Last week I caught four stories that were all bad news on their own, but when combined they made for a toxic big picture. Over the weekend, Biden* marked the anniversary of the 1/6 Reichstag Fire by travelling to Valley Forge and giving what Chris Plante perfectly called on his radio show, “Biden’s* Hate Speech”. Of course, this was the perfect sequel to Biden’s* infamous 2022 Pedo Hitler speech in Philly. On the same day I’m reading the analysis of President Unity* declaring anyone who voted against him to be enemies of the state, I learn that the DOJ has expanded it’s Reichstag Fire persecution to Americans who didn’t even enter the building. I had also recently watched Sound of Freedom (streaming on Amazon Prime), and as I watched I was curious about Lefty’s hatred of this movie. What kind of soulless monster does one have to be to not condemn child trafficking and condemning them to sex slavery? Then I got to the closing credits, and it had a few updates as to how the story ended in real life with some follow up. Then I saw why Lefties would hate this movie (aside from the fact that so many Normals love it):
Human trafficking is a 150 billion-dollar-a-year business. The Unites States is one of the top destinations for human trafficking and is among the largest consumers of child sex.
There are more humans trapped in slavery today than any other time in history – including when slavery was legal.
Millions of these slaves are children.
Ah, that ties things up – can’t have a movie that puts a human face on the misery brought on by our Human Trafficker in Chief*. Like I said, all of these are bad but on their own unsurprising given how radicalized the Democrats have become. The article I read that pulled everything together was Kurt Schlichter’s prediction that the Biden* regime is actively inviting a terrorist attack in the US that will be at least on the scale of Israel’s 10/7. If you don’t have time for any of the other links I’ve posted read this one. To tie the four pieces together in order:
- Biden* has declared between 1/3 – 1/2 of the country to be enemies of the state.
- His Stasi have not only failed to reign in as their narrative around the 1/6 Reichstag Fire even while the narrative is falling apart, but they decided to ratchet it up.
- Democrats have gone so far off the deep end that they can’t even condemn child sex slavery because it would damage the regime.
- Allowing in millions of military aged single men across our border is no accident. Remember Brother Bob’s Razor: “Never attribute to stupidity or political incompetence that which can be explained by pure malevolence.”
The combination of these stories really shined a light in my eyes. We’re beyond the point of a question of if something major is going to happen, only of when. Add to the two new developments – the DHS is treating us Normals as terrorists, and now the Feds are asking the banks to conduct warrantless searches through their customer records. What is the regime’s endgame? Damned if I know, but if I had to guess it’s that the regime is gearing up for some terror event to impose martial law and round up political enemies. For those of you saying , “Come and get it”, trust me, as I wrote back in 2022, it won’t be that simple. But in that same post I point out the Democrats forget one important rule of war: the enemy gets a vote. And they won’t like what happens next after their nationwide Pearl Harbor.
Don’t worry; I’m not allowing myself to go to some dark place. I’ve got my faith and good family and friends in my life. But I also realize that we’re running out of time. If something horrible were to go down and my family got hurt and it would have been preventable had I better prepared I could never forgive myself. I’m not going hardcore like some Shaolin monk training to be an assassin, but I have become far more mindful of how I spend the free time I have. I have a lot more commitments than I did a few years ago and have to be more disciplined to not waste time.
Hopefully I’m being paranoid, and if I’m wrong I’ll be a healthier, better prepared person. No loss there, and if I’m right, hopefully I have enough time. Hopefully so do we all.
Imagine the funding and organization it takes to fly tens of thousands of Africans, Middle Easterners, etc to Latin America…
Then caravanned to our border, primed with the Right Words for Asylum.
Then bused/flown around America, given money and accommodation.
Who's doing it?— BrowningMachine (TEXIT now!) (@BrowningMachine) January 18, 2024
BREAKING: Powerful documentary exposes President Biden, United Nations, and Mexican Cartels helping millions illegally enter the United States each year.
From South America through Mexican Cartels to America's border.
Follow -> @realmuckraker
— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) January 18, 2024
.@RepAdamSchiff just deleted this tweet
— Chaya Raichik (@ChayaRaichik10) January 18, 2024
My favorite part of a press full of brave firefighters standing up for democracy and opposing dictators is taking orders from the top on how to report on Dear Leader
— Razor (@hale_razor) January 8, 2024
Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Maine a Judge and put a stay on blocking Trump
All t hose supporting this Invasion should all get Life in Prison
Thats what they are afraid of, why they are working so hard to keep anyone pro-America out of DC or any position of power.
