The Butcher Of Benghazi Wants To Keep The Choppers and Jets

Watching men die, while locked in a state of indecision or having dubious motives that prevent you from sending in available assets that could have saved these men, is one of the most heinous acts of cowardice and malfeasance ever perpetrated by a sitting American President. For seven hours, the Obama Administration sat by and watched brave Americans fight for their very lives, but if the administration had its way, the death toll would be thirty instead of four. Adding to our disgrace is the fact that within 500 miles, there were several sources of help that could have changed the situation and saved some, if not all the Americans who were killed.

Why the AC130s were grounded: Obama didn't want voters to find out that he had armed the jihadists with SAMs [Reader Post]

It’s simple logic. In Libya there is only one possible threat to an AC130 gunship: surface to air missiles. Thus this is the only way Panetta wasn’t lying when he said that it was lack of information about the threat environment that kept him from sending defenders into “harm’s way” in Benghazi. He must have been afraid that the jihadists were lying in wait with surface to air missiles, and he had good reason to suspect such a ploy.

General Petraeus: It Wasn’t Me Or Anyone Else At The CIA

In dunce’s dance I take the lead,
Books useless, numerous my creed,
Which I can’t understand or read.

Too Little Too Late

Apparently, no one at the CIA signed off on saving the lives of our diplomats in Benghazi. Now, that leaves just one other guy and he has a major problem with the truth. President Obama had no problem claiming responsibility for launching the attack to kill Bin Ladin from a golf course, but owning up to the truth about the death of four Americans in Benghazi is another matter entirely.

Fox News Exclusive: CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, sources say

Fox News has learned from sources who were on the ground in Benghazi that three urgent requests from the CIA annex for military back-up during the attack on the U.S. Consulate and subsequent attack nearly seven hours later were denied by officials in the CIA chain of command — who also told the CIA operators to “stand down” rather than help the ambassador’s team when shots were heard at approximately 9:40 p.m. in Benghazi on Sept. 11.

Obama & Clarke On Libya: Just Shameful

Clarke, Clinton’s terrorism czar, put out an article a few days ago that set me off a bit:

The last of the presidential debates will focus on national security and will surely produce another round of sniping about what happened before, during and after the raid on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi,Libya. Voters, therefore, ought to think about this issue in context.

The President Is Going To Hunt Down The Killers, But Don’t Bother Him With Requests For Extra Security

President Obama is much better at dealing with disasters than preventing them. He now vows he will personally hunt the al-Qaeda homicidal maniacs and kill them or maybe give them a trial so that they will have American justice, but don’t bother him with meaningless details about security. Security is beneath Obama’s pay grade.