Pretence of Superior Intellectual Morality and Our Paralysis

During a recent five participant discussion which had slipped from the metaphysical to the political, one supposedly educated individual blessed with a Phd whom I’d asked three times to provide facts to shore up his simplistic statist ‘talking point’ blurted out in foundering frustration, “Are you a climate change denier?” I was not so much shocked as I was seriously disappointed. Here was an ostensibly intelligent member of society, who, in a weak moment and showing insecurities, defaulted to the use of personal slight, thinking that retreating to the redoubt of his moral high ground might put me in my place.

Liberal Hypocrisy Unleashed On All Women

Democrats have for years accused conservatives of conducting a war on women. Seeped in hypocrisy and oozing with deception, this assertion has been conducted with help from a witless media, and with assistance from the influential socialist enclave of Hollywood. I use the term “hollywood” inclusively here — herding into this corral, both the players and the products of the entertainment industry.