Here’s that “conservative” candidate at it again:
“North Carolina did something that was very wrong, and they are paying a big price and there’s a lot of problems,” responded Trump.
“North Carolina, what they are going through with all of the business that’s leaving and the strife– and that’s on both sides. Leave it the way it is. There have been very few complaints the way it is. People go, they use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate, there has been so little trouble,” he said.
So let me get this straight. If a position is politically incorrect, as opposing grown men peeing in front of little girls appears to be, and it hurts businesses then he opposes that position.
This is the man who is gonna tell it like it is once President?
See author page
You never know what Trump is going to say moment to moment because Trump himself never knows what he’s going to say. The man has no core beliefs arrived at after years of thought and experimentation. He just says whatever he thinks people want to hear.
Cue the Trump fans hurling vulgarities at me for stating the obvious in 5…4…3…
I saw the ABC News interview and was confused because Donald Trump said that NC should, “leave it [the law] the way it is.”
did he mean the way it is NOW that they have started this storm of boycotts – or did he mean the way it WAS before they started the storm?
People can change their birth certificates to reflect what they think they are, sexually.
Has Bruce Jenner done this?
Or, did he just change his name to Kaitlyn and his clothing options?
I know his body hasn’t changed, and he’s unsure who attracts him sexually.
Trump announces this and then says we need to loosen our morals on abortion, a panel just found that PP was profiting from selling little person pieces.
revolving door immigation
Tax hikes the list goes on and on. He is a progressive pander monster.
@James Felix: And Hilldabeast sticks her bent finger in the air takes a political pulse and says whatever she thinks will buy her votes. To hell with reality or the truth!!
@Nanny G:
Well, there in lies the problem with Donald Trump, doesn’t it, Nan? One can never be sure exactly what Trump is saying. A command of the King’s English doesn’t seem to be in his ability realm. But stick around for five minutes, he’ll surely change his mind. It’s what he does when he gets pressure over some stupid statement he made.
Where? In what state can Mike just walk into the BVS and say “I feel like a woman today. Please change my birth certificate to reflect my feelings.”?
He needs mental health treatment, not drugs to make his boobs larger.
@Common Sense:
Yes, HRC is one of the most vile, contemptible people ever to hold office. Agreed.
Now what’s that got to do with Trump having no core beliefs?
@James Felix: Thanks for asking. I am afraid that if things continue down the path they are on now America will have to make a choice between Trump and all his or lack of his core beliefs because I don’t believe you or anyone else know what they may be or may not be or a known treasonous liar who has a track record of abject failure. If this is the choice that will need to be made I will vote Trump every time!! I am NOT a Trump supporter but one who knows how vile hilldabeast is because her record is there for all to see and examine. Sadly many will chose to blindly vote for her!! Once again, thanks for asking, dialogue is important from all sides of the issue.
Of course, lost in all of this is that fact that this SHOULD be (and is) a STATE issue, not a national one.
Thus it is a pointless exercise meant simply to ensnare Republicans, much like the Romney question about birth control.
And, States can suffer the consequences of lost revenues based on their decisions.
What has Ted Cruz said?
He Tweeted:
So, he is for making public bathroom rules National as opposed to State, I guess.
@Nanny G:
But then, that’s not what was articulated by Trump, was it?
You don’t seem to hear what Trump said, but you capable of hearing what Cruz did NOT say. How does that work, Nan?
No one, not Trump, not Kasich, no one is stronger on 10th Amendment issues than Cruz yet, you derive out of Cruz’s statement that which was not there. How is what Cruz said wrong? Do you think we should be allowing gender “confused” men access to the same rest rooms that are used by young girls?
Actually, watching this again with just this portion in context, it appears Trump was speaking about ”it” as the decision of some to create extra bathrooms especially for that 0.003% of the public who don’t want to have their genitals match their clothing……
Trannies and child molesters and rapists and voyeurs.
He said, of building those extra bathrooms, that “it” would be prohibitively expensive and should not be mandatory.
I think that Trump was advocating for the status quo ante, the way things were before the city of Charlotte and its liberal Mayor decided to engage in a showdown with the NC state house.
Did EVERYBODY miss Curt’s mistake?
How exactly does that happen?
The little girls are in the women’s bathroom, not the men’s. There are no urinals in the women’s bathroom. Is Curt suggesting that men are peeing in the sinks? How can men be “in front of little girls” and be peeing at the same time?
@George Wells: Yeah, you’re right. Most likely, they are not in the women’s restroom just on peeing business. That, of course, is exactly the problem.
@Bill #13:
Being silly about it doesn’t mitigate the fact that Curt erred in his characterization by creating a scenario that makes no sense. He doesn’t need YOU to bail him out, does he?
I’ve given you the solution to EVERY imaginable bathroom issue, but you don’t want that. You’d rather create MORE problems so that you can BLAME them on liberals, which is evidently the only thing that you know how to do.
@George Wells:
There are only two possible situations, you are either a female and use the female restroom or you’re male and use the male restroom. Having a penis puts you in the ‘male’ category so you use the male restroom. If you’re confused, you should go to a doctor and ask for mental help and they can check your genitals and tell you if you’re a male or a female, and then send you to the psychiatrist for the real solution. Then you can carry a reminder card with you and when you can’t figure it out just check your card and if it reminds you that you are a male, then you know the answer. If the genitals are not sufficient to establish the sex, then it can defer to: if the person has a uterus and ovaries, they’re female.
I don’t understand why this is a confusing issue to some.
Trump is NOT a.”conservative”.
Conservatism has been discredited since it morphed into a nightmare of failed Free-trade and Neocon globalism.
Trump is a Populist who has finally slain the much-repudiated philosophy of “conservatism”.
Thank God!
Knowing how the left “uses” people to exploit and advance
“their insane agenda(s)” I don’t think this ‘issue’ has anything to do with ‘transsexuals’ – ‘transgenders’ at all…it never has been about them…I think the Left is pushing the proverbial envelope….trying, with this baby step of course, to push a Nation into blurring the lines of the sexes.
The Communist Left would like nothing more then to reduce us to the lowest common denominator…equality – Sameness – communists – socialists…
The a left is a sick bunch…they keep forcing us to embrace and foster people with mental illness…
OR this is a set up, a lead to more moral depravity…this was never about Transgenders…
@George Wells: Bill blames everything on those hated libs.
Rasputin makes interesting point in #16—says conservatism is dead–slain by Populist Trump
Would posit that Vince agrees as “Conservatives” have fled Cruz for flim flam man Trump.
You are confused Rasputin, that’s what discredited liberalism. The libs in the Clinton admin set up all this economic downfall for the US.
@Redteam, #19:
Actually, more House republicans voted in favor of the implementation of NAFTA than democrats. A majority of democratic representatives voted against it. H.R. 3450 (103rd): North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act
Similarly, the recent Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement was advanced in the Senate by a majority of republicans while being opposed by a majority of democrats, and fast tracked in the republican-majority House despite strong democratic resistance.
Bernie Sanders on the TPP last December, before its approval:
@Greg: And did a Dimocrat or a Republican sign these two legislation’s into law? Nope, neither of these could have become law without the support and signatures of the Dimocrat leaders. Can’t blame the Repubs alone for those two.