Why Judge Aileen Cannon should dismiss all charges against Trump

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It’s been great fun watching the left spin the findings of Special Counsel Robert Hur. The NY Times led the way calling it “unequivocal legal exoneration.” That is totally false. Hur proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Biden committed multiple felonies. He willfully and knowingly mishandled, retained and shared classified information. Any and all claims of Biden’s innocence hinge completely on his being senile. Hur did not say Biden was a “sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” He saidMr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” And as I said, THAT is why he chose not to bring charges. It almost sounds like Hur knew Biden might be faking it. And hey, Biden roundly denied his memory was failing. This could all be cleared up with the release of the recordings of the interview.

And there’s the genius of Hur’s actions. It sets the stage for invocation of the 14th Amendment.

Equal Protection refers to the idea that a governmental body may not deny people equal protection of its governing laws. The governing body state must treat an individual in the same manner as others in similar conditions and circumstances. 

Here’s former acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein asserting that you can rob a bank and escape charges as long as you cooperate with the authorities.

That’s complete BS, of course. Cooperation is not exoneration. The case for cooperation comes at sentencing, not at arraignment. Biden committed the crimes. Period.

At next opportunity, Trump’s legal team should demand that all charges against Trump be dropped.

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Bragg needs relived of his job Period. Employ him as a Janitor if he c an seal out the mess he can clean it all up

Since biden will not be prosecuted, why should Trump? Apart from the fact that smiths appointment is unconstitutional.

It almost sounds like Hur knew Biden might be faking it. And hey, Biden roundly denied his memory was failing. This could all be cleared up with the release of the recordings of the interview.

I think Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden put those doubts to rest at his news conference. Faking it or not, he should be impeached and then prosecuted.

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden didn’t “cooperate” when Hunter was using the intel to peddle influence. He didn’t “cooperate” when he was sharing classified information with his writer. He didn’t “cooperate” until one of his staff found classified documents and narced him out because he figured if they were found later, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden would throw his staff under the bus… which is exactly what he did.

Rodis a “Bush Republian”! Never was a “Bush Reublican” with integrity. he lies!

Judge Aileen Cannon’s denial of President Trump’s motion to dismiss the Mar-a-Lago charges against him as unconstitutionally vague is a victory for Special Counsel Jack Smith, but it could spell a downstream double jeopardy headache for the prosecutor once Mr. Trump is in front of a jury. 

Judge Cannon dismissed Mr. Trump’s motion “without prejudice,” meaning that it can be refiled at a later date. “With prejudice” would have foreclosed that option. She ventured that “serious consideration” is warranted in respect of his contention that the Espionage Act as applied to a former president is fatally vague.

Here, though, Judge Cannon’s language is itself vague. She writes that the “resolution of the overall question presented depends too greatly on contested instructional questions about still-fluctuating definitions of statutory terms/phrases as charged, along with at least some disputed factual issues.” That sounds less like a dismissal of the motion to dismiss than a postponement of it. 

The jurist’s refusal to “prematurely decide now” whether the Espionage Act, signed into law by President Wilson in 1917, is infected with “unsalvageable vagueness” could signal that the issue will be a major one at trial. The constitutional requirement of due process and the criminal law’s bedrock rule of lenity — ambiguities are to be resolved in the defendant’s favor — mean that vague statutes are generally treated with judicial skepticism.

Judge Cannon has not yet set a trial date for the Mar-a-Lago case. Mr. Trump is accused of violating 32 counts of the Espionage Act, as well as several obstruction statutes. Nevertheless she previewed the possible reemergence of the issue during trial, “to be raised as appropriate in connection with jury instruction, briefing and / or other appropriate motions.”

The short order — it comprises only a page and a half — puts into sharp relief an emerging strategy for the judge, who appears to be cannily foreclosing opportunities for Mr. Smith to appeal adverse rulings to the United States Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit, which oversees the jurist. That tribunal has already overruled her in respect of the appointment of a special master to supervise the prosecution at an earlier stage of the case. 

