The Week in Radical Leftism, 07/27/2023


Welcome back to Day 920 of America held hostage by the Biden* occupation! Being in catchup mode after vacation this will be another light commentary week, no skimping on content though!

6/25 – Angel Mom Sabine Durden-Coulter (short video)

7/1 – Women Under Sharia

7/17 – Lost In TransNation: Dangers Of The Gender Journey (Podcast)

7/17 – This AI Watches Millions Of Cars Daily And Tells Cops If You’re Driving Like A Criminal

7/18 – Trial Date Set in Landmark Lawsuit on Medical Killing and Informed Consent

7/18 – As White House Limits Access to Press Briefings, Daily Signal Reporter Loses Credentials

7/18 – According to Joe, Americans Are Worth 12¢

7/18 – Americans Must Stop International Takeover of U.S. Lands

7/18 – Don’t Believe CNBC’s Fake News

7/19 – Woke ‘Barbie’ Drowns In Feminism, Lectures

7/20 – “DEATH COUNTY” – OUR NATIONAL LAUNCH CAMPAIGN. Tom Trento provides details. (short video)

7/20 – The Daily Skirmish – COVID Vaccines and the Case Against Technocracy

7/20 – Coming Soon to a Country Near You: More Nations Rolling Out Digital IDs and Making Them Mandatory for Citizens To Access Bank Accounts

7/22 – The Opposition To Bug Cuisine Is Winning!

7/23 – EXCLUSIVE: FBI Carried Out Warrantless Monitoring on Man Who Posted Guns for Sale on Facebook

7/24 – Big Labor Meets Arabella: A Coalitional Case Study

7/25 – New J6 Video Suggests Capitol Police Officer Lied ‘Repeatedly’ About Injuries: Julie Kelly

I am shocked! Shocked!

7/25 – Senate candidate Hung Cao’s campaign shows how you make a good political ad

More of this. Lots more

7/26 – Every Electric Car You Buy Will Fund Al Qaeda

And help China. I’ll say this for the Chinese, they do know how to get a return on their investments.

7/27 – The DEI Dieback

As they say at Ace of Spades, “You can afford DEI in a Trump economy – you can’t afford it in a Biden* economy.”

7/28 – Blinken Gets Subpoenaed as Military Officers Testify There Was No Afghanistan Withdrawal Plan

Yep! We’ve officially reached the point where a military withdrawl disaster that makes Saigon look like a victory doesn’t even register as a blip on the radar compared to the rest of the Biden* scandals – it doesn’t get much more 2023 than that!

ICYMI – In place of last week’s TWIRL, I logged Family Bob’s Traveling Behind the Maple Curtain

Have a great weekend!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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FFS you could die any second now, just vote already!

Video: Doddering Diane Feinstein Ordered To “Just Say Aye” During Vote By Aide

New Job opening

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Last edited 11 months ago by kitt

That’s merely an example of what kind of representation people who vote for Democrats get.

Just say “aye”. Just say “aye”. You don’t have to say anything else, just say “aye”.

Aide Pushes Cart Through Halls Of Congress Yelling ‘Bring Out Your Dead!’

On a hike in new Mexico…At least this one was in water.
Why you call me an ass well? 😉

Last edited 11 months ago by kitt

Bud Light blew it Ben & Jerry followed them off the cliff

In other news Greta Thunberg was cored to pay a fine by a Judge for blocking a Fuel Truck hen claimed it was Justified a typical excuse from a Liberal Socialists Brainwashed in the Government Run Schools

6/25 – Angel Mom Sabine Durden-Coulter (short video)

Nothing is worth more to the left than getting millions of new voters to replace those who have experienced their disasters.

7/1 – Women Under Sharia

Another thing the left doesn’t have the guts to oppose.

7/17 – Lost In TransNation: Dangers Of The Gender Journey (Podcast)

ANOTHER thing the left doesn’t care how much pain, misery and death it creates.

7/17 – This AI Watches Millions Of Cars Daily And Tells Cops If You’re Driving Like A Criminal

Can it identify if one is a prominent Democrat so that no law enforcement has to waste their time stopping them?

7/18 – Trial Date Set in Landmark Lawsuit on Medical Killing and Informed Consent

While I don’t have extensive experience in hospitals, I’ve had a hernia operation and two knee operations. Each time, every person that comes up to me asks my name and what I am in there for. It must the the apex of incompetence to “accidentally” kill a patient. Well, when all our health care is run by the same government that organized the withdrawal from Afghanistan, expect that to happen on a routine basis.

7/18 – As White House Limits Access to Press Briefings, Daily Signal Reporter Loses Credentials

Well, when you are the most transparent, cancer-curing regime in the history of the universe, you don’t need reporters asking questions. Besides, KJP has already told so many lies, she can’t keep them separated.

