The Week in Radical Leftism, 06/30/2023


Welcome back to Day 892 of America held hostage by the Biden* occupation! With many folks starting their vacations over this weekend this post will follow its usual vacation weekend pattern of light on commentary; no skimping on the content though – onward!

6/6 – Norway Bans Child Sex Mutilations (Gender-Affirming Surgery), joins Finland, Sweden, and UK in Rejecting Gender Ideology

6/18 – ‘Rob Schneider: Woke Up in America’ Torches Trans Overreach

6/19 – The Enemy Within: Collapsing The U.S. From Inside And Why The US Government Is Allowing All These Illegal Aliens And Immigrants (Podcast)

6/20 – Behind The Deep State | BlackRock Driving Business Into The Arms of The New World Order | Part One

6/21 – The untold ‘complicated’ history of Russia’s relationship with Crimea could be the spark that ignites WWIII: The West ignores this history to its own peril

6/22 – DeSantis to start launching new policy proposals next week

6/22 – How to Disrupt Media Groupthink: Train the Next Generation of Conservative Journalists

6/23 – We Know What Will Happen If the Supreme Court Strikes Down Affirmative Action

6/24 – Welcome to the World of Postmodern Medicine


Deceptive headline – the use of past tense suggests Barry O ever stopped bringing the Race Card

6/26 – An Anti-Gun Pledge for Law Students

6/27 – Humans Will Go Extinct… So Why Are We Still Here?

6/28 – Norway’s Wealth Tax Is Backfiring. Are Americans Paying Attention?

Raising taxes can have unexpected consequences and not work out as our leaders assure they will? This sounds like a point somebody raised a decade ago…

6/29 – Surprise: Heavier EVs Will Damage Roads Twice As Much As Gas Vehicles

Wasn’t there a section of the printed version of The Godfather where this was actually a scheme that the Mafia used between overweight trucks and them owning the paving companies responsible for repair?

6/30 – Radical Son

ICYMI – I dropped a quick  post yesterday asking Was a National Digital ID Imposed While Nobody was Watching?

Have a great weekend and Happy Independence Day!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Been out of touch with the 15 minute outrages, project going at camp. This week Im at home to deal with insurance companies and repair shop. Our truck was totaled by an uninsured driver on a scooter. Sweetie forges on with the project, the driver of the scooter condition unknown (no helmet I dont think he made it) Side airbags are highly expensive to replace. Going shopping for a truck is not in the plans 30 to 57K for a comparable one, we looked over the numbers and will repair the vehicle. The shop chosen has free loaners, we took the only one left, the AC isnt working. I chose to drive my car with the ice cold AC and it isnt a low end minivan.

I have decent insurance so will be ok, not free but ok
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6/6 – Norway Bans Child Sex Mutilations (Gender-Affirming Surgery), joins Finland, Sweden, and UK in Rejecting Gender Ideology

Those silly, backward Europeans, protecting children from life-destroying butchery. The nerve.

6/18 – ‘Rob Schneider: Woke Up in America’ Torches Trans Overreach

I always love to learn that someone I would never imagine was conservative (or at least not rabidly liberal).

6/19 – The Enemy Within: Collapsing The U.S. From Inside And Why The US Government Is Allowing All These Illegal Aliens And Immigrants (Podcast)

Anything the Democrats can do to dilute the influence of the taxpayer and weaken this country, they are 100% into it.

6/20 – Behind The Deep State | BlackRock Driving Business Into The Arms of The New World Order | Part One

“See how well we managed Busch and Target? Let us work our magic with YOU company!”

6/21 – The untold ‘complicated’ history of Russia’s relationship with Crimea could be the spark that ignites WWIII: The West ignores this history to its own peril

History is one thing, when it comes to borders, but territorial integrity is the “law”, such as it is. Crimea was a part of Ukraine, so if Russia wanted it (or wanted it back), it should be resolved through international law. Of course, the UN is only interested in taking bribes, so they are AWOL. However, to simply decide a territory is your and you just take it leads to chaos…. such as we have currently in Ukraine. Keep in mind, the entire area is rife with corruption due to a history of communism, which forced anyone that wanted anything to become corrupt to get it. It’s also important to remember that Ukraine was someone grateful to Nazi Germany for “liberating” them from Stalin’s rule, and they cooperated with the Nazis and Wehrmacht extensively. So, it would have simply been best for idiot Biden not to have opened that massive can of worms with his stupid incompetence and energy policies.

6/22 – DeSantis to start launching new policy proposals next week

I can get behind DeSantis. He says good things, but that would remain to be seen if he can deliver in the swamp. We KNOW Trump will, so he is the first pick. No one should delude themselves, however, into believing that without Trump, all the leftist drama would disappear. Their sole focus is taking power and destroying anyone in the way.