If the Dems decide to escalate this cold Civil War to hot I could see The Freedom Caucus being jailed
The only thing you can absolutely count on is that this regime, with the Obama regime behind and within it, is bound and determined to make the United States of America weaker. Whether they intend for an adversarial nation to take over or they blissfully think the US can exist among aggressive nations as a weak entity is immaterial; the result will be the same: the destruction of our country.
This regime is the Obama regime. The only thing that Sponge Brains Crapped Pants can decide on is which little girl to perv on
I wish it were the Obama regime. The slander wouldn’t stick, and Obama would take out the trash.
02/24/24 – House investigators scrutinize Rep. Matt Gaetz’s defunct federal criminal sex trafficking probe –
Boy, when you clowns get desperate, you really get degenerate. Totally and irrefutably dispelled long ago.
02/27/24 – Nikki Haley: America Is Committing “Suicide” by Voting for Trump –
Fox News is extremely angry Joe Biden got laughs
America does not support nimrata nikki
Meanwhile, Big Fanny’s goose is cooked.
This case will be dismissed
Why will the case be dismissed, rather than a different prosecutor being appointed?
Because the case is shit.
So, why did attorney/client privilege prevent him from saying that last week? Sounds like he is afraid of retaliation.
Hey, scooter; Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden gets laughs every time he speaks. What is absurd is that this babbling idiot will not face real questions by real journalists. He won’t even take questions unless he has the questions first, printed on a card with the name and picture of the person asking the question. But, he is more than happy to make his gigantic carbon boot print (you DO care about the climate, don’t you?) to go and take wiffleball questions and quips and automatically be deemed sharp and nimble.
joey should boot khlamydia off the ticket and replace her with “uncommitted”.
02/28/24 – Hackers threaten to release Trump documents from Georgia case if they don’t get a ransom by Thursday –
The right wing echo chamber will propagate anything the Russians feed them.
Well, we’ll know tomorrow, won’t we?
02/28/24 – Supreme Court, moving quickly, will decide if Trump can be prosecuted in election interference case –
Trump never fares well in a courtroom where logic and the orderly presentation of actual evidence tends to prevail. His legal strategy has been to avoid any direct confrontation with truth, while ceaselessly pitching a line of bullshit to his supporters.
02/28/24 – Court denies Donald Trump’s bid to pause $454m penalty in civil fraud case
Seems the people in the gym would like that creepy predator to go somewhere else.
So the court decided to just ignore the 8th Amendment. Must be a left wing court.
Oh, look, Comrade Greggie, who fancies himself a legal eagle, is at it again. Nothing like using the far left Business Insider to try to pad his arguments.
Democrats are stupid and because of that, they think Americans are stupid.
Try addressing the facts, rather than the source.
How lamed brained are you, groomer. Comrade Greggie is using the source for his “facts.”
If they’re not facts, prove it rather than simply dismissing the source.
Are you claiming that Business Insider is not a left wing source, groomer?
If Greg’s facts are correct, it doesn’t matter what the source is, and if his facts are incorrect, you should be able to demonstrate that by citing facts to the contrary.
Sorry, groomer, but:
a) I never said anything about “facts” in my comment to Comrade Greggie
b) I criticized his use of the Business Insider as a source to pad his arguments and
c) the onus for proving a “fact” is on the one making a claim
d) you’re trying to make an argument when you have no case. Stop showing what a dunce you are
This is your whole argumentative arsenal:
•Some form of “You’re stupid.”
•Some name-calling.
•Some form of “Oh yeah? Show me the verbatim quote where I said that!”
•Pretending that you know more about every conceivable topic or endeavor than the person with whom you’re disagreeing (without then demonstrating any command of the subject, it should be noted).
•Willfully (?) misunderstanding the simplest sentences and responding with some form of “Are you saying…” and then concocting something that nobody said or intended.
I understand that these tactics keep you from having to put forward any facts or analysis of your own, but it’s all old hat by now. The world won’t come to an end if you bring actual information to bear on a subject and then get slapped down with better facts.
It’s neither my fault nor my problem that you cannot make an apple into an orange.
Learn to diagram a sentence and you will then comprehend what I said to Comrade Greggie.
Lil Mikey still commenting on comments, sheesh maybe he can have an opinion if the school directors give him one.
Just as you’re commenting on my comment.
I think he is laying out the rules he operates by so you can understand why when we ask him and Greg a question, they simply pretend it never happened.
Notice Trump got over 100K more votes in Michigan than Biden?
756,636 to 618,115
He himself got more votes that ALL votes cast on the Democrat side.