Judge Cannon could also be cogitating on a crucial constitutional caveat. The Supreme Court has ruled that the national parchment’s prohibition of double jeopardy attaches only after a jury is sworn in, or, in a bench trial, after the first witness begins to testify. The Constitution ordains that “No person shall … be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb.”

If a jury, then, acquits Mr. Trump on account of the Espionage Act being vague, Mr. Smith would not be able to refile the charges, lest he run afoul of double jeopardy. Alternatively, Judge Cannon could decide to, at a more advanced point in the trial, dismiss the charges with prejudice.

While that could be appealed to the 11th Circuit, it would put the case on the thinnest of ice pending appellate review. During a hearing last week, Judge Cannon acknowledged that “declaring that a statute is unconstitutionally vague is quite an extraordinary step.”

It is more likely that Judge Cannon would take such a step than, say, 12 of Mr. Trump’s peers on a jury. That’s because, per the ancient arrangement of the common law, the jury is the trier of fact and the judge is the decider of law. This means that a jury can decide if Mr. Trump violated the Espionage Act, but it is likely Judge Cannon’s decision as to whether the law is constitutional.

In a separate case in a different jurisdiction, Mr. Trump has raised a more exotic species of double jeopardy. He does so in respect of his January 6 trial, where the 45th president argues that the Senate’s acquittal of him on charges of insurrection handed up in an impeachment precludes his further prosecution on criminal charges.

Mr. Trump, who so far has failed to persuade a court to vindicate his position, points to the Constitution’s Impeachment Judgment clause, which ordains that the “Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.” Mr. Trump wasn’t a “party convicted” but a “party acquitted” of incitement to insurrection.

Of course, in this case prosecuted by these people, the jury should be able to see the evidence. After all, it is the evidence that supposedly convicts Trump. They have already lied about nuclear launch codes and secret Iranian attack plans, who says they aren’t lying about everything else? In fact, I believe, the “classified” documents are the Crossfire Hurricane files which the left is doing everything to keep out of public sight (Trump has specifically, in writing, declassified them but the FBI is violating his order).

Yes, what the FBI was tasked with doing was to secure the “Crossfire Hurricane” binder. Sources say they did not retrieve the binder, do not know how reliable that is, but it is what it is…

Trump immunity bid opposed by 19 top former defense officials in brief filed with Supreme Court

4/09/24 – Nineteen retired generals, admirals and former top civilian defense officials have filed a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court opposing former President Donald Trump’s bid for immunity from prosecution.

“We risk jeopardizing America’s standing as a guardian of democracy in the world and further feeding the spread of authoritarianism, thereby threatening the national security of the United States and democracies around the world,” the group wrote.

The 38-page amicus brief includes officials from Democratic and Republican administrations dating back to former President John F. Kennedy, as well as four-star generals from the Army, Air Force and Marines, and Navy and Coast Guard admirals.

The signatories to the brief include Ray Mabus, secretary of the Navy from 2009 to 2017, and retired Air Force Gen. Michael Hayden, who also served as director of the CIA. The group also includes retired Army Gens. George Casey and Peter Chiarelli, retired Air Force Gens. John Jumper, Craig McKinley and Charles Wald, retired Marine Corps Gens. Carlton Fulford, Charles Krulak and Robert Magnus, retired Navy Adms. Steve Abbot, Samuel Jones Locklear, John Nathman, Bill Owens and Scott Swift, and retired Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen.

Top former civilian defense officials in addition to Mabus are former Army Secretary Louis Caldera, former Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James, and former Navy Secretary Sean O’Keefe.

The court is scheduled to hear arguments April 25 about the question of Trump’s immunity from facing charges for his role in the alleged criminal conspiracy to block the results of the 2020 election that he lost to President Joe Biden.

