion.
Many football players have had multiple concussions yet, despite knowing this, few quit if they get a chance at the big bucks. So, that didn’t work.

This was just the next attempt.

@Richard Wheeler: I guess it boils down to you thinking the only ones who wish to see respect for the flag and anthem are racist Trumpists, you fool you utter fool.
They are already having second thoughts and backpeddling making up excuses for unexceptable behavior, hitting them in the old wallet.

DirecTV is allowing all subscription holders to Football packages to have 100% refunds if they want to cancel.
This is breaking news.

@Richard Wheeler:

Kap lost his job for his beliefs and his peaceful demonstration

Not true. He lost his job because he was a very poor qb and couldn’t help his teams win games. Most fans overlook players ‘off field’ life as long as they produce on the field. Losing lots of games, getting your coach fired is not considered as a ‘good football player’. We won’t get to judge him further, his football playing days are over. Well, unless the Somali Pirates pick him up.

@Richard Wheeler:

You’re the guy that was too frightened to join the military and serve your country Bill.

Did Bill say that at some point? I don’t recall him saying that.

@Richard Wheeler: 55

you’re a proud member primarily to divert people from his massive failures.

give me a rundown of one or two of his ‘massive failures’ I can’t think of any. You don’t really consider him defending the American flag a ‘failure’ do you? Wouldn’t you do the same thing. I think JFK would be proud to stand up and salute the flag or put his hand over his heart, I don’t think he would be ‘taking a knee’. But then, JFK was a ‘real’ patriot.

@retire05: no 58, Retire, all great comments. You have hit the nail on the head.


OK. You need to stop with the Semper Fi crap since you have such little respect for the very flag men have died to hold high.

Retire, you are correct. RW is the first ‘former’ Marine to quit believing in Semper Fi. that I know of. A real Marine would not sit here and defend POS tearing down his country and the flag he once held in reverence. I agree with you, RW should refrain from using Semper Fi until he becomes a real Marine again.

@kitt: You continue to play the fool ,one of Trumps useful idiots–sorry to say.
This is not about the flag or patriotism.

RT same as Kitt–Trump’s got you 2 all riled up
FAILURE to overturn ObamaCare Can’t even sell his own party
You and I know Kap is being blackballed–so far

Nan–few will cxl or stop watching—it’s an addiction. Trump got about 9% of Black votes 4% of women–Mac and Mitt got about 8%—huge improvement lol

Are you all expecting a massive boycott of games? Winning teams attendance will hold or increase–big losers will be hurt–as usual.

RT RE Bill–he’ll answer that.
He’ s honest though misguided–never thought our gal Kitt would go full Trumpeteer after his Cruz accusations–where is Ted on this?

@Richard Wheeler:

Many Vets feel our fight was so people could freely exercise their First Amendment Rights

And if you choose to exercise your right to demean the American flag and the country and military that it stands for, then it also stands for your right to move your ass back to the jungles of Africa. Your right to protest injustice does NOT extend to a right to protest and disrespect the very symbol that ‘gives’ you that right.

@Richard Wheeler:

Bill What gives you the right to speak for Vets? you who willingly decided not to serve

I suppose it is the same right that allows coddled million dollar babies to disrespect the flag, country, military and vets over a racist liberal lie. Would you agree or disagree?

One does not have to be a vet or military genius to see through this thinly veiled hatred of America. One wonders, though, how someone who supposedly DID serve allows such disrespect to go by unnoticed? How could a military vet still support someone that wrote he LOATHED them? How could someone that actually served side with the very people that spat upon his brothers in arms as they returned from the front? I certainly don’t excuse such abuses.

@Richard Wheeler:

@Deplorable Me: Your 56 is pure BS Bill

I am afraid I don’t have a 56. However, if public opinion were not turning against the NFL, they would never have orchestrated that sickening little theater Monday night. By the way, how do you feel about Tomlin singling Villanueva out for doing the RIGHT thing, following the rules and honoring the country he fought for? I find that disgusting, but then again, I’m not a vet so I don’t have any right to honor vets and be disgusted by how liberals treat them, do I?

” Frighten me??” You’re the guy that was too frightened to join the military and serve your country Bill.

Yeah, frighten you because you appear to have turned into a coward, one that hides behind accusations of racism and free speech to justify anti-American sentiments. I will freely admit, the prospect of going to Vietnam was frightening, especially in light of how our beloved media was characterizing the conflict. However, I assumed I was going and would be drafted… just like everyone else. Except, by then, the war was winding down and the draft was not taking so many. Yet, despite some, I remained a dedicated American, loving and supporting my country, not looking for false accusations to make against her and justifications to despise her flag.