6/22 – How to Disrupt Media Groupthink: Train the Next Generation of Conservative Journalists

I wonder if there are those watching the “media” suppress information vital to the American citizens and deciding that “reporting” needs to be done differently? Now, unless they acknowledge the will play the leftist game and carry water for the Democrats, they aren’t likely to get work in the Ministry of Propaganda, but it could dry up the supply of leftist megaphones.

6/23 – We Know What Will Happen If the Supreme Court Strikes Down Affirmative Action

“Affirmative Action” was intended to make sure that minorities, specifically blacks, were not denied access to college education. It turned into a monster. Liberals control almost all colleges and universities and it turns out liberals just LOVE having control over the lives of others. So when those pesky intelligent Asians began getting admissions, they had to be racially denied admission in favor of blacks. It turns out these liberals feel their inherent urge to be racist can only be assuaged if there is a law against it.

6/24 – Welcome to the World of Postmodern Medicine

Whattaya bet when idiot Biden had that root canal, they didn’t use some tools or wear some gloves they had previously used and just “washed off”.


Obama is an attention whore that can’t stand not being the focal point.

6/26 – An Anti-Gun Pledge for Law Students

Sounds like a good way to weed out weak attorneys. Do they ever consider opposing Democrat policies that promote crime and gun violence?

6/27 – Humans Will Go Extinct… So Why Are We Still Here?

I still want the climate zealots to have a conference to talk about all the predictions they’ve made that have actually come true.

6/28 – Norway’s Wealth Tax Is Backfiring. Are Americans Paying Attention?

No. No they aren’t. The only solution Democrats ever have for anything is to raise taxes. Why not? THEY don’t pay them. Who IS that “Brother Bob” guy? Maybe he should write some articles or something…

6/29 – Surprise: Heavier EVs Will Damage Roads Twice As Much As Gas Vehicles

My daughter owns an EV and while the heavier vehicles may damage the road, the pothole can do serious damage to the EV’s. They have had to repair wheels twice already because of the vehicle weight and thin tires (pretty easy solution) don’t hold up well against pot holes.

6/30 – Radical Son

I wonder, do people have to actually suffer the effects of fascist totalitarianism before they understand it or can they do some historical research to get a concept of the impact? If they can’t accept that fact that, as flawed as the United States is and has been, there is still no better alternative anywhere in the known universe, I fear we will all get a refresher course.

Oh, absolutely. It’s all immaterial unless election fraud can be stopped or Republicans can do vote harvesting better than the Democrats. I am still curious (and hopeful) to see if and when Huntergate (copywrite pending) blows up in idiot Biden’s stupid face and more of the public finally comes to the realization of how massively corrupt the Democrats are and the damage they have done to government.

Republicans are controlled opposition. Republicans do not know how to govern when they have control

Your cult leader Trump destroyed the GOP by empowering bigots and idiots. Now it’s up to prosecutors to keep him from destroying America.

How seriously are you taking the credible evidence of Hunter and idiot Biden being in the influence peddling business?

Until there’s credible evidence that Joe Biden was involved, not at all. If Hunter committed a crime, he can share a prison cell with Trump for all I care.

lots of boxes of documents seems to be evidence he stole classified materials since he was a junior senator.

Seem Joey kept one of those burner phones Hunter wanted his partners in crime to have, a journalist called the number and Pedo Peter picked up…hmmmm not exactly a secure line.

5 days agoCHUTZPAH: Investigative reporter John Solomon actually did something few journalists would have the chutzpah to try: Call a ‘secret’ phone number in the Hunter Biden documents. And as fate would have it, Joe Biden picked up!

Last edited 1 year ago by kitt

There are volumes of credible evidence meathead. The treasury department is replete with SARS reports. Do you know what those reports are and what they reveal fuck head?

Greg only knows todays denials, they are finding off shore accounts. lots of shell companies.

He was doing offshore business. What would you expect?

I think Hunter inappropriately exploited his relationship to his father. I think he sold influence that he didn’t actually deliver. He was a drug addict. Drug addicts do that sort of thing.

I think Hunter inappropriately exploited his relationship to his father. 

When Hunter says he’s with his father and makes threats, why would those threats carry any weight unless there was a history of his father (the Vice President of the United States) wielding his power to pull these deals off? Don’t you ever get tired of supporting weak and silly arguments?

He was doing offshore business. What would you expect?
Silly goose its called a computer. I can go anywhere in the world with my credit card and buy things get tickets ect. The purpose of these accounts was to dodge taxes and launder money. What exactly did his multiple shell companies do? What product or services?
You were having fits over Trump simply considering a Hotel in Russia. That was only a consideration nothing real. Simply an addition to his international business, now we all know what services hotels provide.
Feigning stupid isnt a good look.

The purpose of these accounts was to dodge taxes and launder money. 

That’s why it would be important to know who is buying Hunter’s “paintings” for these exorbitant prices. Now that he’s given one to his daughter, it would be interesting if they sold it to see what it brings on the real art market.