Ya blue state. (sarc)
charges he interfered with the 2020 election interfered with the election how does that make sense?

How the hell did he interfere with an election, he was a candidate.
This is election interference.
How does being a candidate preclude interfering with an election? Please explain.
First let them explain how he interfered with the election.
He questioned the results many questioned the election that broke so many laws.
That’s simply an evasion of the question.
No, without some actual election interference by the candidate, there IS no question.
Wrong again. If you can’t keep up, don’t try to elbow your way into the discussion.
Why can’t you use facts to keep up? The only election interference we’ve seen in 2020 and now has been conducted by Democrats. So, how is anyone keeping Trump off any ballot for election interference?
Well, first, of course, you would need some sort of interference with an election. You know, like bringing false prosecutions against the leading opposition candidate, trying to keep that candidate off the ballot, using government agencies to censor reports negative to the party in power, etc.
Remember when Trump was impeached because he was accused of investigating an opposition candidate?
Again, not the question. kitt suggests that a candidate, regardless of whether or not it’s Trump, can’t interfere with an election simply by dint of being a candidate. I’m just asking her why she believes that. If you want to jump into our exchange, go ahead and do so, but at least answer the question I actually asked.
OK, how about this one: Does government agencies spreading the lie that Hunter’s laptop is Russian disinformation when it obviously is not constitute election interference? Does bringing bogus criminal cases against the leading opposition candidate constitute election interference? Does unilaterally and without evidence declaring the leading opposition candidate committed some unproven crime and kicking him/her off a ballot constitute election interference?
Those are all interesting and valid questions, but they don’t constitute an answer to the question I asked: in what way does being a candidate preclude conducting election interference?
Are you unable to understand the question, or are you simply unwilling to address it honestly? Whichever it is, perhaps you should take your leave and allow kitt to try to answer, since she’s the one to whom I initially addressed the question?
Trying? 02/28/24 – Trump is disqualified from Illinois ballot, judge rules –
He’s off, unless the Supreme Court bars states from making such determinations.
I’m guessing they’ll do so. The big question is whether they’ll grant presidents permanent immunity from prosecution for criminal acts done while in office. If they do, democracy in America is over.
IOW, she knows her ruling isn’t worth the paper it is written on.
She’s leaving that up to the Supreme Court. If they don’t diminish the states’ constitutional authority over the election process, her ruling would stand.
She isnt the legislature of the state. She needs to stay in her lane.
The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.
She’s a judge. Judges interpret the law. That’s why the final arbiter is the Supreme Court, not a legislative body.
Not according to the constitution. Who made the rules or laws that State election officials supposedly follow, Greg you need to think a little more before you post .
What do you think I was posting? Its the constitution.
Article I Legislative BranchSection 4 CongressClause 1 Elections ClauseThe Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.Wow nothing on State Election officials, not a word zip nada nothing.
Why, then, do you think these issues are all winding before the Supreme Court for final settlement? Is everybody clueless about how this works except for Trump supporters?
That is exactly what MAGAs think—that, and that everyone in every branch of government (except other MAGAs) has been sworn into some mind-blowingly vast conspiracy against Trump.
Well, the facts pretty much confirm the fascist conspiracy to keep Trump off ballots and from campaigning.
Or, and hear me out on this, Trump has been charged in several venues with committing crimes because prosecutors feel they have evidence that he has committed crimes.
Looked at one way, this seems to be a vast, evil conspiracy to destroy the life and reputation of an innocent real estate developer. Looked at in what some might call the light of reason, however, it seems to be the story of a lifelong criminal who is finally getting ensnared in the web of consequences woven by his own evil deeds.
OK, do your best to hear ME out. First, we had a conviction for a sexual assault for which there is no evidence an assault ever occurred, no witnesses and the “victim” herself (of dubious character and prone to make things up) cannot even remember what year it happened. For this, Trump is hit with $83 million to restore the “reputation” of someone who’s reputation is one of a flakey, demented sex addict that makes unfounded accusations.
Then there is the NYC “fraud” case where, search as you might, no fraud can be found. No harm, no losses, no victims, no complaints and the supposed “victims” all testified that they LOVE doing business with Trump because he is such a good risk. But, according to Letitia, that was all AFTER Engoron made his decision, which was made, again according to her, before the trial even began.
We have Bragg’s NYC case on something that the statute of limitations has expired and he and the FEC previously determined was a non-issue.
Now to Georgia where there are RICO cases against people who didn’t even work together and is based on an accusation made by Raffensperger that he has since renounced.