Trump is not charged in that case. But he is charged in an election interference case in Georgia that could be impacted by the federal action. Trump is also charged in another federal case accusing him of election interference that has been held up until the case on April 25 is resolved.

The amicus brief — known as a “friend of the court” brief — from the top defense officials argues that without rapid action to negate the claims of immunity, the cases could become moot since they would not be heard prior to the November presidential election. Trump is the expected Republican nominee against Biden. If elected, Trump could use his presidential authority in a bid to pardon himself from prosecution.

Trump’s lawyers in February argued at the Supreme Court that the possibility of facing prosecution for actions while in office would “incapacitate every future president with de facto blackmail and extortion while in office and condemn him to years of post-office trauma at the hands of political opponents.”

The former military leaders said allowing immunity would undermine confidence in the role of the military at home and abroad, and relations with allies and potential enemies.

“Presidential immunity from criminal prosecution would threaten the military’s role in American society, our nation’s constitutional order, and our national security,” the former defense leaders wrote. “It also would have profoundly negative effects on military service members, who answer to the orders of the president as commander in chief.”

The group argued immunity would place commanders and their troops in a vise between obeying their oath to the Constitution and orders from the president.

“The president could, with impunity, direct his national security appointees to, in turn, direct members of the military to execute plainly unlawful orders, placing those in the chain of command in an untenable position and irreparably harming the trust fundamental to civil-military relations,” they wrote.

Source – Stars and Stripes

You’ve already stated you wouldn’t want Obama prosecuted for murdering a US citizen. So, which way do you want it? Apparently, as is the left’s dogma, you believe Democrats should be able to commit crimes and not be held accountable but Republicans should be accused of things they haven’t done and be prosecuted and convicted, even devoid of any actual evidence.

“The president could, with impunity, direct his national security appointees to, in turn, direct members of the military to execute plainly unlawful orders, placing those in the chain of command in an untenable position and irreparably harming the trust fundamental to civil-military relations,” they wrote.

That is EXACTLY, to the letter, what Obama did. So, you are now in agreement that Obama should be prosecuted for murder.

Why are Democrats registering illegal immigrants to vote?

“The president could, with impunity, direct his national security appointees to, in turn, direct members of the military to execute plainly unlawful orders, placing those in the chain of command in an untenable position and irreparably harming the trust fundamental to civil-military relations.”

Such distrust would exist the moment Trump was sworn in. Trump has publicly stated there are times when the Constitution must be ignored.

Really… distrust Trump when it has been Obama and Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden that have ordered the missions that illegally killed US civilians or murdered innocent Afghans? I think not (note how enthusiastically the military always receives Trump) and why are Democrats registering illegal immigrants to vote?

04/08/24 – ‘Profoundly ahistorical’: 4-star generals side with Jack Smith, tell Supreme Court Trump’s immunity claims are ‘assault’ on democracy

A distinguished group of retired four-star generals and admirals from the U.S. military have argued in a brief filed in the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday that Donald Trump’s claims of absolute “presidential immunity” from criminal prosecution tied to Jan. 6 is an “assault” on the “foundational commitments” underpinning democracy and if his argument is allowed to succeed before them later this month, it threatens “to subvert the careful balance between the executive and legislative branches struck in the Constitution.”…

Not legal scholars . they need to stay in their lane.

Retired generals are a dime a dozen when the left recruits Trump haters…

Regarding the military, retired career generals know far more than any draft-dodging crook from Queens.

Or the draft dodging guy who played football in HS and liked kids rubbing his hairy legs.

Cornpop was a bad dude

Hayden signed. He also personally orchestrated the defense of hunter bidens laptop. Anything he says… Is a lie.

FAKE NEWS Trump is not asking for immunity from “crimes committed while in office”
He is asking immunity from ‘being prosecuted for ACTIONS done IN THE COURSE of DOING HIS DUTY while president.

Last edited 10 months ago by TrumpWon

They know the military. The threat posed by Trump as Commander in Chief is what they’re addressing.