What’s YOUR excuse?

Clinton a rapist? Is Trump a rapist? Both accused –neither indicted.
snowflakes–That’s become a Trumpist favorite lol

Where are Trump’s accusers? Once they have been used (and failed) they evaporate. Clinton’s accusers have taken him to court and gotten judgments awarded… and they continue to make their charges.

: “cops hunting down Black males to murder them.” ridiculous —how bout simple equal justice under the law–

You are right… it is ridiculous. Yet, that is the position of the left and what Kaepernick is alleging and protesting. Lies. They disrespect the country over lies, which you also acknowledge. That doesn’t make your support of it any better, Rich.

I don’t support ANTIFA–certainly don’t support KKK or white supremicists–

Actually, you do until you renounce the corrupt, lying Democrat party which only survives on fascistic violence and racist lies.

: Kap lost his job for his beliefs and his peaceful demonstration

He lost his job because he was unable to complete passes any more. He got cut because he was dead weight and a liability. Displaying his police are pigs socks and his Che shirt (a real defender against oppression if there ever was one) made him an embarrassment to any team. His sympathies for anything anti-American was apparent. He simply was not worth keeping and, as we have seen, not worth hiring anywhere else, either. Do you think that is because the majority of patriotic Americans support stupid, baseless, anti-American protests?

Perhaps some of these babies would be happier in the Iranian Football League where, if you lose, the team is executed? When you get the chance, answer that question about if Villanueva was treated fairly and respectfully when Tomlin made him the villain, just because he showed his respect and patriotism and honored NFL rules. As a big, brave, righteous veteran, let me know how you twist things around to where Villanueva is the piece of $hit and those protesting in the name of a lie are the good guys.

@Richard Wheeler:

You and I know Kap is being blackballed–so far

so funny. True, winning 2 games last year did move him up to the ‘self-blackballed’ list. His activities since are solidifying his position as a trouble maker and no team needs more of those. His playing days in the US are over.

@Richard Wheeler:

Nan–few will cxl or stop watching—it’s an addiction. Trump got about 9% of Black votes 4% of women–Mac and Mitt got about 8%—huge improvement lol

I know you need me to point this out for you. In Trump’s case, there was a check mark under the W in the W-L column.
People can get over addictions, I watched games every weekend since the early 50’s but I quit cold turkey. Best thing I did. If it wasn’t for all the stories now, I wouldn’t even know what is going on.
I think it strange that a ‘former’ Marine is supportive of persons disrespecting the flag. You okay with them burning it, or just spitting on it?

You Trumpists are all boiling over—Enough

Semper Fi Captain Richard John Wheeler USMCR
1968–Awarded Navy Commendation Medal with combat “V” for valor meritorious service Republic Of Viet Nam NOV 1967-NOV 1968—love my country the flag–NOT OK with anyone burning or spitting on it and freedom of peaceful speech.

Fox anchor says protest is not anti flag or anti patriotism. Says DT is changing the subject to fire up his base–concur certainly proven here
Nuf said–for now enjoy the day.

@Richard Wheeler:

Many Vets feel our fight was so people could freely exercise their First Amendment Rights

The symbolism of the Flag does not give you the right to dishonor that flag. How can anyone say they respect the rights that the flag gives them and at the same time disrespect that symbol? Answer, they can’t. Free speech and the right to express opinions does not include the right to burn a flag or to dishonor that flag. Burning a flag is a crime, not a ‘protected’ right. When you were leading your company, (or platoon or whatever) down the grinder, suppose you turned and the guy carrying your colors had stopped to ‘take a knee’. Would you just go over, give him a high five and a slap on the back and an ‘atta boy’? And tell him you wanted to congrat him on his disrespecting the flag? I think not. But, that’s what you are saying here.

The athletes in question are not dishonoring the flag. The assertion that they are is a stupid meme, used in an effort to distract people from what they’re attempting to draw thoughtful attention to. It’s essentially a means of saying, Your freedom of expression may not be quietly and respectfully exercised during the moment we honor the nation’s symbol of that very freedom.

Trump is trying to use the flag as a means of shutting down the expression of an opinion he disapproves of, because the moment where that expression is taking place traditionally has a very large audience. He doesn’t like that.

@Richard Wheeler: 75

Kap lost his job for his beliefs and his peaceful demonstration–3 others joined him–no big deal yet.

Why do you try to maintain this lie. If CK’s team had gone to the NFC championship every year, he would still be playing. When he became crap, he was no longer necessary. He lost his job because he lost his ability. If that team were winning consistently whoever the qb is would still be the qb. Name on solid qb that won 75% of his games in any year that was benched the next year? Qb’s are just like any players, if they perform, they play. But when you can’t play and only cause problems, you ride the bench.


