The man behind the curtain steps out and he’s planning to control the 2024 election



Joe Biden is in deep poo. His approval rating is in the mud, Bidenomics is wrecking the country and democrats are distancing themselves from it.

Cue the man behind the curtain- Barack Obama.

For a while, Obama kept a fairly low profile while amassing gigantic personal wealth. But now as crime runs rampant, inflation continues, the cost of food keeps climbing, interest rates going sky high, porous borders letting in terrorists and we’re mired in two wars people are resenting the old man’s idiotic policies.

Economic issues such as jobs, taxes, or the cost of living ranked as the highest importance for voters at 57 percent. Similarly, voters’ assessment of the economy showed that 52 percent believe it is in bad condition.

On “immigration, national security, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” voters by double-digit margins trust Trump to do a better job. However, voters trust Biden more to handle the abortion issue by nine points, as well as general “democracy” by three points.

The poll also indicated anxiety around Biden’s perceived frailty, with 71 percent agreeing strongly or somewhat that the 80-year-old is too elderly to be an effective president and 62 percent saying he lacks the mental sharpness for the role. On the other hand, only 39 percent believe the same about Trump’s age, 77.

But democrats really don’t care about any of those issues. What scares them is this: Trump is leading Biden in five swing states.

That’s the only thing keeping democrats from sleeping. Before the USS Biden slips completely below the waves democrats have asked Obama to step out from behind the curtain.

Few are likely surprised. Joe Biden is not mentally capable of carrying out the duties of the Presidency. He spends 40% of his time on vacation and cannot maintain a conversation with foreign leaders or face a press conference without cue cards and scripted questions and responses. He clearly has no idea what’s he posting on social media. It’s all propaganda put out by his staff, among them a paid adolescent sycophant who barely shaves. It’s widely acknowledged that Biden is Obama III, but Biden is screwing things up so badly that the powers that be summoned are the god of all things.

So, it’s no coincidence that Obama is speaking up, but what he is promoting is really scary.

The closet socialist wants to take down capitalism.

“But just because an economic system generated wealth and innovation doesn’t mean it guarantees a good society,” Obama said. “Because from the outset, market-based systems have been compatible with slavery, caste systems, colonialization, war, exploration, corruption, fraud, autocracy, the poisoning of our natural environment.”

He claims “we’re all complicit” in the Israeli-Hamas conflict and blames social media.

“The problem with the social media, TikTok activism, and trying to debate this on that is you can’t speak the truth. You can pretend to speak the truth, you can speak one side of the truth, and in some cases, you can try to maintain your moral innocence, but that won’t solve the problem,” he said.

The same social media that Biden’s handlers use to litter the ether. Obama’s antics are a prelude to a dark time in the future. He has been working on Artificial Intelligence “for Joe Biden.” (Wink, wink)

The former president, who helmed the nation during the onset of social media and the digital world’s Web2 transformation, embraced tech in his presidential campaigns, as well as during his eight-year tenure in the Oval Office.

Embraced tech. Like digital fingerprints.

“The need for us, for the general public, I think to be more discriminating consumers of news and information, the need for us to overtime develop technologies to create watermarks or digital fingerprints so we know what is true and what is not true,”

It’s not difficult to understand the ramifications of this and it’s all in the programming. During the last election, we saw the collusion between the FBI, CIA, and social media to suppress negative information on Biden and disseminate false information about Trump. This could easily go much further. This could lead to using AI to silence individuals and target undesirable news outlets under the guise of curbing disinformation and generating genuine disinformation about political opponents, especially if the kangaroo courts are unable to shut them down.

It’s all about the algorithm.

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Personally I don’t even care what this worthless echo-chamber has rumbling around in his cranium . Everything Obama says has been said before by him . Yet it boils down the same meanings,….NONSENSE pure and simple . With that I drop the mike and pass the baton to the next patriots most deserving words of their profound thoughts . Thanks for letting me vent my frustration about these frauds . Curt

He’s Baaaaack – Obama Has Deep Concerns About Biden’s Ability to Defeat Trump and Protect the Deep State System He Built

I think deep down all intellectually honest political researchers knew The Lightbringer could not possibly permit: (a) Joe Biden to try winning an election on his own without fraud; and (b) the scale of risk that Donald Trump represents. There is far too much personal risk to the Obama embeds who have weaponized the systems of government.

The media are now reporting that Chicago Jesus has stepped back into the arena.

There was a report in the Washington Post outlining the Obama concerns, and NBC has confirmed some of the details. [Short Video then article]:

After reviewing the WaPo article, I’ll show you what I think is triggering the Lightbringer.

WASHINGTON DC – Former president Barack Obama has raised questions about the structure of President Biden’s reelection campaign, discussing the matter directly with Biden and telling the president’s aides and allies the campaign needs to be empowered to make decisions without clearing them with the White House, according to three people familiar with the conversations.