Not legal scholars . they need to stay in their lane.

What to Know About Obeying an Unlawful Military Order

They are retarded not attorneys
What is this?

Last edited 10 months ago by kitt

greg is not well and his not been well for a number of years. His vitriol has clouded his ability to think rationally.

MK Ultra, via cable news network.
Remember when popcorn and coke sales went up when images of popcorn were spliced into films?
He almost believes Trump actually shot someone and lost no voters.

Last edited 10 months ago by kitt

Well, look what he has to defend? Wouldn’t that drive you nuts or you’d be nuts to support it in the first place?

We can expect a revival of that lie that “90% of firearms in Mexico” comes from the US. That’s what “Fast and Furious” was for; to sustain the myth that all those nasty guns the cartels use to murder civilians and government officials come from the US. Then Mexico sues US gun manufacturers, who play no part in these schemes, and then the filthy Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden regime kills off an effective program so Mexico can continue to try and put law abiding gun manufacturers out of business. Meanwhile, the left does everything possible to avoid any actions that might protect the public from gun crimes, assuring they continue and grow more heinous.

What’s the point? To disarm the US public. To make us totally vulnerable to the criminals the left keeps on the streets and encourage to commit crimes and a totalitarian police state carrying out fascist tactics against the public.

02/13/24 – Former GOP officials warn of ‘terrifying possibilities’ if Trump immunity claim accepted

WASHINGTON — Accepting former President Donald Trump’s claim of presidential immunity would embolden future presidents to use military force to stay in office indefinitely, a group of anti-Trump Republican former officials warned in a Tuesday brief to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Rejecting Trump’s immunity claim, which he has said should protect him from prosecution on charges of lying to and encouraging supporters who turned violent on Jan. 6, 2021, and attacked the U.S. Capitol, is essential to preserve American democracy, the officials wrote in a friend-of-the-court brief.

The 26 former U.S. Department of Justice attorneys, lawmakers and others who authored the brief were elected Republicans or served in Republican administrations. They include former New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman, former U.S. Sen. John Danforth of Missouri and former U.S. Rep. Mickey Edwards of Oklahoma….

Paranoid rantings but hey let them give it their best shot.
America is not a democracy, that word does not appear in out founding documents. The very concept was rejected as unworkable for a free society with natural rights.
Republic a concept that many cant fathom because of our broken educational system taken over by ignoramus marxist and communists.

on the money although if they get their way we will lose the republic and it won’t be long. november tells the tale.

US military personnel take an oath to defend the Constitution and to obey orders of the Commander in Chief.

Trump has publicly stated there are times when even articles of the Constitution must be ignored. That statement alone makes him unfit to command.

Unlike Trump, most military personal don’t believe the oath they take is just empty words.

Last edited 10 months ago by Greg

They don’t have to obey illegal orders. Trump stated that the Democrats had already violated the Constitution; you should get your quotes correct. Why are Democrats registering illegal immigrants to vote?

Trump stated that the Democrats had already violated the Constitution; you should get your quotes correct.

Comrade Greggie is unconcerned that Biden violates USSC rulings but continues to misquote Trum.

But what can you expect from a liar like Comrade Greggie?

Presidents have no legal authority to decide what is and isn’t constitutional. Trump’s only lawful pathway to contest the results was to take his “stolen election” claims to court. He did, and they failed—in most cases because the “evidence” couldn’t even get over the first hurdle of credibility.

What followed was decidedly unlawful and unconstitutional.

Last edited 10 months ago by Greg

Do tell what happened next.
And quote the constitutional law it violated.

Last edited 10 months ago by kitt

Try Article II,  Section 1 – Function and Selection, Clause 3.

Trump blew it off entirely, having no lawful authority to do so, but Pence wouldn’t play his game.

Last edited 10 months ago by Greg

2020 was totally infected with Democrat election fraud. Democrats registering illegal immigrants to vote is an indication they have the same recipe in mind for 2024, since they have failed miserably at running the country.