And then Smith’s cases, brought by a special prosecutor that may be determined to have been illegally and improperly assigned.
None of the accusations just suddenly happened; they could have all been charged years ago. But, it was somehow important to wait until the year before the election to drop them all, one after another, usually when really bad news for Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden happened. (so, when legal procedures delay the trials until it is too late to affect the election, as was the plan, blame those who waited to pull the trigger)
In addition, there are numerous accounts of these prosecutors visiting and coordinating with the White House, not to mention Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden telling Herr Obergruppenfuhrer Garland that Trump should be prevented from running. We also see the same words coming out of all these mouths at the same time in vastly different locations.
Gosh… maybe you’re right. Who could see anything conspiratorial here?
Why do you think this piece of fascist shit waited until three weeks before the primary to pull the trigger on her biased prejudice and commit such a stupid and unconstitutional act? Notice how doing something blatantly anti-American, unconstitutional, fascist and undemocratic is how Democrats draw praise.
OK weasel you said it was up to the elections officials they are not judges , the elections board ruled against taking him off the ballot. What state statute is this judge acting on or the Judges in Colorado is there something in their State elections laws that they are ruling on?
Attention whores shouldnt get robes.
Now, lay off Greg. He just gets too excited whenever he sees fascism in action. He can’t resist praising and celebrating it.
Facists in robes who deem themselves all mighty and in a very democratic way make a ruling from on high for all the little peasants beneath them, cause they dont know any better.
Question it or point out that it just may be against the Highest Law in the Country, you are a MAGA a Russian stooge, racist. Yet those calling the names cant quite explain the reason the Judgement was sprinkled on the sniveling masses.
What insurrection? Who was charged with insurrection? Exactly there was no insurrection, no one has been charged, the FBI said there was zero evidence of it.
Jan 20 an asshole was installed complete with fencing, razorwire and troops to keep his 80 million adoring voters from being able to celebrate his victory with him.
The coffers of the DNC drained to prevent audits or examinations of the machines, legal subpoenas ignored, evidence intentionally destroyed.
If the 26 states that stood behind Texas decide by fiat that Biden is to mentally unfit to be President and remove him from the Ballot, it only takes 1 traffic Judge in each state to do that. Just screw all the Biden voters they are just little people.
Early voting has already begun. So, after the fact, she wants to disenfranchise millions of voters. Let me guess… that’s “saving democracy”?
What insurrection? Who was charged with insurrection? Such shameful pathetic desperation. Trump kicks Democrat ass in Michigan and they try to kick him off the ballot in Illinois. Are you afraid of losing Illinois, too? Gutless chickenshit fascist cowards.
By all accounts, Smith is constructing a case that reveals a widespread and multifaceted set of plans to enable Trump to illegally retain power. MAGA lawfare is aimed at stalling that effort until Trump is possibly re-elected, at which point he would be able to immorally end the case against himself. If, despite all the MAGA lawfare attacks and machinations, that case comes to trial, it seems likely that your question will be answered at that point.
By ALL accounts? No, most accounts (all those that take things like actual evidence into account) show there was no insurrection, no attempt to change the election (only to make it reflect the non-fraudulent part of the election) and no riot at the Capital until the Capital Police opened fire on a peaceful crowd. MAGA “lawfare” is aimed at countering and defending against fascist leftist lawfare.
Without a conviction for insurrection (or even a charge) no one should be punished for an insurrection, especially considering no insurrection ever happened, other than the coups the Democrats attempted against Trump, the duly elected President of the United States.
Well, if MAGA lawfare is not successful, we’ll be able to see what evidence Smith has gathered.
You think he has evidence of an insurrection that never happened? Why do you reckon he hasn’t CHARGED anyone with insurrection?
Why did they get Capone on tax evasion?
I think it was because he evaded taxes. Why won’t they get the Biden’s for tax evasion when they have been evading taxes?
Why did they get Capone on tax evasion instead of the other crimes which we know he committed?
Because the police and government in Chicago were corrupt and on the take and wouldn’t prosecute him. Gee… kinda sound familiar, doesn’t it?
Anything else you want to step in?
You put your finger on why a MAGA-compromised Aileen Cannon and Supreme Court is such a problem.
1 1st St NE
Why do you view Aileen Cannon and the USSC a “problem?”
Because they aren’t on the DNC payroll like Jerk Smith, Fani, Letitia, Bragg, Engoron and Chutkan are.
Cannon and a majority of the justices on the Supreme Court appear to be doing their best to facilitate a second Trump term.
Facillitate in what way?