Your freedom of expression may not be quietly and respectfully exercised during the moment we honor the nation’s symbol of that very freedom.

As I have said, spiting on the flag while honoring it is not possible. You can pretend, but not very well. This may be hard to understand, but you can not kneel for the flag while sensibly attempting to claim that the flag ‘gives you the right to disrespect that same symbol. you can’t disrespect it while claiming that you respect the right it’s giving you to disrespect it. Well, maybe Greg can. but……….

@Greg: What exactly are they expressing instead of honor to the flag? Will they all wear cops as pigs socks?
Its sad to see a former military person empathize with the roots of this protest that is built on lies.

To all I believe the players are protesting against racial injustice-NOT protesting The American Flag
” Saying players kneeling is a protest against the flag is like saying Gandhi hunger strike was a protest against snacking.” Colbert

We Vets fought for the right to freely protest peacefully even if we disagree with the protestors–That’s what sets us apart. Kap suffered the consequences which there may well be. Trump has attempted to make this into something it is not. We’ll see how it plays out.
Please show evidence of any of these athletes spitting on or burning the flag.

As I have said, spiting on the flag while honoring it is not possible.

Perhaps you have a photograph of one of the sports figures you disapprove of spitting on the flag? Trump has set up this particular strawman. None of them spit on the flag, either figuratively or literally.

If you insist on insulting metaphors, Trump just peed on the Constitution. It’s very odd that one of the biggest d*cks ever to occupy the White House should also be the most inadequately equipped for such a performance.

@Richard Wheeler: These are the words, it is the flag he is protesting blaming the entire nation.

I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.

get it? no you and greg wont, just listen to CNN and MSLSD rants and lies, they were complicit in forming this young dunderheads opinions. Obama was anti cop, so they are, so you are. No amt of air freshener can cover this stank.
The American People are pushing back lists and phone numbers of sponsors circulating, so we can call and tell them what we think of where they place advertising.
Who is hunting who

@kitt: You don’t get it—All good luck with your protest and boycott–sorry you’ll miss The Packers games–I’ll keep you updated–I think the Packers Lions winner will play in the S.B.
CNN and MSLSD? Actually I’m in agreement with Fox News anchor Shep Smith

Do you think you and yours will drive down attendance at Packers home games?–Do you think Aaron Rodgers will be soundly booed at home–do you?

@Richard Wheeler: Nah, you’re only OK with it when a Republican is in office. We don’t have to worry about you only being opposed to it when Republicans dishonor the flag because, well, they never do. That’s a liberal thing.

To all I believe the players are protesting against racial injustice-NOT protesting The American Flag

WHAT racial injustice? Please explain. And if they are not protesting the flag, why take the moment when the flag is to be honored to conduct their little tantrum?

Kap suffered the consequences which there may well be.

Kap suffered the consequences of being mediocre in a position that requires excellence. I suppose Tebow was cut because of the prejudice against his kneeling and praying (but not during the National Anthem)?


The athletes in question are not dishonoring the flag. The assertion that they are is a stupid meme, used in an effort to distract people from what they’re attempting to draw thoughtful attention to.

Well, don’t tell us; tell the millions of people that view kneeling, sitting or holding up a resistant fist during the National Anthem, when the honorable thing to do is stand facing the flag with one’s hand over one’s heart is exactly and specifically that. What’s more, they are exactly accurate.

Trump is trying to use the flag as a means of shutting down the expression of an opinion he disapproves of, because the moment where that expression is taking place traditionally has a very large audience.

That doesn’t quite hold up since the NFL has been bleeding ratings ever since the crybaby Kaepernick started this anti-American plague. Trump merely identified it and called it exactly what it truly is.


Its sad to see a former military person empathize with the roots of this protest that is built on lies.

All leftists care about is supporting their failed ideology. ANYTHING (which would include rape, murder, compromising national security, perjury, corruption or all of the above) the liberal leadership SAYS is good the left dutifully accepts as good. So, disrespecting the flag, National Anthem, soldiers, veterans and the nation, even while soldiers are in harm’s way trying to clean up the disastrous mess left by the previous administration, is just wonderful. This attitude is how they won the 2016 election and… oh. Wait.

Again, protesting the lie that the police are brutal killers is approved by the NFL, but memorializing 5 Dallas cops killed by this racist attitude is forbidden. That is the sum of the entire issue. Because the left controls the media and the left threatens violence when they don’t get their way, falsely accusing the nation of being racist is approved but admitting and facing up to the real, deadly effects of that support is forbidden.