That didnt happen, the count was done minus the objections as senators lost their balls just as they had it planned.
Pence did his job. A delay of 6 hours because they fired on a peaceful crowd filled with agitators. Before the President was done speaking, to prevent the American people hearing all the objections.
Without the objections the alternative electors were not needed the coup was complete The barbed wire and fences went up troops there but mainly to abuse they had to sleep on cold concrete.

Presidents have no legal authority to decide what is and isn’t constitutional.

Oh. Really. So Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden just deciding on his own that he can wave a magic wand and make $500,000,000,000 in student loan debt go from the responsibility of those who took out the loan onto the backs of the US taxpayer is kind of a no-no? Or… what?

Why are Democrats registering illegal immigrants to vote?

Possibly because they’re legally allowed to vote in some state and local elections.

Illegal aliens do not have a constitutional right to vote in elections. If some states and localities have passed laws or proclamations does not pass the constitutional test nimrod.

Last edited 10 months ago by TrumpWon

“If some states and localities have passed laws or proclamations does not pass the constitutional test nimrod.”

Perhaps you can tell where that’s addressed in the Constitution.

1803 landmark U.S. Supreme Court case
Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137, was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court that established the principle of judicial review, meaning that American courts have the power to strike down laws and statutes they find to violate the Constitution of the United States. Decided in 1803, Marbury is regarded as the single most important decision in American constitutional law.
Democrats decide they dont have to obey the Supreme court.

That doesn’t address the question, but it’s nice that you took another dive into Wikipedia.

Ya professor took me all of a 15 second search to answer your ignoramus question, I knew the answer but the actual case name, the VS Madison part, needed a little memory jog.
How does it not address the question, oh thats right the 3rd branch of the government is only to be abused not really a way to uphold the constitution. Commies are so predictable.

How does Marbury v. Madison address the ability of non-citizens to vote?

15th Amendment

Amendment XV

Section 1.

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Pretty plain to see, citizens have the right to vote, not illegal alien invaders slugo

So citizens can’t have their voting rights abridged. Good! But we’re talking about non-citizens.

Non citizens cannot vote. The constitution is clear, only citizens have the constitutional right to vote. Any non citizen vote is fraudulent.

Amazing that you have difficulty with that concept.

Why would you be so concerned about illegal immigrants, those who violated laws to get into the country, getting an opportunity to vote?

But… why? They aren’t here permanently, they are here illegally and they don’t pay taxes. Why do they register them to vote and oppose photo ID?

As I pointed out just because a local or state group of yahoos passes a law it isnt backed by the constitution. Maybe a little Battle of Athens for these corrupt locals is needed.

Last edited 10 months ago by kitt

Fear Porn

Last edited 10 months ago by TrumpWon

you misspelled free.

I’m sure you can get any number of leftist swampers to say anything the DNC wants them to say. But, why are Democrats registering illegal immigrants to vote?

Entrapment, a coordinated conspiracy to frame President Trump. Was it not for Judge Cannon and in-depth reporting by Julie Kelly, we would have never known of this treachery.
This case should be immediately dismissed. All of the players will be prosecuted post inauguration and sent to prison for their treasonous behavior.

CONFIRMED – IT WAS ALL A SETUP: New Evidence Affirms Previous TGP Reporting that Deep State Sent Documents to Mar-a Lago to Set Up Trump

Incoming… Judge Cannon Set to Unseal Information Related to Obama Judge’s Order Piercing Through Trump’s Attorney-Client Privilege in Classified Docs Case

Incoming… Judge Cannon Set to Unseal Information Related to Obama Judge’s Order Piercing Through Trump’s Attorney-Client Privilege in Classified Docs Case
All of the bad actors need to preserve their documents. Engaging in a criminal conspiracy to create election interference is a felony.

Last edited 9 months ago by TrumpWon