Right now it takes the form of slow-walking the scheduling of events in a fashion that seems aimed at pushing off the trials until after the election, if possible, at which point Trump would be able to end the Federal legal actions against him. Legal, but ethically questionable.
So, was the expectation that Trump would just sit back and allow trials of obviously false and politically driven accusations to move forward in obviously leftist, prejudiced and biased districts and courts without exercising every legal right he has left? Maybe the lawfare fascists should have brought their cases sooner.
If you’ll take the time to actually read what I wrote, you’ll see that it has nothing to to do with whether or not the Trump legal team is permitted to file motions.
So you think the lawfare fascists are slow walking their own cases? Gosh, that sounds kind of stupid.
I suppose it might to you, though I suspect it really doesn’t.
Well, I’ll just leave your position at that, then. Glad you confirmed my point.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but you seem to be saying that the lawfare fascists Cannon and the six MAGA judges are stupid to slow-walk the Trump cases until their preferred candidate is in a position to shut down the legal actions against himself.
OK. Yeah, you’re wrong. Real wrong. You are “I just got here, I haven’t read anything, haven’t heard anything and don’t know anything but my own bias and desires, but here’s MY opinion” wrong.
Oh, shit. That’s your whole thing. My bad.
And the USSC allows cert how? Determines date of oral arguments how?
Do you have a point to make? If so, make it.
You have already made your point by not answering my questions. You know little of the operations of the USSC and are grasping at straws only to show your ignorance.
You always accuse people of being ignorant, yet you never seem to display any knowledge of your own. Please: dispel my ignorance. Tell me what facts I’m missing.
Only those who display ignorance.
Why? Can you not find the answers to my questions on your own?
Let’s stipulate, for the sake of discussion, that I can’t. Please edify me.
Is that how you test your students on a subject? If they don’t know the answer to the test question, you give them the answer?
No wonder California schools are in the toilet.
Wow. You really demonstrated your knowledge there. Someone who didn’t know better would think that you were unable to answer your own question.
My questions were asked of you. You are simply proving that you have delved into a subject that you are illiterate on. Hell, man, you don’t even have the intellect to search for the answers online.
Again: Is that how you test your students on a subject? If they don’t know the answer to the test question, you give them the answer?
What a clown you are.
Wow liberal lawfare needs the Supreme Court to dance to their tune, they could have brought this case earlier but thought it would kill Trumps campaign, holy smokes he is winning all the primaries now the Docket is set, there are other cases to decide, Smith cant rule the SC whaaaaaa.
By making Constitutional rulings on matters of fascist lawfare? Instead, the IRS, FBI and DoJ are doing all they can, unconstitutionally, to facilitate another disastrous and fascist Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden term, just as fraudulent as the first one.
How so?
“How so” what?
How so?
By allowing Trump to actually campaign against the most failed, incompetent, disastrous regime the US has ever seen.
I answered that already in this thread. I’ll bet that if you scroll around you’ll be able to find it.
No, actually, in answering your question, I put my finger on the damage the weaponized IRS, FBI and DoJ has done to this country by refusing to pursue real crimes while they do the DNC’s bidding.
Explain any decisions Cannon or the SCOTUS have made that are not strictly Constitutional.
Who said anything about unconstitutionality? Not I. It’s clearly possible to put a thumb on the scale for Trump without going so far as to violate the Constitution.
You guys are the ones who scream “Unconstitutional!” about every governmental decision you don’t like.
It’s actually unconstitutional to impose excessive fines and penalties. It’s unconstitutional to violate attorney/client privilege. It’s unconstitutional for the federal government to interfere in elections.
Everything the left is doing is unconstitutional, so arguing Constitutionality is the core of the issue. Too f**king bad if the Constitution gets in the way of your regime’s goals.
DNC lawfare did not allow the election fraud to be presented, the laws that were broken, except in Wisconsin that ruling went in favor of the the dropboxes being illegal.
The voters in Illinois want deportations something must be done quickly to prevent that.
Oh, really. Well, according to Letitia, Engoron decided his case before it was even presented. Yeah… she said that out loud. So tell me, what evidence of $455 million worth of fraud was presented? In the E. Jean Carroll case, what evidence a sexual assault ever occurred was presented? The nation doesn’t fare well when leftist politics takes the place of judicial due process and THAT is what is happening in our biased, prejudiced, fascist courts, thanks to Democrats.
A Second Trump Term Will Bring an End to the American Century – Another four years of Trump’s “America first” diplomacy will destroy the country’s already declining global power.
But what if the whiny, crybaby, sore loser fascist leftists decide the defendant HAS no rights under due process?