Obama grew “animated” in discussing the 2024 election and former president Donald Trump’s potential return to power, one of the people said, and has suggested to Biden’s advisers that the campaign needs more top-level decision-makers at its headquarters in Wilmington, Del. — or it must empower the people already in place. Obama has not recommended specific individuals, but he has mentioned David Plouffe, who managed Obama’s 2008 race, as the type of senior strategist needed at the Biden campaign.


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Last edited 5 months ago by TrumpWon

Joe Biden arrived in South Carolina on Saturday to deliver remarks at a political event at South Carolina’s First in the Nation Dinner in Columbia.

The Democrats previously voted to remove Iowa as its first voting state and replaced it with South Carolina.

Apparently, Iowa is too white.

81-year-old Joe Biden delivered remarks at the South Carolina State Fairgrounds in Columbia and his speech was a total disaster.

A confused Joe Biden began screaming out of nowhere as he repeated the “suckers and losers” smear against Trump. President Trump never called veterans “suckers and losers,” however, Joe Biden often repeats the lie and the media carries the water for him.

He is not well.


Biden was unable to form a coherent sentence. He slurred and struggled his way through his remarks.


Biden’s brain completely malfunctioned: “Folks, if I were smart, I’d say thank you and leave.”


Poor guy is so forgetful, his daughter has been showering alone.

It is past time to cut to the chase. Amid all that is currently happening globally and domestically, it is insulting to the informed American people that this dolt has any idea where he is, what he is doing or the intricate daily details required to be CIC.

Following his ouster, perhaps an investigation into the behind the scenes players should be conducted. It most likely is a certainty that a number of Federal laws have been broken with respect to the potential impersonation of a particular office holder, in this case POTUS.

Which former president is the only president to remain in DC after leaving the office of President? It is a simple answer.

Biden Calls Trump “Sitting President” During Speech (VIDEO)

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Left Wing ‘Fact Checker’ Snopes Forced to Admit Biden Was Wearing a Hard Hat Backwards After Being ‘Flooded’ With Comments

Here pudding brain, put this hat on and smile for the camera.

A confused Joe Biden began screaming out of nowhere as he repeated the “suckers and losers” smear against Trump. President Trump never called veterans “suckers and losers,” however, Joe Biden often repeats the lie and the media carries the water for him.

Well, he called the dead soldiers at the cemetery in Normandy “losers.” Don’t they count as veterans?

Except that Trump never did, but don’t let the truth get in the way of one of your lies.

People who were there say he did. Why are you so sure he didn’t?

I’ll take shit that never happened for 100.
Do you have a film clip? Audio recording? any proof?
sources told The Atlantic.

Last edited 4 months ago by kitt

The Atlantic, nuff said.

The Atlantic, nuff said.

No. Not enough. The Atlantic is simply reporting what Kelly said. Dozens of other outlets reported what Kelly said, as well—The Atlantic was only one. Are all the outlets on planet Earth “nuff said” as well, unless they say nice things about your man-crush?

We know that Trump disparaged John McCain for his time as a POW. As Trump himself said on camera, “I like people that weren’t captured.” It doesn’t sound like he has much respect for those who served.

Were you there in the car with Kelly and Trump? Do you know he didn’t say the things that Kelly reports? As kitt asks, do you have a film clip? Audio recording? Any proof? Based on what he has said before, it certainly sounds like something he easily could have said.

McCain was a dirtbag. Educate yourself with his carelessness in the USS Forestall incident pencildick.

It doesn’t matter what McCain was like. Trump said what he said.

And Clinton said he loathed the military. The left HATES the military and they show it every chance they get.

Yes he said it, and most of us have a lower opinion of McStain than Trump.

Aside from the absurdity of the accusation on its face…

Gen. Kelley’s aide denies Trump insulted war dead or veterans.
Atlantic’s phony hit piece just a produce of today’s “journalism”
Veteran disputes the false rumors about Trump’s view of veterans
The Atlantic becomes a fully-functioning propaganda organ of the DNC

The media didn’t really need any more proof they have no credibility, but they keep trying

Atlantic hit piece against Trump coordinated with DNC and media
Email totally refutes lying Atlantic story about Trump refusing to go to WWI cemetery

Trump’s contributions to vet groups: $5.6 million. How much has any leftist contributed to veterans? 

Nuff said.

And it was dirtbag McCain who sent one of his lackeys over to Europe to bring back the Steele dossier which was a fake to launch the mueller fake investigation. Like I said McCain was a dirtbag.

They need a “Fact Checker” to confirm this idiot put a hard hat on backwards? He should be wearing a helmet 24/7.

More money for Ukraine in exchange for slowing the invasion…
Ukrainian Defence Officials Charged With Stealing $40 Million From Weapons Budget

Yeah one of those that protects the head when he falls. But, why protect his head, his brain is on the low end of functional ability.

Because we don’t need a vegetable as a martyr.