That womans lawyer is a joke, artwork? Does she get to choose after sale which ones are hers?

Considering where the Biden name is headed, the little girl is probably fortunate not to have that albatross around her neck.

Until there’s credible evidence that Joe Biden was involved, not at all.

So, in your world, when there is no evidence, you go ape-shit wild in condemnation but when the evidence is in mountainous form, you simply tell yourself it doesn’t exist and ignore it, continuing to slavishly support corrupt criminals. There must be a certain level of moronic peace in such a state of denial.

Sperry: Investigators Have Evidence Joe Biden as VP Shared Classified National Defense Information – Including Briefings on US Troops – to Hunter Biden

Never mind. Let’s charge Trump with having some newspaper clippings and declassified documents instead.

Zelensky Gravy Train | U.S. Taxpayers paid off $5 billion of Ukraine Sovereign Debt to World Bank…
Independent financial audit is infuriating…

All aboard the gravy train: an independent audit of US funding for Ukraine

Last edited 1 year ago by TrumpWon

They know how to govern, they don’t have the mentality to deal with the 24/7 corruption and undercutting of government the Democrats are constantly engaged in. They need to realize they are dealing with lying deceitful scumbags and act accordingly.

I respectfully disagree. I give you the most recent debt ceiling bill, total cave by mccarthy.

Even having the majority in the House, they are in a weak position.

The 117th Congress was 222 democrats to 212 Republicans.

The current Congress is 222 Republicans to 213 democrats. The difference is the democrats of the 117th congress voted in lockstep with leadership.
The current majority is a split between the establishment Republicans versus the America first/MAGA Republicans.

The majority of Americans favor the America first legislative ideology, but unfortunately the leadership is not

The time Clarence Thomas said affirmative action was ‘critical’ for society

Four decades before he was among the conservative Supreme Court justices who restricted the use of affirmative action in higher education, Clarence Thomas told staffers at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that “God only knows where I would be today” if not for the legal principles of equal employment opportunity measures such as affirmative action that are “critical to minorities and women in this society.”

“These laws and their proper application are all that stand between the first 17 years of my life and the second 17 years,” Thomas, then the EEOC chairman, said in 1983.

His comments were later cited in outlets including The Washington Post, the New York Times and Newsweek. A 2022 opinion piece in the National Review argued that Thomas had praised “the proper application of the laws” instead of affirmative action.

But Thomas has mostly criticized affirmative action, laws that consider race in school and the workplace. In 2013, the Supreme Court justice compared affirmative action to Jim Crow-era laws, saying that “educational benefits” were used as justification for both Jim Crow and affirmative action…

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

How about that time everyone agreed affirmative action was necessary but would one day no longer be needed? Racism is prejudice against ANY race, not just blacks.

Like all good things they abused affirmative action, nothing was equal, it was used for advantage. Now being treated equal is seen as a punishment as if by being a POC should be a free ticket, lower the standards if needed, a quota system. Everything is racist math, english, even an organized pantry, hell civilization is racist, expecting to get paid for goods in your business, racist.
Advocates for greater diversity in admissions have long opposed the use of standardized tests as disfavoring minority applicants. Many have decried standardized testing as vehicles for white supremacy.
Federal Aviation Administration to Lower Test Standards Economy News The Disastrous Initiative to Hire Air Traffic Controllers Based on Diversity. who do you want bring in that plane?
Delaware lowers standards for Bar Exam to increase diversity The Delaware Supreme Court cites diversity as a primary impetus in its recent decision to decrease the minimum score, duration, and content breadth in the state’s bar exam.
Lowering standards lowers the quality of any employee, not kind to anyone. Why test at all let them sit in a medical school,take the money then give them a scalpel and they can be in an operating room, just give everyone a degree to design dams and bridges. The blind leading the blind.

Any deficiency blacks suffer goes back further than college admissions. It goes back to the War on Poverty and the Democrat policies of treating blacks like dumb animals. It is out of wedlock births (often for income), single parent families and the resultant pervasive and persistent poverty A culture that came to believe that the opposite of the ghetto lifestyle, school, studying, discipline, work ethic, are all considered “white”, not a pathway out of poverty and to opportunity. The proof that that onus can be broken is ar too often repeated to believe it can’t be done or that the opportunities of others has to be sacrificed to achieve it.

The left simply enjoys the power to hand out or refuse rights and opportunities. What fun.

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You know when joe realizes (OK, his puppet masters) their jig is up?
When they have joe run a shocker up the flagpole.
So, how bad is it for joe?
joe is flirting with implementing a deadly technology to block sunlight to rapidly cool the Earth!
joe called the idea promising and said it would block the sun.
Others know this would lead to mass extinction of humans, plants and animals.
To prevent joe from acting on this disasterous idea, some nations might even risk WWIII.

That’s how bad a situation joe finds himself in right now.