7/18 – According to Joe, Americans Are Worth 12¢

He’s not.

7/18 – Americans Must Stop International Takeover of U.S. Lands

Especially when the only purpose of the government taking it over it to prevent productive use of it.

7/18 – Don’t Believe CNBC’s Fake News


7/19 – Woke ‘Barbie’ Drowns In Feminism, Lectures

I haven’t seen the movie and have no desire to see it. Not even curious. I haven’t condemned it, it’s simply that absolutely no iteration of “Barbie” could possibly hold my attention or be worth my money. Of course, my uber-liberal brother-in-law went to see it solely so he could POST he went to see it and virtue signal… just as he did by announcing, out of the blue and for no apparent reason, that he drinks Bud Lite.

7/20 – “DEATH COUNTY” – OUR NATIONAL LAUNCH CAMPAIGN. Tom Trento provides details. (short video)

It seems this corrupt regime fails to accomplish even the most intuitive and basic necessities our nation depends on.

7/20 – The Daily Skirmish – COVID Vaccines and the Case Against Technocracy

I get a kick out of all those virtue-signaling idiots with there heartfelt wishes for those like Hamlin or Bronny to fully recover, then go absolutely ballistic if you suggest maybe looking into what is causing healthy young people to just suddenly drop dead.

7/20 – Coming Soon to a Country Near You: More Nations Rolling Out Digital IDs and Making Them Mandatory for Citizens To Access Bank Accounts

Yet another useful idea that has to be opposed because the left will, inevitably, as they do everything else, abuse it.

7/22 – The Opposition To Bug Cuisine Is Winning!

We went to a restaurant while on vacation and when I drank a glass of ice water, I noticed a dead fly at the bottom of the glass. It didn’t appeal to me. No, I’m not a fan of eating bugs, if it can be avoided.

7/23 – EXCLUSIVE: FBI Carried Out Warrantless Monitoring on Man Who Posted Guns for Sale on Facebook

Lying on the 4473 form carries a potential 10-year prison term for perjury.” Does it? Does it, really? I guess if you didn’t fill in the name “Biden” at the top, possibly. I wonder when liberals will realize letting the Biden and Clinton Crime Families get away with trampling any and every law they come in contact with makes a mockery of many of the things they support?

7/24 – Big Labor Meets Arabella: A Coalitional Case Study

How is it that the left takes every idea that sounds good and turns it into a destructive weapon?

7/25 – New J6 Video Suggests Capitol Police Officer Lied ‘Repeatedly’ About Injuries: Julie Kelly

Yeah, but…. why did the Democrats fight so hard to try and keep the videos suppressed?

7/25 – Senate candidate Hung Cao’s campaign shows how you make a good political ad

Will the Democrats have to create a new line of racial slurs to attack a Vietnamese Republican candidate?

7/26 – Every Electric Car You Buy Will Fund Al Qaeda

And solar panels. And wind generators. Soon it will be electric appliances. Idiot Biden and the Democrats want to redirect all US business to China. If idiot Biden had actually cared about green energy and US security, he would have maintained a viable presence in Afghanistan instead of just turning it all over to the CCP.

7/27 – The DEI Dieback

We saw Oppenheimer this week and I noticed that the movie was true to history (if the persecution of Oppenheimer might have been exaggerated) instead of interjecting a bunch of woke sub-plots. Hopefully, the pain suffered by Anheuser-Busch, Ben and Jerry’s and others is helping to induce businesses to get rid of this destructive infection.

7/28 – Blinken Gets Subpoenaed as Military Officers Testify There Was No Afghanistan Withdrawal Plan

Actually, that’s kind of a relief. I’d hate to think we had people so stupid that they planned the Afghanistan withdrawal that way… even though we actually do.

How passe’.

7/22 – The Opposition To Bug Cuisine Is Winning!

Watched a video about how “krab” is made.
You know, that fake crab meat put in salads and sushi.
Turns out all that red stuff is made from ground up insects!

7/25 – Senate candidate Hung Cao’s campaign shows how you make a good political ad

Everyone should see this ad.

7/27 – The DEI Dieback
As they say at Ace of Spades, “You can afford DEI in a Trump economy – you can’t afford it in a Biden* economy.”
Kamala added, under bidenomics most Americans are one unexpected expense of $400 away from total insolvency.

ICYMI – In place of last week’s TWIRL, I logged Family Bob’s Traveling Behind the Maple Curtain
In Canada, usually touted as having great healthcare, a Native Canadian man tried to become a woman thru “bottom surgery.” He’s been in constant pain for almost 20 years but the Canadian medical system’s only treatment has been a numbing cream that doesn’t work. So, he applied to assisted suicide. They turned him down because they “need” more trannies, not fewer!
Sad for him.